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xth for rumble

Tahm Kech get the fuck out of my teams. You do nothing in lane and you never use your fucking ult what are you even good for?

I tried to gank bot so hard but what do you want me to do with a fucking janna against braum

how many of these mechanics will the new champion have?

>3 hit passive
>dash or blink
>% current hp damage
>% missing hp damage
>% max hp damage
>a shield or self heal

win lose win lose win lose win lose

feels bad

xth for graves

why do people pick graves jungle anyway? I just play him top and do pretty well. what makes him viable?

all of them

Illaoi is cool

Best girl.
Best thighs.
Best wife.

>Post yfw Taliyah is the first human female champion that is actually attractive in like 3 fucking years


all of them this is azir's designer we're talking about

do not even doubt for a moment she is going to be god tier in her role

shes a bird

Yasuo taliyah bot new meta

Xth for Evelynn

nothing, he's crap in solo q jungle games due to no fkin CC.
Also junglers refuse to pick warlords on him making them utterly useless in late.
Also have to waste a slot on jgl item.


So when are you going to play Rumble Jungle?

I got Taliyah's leak.

Reminder that Taliyah is going to be a negress.


Taliyah is going to be made ugly on purpose like Illaoi, but instead of an island nigger we're going to get a sandnigger.
Screencap this.

How come senator armstrong is always assblasted everytime I see his posts. Are you always mad sir?

Fuck you riot


Why does everyone pick Kayle now?

xth for Cute Vi

Taliyah Hype Edition

>Kindred still exists

Yes pls.

I don't think it failed at all. Maybe it's just me, but I remember a shit-ton of people making fan art of him and shit shortly before and after his release.

He's gotten much more than any other champ release in the last 1.5 years. The only one that comes close (maybe even surpases him) is Jhin. Kindred was alright and seen with moderate success. Tahm was a failure. Bard and Aurelion were utter failures. Illaoi was never marketed to be a "popular" champ.

From a lore and character perspective, the problem with Ekko is that he doesn't have a lot of questions or mystery surrounding him, and when he does, it's nothing special. He's a genius and he killed some rich Piltover cunt for killing off one of his orphan buddies. That's it. No real talk about his inventions, his prodigal genius, his hate for Piltover, his connections to Vi and Jinx, and what he intends to do to help Zaun or anything like that.

Jhin is a fucking psychology case and there a lot of hints that he's a pretty damaged man that made him into the murder-addicted man that he is. People want to know why he snapped. That and his connections to Zed and Shen are far more apparent than Ekko's so-called connections to Vi and Jinx. Not to mention is voice is smooth as fuck.

What they need to do is expand on Ekko's lore and give him some real personal motives and issues, like Jhin. Not some wooby "imma good boy I may have killed someone but it was to protect my friends" shonen anime kind of tropes.

I can guarantee that if they give Ekko some new lore text, it'll be different and that popularity will come back.

>le sjw boogeyman


You guys can only hope he was asked to do the kit and then locked in a cell for the rest of the development work.


I just....I just wanted to play an Emperor who wanted to protect his people and is fun to play.

I spent the entire 14 months falling in love with Azir's design and now I'm being told Azir wants to enslave everyone. This can't get any fucking worse.


Ultimate tank shredder. Powerful late game.

Leaked picture of Taliyah

Any diamonds with a silver smurf wanna help me win 3 games for my g5 promos?

Will repay in 10 dollar skin

>She's a bird because Yasuo calls her a sparrow
Are u autistic

>mfw Tali'zorah got into league of legends

Hey buddy.

Pantheon main here.

Get fucked.


>teamate bans the champion I highlight

nice job m8

Bard became a living breathing meme though so he is quite a success.

god yes please

>"A young stone mage from Shurima encounters an unlikely mentor in the mountains of Ionia."
yes pls.

>teamate highlights champion and someone bans him because of that

nice job m8

>implying kekko is more popular than kindred, Bard, Tahm or Aurelion

you are delusional user

Bard specially is a living meme at this point. Ekko can't even compare to this guy.

>mfw she's Azir's daughter/descendant

That'd be awesome.

>another brown girl added

how is this a bad thing

Combine these two and it's literally best waifu in the game.

Also, I have the feeling she'll be the long awaited burst mage jungler.

Taliyah's could have been.

>He's a genius and he killed some rich Piltover cunt for killing off one of his orphan buddies.
I thought he pussied out of killing him for the typical moralfag "ill be just as bad as him,,,,," reason.

Should I go into the ferocity or resolve tree on huehue metal man? Both seem pretty good to me.

