/parag/ - Paragon General


>What is Paragon?
Paragon is a new MOBA developed by Epic Games, owner of the Unreal Engine. Powered by UE4, it has most of the trappings of other MOBAs: 5v5 objective-based games, heroes, lanes, towers, minons and so on. The game has a fantasy sci-fi feel to it. The game is available on PC and PS4, featuring cross-play and cross-progression. It is currently in early access/closed alpha.

>What's special about Paragon?
Similar to SMITE, Paragon uses a third-person behind-the-back camera and WASD controls instead of a top-down view. Unlike SMITE, this game takes full advantage of the Z-axis: you can aim up or down and there's multiple levels of elevation. In addition, Paragon uses a card system, which is, for all intents and purposes, a player-customized item shop for individual characters that you build before the game; cards can only be earned with in-game currency, meaning you can't buy power.

>Do you unlock heroes?
No. Like DOTA 2, all heroes are free to everyone. What you can purchase with in-game currency is a character's Master Challenge, which essentially lets you unlock extra skins, taunts and boosters.

>How can I play the game?
There is a free access weekend going on right now that you can join. Otherwise, you can purchase a founder's pack for at least $20 to buy into the early access or wait until this summer for the game to enter open beta. People can also give away access keys if you're lucky.

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this game is about as half baked as a game can get. complete trash for the time being.

Half-baked how? It IS in alpha.

Not able to join the free access weekend. Help?

Do you at least have an Epic Games account and the launcher?

then why are they calling it a beta

yes sir i had one from when unreal tournament started open beta. I signed up for the beta as well for Paragon. But in the launcher it just gives to option to buy the founders pack.

Actually the FAQ's says the free beta weekend, is NEXT weekend May 5th -8th.

They're not. They're calling it a "stress test weekend." The game is in closed alpha and won't be in beta until summer.

Check your email if you got a notification about the stress test.

> The first stress test will run from Thursday, April 28 through Sunday, May 1. For this test, we're inviting the first 500,000 Beta registrants who signed up, so be sure to check your inbox.
>The second free weekend, which will run from May 5 through May 8, will include all players who have signed up for the Beta by May 1.

oh which means i must not have been part of the first 500k registrants. lame





>can't even find a pvp match
Ded game

I'm pretty sure the game gives you a queue timer estimate when you select a hero.

I stood watching the monitor for 10 minutes and I only found a single guy to join the team

There was a forum post earlier today talking about people having longer queues than usual during the weekend, apparently because people were regularly dropping from groups. As a temporary measure while they gather data, they're blocking people from dropping groups once they get matched to a team.



Teaser for a new hero.




What a shame.


Man melee heroes get shit on while laning against any range hero

Which is why most melee heroes don't fuss with laning much. The majority of them roam through the jungle or back up the carry/mage. Feng Mao and Grux are great gankers and can be built as bruisers, Steel is great at supporting lanes, Rampage is nigh-unkillable, and Sevarog is...well, he's a thing. Of the melee characters, I'd say Sevarog and Kallari have it the hardest.

Dekker is bae. I love how she can majorly dictate the pace of a teamfight with her slow bubble, her stun ball, and her cage to cut off escapes or help teammates to survive with the shields.

Did you finally get your Kallari?


Queue times for the first 5 matchs are fucked right now, because they try to get 10 new players into their first 5 games together. Never happened to me though. Always had players with way more match experience then me


can you like fucking remove dota there
its triggering my autism every time i click the script it show fucking paragon

dead game on arrival



in the future paragon will be free ?
if not how much he will cost ?

Paragon will be completely free, with all heroes available to everyone. The only things you can reasonably buy with cash currency are boosters and, presumably, skins.

Right now, though, you have to buy in to early access.

at start I thought it was going to be paid
thx m8

Ok, level with me anons
is this game worth downloading?

For a game that's in closed alpha and is still noticeably rough around the edges as mechanics goes, it's actually a lot of fun. Unreal 4 makes the game look gorgeous, and it puts enough spin on the MOBA mechanics (harvesters, jungle boss, Z-axis and elevetaion, cards, etc.) to make it unique. Plus, Epic Games is regularly maintaining a dialogue with players and will actively make changes based on feedback. I stopped playing SMITE about a year ago, but I'm having fun with Paragon and can see there's enough differences to set it apart from SMITE, not just the aesthetic (which I love). I don't know if it's the new game smell getting to me, but I'd say this game is definitely worth a go.

I may sound like a shill, but that's because I'm having fun.

okay new question
how do I download? do I need a beta key or something?

You need an Epic Games account and the launcher. If you want to play the game right now, no questions asked, you'll have to buy a founder's pack (minimum $20) to get into the closed alpha.

They do occasional key giveaways on streams, but it's less headache just to buy the founder's pack.

That said, if you sign up for beta before tomorrow and are willing to wait a week, you can get into next week's stress test weekend and try it out for free.

big alpha key