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Manhattan Night edition

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>pure, interspecies sex dungeon
>on rails exploration
>theme park ride
>shaking hands with BT

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First for best girl

No jingos beyond this line

________________________ Rine ends here

You had ONE job, ya dopey cunt.

I don't even remember this collage.

Anyway, question stands. What are your hopes, expectations and fears for ME:A?


It flops and Bioware goes kaput.


Dragon Age: Inquisition In Space, featuring SpaceEngine exploration. Lots of disparate features that won't mesh or be particularly well-done.


I care less and less about Mass Effect with time, so there's nothing about the future of the franchise I really fear.

Well, here's mine


They somehow manage to unfuck the franchise. Return to Earth, see our old crew, proper character sendoffs, glimpse at post Reaper war galactic life, chance for minor character spinoffs, that don't clash with future titles in the franchise.


It's DA:I, but in space. No thought given to what happened in previous games. Old crew is the "old and busted" ME:A characters are the "new hottness" and overplayed in every aspect, while still being bland, uninteresting and one dimensional as cardboard paper. The DA:I camp is separated into decks. The only really pretty thing is the galaxy map.

You start with 3 ridiculously lacking in personality characters as squaddies. The rest you pick up 3/4 of the way in. You have no interest in them, since it is way too late to get to know them now.

Instead of HORSE you now have MAKO 0.75b. It gets stuck on surfaces and bugs out by repeatedly dropping out of the sky or the game teleporting you in the last proper surface that doesn't get you stuck. Banter timer between squadmates resets every time you enter or exit Mako. There is no banter inside the Mako.

Planets maps are just large rooms separated by long, thin corridors. Driving through them is a hassle. They serve as loading points, because lol console limitations, when other companies have already solved those problems years ago.


The only way to unfuck the franchise is by making Refuse the canon ending. Everybody back in the milkyway is dead, so you don't have to worry about old choices. The Relays and the Citadel are left in pristine condition, after Reapers rebuilt everything and left for the next generation to follow down the same path to destruction. Ark returns and repopulates galaxy, ME1-3 are invalidated, ignored and swept under the rug.

Still listening to Golden Brown

It's a very nice song to be chilling out on, during your Sunday morning. What are you anons doing, today?

Not sure yet, still half asleep.

What would an episode of "universe's worst driver" be like?

It would show Shepard's failure to dump Kai Leng off the skycar during the Citadel coup

>Return to Earth, see our old crew, proper character sendoffs, glimpse at post Reaper war galactic life
Not gonna happen. We've already gotten our send-off with the Citadel DLC. Besides, it wouldn't make much sense both out of a production standpoint and storywise. There are three vastly different worldstates and just about everyone except Joker could be dead, it would be a mess of spaghetti even if they retconned the ending. Then you have another problem, you won't be playing as Shepard anymore so your character wouldn't have any connection to the old characters. It would all be a fool's errand.
>The only way to unfuck the franchise is by making Refuse the canon ending.
So basically you want exactly what they're doing only with a huge middle finger erected to players who didn't pick refuse and with the addition of the Citadel? How's that any better?

Pretty scenery.
A crappy multiplayer game with a dull singleplayer mode integrated, Origin exclusive, that shitty DRM what's it called, DA:I levels of gameplay incompetence, a retarded and boring story, you win by pew pewing the baddies and collecting plot coupons. No uncharted worlds, no real choices except paragon and renegade, no stats except for your gun, homos and shemales on your team, no whites. An equivalent of oblivion gates/fade rifts where you have to defeat waves of enemies. Day 0 DLC. The ship won't be as comfy as the Normandy, the aliens will be English speaking bipedal humanoid creatures with guns.
I do not fear.

It is set on a colony like horizon, the participants arrive via shuttle and a brief montage is shown that showcases their failures. There's an obese elcor addicted to sugar mush, he drives using a clunky set of joysticks in his mouth. Unfortunately he likes to eat while driving. There's a turian who suffers from PTSD and concentrates more on the rooftops than the road. He/She serves as feelsbait for the show and goes on televised therapy sessions. It ends with him/her getting into a fight with the therapist.

There's a quarian woman who is afraid of everything, she drives extremely slow and she curls up into a ball and goes to her happy place if something unexpected happens,.

