League of Legends General - /lolg/

old eyosongive.us

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Xth for Katarina
best girl

xth for Bang ravaging Stixxay's boipuccy :3


Breast waifu

cute waifu

Post YFW when NA doesn't have a prayer in the world to win MSI let alone worlds.

Illaoi is cute.

Good fuck CLG they are literally team reddit.

>Lane is pushed up constantly
>They want to know why I'm not ganking

hello im new here, what are the rules here?

Post YFW Stixxay carries CLG and AMERICA and NOT FUCKING KOREA FUCK YOU GOOKS to the MSI victory

>you will never splooge on froskurinns anchor

>implying clg will beat fw

>What is tower diving?

>bot sucks absolute dick and can't play
>"Why aren't you ganking for us anymore"


I know it's just a normal
But still, i would never think i could beat the crap out of a swain like that with Vlad
he is (supposedly) such an hard counter, rework is bad or just bad Swain ?

>It's a enemy jungler come 5 times in 10 minutes while yours is doing fuckall at wolves episode

>Enemy laner is over extended all laning phase.
>Jungler doesn't come collect his free gold
>"Herp derp not my job to win your lane!"

>Thinking Huhi won't get stomped completely

>Redditors actually thought that SKT played their best in group stage

>losing your lane so badly you have to cs with aoe ranged abilities
>stop pushing

As an assassin main this hits close to home

>Play against a nunu main

We won but jesus christ I felt useless that game

Best? No.
It was some of their worst performances of all time though

>clg fags forget that what they have going up against maple is huhi

>It's you're losing and enemy jungler and mid keep coming and towerdiving you everytime you're back to lane while your team gives no fucks episode

I'm convinced Nunu mains are more of Satanists than Teemo mains

for Miss Fortune.

for Marriage.

yeah that's what i was trying to say

idiots claimed that SKT is playing at their prime level in groups and the "gap is closed"

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

>promo series
>yasuo on my team against lux

Not like I wanted to win or anything

>it's a your jungler lets your tower die whilst he's doing raptors episode

I did that.
No one expects Viktor to be as good as he is now.
Fucking faggot with his zombie skin and spamming rank 5, a lot of good it did.

I want to take Jhin to a therapist.

I'm gold 3, i'm a fucking beast mid-game and late-game with immobile mages, but i have to pray every match i don't fuck up the early game, and i suck at keeping up with the enemy laner in the early game.

Any tips on how to survive the early game or get to mid-game as soon as possible with champions like Veigar, Aurelion Sol, Cassiopea and the like?

>he's a viktorbro who hates nunu

Are you me

forgot my image

duo queue with giraffes

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

don't trust ahri

>he censors the names


let your enemy push the lane at level 1 then try and keep it frozen just outside your turret so you can free farm

I want Jhin to take me under his wing and mold me into the greatest artist that'll ever live.

Play safe if you must
Be a total pussy, don't focus on your enemy, ignore them if you can but don't let them harass you for free
Don't push
Ask your jungler for early ganks

I want Jhin to shoot off my arms and legs, then reload and shoot me in the head

He doesn't like to share his spotlight and you could be potential rival in future. He'd just shoot you.

I'm repeating myself but Kassadin's late game is so goddamn fun

When your W combined with Lich bane does 1400 damage

It's so satisfying

>kass has a good late game

wow groundbreaking news user

the problem is how utterly garbage he is before he has 3-4 completed items

I'm not saying it to inform people that it's good, I'm just saying it because the few times that games do reach late game, being able to experience his monstrous late game after suffering for so long through early and even mid game is really fun.

Lots of champions are garbage before 3-4 items but unfortunately games are still ending fairly early so he, and many other champions like him, aren't getting the appreciation they deserve. I think most people just think he's pure garbage, which is untrue.

Honestly, I know it doesn't make any sense, but I do it to out of respect for the other people, they're not my igns to give out

hey lolg

good morning

Syndra is my wife.

anyone know what's the fastest way to level up an account without boosts

Except shes not, she's mine.

