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Tentacles Edition

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Most recent Bracket: challonge.com/ShitpostsNewAnons
Next Tournament: May 20th, NA

Old thread:

first for nudes

Second for Java

third for innervate Loatheb is the patrician's brawl deck

is it just me or does that look shopped to an incredible degree

who is this anyway, Brode's wife's girlfriend?

Blood to Ichor is nice, but I think I might want to use something different.
Any suggestions?

Fedora warrior pls gtfo off this board.

its probably is, its from her "modeling" set

its zeriyah, our community manager
she was a cosplayer that won a contest so blizzard hired her

why is aggro vs aggro more fun to play than control vs control

>Using Cruel Taskmaster over blood to ichor

This is kind of a mess. Its like midrange with 2 brawls and shield block/slam.

That pic isn't Zeriyah though. The one on the couch is.

What looks photoshopped? It's likely just makeup and unnatural posture

The game is in Unity you retard.

>all warriors are now net decking some tempo garbage with varian
>continue playing my control warrior and shit on them


no, it's control that has a chance against aggro

either play tempo warrior, or go full fedoralord with shieldbearers and shit

because thinking too hard probably gives you headaches

yes well java is better fool

>Mill druid ALWAYS beats Ysharj
The problem with mill druid (with naturalize, the innervate-version just auto-loses) is that he needs to draw two naturalizes for every Y'shaarj you get out. And you'll get some out, since you redraw all your innervates. So he just needs to get unlucky a single time as long as you still have cards left in your deck.

If you get your Y'shaarj out early, that means you pop the ice plock at turn 3 and then every single turn. That means the mage eventually has to draw AND play ice block every single turn. By the time he can start threatening your health he already drew 4 of his fireballs/Ice lances which means he got no ice block left.

its her mate

We fatigue priest now.

Nigga, I only got Grommash yesterday. My deck used to be rank 15 crap.

I used both, since both are good in different situations.

It has a lot of similarities with some of the top rated decks on hearthpwn (which happen to be much more all over the place).

How do I play either?

You don't really need 4 pings with other removals though, take out the taskmasters and put in some beefier/value cards at that point.

That looks fun. How does work vs mechahunter?

Really? I heard she was a hooker in Las Vegas.

>Watching Strifecro

I cant tell if this is better or worse than Kripp.

t1 concede

power word glory all his minions for a huge DPS cut, then keep stacking until he can't hurt you at all


possibly, before working for blizzard in 2012

Maybe it's overkiill, but even with that I often sit there with a hand lacking one damage to land an execute.
I'll see if I can find any beefy minions that suit the deck.


Favors them, but not unbeatable. You need to get kind of lucky though.

>mfw Zeriyah pics and escort banter is posted in every Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft general now


its almost like theres nothing better to discuss


Why don't Handlocks run the shitty statue?

Tempo warrior is a midrange deck with much less removal and armor, but more strong minions like Frothing Berserker, Ragnaros, Malkorok, relying on pushing damage, board control through minions and weapons, and draw through Battle Rage and Acolyte of Pain. It's a fine deck, but I don't get why people play Varian in it.

Control warrior with only enough C'Thun shit to get it up to 10/10 so that you'll get those sweet 30 armor from shieldbearers+Brann is the ultimate fedoracore. Not sure which one is better, but as a nigger priest player, the C'Thun one gives me much more trouble because this armor actually matters a lot in control matchups.

because it's shitty

I welcome our Zeriyah ass blasting overlords


>play only warrior today
>look at hearthpwn
>all of these "top tournament players" are running nearly the same exact tempo warrior deck with malkork and varian
>switch to classic control for fun
>watch as they squirm

Pretty fun. Never doubt the only viable control warrior deck patron is pretty good also

For how long has she been dating Savjz? I remember seeing her in his stream a lot but I never made the connection.

Is there a recommended way to quickly get a decent deck going on Day 1? I'm having a lot of fun putting out a lot of low cost creeps and then throwing out a Frostwolf Warlord for easy power-- what class would be best for that? Druid, Paladin, Mage?

Who ice nova/blizzard mage here?

warlock and a budget zoo deck

aggro v. aggro and control v. control both want to become aggro v. control
aggro v. aggro can do that because creatures can trade as well as going face, making one of the players "control" situationally
control v. control can't

>tfw huckster nabs you a direct upgrade

When I started playing I used that strategy with Shaman for the flametongue totems

she got him hired by blizzard to cast the winter preliminaries

after that he started dating her

about $300? maybe $200 for zoo?

