Is this guy spewing bullshit???

Is this guy spewing bullshit???
Should i listen to him???

There has never been a person with a tattoo with a statement worth listening to.
Not even gonna open the link


looks like an absolute moron.
i say no.
most of the time i dont even bother listening 2 the advice of anyone with less than 1b net worth .

Get a load of this guy

i tried to keep an open mind but it's all worthless shit
if i want to hear gold shilling mike malooney is way more entertaining

This guy reminds me of people I knew in high school and college. They smoke five joints and suddenly they've figured out the solution to world peace.

Also this

wth i hate gold now

Sup tatoo mcdickfuck. You better get that album done soon or you'll be working at Harris Teeter forever

whats wrong with tattoos
its not gonna hurt you unless your a wagecuck that has to get employed by someone else
even than in a few years when millennials run shit its not gonna matter as much as your actual skills and resume

makes u look like u don't know how to think ahead.

also . u cant sell your skin. so its not an investment of money. its a complete superficial waste .

Only places that have bias against tattoos are shit holes like the midwest or the south, which you are clearly from.

nobody ever said tattoos are an investment
u get them because you like them

not everything you buy has to be an investment
whats t
he point of having money if you cant occasionally have fun with it

Opinion discarded

idk this guy but he sound like he knows his shit about his own money but is completely clueless about politics and the economy in general
hes worried about a great depression ffs

Holy shit dude.. on Oxycontin and/or heroin much?

>I'll just get by without the help of respectable people, easy peasy
>Liberal millenials running anywhere but the welfare office or cash register jobs

fucking loser.
Not all millennials are liberal, the fiscally conservative ones will be running shit in a few years
and using tattoos as a judgement of morals
probably calls fun things degeneracy unironically

>you think before you act and don't put pleasure first? Fucking loser
Wonderful mindset, you're gonna have lots of success in the adult world.
How much credit card debt do you have right now?

I don't even have tattoos, user. I just have worked and known plenty of respectable people that happen to have tattoos. Literally doesn't take or add to who that person at all. If anything maybe it shows they don't live a life full of regrets.

People like you end up at the bottom of pyramid schemes

Tattoos are literally the offspring of gang/drug culture. No serious institution is going to humor candidates with visible tatoos.
Bet you think weed is something everybody secretly does

i do think before i act
i usually wait 3 years after my initial tattoo idea before i get it done so i know its something i will not regret
sorry im not stuck in the 60s user and actually want to live my life

Really though, if you can't follow such simple social convention as "don't draw on yourself if you want to make money" how can anyone trust you?

Nope. Tattoos have been around for centuries in a variety of diverse contexts. Tattoos are no longer a stigma. I've had math professors and doctors with tattoos.

here the only people you see with tattoos are whores and assholes

>In addition to being worn by gang members who killed each other, tattoos were also worn by tribal people who killed each other-this means that I should have them
you're hired

In the uk silver has VAT added to it which kills off any potential profit margin

Not everyone lives in the great flyover

fool. i can change my style of spelling anytime i want.

its not tattooed permanently to my visible skin.

>Tattoos are no longer a stigma
You're post is emblematic of something so stupid i'm going to reply twice.
tattoos are no longer a stigma among people you know. AKA 19 year olds. AKA lower class people.
This is what gets me about people who think that drug use is suddenly something everyone does- they're just in with a bad crowd and don't realize it.

>tattoos are no longer a stigma among people you know
Yeah like physicians and university professors

by your logic you shouldnt hire ex military
since they wore camo which people wore when they killed each other

>by your logic you shouldnt hire ex military
>since they wore camo which people wore when they killed each other
yes, actually
Hiring exmilitary dosen't work out 90% of the time. They just cant be expected to perform as a civilian. They will eventually overstep some boundary and get fired

and then they get hired as a cop and do the same obtrusive over the top shit from a position of power.

most young people dont care about tattoos

and by your logic tattoo are only a stigma among people you know AKA old people, AKA not gonna be relevant in the future
its gonna happen people with insane face tattoos are not gonna get hired but a sleeve or a couple tats on your arms and legs arent gonna be a big deal because 19 year olds are gonna grow up and their gonna have to run the world same with lip and nose piercings and small stretched ears

This thread is proof that very few people on Veeky Forums have ever held down a job outside of pushing pencils.
I'm in sales in the tool and die industry, and the majority of shop owners/foremen have tattoos, and most of the engineers, even. I'm talking people making 7 digits.
Yeah I know it's hits anecdotal, fuck off.

Were you dropped on your head as a child?

That's not an argument

i have yet to see a single tattoo at my workplace
maybe they all have it on their asses

>"Is this guy spewing bullshit???"
>take a look at pic
>sideways snapback
>excessive tattoos
>douchecunt look
>gold chain
>is on YouTube
>probably has a load of clickbait videos

The shills here are obvious, this does not need to be a thread. Am I insane or does anyone else think there's a shitload of pointless shilling threads around on the main boards?

Veeky Forums isn't weird and obscure anymore.
Depends on where you work. Lots of back and leg tattoos where I am.

It's not his Chanel
It's one of those hip hop culture Channels that interview a bunch of people

Everything in moderation. If you have a couple of tattoos that can easily be covered in a professional environment then why would anybody care about that? All it means is that you have a personal life/interests outside of work. Having visible tattoos on your neck/face/hands is a different story since that gives off the impression that you put yourself before anything else (degenerate).

Besides, how often are you going to see your coworkers when you're not wearing a shirt/suit/any clothes that cover 80% of your body?

>most young people dont care about tattoos

I'm young and if you came up to me with a tattoo on your face I'd still think you're an idiot and wouldn't trust anything you say.

I got a tattoo on my chest when I was 15. One of the biggest mistakes I ever made. Looks horrible, also fucked my chances with more opportunities with my side acting career.