Was the Holocaust Planned?

Did he intend the final solution? was it pre determined?

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Delete the Thread and read Mein Kampf yourself.

Delete that Pic and read The Quran yourself.

No, the final solution was hastily put together in 1942. Had Britain and France chosen to to punish Hitler for his occupation of the Danzig corridor there would've been no holocaust.

>Did he intend the final solution? was it pre determined?

Not really. The original idea when he first took power was to deprive jews of certain rights and make them second class citizens who wouldnt have a voice in the new government. This anti-jewish attitude stirred up hatred in the people who would then lash out against jews in pogroms and random attacks, which the government would largly just ignore.

They also wanted jews out of their country and encouraged them to leave by making their lives shitty. But then, after the war started going south for Germany in the winter of 1942, with Germans initial gains in Russia started to halt, and the US entering the war, the plan was changed.

They would instead round up all jews and force them into concentration camps for slave labor. Those who couldnt work were killed off.

But surely they could not have left due to naval blockades and the expansionism of Nazi Germany

>the people who would then lash out against jews in pogroms and random attacks
Nice meme, fuckboy, all post-seizure of power pogroms were carried out by the SA

>what is kristallnacht

Literally what I just described

it wasnt just the SA. It was mostly german civilians rioting while the government let it happen

The Corridor was just a pretext. Hitler needed war to fund the debt with plunder, otherwise German economy would collapse.

The Corridor as a cause for war is a meme that only retarded /pol/tards still believe in.

>mostly german civilians rioting
Yeah, SA in civvies

No, the intended plan was to move them to either Madagascar or Ethiopia. However, the failure to capture Suez meant that this could not be achieved.

>Did he intend the final solution? was it pre determined?
Hitler definitely inteded 'a' solution.

Whether he intended 'the Final Solution' as it had unfolded is a matter of debate and it seems as if the consensus is leaning slightly towards 'no, a whole bunch of Nazi fags made it all happen'.

Look up Intentionalism vs Functionalism. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Functionalism_versus_intentionalism

Hitler quite literally accidentally the kikes

What debt?

Where the fuck did you pluck this nonsense from?

The national debt



It's cute.

In real world however, Hitler's much touted economic "successes" - rapid industrialization and extensive welfare - were financed with borrowed money. The money was borrowed often through various ingenious schemes, such us the MeFo promissory notes (MeFo was a shell company that borrowed money using German public infrastructure as collateral). This was done for many reasons, most important one being to falsify German economy's statistics, since the debt was officially beyond public finances. In reality, Hitler pulled off an insane policy that made Greece's debt debacle look like an island of sanity. It was doomed to fall - there was no way Hitler could pay off that insane amount of debt that he had incurred. That debt wasn't owed only to international bankers. Actually, it was owned mostly to German firms and banks and the German people. The latter lent money to the state through various saving schemes and campaigns. There was no way to shake off that debt off without a serious economic and social upheaval.

It's not a coincidence that Germany started an expansionist policy in 1938. First 5-year bonds and promissory notes started to mature and the German public finances immediately started to choke. The plunder of Austrian and Czechoslovak public treasuries staved off the catastrophe for a time, but Germany started to have serious liquidity problems already in early 1939. Yep, there's no coincidence that the war started just afterwards. Hitler needed war, a brutal, merciless war. Only through the merciless subjugation of occupied people, through absolute plunder and resource extraction he could keep the economy afloat.

Holocaust was intended as opposed to 'planned'. Holocaust started in earnest just after Barbarossa commenced with Einsatzgruppen mass murdering Jews on Soviet territories, shortly later spreading the killing on already occupied territories. Barbarossa was the truly Hitler's long-awaited personal racial war, so it's obvious that Holocaust was what he intended to do.

Holocaust however was not planned, i.e. the specifics were not thought through. They improvised practically all details on the run. For example gas chambers were experimented on only when it turned out that executions by firing squads weren't efficient enough and that they produce psychopaths that would eventually cause problems in Germany. And death camps (as opposed to concentration camps) were introduced when it turned out that mobile gas chambers were unpractical. Zyklon B was used when killing via carbon monoxide produced by engines was too noisy and too dangerous for the crew. And so on.

Yeah, the weight of the evidence leans towards the theory that, prior to 1938 or '39, Hitler and the Nazis wanted the Jews to have no political power in Germany and ideally leave for fear of being persecuted, but that the frenzy of WWII drove them to plans for removal and eventually to outright imprisonment and genocide.

Some people get carried away with functionalism, to the point that they claim Hitler wasn't even aware of the Holocaust or death camps or that the Wannsee Conference wasn't *really* calling for extermination.

Wannsee Conference was actually long after the Holocaust started. It was one of many technical meetings on the specifics of the industrial-scale killings after it turned out that killings by mobile squads was unworkable in the long run.

The only thing unique in the Conference is that minutes of it miraculously survived, which gave us an unique insight into the inner workings of the Holocaust.