League of legends lolg



xth for waifu

I want to fuck trundlefag into submission!

I feel so bright and warm when I see this image of my newfound waifu. You can feel it too, right?



Xth for such a misfit

Nth for not being a wagecuck so get to play League whenever you want. Enjoy your rough day at work tomorrow, wagecuck!

can't you make a custom game with like 1 bot or something? you were used to be able to do it back then when i played

I can feel the gravitational pull of her nose

>still have to wait 5 minutes for flash to come off cd


Can we bring this back?

Have fun when you're 50 and no one will want to hire you and you'll die alone in poverty.

Is it me or is Fizz way more cancerous than LB and Zed? I love playing those two and generally i love assasins but they are permabanned now midlane so i just said fuck it today and started to pick Fizz full AP,not the sunfire+iceborn one.

Both games i picked him, both games a S rank (mid plat elo).

I never really played him much but his R+E combo is just retarded. After 6 your opponent better not come to lane or he dies instantly every single time. Also he is ungankable and he can kill multiple people at once with his E that deals like 800+dmg late game.

And he can almost oneshoot squishes with a W+Q+ ignite which requires literally 0 skill and it has close to 0 counterplay.

Basically Fizz>Zed,Leblanc,Talon etc.

her nose looks like a benis

With Sandbox you can manipulate the environment to allow players to do certain things that trigger events.

For example, if you want to practice flashing over a wall, you can make an environment that can simulate you flashing an infinite number of times or create a reset button to allow you to flash again. Which is a lot better than waiting 5 minutes.

cait is pretty cute

i wish she looked better ingame

I seriously fucking hate this fish so much. The only time you can even get close to killing him is if his Zhonyas is on cooldown or you bait his jump. By then though it's got, what, a .5 second cooldown?

Moves that make you untargetable are good in theory.


Tlords or DFT on Swain?

the problem with fizz is that he shits out damage because his kit "doesn't allow him to do anything else"
he needs a rework

xth for i miss rivenposting

Is the Taliyah is a transwoman just a /lolg/ meme?

>a .5 second cooldown?
7 with 10% cdr :^)

reminder that if you play a devourer jungler that isn't kindred you should kindly hang yourself

full arpen MF is hilarious and the best 10k IP you'll ever spend in runes

If you are not currently raping all the leagues to avenge our lord and saviour Tyler, you don't deserve to be playing this game.

We had riven posting just the other day

I wanna marry Riven!


>mfw taking an obvious exaggeration.
>mfw Annie counterpick flashbacks against Fizz.

Fucker shouldn't be able to jump ults.

i wasnt here

no i do


fizz is annoying as shit

his kit is also one of those that have so much going for them he can be used on lots of roles to great degrees of success

he's one of my most hated champions even if he isn't particularly broken now i'd say

>"doesn't allow him to do anything else"
There is a bunch of champs that dont have any hard CC in their kits and they are fine.

Fizz included. He is fine. Playing him early is a fucking nightmare. Going in at early levels is impossible because you will eat so much dmg and poke you will either go out with flash and 10%hp or you will die like a bitch

It's the latest epic meme. You can read about Taliyah in her lore and other things. Riot makes it clear she's simply a she.

>level up account because i got banned
>realize free champions dont count towards 16 champion pool for ranked
>spent all ip on runes
Why even live.

MSI script leaked

Finals is SKT 3-1 over Flash Wolves
NA scrapes out 4th place due to a sketchy teamfight by EDG
Varus will be the "breakout" champion of tournament pushing close to 100% pick ban


>that feel when you're the tank on your team and your team follow behind you like little puppies
>turn left, they follow
>stop, they stop
>charge in, they charge in behind you

It feels kind weird being the "boss" of the team, so to speak.

If they took off the knock up from his ult he wouldn't be so bad



you fucked up, nigga

xth for bestfu

that's not an excuse for winning teamfights with one button and chewing on the remains without taking le massive damage
it's like reverse zed where his total dominance and the ability to remove stray champions are justified by "b-but lategame he can only splitpush"


That's not Fiddlesticks.

I want to kidnap a support main and bully! them to death!

>tfw trying to learn cancerbird
>play draft because don't feel like going into Zed blind
>people are banning him all the time lately

i just want to play my cancerous emperor

it'd just be too toxic to be able to practice the game without spending hours doing something that should take minutes


>Give him 50%dmg reduction and immunity to CC so his E is still good but it has some counterplay
>Fizz is balanced

Wow so fucking hard Riot

that's what she was wearing when they ganked the top lane

I have a smurf I keep constantly in silver to play with a bronze friend I have. I have to throw ~50% of my games intentionally to stay there (these I make sure to not play with my friends so that they aren't hurt). My main is typically Diamond V. Are you triggered?

You're cute.

Azir is busted as hell nigga
good laning
shitton of aoe damage
one of the best ults in the game

Why does everybody dislike Sivir so much, I find her really fun. Much more than Cait or Trist.

