Most atheists are polite and have a good understanding of most religions...

>most atheists are polite and have a good understanding of most religions, using arguments of religious history in historical debates
>religious people are ACCEPT JESUS/ALLAH OR DIE and brag on how their afterlife in heaven is secure

There are exceptions, but:

which one of those do you think a peace loving god like Jesus would let in heaven?


Religious people

Unbelievers aren't admitted in


Heaven is a reward for irrational obedience, not polite arguments.

Actually most atheists are stupid and naive, and that comes from an atheist. They do not understand that the belief part is only a small part of religion.

I think group cohesion through rituals and self-sacrifice are much more important.

>most atheists are polite


are you one of the polite atheists?

>most atheists are polite
The why can't we have a single religious thread without fedoras coming in and shitting all over it?


>>religious people are ACCEPT JESUS/ALLAH OR DIE and brag on how their afterlife in heaven is secure

Why are atheist such cowardly cucks and are obligated to blame chrisitanity when they want to blame islam

Enjoy hell

>Heaven is a reward for irrational obedience

Some how it's irrational to be obedient to get into heaven?

Atheists are the most assertive peace of shits on Earth
how can you be CERTAIN that there is no God?
i perfectly get agnostics, it's not easy to believe and you just can't know, but atheists that ridicule religion are the scum of Earth

Most atheists are egomaniacal fucktards whose rejection of spirituality stems from daddy issues.

Implying the Christian God isn't a giant autist who only cares if you've followed his rules rather then been good.

>most atheists are polite and have a good understanding of most religions, using arguments of religious history in historical debates
I have literally never met an atheist who knew anything about religion beyond half-remembered parables from Sunday school.

>peace loving god like Jesus
Jesus was not a god, user. He was a man.

>most atheists are polite

*tips fedora
Don't even believe for a second that I'd hold back my wrath against those pathetic mindless sheep.

Most atheists I've encountered are pretentious and rude, and not worth discussing religion with. This is coming from an Atheist by the way. I only even mention that I am one if someone asks me if I am religious.

>Good luck today Jimmy, sending prayers your way!
>What do you mean prayers that shit isn't real lmao do you also believe in magic your magical skydaddy can't help you because he doesn't exist lol keep worshipping your dead Jew on a stick if it wasn't for your kind we would be colonizing Pluto by now religion should be banned because it hampers human progress and doesn't contribute to anything good kill yourself christfag

You know God judges the heart, not the outward appearance that man can only judge.

But atheism 'in general' is secular in nature is it not? I'm sure some are on the fence but the secular and atheists are kind of like extreme liberals. They only listen to themselves and their personal boundaries of "evil." They go by their own thoughts and heart.

Their arrogance though, to think they can offer discussion of correction to change the world, as if they have influence against the forces that effect a mans heart that cause the man or women to do evil. As if the advise from the secular/atheist to perform as abetter human, a good human, a human of progress, as if their advise will be taken note of and not mocked by the evil men who know how to seize power and leverage through exploitation, the same way the secular/atheist mock God. God on the other hand puts emphasis on the wayward man and his habitual decision to spurn correction. When the atheist and secular think they can change the world and when realize they can't, they give up and accuse The Creator of all things of being sadist.

God on other hand- When you look at the broader context, He sets boundaries, draws lines in the sand. These things are synonymous with progression in relation to creation, only instead of creation on the atomic level, God's boundaries and lines drawn, create harmony and progression among men through their emotions and actions etc etc.

The whole issue here is evil. The secular and atheist can exalt himself and feel good about himself because he isn't a blood thirsty barbarian so to speak, or a deceptive man, capable of acquiring power through unjust means. The secular and atheist may be proud in themselves for not being like this.....the problem is, as God pointed out, these are the means in which the world is shaped. The world is subject to such evil, even the liberal self righteous who's blinded by his own arrogance. He'll find himself too, under the thumb of the ruthless.

You're speaking of humanist

atheism, for the most part, doesn't involve an active denial of religion. faggots

Exodus 20New International Version (NIV)
The Ten Commandments

20 And God spoke all these words:

2 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.

3 “You shall have no other gods before[a] me.

4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

7 “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

12 “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.

13 “You shall not murder.

14 “You shall not commit adultery.

15 “You shall not steal.

16 “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

17 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”

Actually he was either God and man or God in man depending who you're asking, never just a man though

Christians on Veeky Forums are just LARPers or reactionaries.

Nothing bad about being a reactionary.

How can you be certain there is a god? How can you be certain of anything?
You can't. I don't see how claiming to know there's no god is worse than claiming to know there is a god.

And what's wrong with ridiculing people for having beliefs you think are laughably inaccurate? It's mean and can be unnecessarily rude or obnoxious, yeah, but everyone does it.
No one gives a shit if you make fun of someone for believing in some ridiculous conspiracy theory.

>>most atheists are polite and have a good understanding of most religions, using arguments of religious history in historical debates


Any Christian who claims to know that their place in Heaven is secure is no Christian at all. No one except God knows who will be admitted to Heaven and who will be cast into everlasting fire.

*holds open door*
After you

>He saw that youtube video of that psychologist.


Honestly, neither side can claim innocence. We have seen the extremes of both sides, from over-emotional atheists who go out of their way to make life a living hell for religious people and we have seen religious people take things to the next level and make life a living hell for atheists. So - in total, we cannot declare that atheists are "sweet" and "innocent" just like we cannot assure that every religious person is "rational" and "all accepting." Basically, none of you are flawless and regardless of your faiths and philosophies, there will always be irrationality and stupidity on both sides. What people need to do is learn to ignore the majority of other people, because it is honestly not worth the effort to try and convert them from their ways.

To be fair, only the Orthodox are getting in. All the western Christians aren't real believers as they don't follow the usury rules.