You already have sivir, who is confirmed to be a descended

Taliyah hates azir, knows about azir, and knows he's a tyrant who wants to enslave her people

Why do Americans suffer from white guilt? I mean, they weren't even born when that stuff happened, do they just want to feel important or feel that matter?


what's with the surge in Illaoi fags
I thought I was alone

>Papi is the next champ released

>tear reduces mana costs by 25% now
>morello's up to 100 AP with flat instead of mana regen and Athene's old on kill passive
>Abyssal having CDR and higher MR Reduction late game

All these indirect Kassadin buffs, I love it.

Ekko has the same problem as all fucking gypsylord champiosn

O V E R D E S I G N E D as fuck
sandstorm ekko looks so much better

>want to use the riot girl skin to be pink and pretty tristana
>the loading screen picture is offensively ugly




Kekko isn't popular because he's a shitty arrogant brat like Ezreal, except the cute anime shota appeal he could have is completely invalidated by the fact that they made him an ugly nigger with an awful hairstyle.

Just wait it out. She's getting new splash art.

This is literally just Evelynn, what the fuck Rito


If Taliyah is qt and is a jungler I'll honestly be superhyped.

Pretty sure there's a sizable number of Illaoi fags, they just get spammed to hell and back with shitposting.

No, he used his last go back in time to share his friend's last moments.

Based piltover man got away with everything.

No pls.

No way compared to Terra. That's just insulting.

How am I supposed to use pantheon's ult
I just picked him up and he seems pretty neat
>Ult into team fight
>Enemies walk out of the giant 3 second long circle
>Ult to gank
>Enemies walk away from the giant 3 second long "HEY I'M GANKING BOT LANE" circle and enemy jungler+top takes rift herald

>play on PBE because want to try new shit
>end up playing my main role ADC to see how I'll fair against the upcoming changes
>10/1 at 10 minutes on Jinx
>end the game 17/3 10 minutes later
I don't know why I thought this would be an accurate representation.

It's just middle class kids having it so easy they literally have to create fake problems for themselves.

You go into Cunning. Morde NEEDS Stormraiders.

Found the in game model for Taliyah

>Tyler1 wannabe cries

Wow, he's doing an awesome job then.



>a year ago

Christ where did the time go?

Is this incomplete?

And I'm still fuckin silver, holy shit.

what did those guys do anyways

So what exactly is the deal with Riven and animation canceling? How exactly does it work? I know that on other champions you can cancel the end part of the auto attack animation but I don't think this is what is meant when talking about Riven or?

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

I think if your ult point is in a bush then the enemy can't see it.
I dunno if they fixed that though.

And unless you're building Chaos Dunk Pantheon then you don't really need to land it, use the circle as a zoning method and a shitty TF ult.

>Stone mage

Right, so she'll have a meter similar to Gnar, that when it's full, her abilities will change, and she'll spawn golem/rock limbs, that empower her abilities and increase her range.

Her ultimate is either a giant chokehold/root, or a chokeslam.

>Had a mid Illaoi who fed hard to a kat
She may be, but the people who play her certainly aren't.

Bard was fucking hated for months upon release.
He only became a meme because he was so fucking bad at first.

Aurelion is a fucking disaster and you have be clueless if you don't assume otherwise. Lots of people were disapointed with his kit and have trouble mastering it, and unlike Ekko, the said kit isn't viable enough for him to make it big in higher elos. Doesn't have the flashy fighting style for "sick plays" either.

Hell I don't even main Ekko, but I'll admit that he's definitely one of the most popular champs released over the last two years from a character, player base and competitive standpoint.

Something to do with her Q I think, weaving auto attacks into each Q at the correct time lets you put in another 3 autos worth of damage between Q cast times

I don't know, that could be completely wrong. I don't play riven

It's the same deal, it's just super important to do to be effective with Riven. Also you can cancel her ability animations as well not just AAs.

It's a kid's show but Lulu took it a bit too seriously.

Cuckold champ when?

>not the superior version of this image

I'm pretty sure you mean with.

>trying this hard to deny reality

if it weren't for Illaoi Kekko would be the biggest failure since Vel'koz.

surely you mean above

why do I get the feeling this was made for some newgrounds flash

>yfw Taliyah is a sandnigger cause muh diversity

Don't you mean under?

Jhin is one of the biggest hits in years, he far surpasses Ekko. The last champ with a reception this good was Azir.

>tfw had 100% winrate with Illaoi over 4 games till a botlane got cucked by rageblade hurricane vayne.

how they let a rageblade hurricane vayne shit on them i will never know.

Well she's from Shurima so..

But Ekko is actually kinda popular?

That makes no sense. Even after he was nerfed he was popular. His kit was balanced as fuck but meta-golem is what made him busted because it doesnt just break Ekko, it broke every top-laner/tank. Even HECARIM can pull off Meta-golem.