>(((((income tax)))))

Why is this allowed?

i more rage about capital gains taxes, i already paid tax on the fuckin income i made in order to purchase the stock.........fuckin jews

Income and property taxes are to remind you that you are a slave and have to pay tribute to the king or go to the dungeon

because they have the muscle.

basically exactly this.

1913 federal reserve act

the start of the end

Why has there been no petition?

So that socialists and women could redistribute wealth and take liquor away from men (prohibition was thought fiscally impossible before income tax)

Lol @ the fact that pretty much everyone knows this now

Serious question. How could the government function without income tax? How did the government function with zero income tax before the American revolution?

there was zero federal income tax before 1913, though there were state income taxes

basically the tax burden was lower because the federal government didn't really do a whole lot

it can go back to not really doing a whole lot

idk, I think social security turned out to be a pretty good idea

>Scrap income tax for those earning $45kp.a.
>Remove CGT entirely, create an investing culture, something that would hugely benefit the economy
>GST of 15%
>transaction tax of 10% (whenever people move money etc.
>Corporate tax down to 15%
>reduce military spending
>end corporate welfare

I just fixed your budget guys

LOL top fucking kek

don't question the income tax, this man became a political prisoner for it

a pretty good ponzi scheme. What happens when population growth levels out (protip: we live on a finite planet). only option is to flood America with immigrants that will reduce the nations IQ and cause even more problems

america is an immigrant nation, its our greatest strength

You know, we could also do things like not waste our money on further increasing the size of our military when its already twice as powerful as every other country on earth combined, or spend billions building a wall whose efficacy will be questionable at best.

Gotta pay the NEETbux

...come on dude we all laughed at but now I'm starting to think you're not joking. Please tell me you don't really believe all this stuff.

only Veeky Forums would call a literal pyramid scheme a "good idea"

Prior to social security you had the elderly starving in the streets, is that really what you want to go back to? I'd like to think the richest country in the world can do a bit better than that, don't you?

how is it a pyramid scheme, because it relies on long term growth to maintain itself? If that was indeed what you were implying then how is it different from any other long term investment?

>be neet
>pay no tax

>Why is this allowed?

I like having someone build bridges and rails, even though it's not profitable. I like being able to pick up a phone and minutes later emergency services will arrive to rescue me. I like being able to walk into a hospital and be healed without paying. I appreciate the availability of laws and courts, regulating our society. I enjoy not having to fear plundering hordes from neighbouring countries, because there is a professional national defense. I like being able to travel or export goods without much hassle, because diplomats have paved the way for me. I think its a really good idea to have everyone go to school without charges from a very early age on. I found it very helpful to study at a university without paying. I like the security of organized response to natural catastrohpies.

In short: I enjoy all the benefits. I'll gladly pay for them.

youre on the wrong site m8
Veeky Forums belongs to 20yo /pol/ fuccbois who think that they have it all figured out

> Scandinavian country

> Healthcare
> Childcare
> Full education from 0 grade to university
> roads
> police
> firefighters
> maintnance of electrical grid
> bridges
> bicycle paths
> city parks
> pension
> unemployment assistance
> military spending so the Russians don't invade and we can stay in NATO
> tent camps for the migrants so they give up and go home
> delicious political banter on state television

The list goes on.

> military spending so the Russians don't invade and we can stay in NATO
estonia is not a scandinavian country
stay salty, tõnu

I should have phrased that differently

> ..so the Russians don't nuke us

I'm Danish

>I like having someone build bridges and rails, even though it's not profitable
Jesus fucking Christ, I bet you actually believe this.

why don't you?

>The roads just magically appeared!
>God put them there!


I do :-) For an example look no further than the British rail privatization. Let's just say that for-profit companies are less than ideal for providing good public infrastructure...

Lol do you people seriously believe you can get away with not funding the welfare state? There's no other effective way to pacify the poors

Start a war and send them to die.

