/lolg/ - League of Legends General

Renekton edition



Other urls found in this thread:


Leona joins the pool party

>you get a box
>there is a champion shard in the box
>it's a champion you already own

new c9 roster


i think its a better team because rush wont tilt off the face of the planet and throw games and impact is a straight upgrade to balls


Draven best guy

If they actually trained bunnyfufu to be a good shotcaller like they had originally planned I agree

As it was he looked utterly lost last split

Results from last thread:
Unranked 8
Bronze 2
Silver 2
Gold 5
Platinum 5
Diamond 3
Masters 0
Challenger 1

Make that 9 unranked

>get pulsefire ez
>turn into SHIT LOADS of essence because it's a shit skin for a shit champ worth $30

>get loads of free skins for my champs after about a month's worth of shards and shit

i like it riot

Guys how do you have fun in this game? do yo pick troll builds or play champs you have never played before? shit is getting stale as hell

Gays can have him, mine will get to reproduce because he annihilates panties like Riot annihilates his rations every time he's semi viable

Can I still otp gangplank for ez wins? Or is he average now.

xth for Cute Vi

URF Edition

>This happens three times
>Reroll the shards and get the champion I wanted to buy next anyway

Best husbando

Normals, off meta joke builds like building youmuu's and swifties into 4 infinity edges on garen

xth for i want to FUCKING RAVAGE fizz

>pick Mordekaiser
>win lane
>2v1 jungler and laner by standing inside your minion wave
>kill dragon, free two towers
>land 3rd Q, 1,400 damage
>enter fight with 300hp, leave with full

Why is he so much fucking fun? Was he really even better before the rework?

>No Hai
>THE farm jungler who doesn't do jack shit.

Relegations bound tbqh fampai. Their desperate attempt to keep up with the Joneses in TSM/CLG are going to cause them to implode.

Also how the fuck does Rush go from NA LCS MVP to being on a fucking challenger roster in the span of a year

tfw you mess up your own shitpost


>cropping out best girl


>get 100-0'd by enemy or take a ton of damage
>express astonishment in chat, not mad at all, just expressing astonishment
>"dude calm down"
>can't even retort it without sounding tilted, can't take it without me looking subordinate
Shit like this tilts me more than anything in the game

>No Hai


I was gay for Renekton before Pool Party

fuck you desu

This guy slaps your waifu's ass, and then flips you off, leaving with +2% movement speed runes.

What a do?

How many images of this are there?
Is he fucking a hot slut or it's some gay shit

post pictures , of you


maybe you should stop expressing text in chat and express damage on the enemy instead.

I wanna fuck Gnar.

>troll builds
You play something else and forget about League almost entirely, then get back into the game when new content shows up and play it to enjoy it rather than to win.
If "troll builds" is a normal phrase in your vocabulary, it's a sign you need to play something else for a while.

Can't reroll if you own them all.

Here's me

I'm closest to the camera

No, you can go fuck Draven, it's what he's for :3


yeah the no hai factor will be fucking huge, maybe impact can shot call he won worlds for fucks sake, dont know how his english is though

farm jungler might okay if the carry jungle meta stays the same through the next few patches although i doubt it with the rift herald/dragon changes + no more devourer

they might be fucked.. renegades is actually good now, echo fox will probably improve and NRG has lodesmone now. they just confirmed kiwikid at support and with impact gone that frees up an import spot.

inb4 marin or some shit

buy a null magic mantle and resume farming

Chase him.

No he wasn't. You literally couldn't use any of his abilities without pushing the lane hard and until you had Revolver you could easily get your ass poked out in lane.

It took a while after the Juggernaut disasters but he's honestly in a much stronger and healthier place than he was pre rework. Hopefully next patch doesn't push him over the edge since he's getting a fuckton of goodies.

no actual you
never met a bad looking rene main

Iggy is pretty ugly.

Boy, league of legends sure is a game

There's only a few by that particular artist, that one is just solo.
There's 183 entries on r34 and 115 on e6.

This one involves what I think is a digimon

Chase him

That is me!

