League of Legends general - /lolg/

League general.
Yasuo edition.

1st for waifus

I love Lissandra!

Looking for Veeky Forums young trundle main to give my waifu their seed :)

>Log in
>No one-for-all mode up
umm, lolbabs...?

What does league still have going for it, besides waifus

What if they had her adopt a child to be her successor and he/she became a champion?

I'm alone in believing this but I still feel that SSB was the superior team, they crushed SSW every other time they faced off except Worlds. What they did in LCK will never be repeated.

It actually is, that's the scary part.

Fnatic was an absolute disaster when they lost the core of their elite squad and never came even close to their old form. Not even Febiven was quite as dominant as he was before

H2K was a hyped superteam that never met expectations and despite their solid macro had fucking AWFUL teamfighting.

Origen looked absolutely lethargic all year long, which isn't surprising considering SoaZ and Amazing are lazy vets resting on their laurels instead of improving while Zven desperately tries to carry their weak asses and a horribly regressed and lost PoE and washed up xPeke.

Vitality was kinda the -meh- superteam hyped up preaseason with a bunch of guys who were pretty good individually but never really meshed well together and couldn’t beat the other elite teams when it mattered..

G2 came out of EU because they played so stupidly aggressive that most teams just didn't know what to do against it. They were literally an inverted, poor mans version of Immortals now that I think about it (By inverted I mean instead of being sidelaned focused in they were midlane focused outward).

Its up for me dude. NA.

It doesn't go up til the evening. You should be working, NEET.


overwatch has better waifus

Why everyone in here thinks SKT has a chance at worlds or at MSI?

They are shit now, the yliterally lose against fucking CLG. What will you reaction be if SKT manages to get 5th place?

>yfw CLG defeats them again
>and yurop
>and they go even against SUP

>Cute girl in my psych class
>Talked a bit, asks me to sit next to her
>Start talking about video games and get to league
>Says she plays too and we should duo some time
>"I'm diamond 2 you might not be close enough in rank"
>Ah yeah darn
>Check her account
>Diamond V 90 lp, 150 games
>Mains Wukong
I'm in love

All the other multiplayer games still comes to our thread to get some attention.

Tell me a secret, /lolg/.

>Now, why are you letting them freely kill it?
because you're fucking Illaoi, if they don't want to get close to you there's nothing you can do about it.

>Still come
Does it count as coming here if I never left to begin with? Quitting the game does not mean quitting the general :'^)

I really don't want to swim in Lulu, I only do it for (you)s.

is the Malzahar rework mostly a buff or a nerf?

I kind of liked him how he was frankly

do the summons die quicker or does it just feel that way since I have to actively summon them now?

In the last 2 days iv sent 11 different grills the same 2 pics of me as a cat to whore for compliments...

I get depressed when Lisshitter isn't here for me to make fun of

>high elo
>has vagina
pick 3

it's a buff to the point where he's pick/ban #1.

come @ me

It's shit

So...SKT was smoted by CLG?

How did it end?

I hate Latin America and everyone on this server / race.

>Diamond 5
>High Elo

Pick 1

>Implying I wasn even talking about TSM

I fully expect IMT to win Summer Split outright, they're not going to make the same mistake of misreading the meta and and failing to adapt. With the changes to the meta making objectives worth a shit again having high impact star midlaners is going to be a massive advantage over teams who don't, so I fully expect C9 to make a resurgence as well.

TSM is a wildcard completely dependent on how Biofrost or whoever their new support is gonna be synergizes with DL, and if they can continue the upward trend they were on in playoffs. Individually they can easily take CLG in every position sans Support, but obviously the name of the game now is teamplay and nobody can match CLG in that department. I expect them to make worlds through either points or the gauntlet though

What happens if I pick cute, high elo and has a vagina? Do I get a cute man with a vagina or?

all the reworks make the the character more interesting to play/play against.
whether its a 'buff' or a 'nerf' can always be tuned with numbers.

all because of his shield?

