Why living in some U.S. cities is literally like living in the Middle Ages

By Christopher Ingraham
July 6

Why living in some U.S. cities is literally like living in the Middle Ages

It's easy to forget among the daily din of headline-grabbing tragedies, but historically speaking, we live in a time of unprecedented health, peace and prosperity.

Global life expectancy has more thandoubled since 1900. The number of people who die in wars has plummeted. The percent of the world's population living in abject poverty is at record-low levels.

These surprisingly sunny facts are among the massive database of global statistics curated by Oxford economist Max Roser at his website Our World in Data. "Most of the long-run trends are positive and paint an optimistic view of our world that is unknown to many who only follow the daily news," Roser writes.

But one of Roser's central theses is that this global well-being isn't equally distributed. On certain metrics, some regions of the globe lag behind others by literally hundreds of years.


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Homicide statistics provide one striking illustration of this. Historians have managed to piece together surprisingly detailed estimates of murderrates in European countries going as far back as the Middle Ages. They're able to do this by looking at things like court records and coroners reports, whichsome European cities have maintained for centuries.

The top-line finding is that, according to the available scholarship, murder rates in Western Europe are one-fortieth or one-fiftieth as high as they were in the Middle Ages. In Italy, for instance, there were more than70 homicides for every 100,000 people in the 1400s. Italy's murder rate is closer to 1 in 100,000 today.

You see similar patterns, to varying degrees, wherever in Western Europe there's enough data to estimate long-term trends. While estimated homicide rates in the 1300s ranged from20 per 100,000 in England more than 50 per 100,000 in Italy, in those regions murder rates fell sharply over subsequent centuries, and converged to about1 per 100,000 today, according to United Nations statistics.

But the United States stands as a country apart when it comes to homicide measurements. In 2014, for instance, the murder rate in the U.S. stood at 4.5 homicides for every 100,000 people. That's roughly equivalent to the murder rate in Italy in 1912, or England's murder rate in the 1600s.


>Body-more, Murderland

look at murder rate by race, and you will see the problem.

If you start digging down to individual cities, the comparisons become more striking. The murder rate in LosAngeles in 2015 is similar to England's murder rate in the time of Shakespeare. Living in Chicago today is similar to living in Italy in 1700, murder-wise.

Washington's murder rate last year was higher than the murder rate in England in the time of Chaucer. Baltimore had the highest murder rate of any major U.S. city last year, at 55 homicides per 100,000. That's about the same as the murder rate in Dante's Italy.

We are, of course, engaging in a bit of an apples-to-oranges comparison here. We're measuring modern U.S. cities — densely-populated urban areas — with European countries containing a mix of rural and urban areas.

There's a fair amount of squishiness to the historic estimates, too. They'reonly as good as the municipal records they're based on. It's hard enough for official record-takers to maintain accurate criminal-justice statistics today, in 2016 — one can only speculate how spotty the books were in Europe 700 years ago.


Still, the numbers provide useful context for understanding how crime and murder work in the United States today. One likely reason that murder rates were so high in Europe centuries ago is that there wasn't yet a robust legal system in place to help citizens resolve quarrels. In the absence of such a framework, people simply took matters into their own hands.

There's an analogous situation in some of the crime-ridden areas of today's cities. Criminal gangs working outside the law can'tplea to the police when they need to settle a dispute with a rival organizations. So they take matters into their own hands, with bloody and often-tragic consequences.

Paradoxically, the historic data also provide some reassurance that Americans are not particularly unique when it comes to the petty trifles that we routinely kill one another over. Commentators decry the depravity of an American culture that leads to people killing one another overtacos and shoes. But in the year 1278 in London, there are at least two recorded of homicides arising from games of chess gone awry.


>it's a Yuro asshurt thread


>Why living in some U.S. cities is literally like living in the Middle Ages
Because niggers.

> too stupid to wait for the entire article to be posted

> The murder rate in Los Angeles in 2015 is similar to England's murder rate in the time of Shakespeare.


Hispanic 48.5%
White 28.7%
Asian 11.3%
Black 9.6%

> Living in Chicago today is similar to living in Italy in 1700, murder-wise.


