League of Legends General - /lolg/

'When the "carry" doesn't carry and you gotta do it' edition.

Old: eyosongive.us

I want to send Riven's soul to Hell!


Repostan. Wat to do?

Post comics

Illaoi a cute! CUTE!

Draven best guy!

make em post em

Support cuck here. I mostly like to play tanks like Leona or Alistar and sometimes sluts like Janna and Soraka. But now I wanna give the "damage support" meme a shot. Who's the best at it right now? Zyra, Brand, Vel'koz? What do I build after sightstone? Is it worth it to finish FQC or should I just focus on damage?

illaoi a shit


hey guys look i drew the fish girl



>excel I had been working all day can't be opened after saving it, file is corrupt
>streamfu dyed her hair completely black

Everything is going wrong today. CLG is going to lose.

I want to violate Riven ;_;

>watching female streamers

>45 wins with no keys

>tumblr nose

I actually like this chart more.

but it's entirely up to you if you believe 10 magic damage per second puts a 95% gold efficient item up with all the other 125%+ items

what is the optimal good end timeline?

what timeline are we in?

>tfw youre living in the absolute worst timeline


Who here #looking at cuties on ?

the one were league of legends die this year

>Doesn't understand at a point of enough enemy health Liandry's is overall more effective than void staff.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on NAAAAAA

crazy how the people over on /lol/ are so spineless they can't even hate on someone without a mob behind them. They're far more 'negative' and 'toxic' than people flaming in game, they just don't have the balls to be a little bitch without having a group of people behind them kicking someone while they're down.

I might feed my ass off and tell someone to suck my dick multiple times during the game, but I won't sit around circlejerking around someone else, completely unrelated to me's misfortune with a mob of equally pathetic people. These guys are the biggest assholes but they're so fucking pathetic they don't have the balls to do it openly without a mob behind them

rip to the mang

that's how people in general are, it's called mob mentality

Why the fuck is riot turbobuffing Jinx

She is balanced for the first time in years
They're obviously going to break her again and we'll go back to good old Jinx is the best soloq AD by leaps and bounds
Just fucking why

crazy how the people over on /lol/ are so spineless they can't even hate on someone without a mob behind them. They're far more 'negative' and 'toxic' than people flaming in game, they just don't have the balls to be a little bitch without having a group of people behind them kicking someone while they're down.

I might feed my ass off and tell someone to suck my dick multiple times during the game, but I won't sit around circlejerking around someone else, completely unrelated to me's misfortune with a mob of equally pathetic people. These guys are the biggest assholes but they're so fucking pathetic they don't have the balls to do it openly without a mob behind them

rip to the mang

it's not gold efficient compared to other finished items, but haunting guise is a literal 10/10 god-tier mid-price item. So if you just put a blasting wand and some spare cash into it, you get a meh-tier decent 6/10 item, which isn't too bad if that's all you could get with your money.

building it for a core item meme is unacceptable though.

maybe if he didn't abandon us we would have shown him more sympathy in his hour of need

crazy how the people over on /lol/ are so spineless they can't even hate on someone without a mob behind them. They're far more 'negative' and 'toxic' than people flaming in game, they just don't have the balls to be a little bitch without having a group of people behind them kicking someone while they're down.

I might feed my ass off and tell someone to suck my dick multiple times during the game, but I won't sit around circlejerking around someone else, completely unrelated to me's misfortune with a mob of equally pathetic people. These guys are the biggest assholes but they're so fucking pathetic they don't have the balls to do it openly without a mob behind them

rip to the mang

the fuck mang lolg loves TRM

those who don't are mostly newshits from reddit

How do I get gud with Kassadin?

i'm so tired my eye is twitching but i know if i fall asleep i'm not gonna wake up in time for clg playing

evens: sleep
odds: coffee enema and play league or something til it starts

y u m

crazy how the people over on /lol/ are so spineless they can't even hate on someone without a mob behind them. They're far more 'negative' and 'toxic' than people flaming in game, they just don't have the balls to be a little bitch without having a group of people behind them kicking someone while they're down.

I might feed my ass off and tell someone to suck my dick multiple times during the game, but I won't sit around circlejerking around someone else, completely unrelated to me's misfortune with a mob of equally pathetic people. These guys are the biggest assholes but they're so fucking pathetic they don't have the balls to do it openly without a mob behind them

rip to the mang

>I might feed my ass off
if you do this in ranked please never play league again

yeah like if anything he dumped us

hell, I think we're the only place that still even begins to give a shit about him anymore

You don't, they broken his legs and then kicked his shit in because he was bat shit crazy before.

>She is balanced

what the fuck has that faggot even been up to? didn't he disappear off the face of the planet when he got btfo with perma-bans across his team?

Why the fuck does League still suck ass at handling AFKs?

Why the fuck doesn't it just nullify matches that have AFKs in them, especially in ranked? Riot obviously has the technology needed to determine whether or not the leave was due to rage or something out of the player's control, so why do people still have to sit through 20+ minutes while being punished for it?

