What was life like in pre-WWII Nazi Germany?

What was life like in pre-WWII Nazi Germany?

had more jews than Nazi Germany during WWII

Heaven on earth (if you were ethnically german and not disabled)

Everyone was poor and the Jews owned everything

Pre-1933. Utterly awful.
Post-1933. Pretty much a paradise.

Well.... it was a bit police statey

Hell. Austriafag here. My dead grandma from Graz would always go on about the Russians after the war. When I asked about the time after Anschluss she would just get silent and say:'I can't talk about it, sorry.' Only when she had a few cups of wine she would spill the beans:
>gestapo constantly arresting people for petty shit. My Grandma once bought too many stamps and was questioned for 5 hours.

>Food was rationed even before the war. My Grandpa owned a small garden outside of the city limits and grew some veggies. The police confiscated all of his veggies in 39 and 40. reason: you're hoarding food.

>Great Grandpa got into an argument with a cop. Later that evenening he was dragged off to a KZ and returned 3 months after, looking like a skeleton.

I'm sure there was more messed up shit happening at that time, but I think it is fucked up that my granny could talk about the russians and their shit they did after the war but was too scared to talk about shit pre WW2.

Yeah, I'm sure you just loved those dwindling standards of living and conscription into work gangs.

bolshevik social marxist jewish lies, it was literal paradise on earth user

Ah yes. I remember that post. My grandpa was conscripted for factory work in 39. According to my granny he was mainly wasting time and only got food stamps.

Go back to pol.

Does he post his alluded to analysis of Speer's reforms?

Speers reforms are a meme.

Literally heaven on earth

No it wasn't. The answer to 1984 is 1933.

Can anyone tell me how I can fact-check pic related?

Animals sure were having a blast

The answer to one totalitarian dictatorship is another one?

BTW mass work programs to reduce unemployment are hardly specific to National Socialism. Everyone was doing so at the time.

>muh autobahn

The idea predated the Nazis by a few years.

So no, this is not 'all of the proof you need' that NS works.

Veeky Forums is split between Germanophobes and Germanophiles so don't expect any serious answers. The short answer is to go read Requiem for a German Past. You can see how life changed in Germany between 1927 and 1945.

Why did Freddy Mercury shave his mustache and why is he doing a concert for animals while dressed like a Nazi?

The art style here is horrifying.

Whoever did that should have been fired immediately if not sent to a KZ.

This. You'll never get a straight answer about Germany on Veeky Forums. I've been in about three threads this week that devolved into arguing if Germany was responsible for WW1

This -> and then this -> [spoiler] (though a little exaggerated)

In general it was a invasive life. The state pretty much ran most things and had no real limits of its power. The state job initiative put people in work but underpaid the workers. It was better than the last decade but by no means good.

State holidays where a factor of life in specific holiday resorts which usually came with significant political indoctrination. To get to said holiday resorts you where expected to travel on the nearly constructed autobahns with your Volkswagen.

The beetle was a state scam in which people would slowely send part of their wages to specific banks to accumulate the money for one. The problem was most Germans didn't actually receive their cars but the state took their saved money anyway for the war. And switched a lot of private and state production to military arms.

The breeding programme the Reich used interfered in women's lives with the constant, insistency on bearing children. Even monistary benefits where awarded to those who produced many children whilst childless women where stigmatised.

Freedom of the press was more of a novelty term than actual law. The Reich was more than happy to ban publications that criticised it and that of a different ideology.

Police intervention on people's lives was common, especially on the lives of minority people's.

The economy was bad in general. Limited export hurt international business and generally increased prices however it would seem considerably better than that of the previous decade.

>fact check the rant of an old nazi

Pure ideology is seeping out of that text and if you can't recognise that, you've probably already have a hakenkreuz growing on your ass.

Solid analysis.