I guess it is kind of OP, I just liked the automatic summon mechanic

xth for they removed Syndras skill ceiling and lowered her skill floor immensly

Her ulti needs to be uncapped again. They only capped it because of shit modes anyway because you couldnt have gotten more than 7 balls in normal game anyway but now you CAN but they kept that retarded cap.

I agree, SKT is two times World champions and even they are still shit.

Why aren't people picking croc and collecting freelo, /lolg/?

you get remilia

You still here?

>top 2% of players isn't high elo meme

I may legitimately have something in the vein of autism/assburgers and it bothers me immensely but I'm not sure how to go about getting tested for peace of mind

Monte actually brought up how it'd be absolutely fucking disastrous for the world if SKT ended up 5th

>Worlds rolls around
>Korean teams are pissed and fucking massively improved after the shamefur dispray and dishonurabur performance at MSI
>1 seeds from NA/EU/LMS get BTFO since there's a Korean team in every bracket

She actually feels stronger right now to me.

>winning against anyone but the IWC.

Overwatch is trash.


fuk u why did I even ask

Go to your GP, say so, see if you can get a referral.

Unless you live in a place with private healthcare where seeing a doctor for even one minute will cost you a million dollars +25k per letter in every word he speaks.


what a shit opinion
are you one of the people that think bastion is op too?

No she is just easier to use. Her strength before was locked behind her mastery of the dark spheres. Now even an idiot can do a full damage ulti. Like, you dont even need to try to get the 4th ball. You just get it for free.

Is it a mortal sin to play League for fun? I get this vibe from people both on here and in-game that if your objective to have a good time slinging spells and dancing around the enemy, telling jokes in allchat that I'm the person no one wants to play with. Am I the cancer, or am I just surrounded by it?

No, I'm one of the people that think the gameplay is boring.

Post YFW you forget to switch runes because you're autism raging at enemy support pick

post it here too



Everything that you dont

Welcome to lolesports. Pro tip: watch more than 1 tournament.

Its bait. She got carried. Now she uses it to bait. Just be happy a girl found you attractive. Use confidence boost on another girl.

It was epic. Clg literally made skt eat humble pie...
In public..
Before 1000s of fans...
Note faker face and also how a certain someone who did not shake hands after game.

I will acknowledge pobelter but not huni or reignover. They are no longer top dogs

its like a 8 second recharge time at higher levels. and it already makes him pretty much ungankable. on top of the fact that E>Wing the minion wave and leaving to go stand under turret is a viable tactic, and you can solo baron/dragon because W spawns 6 voidlings against jungle creeps.

God bless the USA

This community is cancer. You will become part of the tumor

>Faker has a -10.8 csd@10, for mid laners putting him at the bottom for mids and the second worst in the entire tournament

I'm not sure if they can improve. If Faker is the best in Korea, there is no more room to improve in there. Plus LMS still has fucking aHQ, NA has C9 and EU will probably get cucked.

Welcome to /lolg/. Pro tip: watch every tournament since early season 1.

yuno doesn't have a vagina. We've all seen his penis.

Is there any point to playing Kayle jungle now that Devourer is kill?

Yuno still has his dick user

Besides which, you said "vagina", not "surgical axe wound"

Ill be sure to watch it on youtube later

I've been fucking busy for the past 24 hours. Based oj what your descibing it sounds like SKT is Salty. Its a shame they didnt break out Easyhoon to clean up fakers mess

yeah man, arcade like shooters with low death timers are really boring, especially compared to high action games like league of legends :^)

He didn't really say that, did he?

Is Skarner still a viable top even though the most useful part of his passive is in the jungle? Could I just wait until 6 then start collecting free kills for my jungler?

And let's not forget the stun walls wide as a lane. They literally turned their brains off when they were making these changes.
What pains me is that Meddler, who originally designed her, worked on this fucking update.

Will Riot patch this ever?



I'm not saying league is much better, if at all. I'm only saying Overwatch is trash. I don't like it. Got bored after like 2 games.

SKT had an uncontested early game, full farming and getting 5 drakes vs 0

CLG had Azir+Poppy+Janna so they turtled for 40 min and then won because they cant be engaged

G2 won the exact same way in the next game

Shit was dumb as a brick

I hate this stupid fucking dragon.