Black 32.9%
White 31.7%
Hispanic 28.9%
Asian 5.5%

> Washington's murder rate last year was higher than the murder rate in England in the time of Chaucer.


Black 49%
White 35.8%
Hispanic 10.4%
Asian 4.0%

> Baltimore had the highest murder rate of any major U.S. city last year, at 55 homicides per 100,000.
> That's about the same as the murder rate in Dante's Italy.


Black 63.7%
White 28%
Hispanic 4.2%
AmerInd 2.3%

I wish we could go back to the old murder rates bros ;_;

Look at it by tax bracket or level of education instead and you might actually learn something

We were truly born in le wrong generation

Oh gee louie, I wonder what's the common denominator between all the american cities with high murder rates.


>Look at it by tax bracket or level of education instead and you might actually learn something

Indeed, you'll learn that regardless of income or education, most crime in the U.S. happens in minority populated inner-cities.

While dirt-poor dumbass White trash do tend have higher levels of crime, it's nowhere near comparable to Black or even Hispanic crime rates, strongly suggesting crime is primarily a cultural issue.

Blacks? Gun control? Illegal immigration? Lack of Swedish heritage?

The poorest part of America is Appalachia. Which is almost completely white. Appalachia doesn't have nearly the crime problem of cities full of minorities.

Are they not Americans?

New York City has nearly identical demographics to Chicago, but about 1/3 the murder rate.

This is bullshit because it's counting duels as murder.

Duels to the death were not murder. It's not the same at all.

what was going on there?

>13th cen and on are the Middle Ages

That is because the NYPD is massive. Their intelligence division is larger than the intelligence agencies of most nations.

But even if you take out all homicides committed by black people, the murder rate is still 2.5 per 100,000. That's 2.5 times the rate in England or Italy.

And yet in 2014 94% of murders in NYC were committed by non-whites, with blacks accounting for some 60% on their own.

On a somewhat related note, in 2000 in the US non-hispanic whites had a homicide rate of 1.9, hispanics had a homicide rate of 12.2 and blacks had a homicide rate of 20.8.

>hispanics had a homicide rate of 12.2

So we're not at the top of the list?

Yay I guess.

American White homicide rate is about equal to Finland.

Finns are among the worst in Europe

Crime levels have been proven time and time again to be closely correlated with economic status, and not culture (speaking strictly about the USA here). Racial minorities with decent incomes are about as likely to commit a crime as a white person in the same financial situation. Attributing it to cultural issues distracts people from the real issue at hand. To big step of solving the crime epidemic which had overtaken the United States is to provide better education to racial minorities.

>Racial minorities with decent incomes are about as likely to commit a crime as a white person in the same financial situation.

You literally just received an example in which that is clearly not the case.

It's 1.6 in Finland, a little lower. Whites in the US have a higher murder rate than nearly all of Europe, excepting the eastern-most countries

>Crime levels have been proven time and time again to be closely correlated with economic status

Which of course explains why Black-Americans had vastly higher murder rates prior to the 1960s, right?
Seeing as how they were subject to open and institutionalized racism and had vanishingly few economic

Oh wait, they didn’t… And in fact, the Black-American murder rate, as well as other negative metrics such
as out-of-wedlock births, alcoholism, etc. were not much worse then White rates and nowhere near what it
is today (i.e. HALF of all murders in the U.S. are committed by Blacks).

>Comparing individual cities to entire countries
What the actual fuck

It's a way for media to make a problem seem worse than it actually is, like violent cities is unique to the U.S. when you have places like Northern Ireland where people need to be quarenteened off lest they murder each other. Unfortunately, we can't do that in the modern day.

>Indeed, you'll learn that regardless of income or education, most crime in the U.S. happens in minority populated inner-cities.
>implying "minority populated inner-cities" have the same income and education distribution as the country as a whole

It also has a much lower population density. Urban areas tend to have higher crime rates, simply because the population is more concentrated.

So you're implying that circa 1970 blacks somehow magically became more violent?

kill yourself you useless fuck


I'm going to go out on a limb and say that even though it doesn't explicitly say it this is a "we need gun control" piece.

To the extent that that's their usual boogeyman. They usually either ignore or mis-represent anything that would lead to a conclusion other than "need mo money fo dem programs", "institutional racism is the reason that blacks have never amounted to anything" and/or "guns make blacks violent and therefore nobody should have guns".

