Why does Nazism and Adolf Hitler get associated with white supremacy so much? Why is Neo-Nazism White Supremacism?

Why does Nazism and Adolf Hitler get associated with white supremacy so much? Why is Neo-Nazism White Supremacism?

Nazism really has nothing to do with white supremacy or white nationalism. Nazis were german nationalists and anti-semites. They believed that slavs were an inferior race, and slavs were white. Nazis never claimed that slavs were not white, and ashkenazi jews are white.

Aryan did not mean white, or "blond hair and blue eyes". Aryan meant indo-european gentiles, except most slavs. North Indians and Persians were considered Aryan, so a brown race was considered by nazis to be superior to slavs, a white race. Other non-white races like the chinese and japanese were considered to be equal to Aryans and therefore superior to slavs. Turks, while perhaps not considered equal to Aryans and East Asian, were considered to be a "herrenvolk", a noble people, and therefore superior to slavs.

The only Nazi who seems to have been interested in white nationalism and a white supremacist was himmler, but even he acknowledged slavs were white.

Nazis were racial supremacists because they considered certain races to be superior to others, and they did consider black races to be inferior, but they can't be considered white supremacists because their superior races included non-whites and inferior races included whites.

The only way I can see that nazism became associated with white supremacy is through nordicism and anti-semitism. Because jews are originally middle eastern and germans and most aryans are white, nazi anti-semitism became associated with white supremacy, even though nazis considered brown people like north indians and persians to be part of a superior race, turks to be a herrenvolk, and apparently did not consider non-jewish semites to be an inferior race.

I see far right guys praising foreigners, non-Westerners, and non-"whites" all the bloody time.

"[White] supremacist" is just buzzword used because "racist", let alone "race realist" doesn't sound sufficiently effective.


Nordicism is the belief in the superiority of the Nordic race, not originating with the nazis, popular in the 1800's especially and dating possibly as far back as the 1600's, at least in its roots.

Aryanism and Nordicism did coincide in a school of thought wherein Nordics were seen as the purest aryans and the original aryans were believed to be Nordic. But generally speaking Aryan never meant Nordic and as a term also long predates Nazism and only became unpopular during and after WW2.

Nazi propaganda liked to depict Germans as blond because Germans as a whole have higher incidences of blondism and so blondism was associated with Germanic ethnicity (by the Nazis but not in the west where Germans were known as swarthy in complexion in comparison to anglo-celtic people). Blond hair and blue eyes is widely seen as attractive (for example even today in the western media, fashion and cosmetics blond hair in women is favored and used a lot) and so Nazi propagandists like Goebbels frequently depicted Germans as blond.

There was an association between "Aryan" (gentile) Germans and blondism, because blondism was seen as characteristic of germanic people, and therefore characteristic of "pure germans" (ie non-jewish), and darker hair and eyes characteristic of jewish ethnicity.

But dark hair and eyes was not seen as being inferior in gentile germans and other aryans, or a trait of impurity as long as the person in question wasn't jewish. And obviously dark hair and eyes was not considered in and of itself to be inferior at all, seeing as certain brown races, and east asians, were considered to be superior races.

>Nazis never claimed that slavs were not white, and ashkenazi jews are white.

What I mean to say here is that ashkenazi jews are white, and Nazis never claimed that slavs were not white. Some Neo-Nazis like a lot of people on /pol/ (or a vocal minority) claim slavs are not white, because they seem to think the Nazis didn't consider them white.

>Going this far to Taqqiya your way out of being called a racist for following your edgy outdated far right populist movement


>Taqqiya your way out of


Well, yes and no. The white supremacy label is applied pretty liberaly by leftists but there's no denying that there is a non-trivial amount of white supremacists in the world. It's a small minority but it's not quite a dead philosophy like, say, Catharism or strict Aristotelianism.

Because the Neo-Nazis do it themselves.
>But that's not historically accurate
Maybe you should tell the Neo-Nazis that and see how they react

White like Goebbels.

Victors write the narrative of the story to make it seem justified for what they did.

But you are absolutely correct. The degenerate skin head culture is not a reflection of the true NSDAP and what they stood for.

Where do I begin with Marx if I loved the concision, wit, amorality and artistic maturity of Nietzsche's Genealogy? I don't want Kantian naivety or Hegelian lexicon (which actually contributed to what they were supposed to stop, obfuscation), I actually can't even stand Stirner's satire of it because pretending to write shit is still writing shit. Nietzsche wielded German as if it were French. So where do you start with Marx? The Manifesto almost seemed like a stereotype of Nietzsche's "socialist rabble". And I'm not willing to tackle something that has a reputation as a technical tome, Kapital. Also I was put off by his remarks on Mozart's requiem. I'm also distrustful of any focus on "labour".

