League of Legends General /lolg/

Old: eyosongive.us

Vote Lux for the purest girl to ever win a contest!

Other urls found in this thread:


xth for Illaoi a cute! CUTE!

>have an idea to draw something
>have absolutely zero art related skills

hold me lolg

I'm Draven and I'm the best!

rito matchmaking

Xth for you guys dont even lift

and you should


Draven best guy

Is there any sure fire way to tilt the living shit out of the enemy team in /all chat?

I feel like 30-60% of all games are lost when your side gets toxic first and it snow balls long before the actual match is decided.

If we can harness that psychological dirty bomb and fling it across the table I think we'd all be a division ahead.

pay someone to draw it for you

Are you in love with someone user? Someone special that you feel very positively about, and would do anything to make them happy?

>paying someone to make a doodle

Thx for Viktor

Any time your team makes a good play, say something like "too ez" or "ezpz". Always congratulate your team members in all chat. Whenever the enemy team misses an ult, say something like "sick ult" or "nice play". If you steal a dragon, say "thanks for the leash".

That kind of stuff.



Tell me a secret, /lolg/

Which is what you want as a tank (naut), since you're not trying to maximize your ap. Also it got nerfed because it was too good compared to the other items, 120 ap for ROA when all the NLR items were 100

Every time Ezreal or Ashe's ults fly by my screen without landing I always say "nice ult"

Especially like it when I almost flash INTO Ashe's ult while im near my fountain just to go heal it off anyway while pressing ctrl+4.
I dont think Ashe's ult gives vision of the main target, but I wish it did. And a global leash-range or whatever you want to call it, so they can hear you as if you were nearby

Anyone know how to solver driver issues? Computer keeps blue screening.


Is there a site where I could get like a live score updates of ranked games? Like the tab screen except I don't have to spectate it in client?

ashe support god

Smash mouth. This question is phrased in English, meaning it's mean for countries where english is spoken. Thus, we can infer that the person reading it lives in one of said countries, where people are much more familiar with Smash Mouth than with a generic weeaboo kawaiiuguu anime song. Thus, Smash Mouth will get more recognition, and more lulz.

Friendly reminder we have a discord, come join us and have fun shitposting, lewdposting and occasionally league!


Graves is real best guy

I killed my grandparents' cat when I was 14, they thought he ran away and they believed it until they died a few years ago. No one knows and no one found the body.

fucking crazy people should be shot to death

>filename not "poppy ganks your adc"

Xth for Cute Vi

Bully Edition

>go to bed
>no Ahri

I want this nightmare to end.

Still love my ex. Would love to get back with them and have fun again after I work on myself.

Best girl.
Best eyes.
Best wife.

Vi's cool. About to go into my first normals playing her. She's my first jungler and I like her so far, but I'm probably going to suck shit and get flamed hard.

I'm a retard and didn't ask that one girl out during grade 10

>Crayon 3
Post the others, please.

I have a TSM icon

so how bad is new c9 gonna be

reminder vi hates men and would crush your balls

Rip sweet prince.

Glorious Evolution didn't come fast enough.

>it takes an extremely toxic person to stop a barely "toxic" person

are you sure she wouldn't hatefuck my ass instead?


I miss old taric

but he's still good, really good actually


I want to go swimming in Lulu.

go to bed

When did the "clear chat history" button get removed from the chat box?


xth for Welding team captain of official Veeky Forums CS team


Now that Lyte is gone, think Rito will hire me?

>tfw you see an unusual ban in your next queue
>it's the champ you played last game
>it's a person who was on the enemy team last game that banned it


>not a single lyte is dead celebration edition

what the fuck is wrong with you pathetic cucks


>this nigga comes out of no where with a fucking hammer

Remember when Lucian was the worst ADC in the game?

Remember that buff to lucian's E that only lasted 1 patch?

>imbylin lyte is kill

it's middle of the night in burgerland

Just practice the Q land, and you should be fine.
Also dont build her tank, if your team needs a tank, play something else.

All the other arts of CrayonBro are on the eyoson page



remember when he had 550 range and Culling had a 30 sec cooldown

>lyte is dead

Was swimming inside of her part of your Master Plan ?

>ashe ez sivir annie yi nunu kayle poppy ryze teemo trist wikwok

which do I get my last chest on

I am absolutely awful at these champions though I am playing against smurfs/pre 30s on a memeserver

like which of them are safe farming for the first 10-20 minutes either in lane or jungle

and after that instadelete anyone and bazoodle away before anyone gets to kill you

Oh do I ever

I forgot about that, thanks.

of courshe


How do I build Dragon Waifu now that Devourer an heroed? I'm LAN Bronze 4 so it shouldn't matter if Shyva is meta or not as long as she's mechanically simple.

>try rageblade on renekton
>get two procs of fury on AA
Neat but how do I maximize my memebuild if my core items are RG,BC and hydra

spam Voli and K6 if you want something simple, she getting buffs next patch, so better not play her for now.

Thank god i left that stupid ass server spaming ":v" every 6 seconds

You build runic echoes and splitpush

>Vote Lux for the purest girl to ever win a contest!

How will Lux be pure if in the contest suggestion she's getting knotted by two futa dicks?

>LAN bronze 4
that's like spagetti 12 in a real region. I'm a shitter and could probably win your games with Russian ping on AP Garen.

We climbing boys

If I took that mask off would you hugify?

None of your business!
Stop asking questions


>playing hot monkey dick
>twitch meme's
>talking to moth

How much faggot can u be ?

Could you please explain how can an AP item be viable on an AD offtank champion with one single non-ultimate skill that scales with AP?

Teemo or Sivir are easy s ranks, though teemo requires the enemy to be stupid

>Twitch meme
>Talking shit about wukong
Fight me fgt

>tfw you will never play mpen garen again

>wake up

name 1 champ that maxes q last

God I don't know why but something about this artist's style gets me diamonds

I am taking the bait but that fucking shithead who puts teemo into all of these is such an unlikable cunt. Ruins them all without going into paint to take the little shitball out.





I dont get the game reference




Please post images of "the best of lyte" or something like that to kickstart the celebration


Is that a boy ?

>tfw no memesports