/lol/ = /r/leagueoflegends/

So we can confirm that Sjokz posting is done by this pussy destroyer right

She is the closest she's been to balanced since she was released.

She has good playrate and winrate, she doesn't need fucking buffs at all, much less +20% attack speed on rockets at level 1.

because it relies on reporting, which most people don't bother to in a post match. the team that won usually gives no fucks that the other team had an afk, and some people on your team have the "its just a game chillout dude lol" mentality.

4 hours man

Who cares about Reddit?



>>Why the fuck doesn't it just nullify matches that have AFKs in them,
Because there's no way that could be abused to fuck and back again

Xth for Katarina
best girl

yep, wolf is my favourite member of skt
literally everyone important, dumbass.

>damage support
then just pick annie or something

Hello, Other General!

I come from /ink/ as an ambassador. Maybe you saw the spam, we are sorry and were hoping to do things more civilized now. We like to draw pictures of NSFW animals fucking eachother with tenticles. I believe this should be allowed on Veeky Forums.

If you want to come voice your opinion, or just to r8 our art m8, visit us at We hope to hear from u soon!

Play Zyra, do damage, win lane.

Brand is not as good as he used to be unless you get a really good ult off, and Vel' Koz is meme tier supp.

Finish your FQC and get a Morello first cause 100 AP and CDR for cheap.

Any champ that isn't meta can not be "best girl"

Dota has an AFK system and nobody abuses it. Besides, you: 1. didn't even bother to read the rest of my post, 2. have shitty ass reading comprehension, or 3. both of the aforementioned, so fuck off.

>Played so much jungle I have completely forgotten how to lane
>lose every single trade regardless of matchup
>can't cs under tower
>forget to ward or buy health potions when I go back

Holy shit maybe doing nothing but Shaco, Nocturne, and Sej, for the past 100 games was a bad idea.

>Riot obviously has the technology needed to determine whether or not the leave was due to rage or something out of the player's control

Really? How does this method works?

>caring about Plebbit

the guy who solo invades as support naut at lv1 on a lv3 evelynn and lv2 enemy top laner double jungling with her, has to flash away, gives up around 4 free kills and sinks the ship so hard it causes faker to lose his first ever game on leblanc in competitive, ever?

i wonder if faker beat his ass after that match

Post'em boys. Might as well rate others as well too

>pick annie support
>want to get off these gold item stacks but I can't or else I risk getting all-in'd

my autism will not allow this

>Riot obviously has the technology needed to determine whether or not the leave was due to rage or something out of the player's control
no they fucking don't, lol. Do you think riot's technology contains magic?

It's easy to detect because of how packets work. When you close the game, it still sends packets, but it will also send the "user left this match" packet. When your internet goes out, all packets all cut short, and Riot's system is able to detect this.

I don't need to read your post because you're just a blubbering silver crybaby. Git gud shitlord :^) you can carry a 4v5, stop being ass.

I can't remember the last time a videogame company pandered to Veeky Forums.
he's gotten a lot better now.

So what will they do when I just unplug the cable?

someone's internet could be working fine and they still have to afk because of other computer issues.
also this

yeah, just like they have the technology to implement pause, replays, real subunit micromanagement, not coding everything as minions, etc

lmao kid

fuck off and drink bleach

good/fun champs for ascension? I've been spamming Leona

This is the first good response that isn't bullshit.

Why can't the rest of lolg be like this?

>can play udyr like a fucking wendigo
>can't last hit with jhin to save my life
considering a full AD rune page at this spoint




Because no one cares about your crying.

>Most people I've talked to believe that Hexakill should be done on Summoners Rift
I liked Twisted Treeline..

HIGH TEST reporting in.

You obviously do since you're taking time out of your day to respond to my supposed crying.



rip zepher


Zyra shits out dmg and her new passive will flood the lane seeds. If you wanna play dmg and need a way out play her.

Brand still shits out dmg but tends to push lane because of W. I prefer the deathfire Q poke route to avoid hearing my pussy adcs bitch about cs.

Velkoz has the dmg but it comes with hard skill shot and just as much lane push but he definitely melts everyone in team fights.

For builds if you are ahead and think you can afford it go FQC. The ghost effect can catch you some welfare assists. If you wanna focus on doing the most dmg than go into watchers and save your gold for you first real item. Rylais and Liandrys should fit these 3 as its situational to what you think you need first.

Annie is good too. You can also try Morgana, Karma, or Lux

It's more fun on Rift. Twisted Treeline is a shit map and entirely too small for that kind of play.

So how do I build caitlyn to avoid her being useless half of the game?
Someone said double zeal?
How does that work?


>giving a single fuck about Faker

Fakers been over rated for 2 years now. Hes still riding those season 3 highlights

is liandry's still a bad item?

what if I'm playing a poke support?


>first adc played
>first tank played
>first mid played
>first jg played


Nicely done, people need to draw more Nami

Fuck off he played very well against rng.

>being this retarded