Learn your place buddy

please go and stay go

Why do people waifu land whales?


why are league esports soo exciting

Quit lying to yourself

Sorry that manners and respect for others triggers you so hard.

placem and watchem!

lamb is not furry!

is doom good?

>SKT WINS hehe xd
>CLG cannot win the finals because besting koreans in a best of 5 is like jamming your own cock against a brick

I'm sorry you are autistic enough to think anyone cares about their username being up here

Last times All of One was cancer mixing with pure stupidity.

> My Team somehow picks Rumble despite it being 20% over the teams 60% meme team op pick.
> Enemy Team is Lux as usual because playing something fun and gimmicky isn't fun at all if you're not winning.
> My whole team feeds.
> Sitting in Mid lane carries the team 8/0 early game. Overall team score is 8/17.
> Midlaner can't land skillshots. None of the Luxs can land skillshots. How is my team losing to these cucks.
> Everyone in this game is a cuck. Wins game by carrying like Nimitz-class Aircraft Carrier.
> Doesn't even own Rumble.

I want to taste test her fat ass


you can have all the other waifus if you want
but dark lady belongs to me.

Considering SKT bad to adapt the NA meta to get out of groups and got a perfect game using it against RNG, I'd say they stand a decent chance if they make it.

-makes fun of soraka-
-thinks NA will 0-10 for sure-
-takes a vacation-
-loses to everyone-
-shits the bed-

Vlad has fewer counters since the rework and is less statchecky and a lot sturdier.

Xth for Vlad a love

>can't ignore no igns
>gets greatly upset about it.
You know those are tell-tale signs of actual autism, right? I fear you may be projecting.



if you are lucky you might belong to her

she probably has hundreds of guys she owns and abuses

Ching chong just woke up. Did worst Korea made into dog meat?


I wouldn't mind being abused by her feet

btw, did skt win?

>finally hit gold
>next 3 games i get the worst possible teams you can think off

Thanks for the gift, riot.

Literally every fucking game, some retard picking 30% winrate mage champs and feeding like a cunt and some 3 man premade slinging reddit memes and blaming me for all their mistakes

I want to gas children, all the children, mandatory gassing of children who play league



korea perfect gamed china

post ahris


tfw you never get to post this

>you can have all the other waifus
except I dont want them

>dark lady belongs to me

Silly anons pretend to be devoted to their waifus and they wont even take the time to draw them.

I bet you've never drawn syndra before

yes they did, and Im celebrating it by taking quick doodle requests

now back the fuck odd my waifu
Anons.... anons never change....

I remember experiencing this with gold as well. Had like a 6 game loss streak after hitting gold, and another when I was about to hit gold 3 that got me down to gold 5. You'll make it through

can you draw GP walking into MF dressing

>doodle requests
Graves on a japanese literbike

;_; you got me, I can't draw ;_;

since we talking about best girl
would you mind drawing syndra embarrassed? after finding out about my love letter :3

Can you draw Kog'Maw sleeping on the ground and kicking his legs in his legs as he sleeps, and show he's dreaming about frolicking as a beautiful butterfly?


Since my main man malz is permabanned I've been throwing Morg back at mid lanes and holy shit is it effective again. I love the carries in the jungle and they love my big black binding.

Why is she not popular again?


>play low elo ranked for a while
>see a surprising amount of variety
>go back to normals
>every game is the same tryhard zed nid poppy nonsense

does anyone play any game mode for fun? even aram is the same shit now


she does bad vs ad matchups

but she is strong as fuck and is always available to counter some meta shit.

Jhin playing golf

wahhhh people are trying to win a competitive game

go back to minecraft


Is she better with Protobelt now? Should ensure the enemy cant get away, right?

>muh win rate
>muh i only have fun if i see victory

play against bots if you like it that much

Zed is permabanned and I don't know anyone else who I would be afraid of let alone ever see. I guess I'm officially bringing this bitch back in Plat.

I loved you malz.. I really did.