You're still destroying the social fabric of our nation and we still resent you for it.

They were enabled. The poverty cycle is sociological. Single moms have bastard kids with no father who then become single moms themselves (female) or organize with others with that background for crime (male) more so than monogamous pairs.

This is politics not history

There was nothing magical about it, LBJ's "Great Society" destroyed the Black-American family via cradle-to-grave welfare, government benefits and programs, that could only be had if the mother wasn't married.

In particular, housing subsidies, that allowed Black women who got pregnant to move out of their parent's homes at a very young age, gaining freedom and independence that they previously wouldn't have gotten until they were much older and had married and started a household with their husband.

Generation after generation of Black boys being raised by a succession of baby mommas, aunties and grandmamas with no father in sight (or memory) has utterly screwed over Black-American society.

>I'm going to go out on a limb and say that even though it doesn't explicitly say it this is a "we need gun control" piece.

My understanding is that the article's author is an anti-gun fundie.

This is only part of the story.

The rate of out-of-wedlock birth in black families began to increase relative to male unemployment during the Kennedy administration.

And then black male unemployment started to rise heavily.


Just because you're too retarded to reason out an explanation for something doesn't make the only explanation magic.

>le nigger meme

It also has almost no cities.


I'm sure immigrants didn't compete for their jobs desegregation didn't get absorbed.

Can we note that the united states is just over 200 years old whereas European countries have been developing for thousands of years?

> This is only part of the story.

It’s the fundamental part of the story.

Economic opportunities for Black-Americans were FAR better after the 1960s then they were before; when my dad got hired into GM’s Tech Center in 1966, there wasn’t a singe Black guy on the entire one square mile facility (even the janitors were White) but if you drive down the road to Chrysler’s Dodge City truck plant today, well over half the highly paid unionized employees are Black.

Yet at the same that there is a Black man as President of the U.S.A., 70% of Black kids are born to unwed mothers, 50% of all murders in the U.S. are committed by Black men, barely 40% of Blacks graduate high school, etc. and so on.

This has nothing to do with economics, it’s all about post-1960s Black-American culture and that goes straight back to LBJ’s “Great Society”.


Its not like all of a sudden a bunch of naked people were dropped in the United States and fully developed with no outside influence.

>places like Northern Ireland where people need to be quarenteened off lest they murder each other. Unfortunately, we can't do that in the modern day.
t. Never been to NI. Northern Ireland is safe as fuck, Dublin is more dangerous than Belfast.

>Posting memo supremo Stefan
There's a very good chance he's lying with those statistics. Not that they're necessarily wrong, he's just really dishonest.

Well obviously not this time of year on the eve of the 12th but generally it is one of the safest cities in the UK. Doesn't mean of course criminal gangs and paramilitaries don't exist here, my protestant friend got jumped on by loyalists purely because he didn't have a belfast accent

as someone who lives in bumble fuck hicks ville after having lived in an inner city i can tell you thats bullshit crime is just as bad out here

that fucking spin

These are the top 10 states with the worst per capita violent crime rates
1. Alaska
2. Nevada
3. Tennessee
4. New Mexico
5. Florida
6. Louisiana
7. South Carolina
8. Delaware
9. Arkansas
10. Maryland

google.com/search?sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8&q=what state has the most violent crimes per capita&oq=which state has the most violent crime per &aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0.7454j0j9

You'll notice that while most of them are red states filled with white degenerates, so it's not like you can just blame the negro for all the crime that happens there.

there is far more to living in medieval cities than just fucking murder rates, considering that disease was a monumentally bigger problem at the time and so many other things such as the quality of life you turbo autist

Rural people are going to have to use their guns more, that is a reasonable consideration.

>most of them are red states filled with white degenerates
>literally exactly half of them voted Obama in 2012, the absolute maximum number that would fall short of your post being correct

bait harder

Alaska - red state
tennessee - red state
New Mexico - swing state leans blue
Florida - swing state leans red
Louisiana - dirty south red state
South Carolina - dirty south red state
Delaware - blue state
Arkansas - red state
Maryland - blue state