Life in Nazi Germany was pretty shit but the common people liked it because they were literally burning money to survive winters before the Nazis took over. Many of the educated elite fled before thought police got too bad

I imagine actually that it's similar to living in China now: people like the political stability, there's economic growth, and unless you're a member of a persecuted minority, you probably have some freedom in your personal life but generally have some career plan in place. However, do NOT criticize the government or try to find any info that runs against the party line. Same thing on the reproductive controls. Furthermore, the system benefits the members of the party at the top, and the commoner doesn't get a fair shake.

trips of truth

Everyone was super in love with Hitler and the Nazis, there was a massive sense of patriotism in the air, people saluting left and right. But there were also a lot of SA/Gestapo around hunting down people left and right accusing them of being Jewish/Communist/"Enemy of the Reich."

My Grandmother (who later fled before the war started, she was andti-Hitler) recalls her apartment being searched multiple times by SA and Gestapo, but she was never caught.

>with your Volkswagen.
Didn't they only start rolling off the production lines post-war thanks to the second great european border realignment project?

It was post war when the people who where effectively scammed by the Reich actually got their beetles. This was under an British-American joint venture in occupied Germany. The original idea in early Nazi germany was to have some.

money subtracted from a German workers pay each month and set into something like a planned payment until the money had been accumulated and said worker would then have their beetle ordered. In Many cases it was almost mandatory for people to do this in the years prior to the war as the state needed money for rearmament.

>public works
>highly effective

>/pol/ fag's answer "dued it waz heaven XD"
>Veeky Forumstorian answer "solid analysis of life under the regime that spans several paragraphs and explains how the economy functioned, and the results of Nazi policies in an unbiased facts only manner"
I love you guys

>Unbiased, facts-only manner
Yeah, and all these paragraphs are ended with source: my commie-leftist grandparent.

>butthurt /pol/acks still crying

>wanting Veeky Forums to become a self-wankfest

Go jump off a fucking bridge you cunt

This image is a joke, right?

Watch the movie the White Band.

Pretty conservative in a church and farmhouse kind of way. Masturbation and wasting time with shit like video games or Veeky Forums (there generational equivalents, of course) were certainly considered grave sins. You probably wouldn't like it.

Sorry, I didn't know the exact English translation. It's called the White Ribbon in English. Das Weiße Band auf deutsch.

>reduction in reparations payments
But Germany stopped paying anything in 1931 or 1932.

That's set in northeast Germany around the turn of the century, not in Nazi Germany.

>similar to living in China now
Paradise on earth user.

haneke is shit

every single movie he's every made is just about how terrible and racist and psychopathtic germans, austrians and the french are

one-trick pony

I highly recommend the book In the Garden of Beasts, about the American ambassador to Germany from 1933 to 1937. Really gives a sense of what it was like and what people thought about it.

>and the commoner doesn't get a fair shake.
they dont get in the west either

Pretty great as long as you weren't a jew, a leftist or disabled.

Sounds like a true white man's paradise

>However, do NOT criticize the government or try to find any info that runs against the party line.

Chinese do that every day in China without a hitch.

It's when you combine that with calls for revolution like "AMERICA IS THE BEST REMOVE COMMIE KILL ALL COMMIES" that you get thrown in jail.

Even this post has improper claims

you mean the Weimarer Republik?,

it was fucked from the start. The only thing kept it afloat were the finance aids from the US of A and some politicians who didn't cared about their reputation (Gustav Stresemann).

Socially it was a pretty degenerate cesspool, like a modern Sodom, prostitution (even of underaged children in some cases), street fights between (political) thugs police and other thugs, criminals everywhere, poverty, begging crippled soldiers,orphans and starving people, gambling and substance abuse. Etc.

sounds like a blast

>t. Libertarian

Decent if you're white and middle class



>the common people liked it because they were literally burning money to survive winters before the Nazis took over.
This meme needs to fucking die. That was nearly a decade before Hitler got anywhere near office.

>The original idea in early Nazi germany was to have some money subtracted from a German workers pay each month and set into something like a planned payment until the money had been accumulated and said worker would then have their beetle ordered
Remember, if you miss a single month's payment, all your previous payments are nullified! Aren't you so glad we got rid of Jewish Financial Exploitation?

They can be.

The nazis did a pretty shit job though. For all the autobahn memes, the USA was doing a far better job (getting people to build actual infrastructure like airports instead of cutting unemployment mostly by flooding the army and investing in weapons construction.)