Power of the Church

How much power does the Catholic Church have?

Less than the jews. They have the upper hand in the Religious Pod race

If the pope openly called for another crusade how many troops would he be able to put together?

Not very many.

Little explicit political power, plenty of economic power and the ability to influence beliefs and attitudes of the weak and powerful.


>plenty of economic power

How so?

All the power, but morons can't even see it.
The church has the keys of heaven.
Countries, religions, international organizations, philosophies, languages, cultures, etc... all these things come and go, but the Church will ALWAYS be there.

It no longer prides itself on being a powerful worldly institution. The most influence it has are the personal leanings of the pope, never in too much contrast to the status quo, and the ideas they spread when they proselytize and do charity work for poorer nations.

Reason: because it's the only institution founded on the Truth, and other things are founded on necessities, squabbles, money, etc...


Me too, but the church is not a club.
If you think the church is a "club" you shouldn't even be there at first place.

Also, I think the main reason people hate pedophilia today is because the Church taught them was wrong, isn't it?

oh boy it's a
>the only good ethics in society are christian ones

as if nobody else in history disliked pederasty

>the only good ethics in society are christian ones
Yes. "Being good" and "being christian" basically mean the same thing to my ears.

It has some power in the third world. For example, the Vatican stopped an incoming war between Argentina and Chile in 1978.

Look up the Jesuit oath

The church is Satan's greatest tool


Of course it is, because it is also God's greatest tool. Only mediocre people hate the Church.

It is the whore of Babylon.

Probably a shitton of Latin Americans and Africans actually

>Latin Americans and Africans

Lmao, what are they gonna do, sail across the pacific? Plus I bet they'd be less organized than the original crusaders and get btfo'd

I imagine if a crusade was called the Church would pay for transport