[Asking here because I have no idea why the thread about Communism/Marxism was deleted yet this stays up]

None of the popular atheists know Scripture well enouh to settle debates; neither do I follow the popular nor do your deluded retarded memes apply to me. My post was antitheist. I somewhat doubt your kind can learn new proper words.

Most racist skinheads are dumb as bricks and don't even understand the ethos they claim to follow. What else is new?

Most guys in ISIS aren't Islamic scholars with deep knowledge of the qu'ran and most right wing American conservatives couldn't name more than maybe 2 or 3 Amendments from the constitution either

The pseudo-intellects ones are the worst, they'd believe everything Uncle Ruckus said if he claimed to be a scientist

Because Eastern Europeans are the most uneducated part of Europe and so the most susceptible to such an idiotic ideology. This led to them misconstruing it into something which didn't want to genocide them..

And the fact that white Americans are a huge mix of different European ethnicities so needed to use the blanket term of white to describe themselves accurately (and separate themselves from the blacks they enslaved).

>nazis were racial supremacists


lmao this delusion. Obviously a frog Nazi would have to tell himself that shit.

German racial supremacism isn't even limited to the Nazis, they already spouted that shit in WW1 and before, about Germans being the superior master race meant to rule over the lesser shit mongrels.

>Obviously a frog Nazi would have to tell himself that shit.

Which is why Nazis weren't really racial supremacists, even if they pretended to be.

They tried to be ethnic nationalist and imperial at the same time. This is literally impossible without genocide, which to be fair they did but only selectively. This is why Hitler handed out "honorary aryanism" to every other ethnicity.

They pretended to be racial supremacists while wanting to be a continent spanning empire which meant they needed to accept other people.

>Nazism is directed against other races
>lol let's deport and kill anyone who doesn't conform to your racial views

Wasn't hitler a meth addict? Didn't they give meth to soldiers to help them fight? Nice ideology u have there, u hypocrites. If there is anything god hates more, it is a hypocrite

Hitler was strung out on meth, but only because there was a doctor giving the fuhrer all kinds of shit without even bothering to explain what it was. And about the soldiers, every single fucking country that had the capacity too jacked up it's soldiers on drugs during WW2. Japan and Germany used meth, Britain and the USA used amphetamine, and the American's also gave troops in the Pacific barbiturates to keep them calmer (and something about body temperature I think). Those kinds of stimulants were barely even looked on as narcotics at that point.

>meth addict
Yeh, and he also had one testicle, a scat fetish, a micropenis, and autism.
>being issued amphetamines for alertness in TOTAL WAR is the same as smoking dope for fun
>also implying the allies didnt do the exact same thing
When will this meme die?

Also, one last point, a ton of political leaders received stimulants. JFK got regular amphetamine shots, I remember one quote where I believe he said he didn't give a shit what they gave him as long as it worked.

>ideology based of racial superiority
>claims the aryan race (i.e white) is the ubermensch
>white, blonde and blue eyed is the best!

and then some 80 years later a faggot wonders why its linked to white supremacy

> degenerate skin head culture
What so degenerate about it? Hitler would be proud to be one of them.

Then explain the well-documented plans for mass genocide of "lesser races".

>white, blonde and blue eyed is the best!

That's superficial, though. The archetype of a Thulean race was tied to Germanic superiority and esoteric-gnostic notions of corruption with lower (non-German) races. It was appropriated bits and pieces of Ariosophy suiting Himmler's ends.

>Pilots! Take Amphetamines and crush the Nazis with your mind!

race realist is just a buzzword for "hates non-whites"

>Aryan meant indo-european gentiles, except most slavs. North Indians and Persians were considered Aryan
No, actually not. Aryan in the legal sense pretty much meant non-Jewish European.

Pic-related is an Aryan certificate from Nazi Germany, I'll try to translate some sentences:

>The concept of Aryan descent

>Since the German people contains apart from the dominant influence of the Nordic race also more or less related racial components which are also compontents of the neighbouring peoples, the term Aryan (divergent from the linguistic term!) was chosen for the totality of all races present in the German people. By doing this, the German and the closely related blood is subsumed under one racial unit.

Of Aryan descent (="of German blood") is therefore the one, who is free fro


>Of Aryan descent (="of German blood") is therefore the one, who is free from (from the German point of view) alien racial influence. Alien means here mainly the blood of Jews and Gypsies, of the Asian and African races and of the Natives of Australia and America (Indians), whereas for example an Englishman or a Swede, a Frenchman or a Czech, a Pole or an Italian, must be considered as related, thus Aryan, as long as they are themselves free from alien racial influences. Naturally for example for marriage the pure German is closer to us than other more distantly related Aryans.



I like how neonazis bash christianity despite the fact that atheists weren't even allowed in Waffen SS.

>Victors write the narrative of the story
and here i thought hitler wronte mein kampf...
silly me