League of Legends General - /lolg/

Beyblade edition


Other urls found in this thread:


Xth for blood magic during sex


xth for beyblade


Nth for Jax is the strongest character in the lel of legends universe



That's not Aurelion Sol.

Best girl.
Best hips.
Best wife.

>you will never share a beer with mememaster of arms

I knew you'd return to me, my love.

captcha is now asking me to find the cabbage

>Playing with a french premade that are doing awfully.
>Whatever, just regular stuff.
>Don't say absolutely anything in the entire match.
>Win screen
>"pls report X and X for flame"
>They were literally the only ones that talked the entire game.

>friend gets a skin for my main and i get a skin for his main from unboxing
>papa rito didn't add trading despite being a feature in every other popular moba/game


How are you not getting kited to death?
i dont usualy post it buy i like just this meme

Is Sol the worst champion in the game?

Aurelion Sol is a BITCH compared to Jax.

>ult/E into enemy as Yasuo
>frenetically right click them aferwards
>yasuo just stands still for a good 2 seconds

bugged as fuck character desu q senpai

Wait, my husbando's sex appeal is now a meme?
I am okay with this.

>having the competence to include features that other mobas have, such as voice chat, trading, sandbox mode, map skins, announcer packs, replays and so on


Nope, sol is a good champino, it's just that that particular man was bad

meme poll


Breast waifu



lolbabs is the best one
tyler1 isn't even a meme here, it's some twitch/youtube shit


Bring it on !

Butt, Is she ass though?

best guy
best hair
best adc
tyler1 is a meme


Then I guess my favorite meme is SHIT POLL.

Aurelion doesn't even stand the slightest chance against Bard

>tyler1 isnt a meme here
hehe xd

>my mid
>their mid

Do people just don't get the fucking game? If he outplayed you at level one, and then at level 3 and then again and again growing stronger every time you aren't going to suddenly 1v1.

No, he's sleeper OP as shit with the second-highest mid winrate in the game. Especially in late game.

Just takes some experience to know his play style, is all. Your teammate was probably new with him.

except when you're Zed

xth for Cute Vi

Sunday Edition

>1st game in this accounts last series >everyone else winning but our bot
>ad goes afk
>can tell from the pauses our team and theirs make theres a massive shit fest going on in chat
>from what I understood in post game lobby the support had told him to stop playing aggro
>this lead down a long series of back and forths about him only being a virgin (with a 10" dick) because the world doesn't understand him
>says he's going to get everyone back tomorrow
>he was playing vayne
Well if you hear of a school shooting tomorrow blame my team.


Really hope this becomes a new meme.

butt waifu

You have to be good at playing him to play him well

>"Please report X"
>X said nothing in all chat, didn't int of afk
>report the guy who asked for it instead

I really, really wish people understood this. I mean, ok, give first blood. SOMEONE had to give it. Hell, give a second kill if you want, maybe you saw an opportunity but he outplayed you or you messed up. But 3 or higher is straight up being bad at the game and actively making an effort to lose.

i wanted to put him in but only 30 options is not enough famicom

>difficult champs
try again lolbab, your bait is stale

Jhinslut you newbie
It's been a meme since vvvortic

Many people think they can make clutch plays, especially newbies that haven't even hit lvl 30.

Another theory: people just autopilot shit and don't realize "oh shit I'm feeding the shitty Fizz"


is thresh a good pick up? i'm decent with blitz, tho i haven't play him in a while

meh, also to long to post on Veeky Forums


Ah, ahahaha oh.

My bad then.

Sol is pretty good desu. Illaoi is much, much worse. I honestly don't know how riot is going to fix her without giving her a full rework. Those E buffs on the PBE just seem like they're going to make her more cheese for lower elo. They need to fix the fact that all of her damage can totally avoided if you JUST MOVE LMAO

Should I buy this shirt?

>in series to silver 1
>been playing darius lately because silver shitters like me are retarded and don't know how to handle him
>had a bad feeling about my team at the start
>my fucking ww jungle comes to gank darius at level 3, gets first blood, but gives darius a kill via turret
>try my best to farm
>stack armor
>make it to mid game
>we're ahead but I'm not too sure about this team of ours, their fiora is strong and we're only really ahead because warwick and cait have been doing work, they can be blown up real easy
>let's see how the teamfights go
>teamfight times start
>the enemy team runs at us in a tight little ball
>followed by Zyra ult
>malphite pacha edit.jpg

Felt good, man.

If you are fat, no.

If skinny or Veeky Forums, yes.

>video game shirt
that's fucking autistic


Is euw club a thing?

