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Fuck your waifus edition


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Is Riot planning adding voice chat any time soon?


xth for 100% winrate in ranked

Why the FUCK would anyone want voice chat in League?


he's not a "very bad champion"
a "very bad champion" is yorick or some shit

trynda's kit is very good, for both teamfighting and splitting. this champion is not bad

I love Lissandra! She's a plush and pure qt who lactates ice cream!

You posted that 9min ago...

I don't see the issue with having a voice chat system. If it bothers you just mute or turn it off in the options.


They put it on the PBE for a while and the experience was awful for everyone involved.

If you want voice chat you can use discord or skype or teamspeak or curse voice or whatever.

But an opt-out system built into the game is a recipe for disaster.

One thing I love about new Vlad is that besides how fun his kit is, he gets to build the funnest items and be viable.




hands-down some of the most fun non-support items to have
all hail husbando of many funs and keks

people complain about toxicity now with a mute button in game you think they'd be smart enough to figure out how to?

can you just write up a new one instead of postingt he same shit over and over over the course of the day

maybe with the champs you excluded

>GG report user no mic

>malz has been banned literally 100% the games I've been
I don't even know what he does. Is it because of silver elo? It can't be THAT bad. right?

>level 1-2 drags aren't bad

Mane, he's really fucking strong.

How do I Nidalee jungle? I watched a video of a guy doing his side without backing but I die at the second moster camp (Red buff)

please send help

It's beyond "THAT bad"

Riot haven't fucked up this hard since Xin Zhao release

I wanted to make something butt related with Diana, but there was already something similar with Cait.

voice chat would make league streams so god damn more entertaining. riot missing out on so much free viewership by not implementing this shit lol

His new passive and ability to solo objectives easily are the reason. I can't believe Riot let this shit through.

>I love something that only superficially resembles Lissandra!

no, and why would you? think of how much of the game chat is just flaming compared to just regular communication, it would be just faggots flaming each other in voice chat which is essentially what happens in dota 2 but in Russian

People are abusing his power because he is ungankable unless you are really fucking stupid to die. You can easily solo drag at an early level. But riot will nerf him into being a useless piece of shit worse then what he used to be.

Xth for Katarina
best girl
and using the free burrito voucher chipotle gave me :0
make sure to use urs before the they expire on the 15th!

but it was in the previous thread, nerd

runes are very important. need 26 ap from runes. ad reds and armor yellows are also ideal.

when you have voice chat no one bothers to read the text chat box

I don't want to have to gimp myself just because Riot chose to inflict this fanbase's screaming autism on my eardrums

>implementing a voice chat system that everyone mutes
>when over a dozen voice chat services already exist
so you spend a lot of time and money to accomplish nothing?

I'd hate to be advertising, but there's a mid-diamond jungle main who posts videos on youtube named sysb0t. He posts a fuck-ton of Nidalee videos almost every day, try learning stuff from it.

Essentially, you need to utilize pounce cd-resets and ult auto animation resets.

I played dota for a couple years and never really had this issue except for the occasional sperg freaking out who I just mute. I don't see why we can't have a nice system just because one retard ruins it.

Considering its riot I don't see the issue since they do that already.

Burst combos deal 10% damage against him.
That turns LeBlanc's full combo into something weaker than an auto attack.

Also he still has a targeted suppress and just stacks a shitload of DoT effects on you for a free kill.

are you retarded

voice chat is for soloq so you can communicate with the random people you don't know on your team

you know how when someone freaks the fuck out in chat and it makes your teammates play worse because they're engaging with him? It's like that but worse when you have one autist screaming in their ears.

Retards don't even read chat even without the chat system and if you poor little ears can't handle it just turn the feature off.

>free banshes that's actually better than banshees itself
>can solo dragon at level 2
>can spawn minions like nothing

>play game
>lose streak
>play game
>mmr fallen so low you're matched with bronze 5 players that you effortlessly stomp
>play game
>get matched against diamond smurfs that see champion kill champion
>realize I will forever be in the zone that bounces between getting shit on by high gold and low plat players and stomp silver and bronze players since I'm too bad to escape
>been playing the game for years and I'm not good enough to even be above average
>meanwhile there are 15 year olds running around in challenger
>meanwhile there are 18 year olds in high plat with a good social life, job, and academics

what good is life if the only hobby i have is one that I'm bad at no matter how long I play

>Considering its riot I don't see the issue since they do that already.
but when they do that it's usually because "our numbers show this reduces toxicity" or something like that

their numbers showed that voice chat increased toxicity
like, by a shitload
I know it's hard to measure "oh how toxic were players in this game" but it was so much worse that no one could argue that players were more toxic in voice chat.

already have them user, i think there might be something wrong with my brain, please help

I tried these two

(thunderlords, 8.5 AD, 9 armor, 26 AP, 12/18/0)

(strength of ages, 7.8 magic pen, 216 HP@18, 20%@18 CDR, 9.9 AP, 12/0/18)

I die at the red buff with both setups.

I die with both setups

>communicating with people in solo queue

fuck that, just use smart pings like everyone else

I just started yesterday and am dogshit, but I found skipping red and blue til 3-4 is the better alternative. Then 6 hits and youre instagibing camps to make up the xp. Far from ideal, but better than shitting up a 30m game with a way way behind jg cause you back and die all the time.


my personal reason to be against voice chat, can pretend to be a man without extra stress

Lyte please fuck off with your shitty statistics.

it's just not necessary. everything you want to communicate can be said through pinging. there's too many faggots out there, voice chat would just be muted half of the time

It's not just the retards, it's EVERYONE. I don't want to have to shut myself off from the entire team because I had to mute voice comms. Do you get it now?

