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First for I get really angry when I lose

Especially consecutive losses

is this the best HS tournament play ever made?
if for no other reason than shutting kripp the fuck up


will zoolock ever become irrelevant?
it's the only deck my bot can handle

where are the nudes?
plz leak more savjz

i want to cum iside a night elfs pussy



I opened a xaril in my initial old gods packs and made a anyhow deathrattle rogue to test it out. Now its my main deck and could do with some tweaking. A huge pro is the amount of card potential this deck has since everything is a cantrip. Ive had a ton of fun with it so far, I had no idea how good xaril is. What can I change in my deck?

draenei > elves

What's more disgusting between aggro and midrange shaman?

Quiet goat fucker

>Throw in a 2mana 5/5 and a 6/5
>call it midrange

Midrange, because it has midrange minion quality and sustain, but is very well suited for pure aggro.
Kind of like secret shitter, really, but the biggest turd of the deck comes out two turns earlier.

>Zoo is the best deck for the 6th time

Why do you retards still keep playing, it's painfully obvious they are creatively bankrupt by now

>B-But i spent money so i might as well keep getting fucked in the ass :(

I don't get what's so hard. They want to shut down aggro and slow down the meta yet they make such ridiculous stuff for the slow decks. What were they thinking they created Zoo Donald Trump? That he wasn't going to be played in Zoo?

>Lewd header image
>nudes absent from the thread description

Which doggshitto has been making these last few threads? You're incompetant.

>slow down the meta yet they make such ridiculous stuff for the slow decks
I mean the fast decks.

Please help.

Do you have any active quests?


Nobody wants to see fake Zeriyah's roast beef

>5 hours until Dreamhack

Get yourself a n'zoth first and foremost. It's going to be a new win condition for the deck, and it really puts things into overdrive. All that value you've been enjoying from your minions? You can double it if you control the board into the lategame and play N'zoth.

The rest is just personal preference and tweaking, but would drop the deadly poisons. I run two tomb pillagers because coining out big stuff earlier or making bigger plays because you can squeeze more out is nice. I also run two squidfaces because it's an okay body. Definitely run two shadow strikes because it's pretty much a 3 mana kill spell, and at worst it allows you to trade minions way out of the range you could otherwise. Plus zoolocks get salty when you kill their counselmen off without any real effort.

A lot of people will suggest Cairne, which I would probably run if I had him, and twilight summoner, which is one of the best raptor targets in standard, but I personally don't like how low the impact of the 1/1 body is. It's a good board-clear deterrent, but I just generally try not to overcommit to the board.

>Zoo clears and has full board turn five
>"I greeeet you"
>Trogg + Storm + Thing
Cancer vs cancer stories to tell your friends

How the fuck do I beat N'Zoth Rogue and Priest as N'Zoth Paladin it's the only matchups I lose to. Priest just entombs your shit while Rogue just plays shit on curve while drawing their whole deck.


Anyone has any tips?
I just reached rank 5 with this deck but I am bricked wall at the 4~5 rank due to rogues which is 80% an auto loss for me. Should I switch deck?

Switch to SMOrc Shaman if you're facing a lot of Rogue. I'm playing Miracle right now at rank 6 and Shaman is the only difficult match-up.

Against rouge you just have to pray they have bad draws and you have good ones, just accept it user rouges are the worst matchup for control paladins

For priest hold on to your deahrattles, whittle them down with your upgraded hero power with justicar or run elise

Knowing blizzard as soon as I swap deck I am going to run into pally all day long. Thanks user. Gonna try SMorc it up then.

This game makes me want to scream

This game makes me want to destroy my computer

Why do I keep playing it?

Why do I feel like such a massive fucking cuck whenever I play Blizzard games?

I hope every single developer on the Hearthstone team dies

Vs Priest?
Drag the game out. Don't over commit. Tech in Elise.

You have the better board clear but they have the superior single target.

It is really 50/50 if you play the matchup well. Vs rogue? Just pray that they draw bad and you draw well. It is an 80/20 matchup. Very retardly lopsided.

Alright. Seems good. Hard to tear away from deadly poisons but I'll try it. I got some dust like a golden enter the coliseum, maxenna, and golden shadow fiend. This should give me enough for a legend until these cards are high tier for some reason now. Thinking about another shadowcaster since infinite 1/1s is just fun

Just took a look at your list. Sap is pretty good if you are playing tempo rogue which are you. Twilight summoner is pretty good when combined with shadowcaster but only get them after you craft Nzoth. Brann + Shadowcaster is pretty fucking OP as well.

Thanks for the advice I do run Elise but so far haven't had a chance to play it vs Priest I'll keep in mind to hold back on playing deathrattles.

Four mana

why are standardcucks so assblasted?

Show your deck list.
Are you running corrupted healbots?
Those are actually pretty fucking good vs Priest since they have a hard time removing a 6/6 minion.

You are assblasted for clinging onto your OP cards. Just let go user.

They need something to cling too sfter realizing standard fixed nothing and the meta is still a shitstorm, maybe even worse than before

Soggoth forces them to make some unfavorable trades because their removal isn't really effective against such a big hexproof body, you're just going to have to accept that your N'zoth drop will not be massive however. I run some of those infested Taurens just so I at least have a sticky taunt value when he comes out knowing that tirion will likely be entombed

just wait until next year when no one is playing this shit because its boring, broken and the same thing

>Make America Great Again
America is great right now.
>Make Zoo Great Again

Holy shit, deepest lore Blizzard. :O

>mfw everyone claimed that standard will "save" hearthstone

It's going to create a staler meta than the once we got out of because it eliminates variety from ever existing. Just wait till the meta truly settles, there's going to be ATLEAST 3 decks that only inhabit ladder meanwhile Wild will have everyone at it's oyster

I haven't touched wild this season. Is it any fun? I should really make some deck and so try it.