Why do I play him?

>i don't like it so it's trash
great logic there pal

>tfw made a thread on the forums about this
>get downvoted

Well I guess that is one less champ to enjoy in this shit game. At least the shitters will feel epic when they do their 7 ball combo :^)

And don't forget to add Bang playing like a shitter. He singlehandely costed the entire game against CLG.

just waifus

>any criticism of a video game being anything more than opinion

Okay, friend. Go play it, if you like it. Don't let me bring you down.

>Making Worlds

Unless they win Summer split outright that's probably not gonna happen. They're sure as hell not getting in through points and I doubt they'd be favored against some combination of CLG/IMT/TSM in the gauntlet.

Plus they're subbing out Hai again at the beginning of the season, and we all know how that's going to go.

He did, in fact he says it's his most preferred outcome at this point

It reeks of gook dicksucking yes but it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility.

Go tear into Rylai's mang especially if you're not against an Assassin early, finish the Archangel's 3rd item

Maybe as a counterpick. You draw somebody like GP though and you're gonna have a bad day.

>SKT had an uncontested early game,
You're fucking joking right
Maybe if you get the gook dick out of your mouth for fifteen minutes you can watch the start of those games again

But bang and faker played like ass

Regardless of the scaling disengage

>tfw you realize with faster jungling levels more engage might happen

Can Vi be meta again?

That's a lot of breast

>Go tear into Rylai's

Aight. Is RoA no good anymore?

Can you link it?

Take a look at its stats and see for yourself. It's worthless now.

Dynamic queue is here to your rescue! Find like minded friends and enjoy! Ignore shills.

Hmm newfag. Nice banter am stumped.

TF2 is way more relaxing desu.

when is monte going to stream his reviews?

Fucking jungler and top, stop feeding enemy Riven!


Cuckbros ww@?

Just search for new posts in Gameplay I made it just a few minutes ago. Can't miss it. Please no bully if it's shit.

is this what tilting really is?

>Hmm newfag. Nice banter am stumped.
I have been lurking since these threads were on /v/ and I kinda remember all the cancerigenous tripfag before me. Kid, you are still young.

>Protobelt is core on Syndra judging by probuilds

This is actually surprising to me, why is this?

They actually nerfed Jungle XP, it takes an extra camp to hit level 6 than it did pre-patch.

Oh no if anything it's probably even better than it was last patch. Catalyst is fucking busted and the extra health like I said is important to help you survive against champs who either outrange you or can consistently jump on you.

But new tear is just soooooo good with the % mana reduction to help your ridiculous mana costs and the fact that at completion gives you more than double the mana RoA will and will as the super useful active on Seraphs to help you from getting bursted down mid/late game

AD jungle malzahar is now a viable option, instead of just a memepick.

AP mid Malzahar is pretty much the exact same, except with less zoning capability with the removal of his W. His lane pushing ability was buffed a bit with his new W, but I still miss the old Malzahar, even if his new passive is absolute cancer. I think his new passive should just work like banshee's veil, where it pops and he's immediately vulnerable to CC, rather than this current nonsense where every 10 seconds he gets a banshee's veil that also functions as a QSS.

Real tilting is that image where faker did 0 damage as Azir and Bang did all of the work

SKT just sandbagging to rake in mad cash from betting scene.

Free money to lose couple games and then just crush playoffs

Mao nerfs when?

protobelt seems to be the only revolver item people build in general.

CLG made them really salty then

you can play for fun. if you win/lose, you get matched with and against more winning/losing players until all the players in your games are around your level.

I want Rengar to hunt me down, fuck me, then eat me.


I don't know why either. the 200 health+20 AP difference between RoA and the GLP is more than made up by the active that has good base damages and doubles as peel. Plus you don't have to wait for it to stack.

>implying skt is matchfixing
I'm just waiting for monte's inevitable suicide after skt goes 2-8 and loses first seed, and renegades gets relegated in summer.

So we told Armstrong to stop playing Volibear... And he did it the absolute madman!