I said I was gay for him not a main

I main gnar top

have u watched any competitive games lately? everyone is playing kindred/nidalee and farming for 10 minutes while botlane takes turrets and stacks cull

he won't get far, because he'll run into my shroom field and die

>forgetting one of the based birdmen

The other one is swain


would anyone be interested in a Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on pbe?

I love Lissandra!

Chase, also flash in and keep chasing.

Sounds interesting

champions you forgot existed

>tfw "muh shotcaller xD" meme is over
thank god for that

>TWO manaless AP+CDR items
>both sub-3k gold
>damaging dash
only true problem is their low AP

>no rene player pics

Post cute panties!

Lamb's eyes don't appear to be moving with the rest of her head.


> much stronger and healthier place than he was pre rework.
>least played champion
>worst win rate
>when he was good he was the best champion in the game

I don't play this game. A woman is the most likely reason I'm going to resume.




failed to join queue

urf gone


Now that's a nice art.
Yes my main is in there too
No I cba to crop him out
instead have this pic where my OTP is interacting :3

Man I'm catching up on the whole Gross Gore and I don't know how to feel.
Like it's real shitty situation for him and I liked him a lot, but christ he got JUST'd so fucking hard.

What a show.

A. Both of those champions are getting gutted in 6.9

B.Nidalee is far more than just about farming, She's about hard denying the enemy jungler farm and putting insane pressure on the map. Kindred hard farms because in comp play she runs Devourer and has to in order to stay relevant

Best redhead
Best hips
Best breasts
Best ADC
Best wife

Pick one

1. You land a happy and devoted gf who loves cosplaying and roleplaying as your waifu. She's not incredibly beautiful, but a solid 6/10 and very agreeable, loves you unconditionally, and only wants you to be happy.

2. A pro player of your choice tutors you in League. He'll duo with you at any time and give you pointers, and he'll never get frustrated no matter how bad you feed or how bronze you are. When not playing league he'll bro it up with you in basically whatever you feel like doing, no gay stuff though.


i had no idea this champino even existed until i looked to see if there were other champinos like wukong

>lissandra fag this BTFO she's not in the image

>C9 going anywhere without Fuhrer Hai

What did the retard do?

Option number one.

Lissandra why are you posting yourself

yeah, i had you confused for someone else
does your lolg name have moc in it?

>post pubescent
Don't bite the hand that feeds you.


Meant to post this



1 and 2 sound boring so I'll go with 3 I guess.

I am the person who doesn't give a shit about ranked, so I go in as TK - shit damage everywhere, eat everyone, and not care if winning or losing because TK is -FUN.-


I've seen some of the renefags here. Pretty damn ugly.

Chase him and die a horrible death via gas.

i wish this picture was never created

>urf is gone

Do NOT lewd my husbando with Darius

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. GP is best husbando.

I know one way I'm going to circumvent that is by stacking a fuckton of flat pen. Sorcs/Guise/Abyssal +Runes/Masteries is more than 60+ magic pen, and unless the MR stacks multiple MR items (AKA don't pick Morde with more than 2 major AP threat already on the team) It should be more than enough to make up for the lesser amount of AP

Or you can go Deathcap/Gunblade last item if you're feeling ballsy, that works too.

Morde had a decent pickrate pre rework and hovered around 50% winrate.

Of course he was stronger at the beginning of the rework but then he was changed into overtuned cancer who would hit 6 when you were still 4. That's far from a healthy champion.

LoL this picture has a fuckton of the standard ships and rivalries.
Sorry lissfag, didn't notice Liss and Trundle are chilling together.

I want to live in a perfect world where Haunting Guise doesn't have shitty wasted HP taped to it and DFG still exists.

Well, time to not play Garen until next urf.

Chase, and chase under tower.

After all, I am Riven main.

like this

wait where are you that URF is gone?

>the glorious hymn of "BREAK THEIR RANKS CHAAARGE I WILL NOT FALTER" will not be heard until the next urf weekend

feels bad man

Darius is the hotter brother anyways