90% of the new cards are useless in wild.

That wild tournament that they had right after the expansion launch proved it. Literally every card was GvG or Naxxaramas

I am sure the new expansion added key cards to the meta. I know for a fact that almost every wild deck runs secret eater at the moment.

I'm trying to build some sort of aggressive tempo deck for warrior. I'm not terribly sure about corsair and I sort of wish I had more weapons. Any advice?

t. Mysterious challenger

That's just the nature of the game. Of course there's going to be ultimate composition of cards that are simply better than everything else. It happens every single expansion. Though I do agree that currently, it is the most stale meta. Zoo and Shaman are cancer like usual and now curving out into your "I win legendary" control matches is boring as fuck.

The only fun, wacky card is Yogg and it will lose you the game or kill itself about 75% of the time he's played.

There are currently only 2 viable warrior decks. 1 is face warrior deck based around weapons and buffing them. 2nd is faux patron. Your deck isn't going to cut it.

I know, I already have a patron deck, I just want to try something else

C'control is also viable

>play deathrattle rogue
>get aggro after aggro and constantly fucked over

>try aggro to see if I can do the same
>get control constantly and fucked over multiple times
>1 damage spell 3/2 minion fucking over my divine shields and everything
>explosive traps
>control mage with 1 damage 2 mana minion that damages even stealth

Why does this only happen to me? Why can't I ever get favorable RNG in this stupid RNG-infested game?

Try the hurr durr face warrior then. A middle of the road type of warrior deck isn't going to work.

Only 1 off Corrupted Healbot
2 X Uldaman
2 X Twilight Summoner
Cairne, Sylvanas, Tirion and Lightlord
Rest are standard.

Don't have Soggoth do have the dust but don't really want to spend it at the moment.

C'Control also happens to be the worst Cthun deck in the market when they are matched up against fellow Cthun decks.

Why twilight summoners?
What did you cut for them? Honestly I won't run twilight summoners if I were you, I would swap them out for a silence and maybe another tech card like MCT.

I've been fucking around with a Reno C'Thun deck. It's more fatigue than waiting for turn 6 and playing a legendary every turn. But I've had a well rounded success against every current meta deck.
Seems a bit overlooked that now C'Thun is in most decks, that Reno wouldn't be the thing that gets you back in the game.

>If I ever want to play around with this fun card i'll have to go against hoards of secret Paladins
Thanks Blizz

Sounds like ___________git gud_____________________

Well, that's disheartening. Guess I can still try, I'm not really into face decks, and it won't be the first time I craft a less than viable deck

I have seen Reno warlocks while climbing ranks before. They are actually pretty effective. I played vs only 1 Reno Cthun at the moment and I completely crushed it.



I'm not saying standard was a bad idea but I wish some cards were just moved into classic. I feel like cards like Quartermaster for Paladin made midrange paladin an actual viable deck, sure muster rotated out but it still could've been played.

It's just annoying that more decks that were viable decks on ladder died than decks that have been created that are actually viable

You can try a standard CW except with Cthun or a Cthun Reno warrior deck. I can't vouch for how good these 2 decks are tho.

C'Control does not even need to run C'thun to be good

loatheb needs to be brought back, fuck freeze and miracle


I think Loatheb is one of the few cards people unanimously think should be a classic legendary. It's just needed against these all spell no board shitters

I really hope that against Blizzards intentions wild will get populated by creative fun experimental decks and none will bother with obvious broken combination of cards

There is rank
therefore there is e-peen
and so people will try hard for e-peen

Yeah fuck miracle. Them having pillager now with their free coin doesn't help it at all.

Thanks will switch them out and maybe add a extra Healbot.

>Try out some knew deck
>Against Druid
>Well that should not be so bad
>Coin -> Innervate -> Astral Communion
>Oh ok
> 10/10 Forbidden Ancient turn 2

The only people who think Loatheb should be evergreen are idiots who don't understand how stupidly powerful he is, especially with the fact he literally has no counter.

t. Valeera

If I lose one more arena from some faggot getting frost nova from cabalists tome im gonna fucking scream

Frozen is such a bullshit effect, arena would improve tenfold if it was removed from there

t. Jaina and Valeera player

>I am a rogue shitter

t. Freeze pro

Don't even play much rogue, but every class has a way to deal with miracle, except for rogue and priest.

They should change it to Freeze All minions.

They will NEVER make a card like loatheb again, people hated it and blizzard hates disruption too

It's why control can never be a real thing without disruption and instants.

i liked lostheb and though +5 was a bit much, 3 or 2 would have been fine if used correctly. 5 locks out turned completely helping aggro more than anything as if can screw over control swing turns

t. Jaina

t. aggro 'control' player

>Playing Loatheb
Loatheb was so midrange could have a fucking chance against Freeze Cunts.

>Crack open a tome
>Oh neat, Frost nova
>wow a flames trike
>another tome

The value just never ends user

user i switched TO paladin because of the shamans, what is your problem?

How dead exactly is Wild?

aggro decks used to play loatheb a lot
zoo in particular

And it was mainly used by Aggro to stop board Wipes glad that pos was removed.

ITT: Miracle and Freeze players trying to grasp straws as to why Loathen shouldn't be classic

He wasn't even seeing that much play towards the end of the old meta, people started teching Harrison in more in some cases

sauce on this image?

depends if you beliefe standardcucks propaganda

If control can get board clears vs aggro, I don't see why Loatheb vs spell shitters can't be a thing.