>Jungle Warwick
>Every game in my match history for the past 2-3 months has been jungle Warwick
>Pretty much all victories
>Normal blind pick
>Oh god why am I doing this
>My team instantly start bitching at each other
>Support and adc are obviously premade and are on something like skype
>Top Quinn "Don't worry guys, she's a viable top, just wait and see"
>Mid Nidalee
>Bott Thresh and Tristana
>Quinn gives first blood at 3 mins
>Nidalee fails constantly
>Thresh can't land his grab for shit
>Tristana feeding
>All turrets pushed
>Inhibs down
>Everyone dies when they go to check Baron
>They didn't wait for me
>Only one alive
>Oh fuck this shit
>B and grab Warmogs
>Jump onto Ez with my ult and activate Hydra
>Rape his ass
>Kill Katarina
>Singed throws me away
>Flash towards him
>Kill him
>Lulu and GP start to run
>Hit Lulu a few times
>Passive activates
>kill GP
>Kill Lulu
>Destroy 2 mid turrets
>Head cos low health
>Finish build
>Team now think we can win
>All push mid
>Inhib down and in base
>Enemy team start to spawn
>Fucking killing time
>Kill Ez again
>Holy fuck what have I become
>Rape last 2 turrets and Nexus
>Holy fuck WW GG
>GG wp WW
>5 honourable opponent
>4 teamwork
>6 friends requests
>2 game invites
Regularly get pentas now, silver 1 and about to head into gold league. Warwick is a fucking killing machine with the right items

has it really? i haven't seen champino before

b-but my kogmaw tee


You're going to keep improving over time and that'll become a positive W/R eventually, stick at it I believe in you user

what's wrong with nami? :(

>blackfrost anivia
>blood moon elise

Now that's cheeky.

How do I S rank with Garen in URF when everyone's hyper ranged mobile chmaps?

Just got back into the game after not having played since like the end of S4, getting back into the swing of things.

I agree, did get a lot of dust out of it

Approx 30 people in it, yes
Add VaynexVlad OTP, I will be online later today.
it is, alongside the rest of vvvortic's jargon:
>I tilted in my s5 promos
>ap support lee song
>japanian players
>ending everything in gg
>bayne mechonix

ah, it was fun while it lasted

everything just dies in one shot

what champ to get an S in urf?

>Changes to Brand E and also ulti less random but nerfed.

Why Rito

I didn't know Thresh was this big. Always thought he was 7 or 8 feet tall, but not near-Nautilus sized.

garen, s everygame

got it with AP Kog and Trundle

You have to play shit no one is playing, I went 30/2/15 on Eve and got a fucking B

>literally losing since minute one
>nothing good has happened for our team all game
>5+ levels behind on average
>everyone's poor af
>screaming in chat in five different eastern european languages
>finally 20:00
>people vote no

How. Why. I can't.. Just... Why?

But Illaoi can easily Penta with ultimate, no?

Couldve just ... posted the collective loot

Makes sense, he has people in his lantern


I have a lot of other shit and this is more fun

Have you tried euw? Funny thing is that french always go 0/7 and vote no.

My 2nd most disliked support.

You know this is just for show not for canon.

And I die b4 i can get to them

What about when I'm ADC and 0/2 but healthy assassin tower dives me and turns that into 1/7?

there is no reason you cant get to people with a 60 seconds flash

>Want to play URF
>But Dark Souls 3 released recently and it's a much better game
Riot really planned this release badly

Technically it is since it'll generally only bounce to the same person once or twice if at all depending on whats around them and if youve stacked Blaze before or not.

If there's a target it can get Blaze to 3 stacks, it'll focus that target and if there's a target at 3 stacks, it'll basically ignore them

If you get away from her jump range on the ult she can't even hurt you. The only way you get ez pentas is if the enemy team totally ignores you and groups very close like what this guy described with malph .

They have it too. Usually also some additional dash or blink on 2s cd

Yes, but it usually requires that the enemy team is retarded and try to fight you within your ult.

no. the enemy team can easily get penta'd by her if they're retarded.

Illaoi really has no say in the matter.

I'm level 20 something and the banning stage seems really stupid to me. I reckon the chances that I can cleverly ban something someone ever intended to play are extremely slim considering most people only have a handful of champions at that point.

So basically what do I ban to look like I understand the game?

>that donger attempt at KS

Every. Fucking. Time.

I know that feeling. If mid did their job right, you wouldn't be in that situation.

I'm seeing darius being played in lowD again. Did I miss something?

So she's more useless than Singed? I mean, what does she do GOOD by herself?

No waveclear

literally who?

>tentacle woman's only good skill is her E
>they are nerfing it

feels bad

champs that you have difficulty playing against or champs that you don't want your team playing. If you're under 30 banning anything according to the meta is just a waste.

Garen, Jax, lux, Zilean, Yi, whatever cancer is currently freeweek. Guaranteed whoever youre playing against, at least 2 people on their team at least have something youre banning