And even in that cc immune state he can still be hit by blitz, nuat, and thresh hooks because ya know, fishing and shit.

no I'm not, Riven is

I am getting tired of you sjws putting a wig and some makeup on a male and calling it a girl. Taliyah is a dude and no amount of special snowflake doublethink will magically turn him into a girl and even if they had sex changes in Shurima he would STILL be a boy.

Reminder that Riven is canonically a hobo wandering around and will suck you off for a fucking sandwich.

she is a massive edgelord and is a "support" adc a la Ashe

All adc's except Lucian,corki,Ezreal,Kalista and Jhin are unfun AA machines and fucked up champions that should be reworked.

>woke up today
>not a barafag or futafag
Straightbros ww@?

She just really loves money.

Also for a "support" ADC she sure shits damage and kills the entire team by critting their tank.

Who needs to be hired when your family owns multiple businesses and you can freely get a job/own them whenever you want? Easy life, boss man.

don't bully Riven pls
she had a hard life

xth for Cute Vi

You're the most annoying cunt i have seen in a while.

why do people think these champs just because they have a utility ult or whatever suddenly deal no damage

ashe and sivir scale like fucking beasts, ashe's Q is probably top 5 strongest steroids in the game and sivir becomes an aoe shitting goddess of doom

>see a big creepwave
>press w and click on a minion
>the whole wave is gone in seconds

Yeah, pretty much. Was more hoping to join the upper echelons of Lissfag or Lulufag.

I just need more shitposts for power.

>The only counter to Zed is to build Zhyona's or QSS but QSS is too strong so we're removing that ability

Thanks Riot.

>Soraka is OP
>nerf her twice on top of readding grievous wounds
>Zed is OP
>buff him with QSS nerf
>"we aren't sure where he will stand so we will wait until 6.10 on nerfs teehee"

Not here

Will there ever be a normal, white champion again?

>"we aren't sure where he will stand so we will wait until 6.10 on nerfs teehee"

>enemy is pushing
>crit the wave
>bounces jump them and get their mid on half hp

I've noticed recently that it's very unfun to lane against soraka
>poke botlane down to a quarter of health
>they go offscreen
>in 5 seconds BOTH come back at 100%

>Change Soraka twice
>She's more bullshit than she was before

Can they fire the balance team and hire a good one?

I don't understand this post. Is it sarcasm? Is it irony?

>tfw we used to meme about sivir countering cait
>it's actually true now

QSS made Zed completly shit at what his job is. Which is oneshooting ADC's.

Good riddance.


All good things take time. Let's just fill the empty void in our lives with some Vi.

I can use some right now as I'm currently tilted/enraged because of going against a "support" zed

>tfw Galio
I know its normals but I dont wanna play ranked at 3 AM

thats when all the zipper-heads play.

Who /Galio/ here?

Did you know if you press the B button while in game after 8 seconds you refill your health and mana?

Neat little tip for you.

wasn't defending soraka here by the way, she should be gutted into unplayability. i wish riot just fucking pulled the trigger on her and removed the stupid spammy heal gameplay, keep her big ult heal but make her W something else, then you can have a balanced and fun Soraka

>QSS is broken because it stops Zed from doing his job
>We're going to leave Zhyona's alone because we love AP users more

>still has a cancerous aoe silence+snare

it takes more than 5 fucking seconds to recall and walk back to lane
they literally went out of our vision and came back both on full health seconds after

I don't think that word has much meaning in League. Who's normal? Ezreal or Garen maybe? His serial killer personality is glorified anyway so what does it matter? Also
>not white

Did you know it takes 25 seconds to walk from the nexus back to lane with base movement speed?

Neat little tip for you.

only assassin babbies hate soraka

meanwhile kayle and nidalee have spammable heal too

the problem is that right now Zed has a ridiculous lanephase to snowball off because after 25 mins QSSs come into play and he needs to be fed to kill through QSS

they just removed that and didn't touch his lanephase at all

so now Zed can just keep even and still get the AD carry every single time because all he needs is rank 2 deathmark and a ghostblade to pop a level 9 AD carry

im fine with this change IF they balance Zed around it, which means his lane phase is now Talon tier bad instead of Ahri tier good

He's masked so you can't really tell

Only because you got good taste for one, user.

And two because even I know I alone could sate my waifu's desires.

I was also shitposting. If people hate it, whatevs just a game bro don't report.

>Use zhonya
>Stay in place and then get buttfucked after the effect ends unless you are Fizz or LB
>use QSS
>Lol fucking bye, eat shit Zed.

>revert back to prerework
>but keep the q
FIXED targeted silence wasn't overpowered just make it cost mana

kayle is 15s flat and nid is 12s flat, they also heal for way less

i'm not an assassin player, im an ad player and i hate soraka because she nullifies all aggression botlane and makes it a stupid boring farmfest

well that was before they gave her karma tier poke in her Q

Except Zed will kill an AD he's on top of anyway through QSS. He barely needs the Death Mark.

>waaaaaaaah I dunno how to focus or burst down supports that are paper-thin squishies, waaaaaaaah.


How is QSS even remotely useful against Zed? He doesn't even need his ult to kill you if you don't build any armor.