Repostan for the guy with the cat, didn't realize we new thread now

Nothing wrong with that. My cat's named Tiger as well, it's a solid name. Pic related, as seen during tank up tactician endurance training.

>tfw you should probably end yourself because you play rogue

At least find some room for a Ragnaros, He's too good in control right now


As much as I despise playing against a Priest, I'm having a pretty nice time

>tfw forbidden shaping gives you healnaros
>after you've already stolen one

Holy shit I've found a totem deck that works. It's actually disgusting how hard it can snowball. Totemic might is MVP

>mage victory

anything i can use other than freeze?

>Totemic Might is viable

I want to believe

tempo + yogg for fun

All you need is to have something like a Totem Golem + any other totem and it's already good. Since it's 0 mana the tempo you can get from it is insane.

Why do priests always take 10 days to make a move

Mana Wyrm + Arcane Missiles
Fireball + Ice Block

>Despise playing against priest as rogue
>You've always had more viable decks
>It's always been a 9-1 matchup
That's the scrubbiest shit user.

To make this simple to explain, let's just say the mage starts with a full hand of blocks and only draws blocks until turn 3 while going first. This means on turn 3 the mage plays a block and has 5 more in hand. After this the mage draws only fireballs until they reach 0 blocks with 1 played that turn. During that time the mage's drawn 5 fireballs, of which they've played 2. This is the situation on turn 8: The mage has 0 blocks in hand but 1 in play, and 3 fireballs in hand with one played that turn. Assuming the druid has been hero powering every turn since 2, they'll be at 30+4-12=23(+1 armor this turn) health. On turns 5 and 6 and every turn after 8 the mage's ping invalidates any armor gain.
Now the mage will draw ice block until running out of fireballs. On turn 11 the mage will have 0 blocks and 0 fireballs in hand, and played 1 of both this turn. That means a total of 5 fireballs have been played, and the druid's health is 30+5-30=5.
From this point on it doesn't matter what the mage draws. Ice block will stall the game with no change in situation, and fireball will end the game. As long as the mage draws enough ice blocks to survive, they win. Not drawing enough fireballs does nothing because ping keeps health at the same point and one ice block is replaced.

Priest isn't OP or anything, just fucking annoying.

>Stall for 40 minutes
>Steal everything
>Still lose

how spicy is it?

Never reno 3games in a row feelsbadman

Anyone have this comic but with Uther showing Anduin a Tirion?

They should call C'thun decks "concede" decks because these fuckers make me want to concede my life way with how boring they fucking are to play against.

It's even worse that they have to rope to LITERALLY THINK ABOUT BUFFING C'THUN

Aggro shitter detected.

Playing C'Thun decks is fun. Nice long games where I have to maximize value and removal. But in the end I get to win.

>Playing C'Thun decks is fun

Said no one ever


>Playing C'Thun decks is fun.
Do you like dicks?

>Oh hey this looks like a fun brawl maybe I'll try these two ca-

Never mind

mana wyrm + frost noza

Frost nova

Doomsayer fatigue

It's easy

Alright you shitstains have exactly 1 job

Which is to give me as many pictures of Kripp as you possibly can


>Caring about names

Stop shitposting

There are many counters and enough mech shitters to only target them. Just don't expect to run pure memes and win.

I'm not saying it's unbeatable, just that nobody is trying to have fun and just spamming mechwarpers.

You should have played when the brawl was still new, like right as it launched. Now it's boring and nobody tries new stuff.

>just that nobody is trying to have fun
I'm having fun collecting free wins from mech counters with innervate Loatheb

Kripp was beautiful once


Innervate+Gadgetzan can be really fun.

>free wins
>innervate Loatheb

This situation is so unlikely that it's weird you even took the time to calculate all that.

At Turn 10, following you example, out of the 13 cards he drew (including the three mullgans), at least 8 need to be ice blocks, and he also can't draw too many fireballs at once.

Lately it looks like he's dying.

healing well +shadowboxer

Being a vegan will do that to you

this tavern brawl is fucking awful jesus christ, absolutely no fun whatsoever

Pulled this nigga the other day, what kind of deck do I run him in? Totem, face, midrange, control (kek)?

have you played the deck?
playing 3 Loathebs in a row kills any deck with a spell in it

Nice Trips, Have a photo of Kripp

He's shit. Dust him.