>make a discord room
highlight the url
click on chat box during champ select
Press "Enter"
This isn't hard, yet no one does it.
And do you know why?
Because no one wants to listen to the random shitlords that matchmaking pairs you up with so forcing that upon people when there's already an opt-in option for that bullshit exists.

>Riot will never bring back the tits
Why do we stay loyal to a company that hates their largest demographic?

i don't care about it existing because i would just disable it, i just don't want riot sinking resources into something i won't use. it would net me no advantage and most likely have a negative impact on my playing experience.

xth for fuck off Tomoka

Because we already have tits.

that or people just want to scream FAGGOT NIGGER over and over again with zero chance for repercussion

no you're fucking retaded dude or trolling i can't tell

no one wants to go through that fucking trouble

downloading a 3rd party program for that shit

but if there's built in voice chat of course people will use that shit if they want to cuz they literally only have to click a button

Uh guys? Why?
I was wanting to try him out too

You sound like a pussy if that really bothers you that much. Lets ignore the fact this already happens with premade teams all the time. As for stating its everyone you are blowing it out of proportion.

you are literally worse than some literal who.

The QSS nerf really hit him hard.

not at this rate we don't

we're like 2-3 VU's away from having exactly 2 titty monsters left in the game

Where is Spiderbro?

reminder taric is a freelo

>Implying there is ever a "enough tits"
Queers need not respond.

Towers are stronger and give less gold + Rageblade nerfs + Prevalence of tanks = Tryndamere is bad

>another sona skin

you sound like you want something that's irrelevant to the game's enjoyment solely for a nonexistent benefit

seriously, how would league actually improve at this point by adding voice chat?

>using discord is hard
>not having skype in 2016
holy shit

>literally the same as kindreds ult

Why is everyone and their mother playing Rengar tonigh?
Did Riot buff him or something?

When has a VU ever reduced a champ's bust?
I didn't say "enough," but there are tits, enough to sate us.

OTPs discovered a new oneshot build/strat.

Don't ask me which one, I just have a 15-year-old rengo main in my friends list and he hypes his cat a lot.

he's been bad for a long time, his winrate is only decent cause he's mainly played by one trick ponies who plays nothing else. The recent nerfs to splitpushing and trynda's core items was just the final blow, he's donezo untill rework unless riot revert turrets changes and buffs his core items

I want to kiss Renekton on the side of his head and hold his hand.

Katarina, Sivir, Ashe, Akali, Captian MF, Sweetheart Sona, The fact that Elise is supposed to be as big as Miss Fortune despite looking like someone wearing a steel plated push up bra, Lux, and now Eve if her new splash is to be believed.

Ironstylus has also more or less gone on record that he wants to reduce Caitlyn as well

> enough to sate us.
No, there isn't. Fuck you for thinking there is.

what do guys? I already got warden Naut skin and I'm happy with that, and already got enough Kat skins. How good are illaoi and Olaf right now?

Sweet heart sona and captain mf are not VU's

>put on pants
>it's hot
>remove pants
>it's cold

illaoi is a shit but she can shit on noobs and 1v4 and get a kill or two before shes subdued if she has items

my roommate likes to turn the air on which makes it really cold and my keyboard is hard to press
i have to adjust for this by turning on my heater closing the door
and then to deal with the heat i turn on my ceiling fan

my biggest problem with in-game voicechat is the possibility of someone bossing me around with a voice reeking of unwarranted self-importance

Can someone explain to me how a Nami Trist lane loses to Losecian and Vel'Koz bot, especially after Losecian rushes Death's Meme (Dance)?

for people who get laid or arent virgins
yeah there is such a thing as "Enough tits"


hey /lolg/ is it illegal to beat the shit out of a goose if it chases you?

>Skins are visual updates
>splashes are visual updates
time for your bleach cocktail
If you weren't sated you would be angry enough to stop playing. The fact is that even one titty monster is enough because 2d tits never get old and sag. Every day they are as beautiful as the last.

so how do you guys like the new lore

i liked mummy's lore
sivir's lore annoyed me because they clearly stated cass stole her crossblade but they didn't deign to mention how she got it back
skarner was kind of lame

no, but they do indicate their changing attitudes towards large breasts

also Captian MF was going to be her VU up until the last second

Nice flaseflag virgin. That objectively not true.

tits are nice and all
but you'll come to figure out that they really arent that special

You mean Lucian and Vel'Koz?Funny I played vs that comp today and my support was nami, what a coinsidence. We did beat them tho.

thank fuck they didn't go with it, the cleavage window on that splash is hideous waste of potential clothing and I would have been very upset having to see that pouting selfie tier fucking face every time she was played

>cass loses 15 Mpen because she can't wear shoes
>no early game spike thanks to this

pls help


I'm married and have a child.
Now what this magic....

There is never "enough tits"

>list multiple examples
>you focus in on the few you can quibble over instead of understanding the larger point

ayy lmao read my response here and go fuck yourself

Why do low elo people think their opinion on anything (even non game related things) matter in any way shape or form?

I'm perplexed by this phenomenon

Losecian because he's a fucking shitty champ who's trash if you build him using that meme ass gook build and even more so if you rush Death's Dance on him.

>inb4 lol fag

who fucking cares what Riot faps to? they still aren't changing the actual champions and you're fucking retarded if you think they are.


>people that pick vayne into cait thinking that it's season 5 only to be hit by a 2.1k crit after cait's 4th item


im not low test like you
i like my meat