Not in the atomic age you won't

>I like being able to walk into a hospital and be healed without paying.
>I found it very helpful to study at a university without paying.
>I like being able to pick up a phone and minutes later emergency services will arrive to rescue me.
lol I have none of this and I pay like $5k a year in income taxes

K bro.

You get it back at the end of the year faggot it's more like a bond

>how is it a pyramid scheme, because it relies on long term growth to maintain itself?
Yes. Exactly that. If you don't keep feeding suckers into the scheme it collapses on itself and that's why it's terrible.

>how is it different from any other long term investment?
People don't invest money in things because they figure that more people will invest in it in the future and return direct gains to them from those later suckers down the line. I don't buy Apple stock or whatever with the expectation that Apple is going to pay me from the money idiots give them for an ever smaller piece of the pie down the road. Social Security is, financially, just a very large long term scam in which the overwhelming majority of people will never get as much out of it as they pay into it (unless the government just prints money it doesn't have to pay debts it can't finance).

/pol/ fuck off, the reason why people think the economy sucks is because there isn't enough redistribution of wealth to the real job creators, the lower and lower-middle classes

Why do we have to pay taxes? Why don't they just print more money :^)

this, my dad pretty much realized this as soon as he opened up his own business before I was even born. He's been telling us this for as long as I can remember.

Wealth = Production - Consumption
You don't become a wealthier society by "leveling the playing field" and giving everything to poorfags who consume like roaches. Ask Venezuela.

Our economic problems stem from demographics and technology.

It's funny how people bitch about needing a wealth tax without realizing that's essentially what inflation is.

Can we have free college too Bernie?

when poorfags consume more they consume goods sold to them by rich people

who then make more money and then get to dump more back into the pool

this will work as long as people want to get rich, and it makes everyones lives better

this is how the economy worked before rich people got smart and started buying out the politicians so they could make more money at the expense of everyone else

take an economics course young one

but you do buy apple stock on the expectation that it will continue to grow indefinitely, the concept is the same

hell by your definition its even more of a pyramid scheme since you're banking on everyone who buys after you getting a worse deal to drive up the value of your shares

>this will work as long as people want to get rich, and it makes everyones lives better

Notice how you're assuming people want to get rich. A supermajority of the country has no effective savings. They don't live below their means, they eat everything they grow.

That means every dime you redistribute to them recirculates to the rich, with the only difference being a further depletion of our natural resources.

Demographic and technological growth (driven by investment) have been the only long term improvers of national wealth.

> wanting to live under anarchy

"Oh I see you have a nice house and some cars, myself and my armed friends are going to take that now, thanks"

when you bring the poorer classes up you can increase the amount of skilled workers which is necessary for technology development and they can also innovate themselves

more money and less hours worked makes it easier to start and maintain a family

western nations have decreasing birthrates because it is getting increasingly more difficult to raise children with ever increasing cost of living and no wage growth to match, plus increased demands by employers reduces the ability for common workers to go out and be social, japan is a good example of this

resource scarcity is a cop-out, worst case scenario rare earths and oil gets more expensive and it becomes more economical to innovate. common resources are pretty cheap right now actually compared to about 4-5 years ago. poor excuse in 2016 to screw over the average person

You literally just described Trumpcoin there

>there isn't enough redistribution of wealth
I know.
There never is, right?
I mean, there's still rich people around, aren't there?

Alright Veeky Forums.

Replace the income tax. Doesn't matter even if you want to remove it, it's just magically going away, and you have to replace it.

What do you do? Keep in mind you can't just let the states take care of it because in this hypothetical situation, income tax has been literally made Unconstitutional.

>we take your money or otherwise bad things will happen to you

That's basically the definition of organised crime.

i know a lot of rich people think they mean a lot to society because their family had a whole bunch of money lying around, but what society values and needs is people who can produce wealth

if you can produce loads of wealth and be successful while only starting off with the same tools as everyone else you should have nothing to be afraid of :^)