Then there's the drell who is deaf and uses her perfect memory to relive sound. Unfortunately she does so in traffic. She's also quite the drunk.

Finally there's a scrawny human man and a lumbering krogan woman, both with roadrage problems, they treat their cars like battering rams.

They do some rudimentary tests, the elcor veers off course after he starts talking with the joysticks in his mouth. The turian does very well, considering there are no buildings to be ambushed from. The quarian finishes last and hits every obstacle.
After a few more episodes the drell is found in her room strung out on ryncol. The krogan's car has its suspension broken and the man walks with a limp. They are both eliminated but don't mind, they've both gotten admitted to the Tuchanka demolition derby and couldn't care less about TV.
After a few more episodes the elcor rams into the quarian's car, causing her to curl up into a ball and because she read about seatbelts strangling people once, didn't wear hers. She bounces across the grassy landscape like a little blue ball. The elcor's joysticks broke in the crash along with the delicate filtering organs of his mouth. After he got a new joystick he drives perfectly. If only because his mouthparts hurt too much to eat or speak.

>We've already gotten our send-off with the Citadel DLC
This ... this bothers me. I know Citadel was the big send-off. The chance to say goodbye to all your crew and friends.


The ones that you played with for one game? The ones that Bioware killed off without a chance to say goodbye? The ones that got just introduced? Or just Liara, EDI and Joker? It's a good chance to interact. It's a poor fucking way to have a send-off.

One is not like the other. But let's be realistic; you can't return to the milky way without addressing all the variables. Refuse ending removes all the variables. It will be the biggest, greatest "FUCK YOU" Bioware will and could ever give you. And they are just the type of pricks that I'd expect them to do that.

Well, Frostbite scenery is generally nice too look at. Even boring scenery like DA:I's.

This is spot on. I guarantee you, you are 100% spot on, on your expectations.

>I do not fear.
You are not a very wise man. Fear the alien, the mutant, the Bioware.

With the Emprah at my side I fear nothing.

Can you ask the Emprah if I could borrow some of his Sisters of Battle? For research purposes, of course.

>It's a poor fucking way to have a send-off.
You don't like parties?

Regarding a return to the Milky Way I don't think even Bioware are dumb enough to do that, at least not in a sequel. If Andromeda flops then I could see a prequel or some sort of spinoff happening.

Personally I think a post refusal game could be pretty cool but the players would get mad. Imagine exploring the ruins of Earth, the wreckage filled areas of space where big battles had taken place. It could be amazing, I don't think there has ever been an post apocalyptic game set in space. The survivors would be salvaging what they could and trying to rebuild but the world would be very different. There's just something cool about the image of huge overgrown ruins and wrecks of starships. The Citadel big and empty, with the keepers cleaning up the trashed station and decaying bodies.

Then you could have the yagh making their first steps into the universe and threatening the weakened survivors.

Anyway, I know you wrote it in the fears section, I just can't see it happening. Especially not after the ending fallout and red blue green mockings, they seem to have learned from that.

I hope the game gets cancelled.

Besides Kelly and Chakwas was there anyone missing from the Citadel DLC? The guys from the first game was there, Garrus, Tali, Wrex, Non-crater and everyone who survived the second game was there... Even DLC characters such as Zaeed was there!

>You don't like parties?
I like parties. It's a good way to interact. It's a poor way to have a send-off. A send-off to characters we've barely touched, had a nice premise that wasn't nearly explored and weren't in the games long enough to warrant a send-off in the first place.

Refuse ending is the only way to accommodate all player choices, without acknowledging a single one of them. It has the best effect, with the least cost and is the sanest choice from a developer standpoint. I think Bioware is legit capable of making this choice, because cutting corners is their bread and butter.

I would like the post apocalyptic space game premise. Not in a franchise I became invested in for 5 years, though. Why not make a new one? That would definitely be a unique franchise, one that would be able to stand on its own merit.

>they seem to have learned from that.
They know they fucked up. The entire game developing community is fearful of a fan backlash like that. The fact, however, that they know, didn't stop them from bundling the real ending to DA:I as DLC. They didn't learn. They just banked on post DA2 BSN to lap it up as always. It's a shame nobody gives a shit about Bioware at this point, because that was really worth riling up about.

I hope so as well, but at this point I doubt it. We're 9 months away from release.

Ken, Gabby and Addams. I can't exactly include Gardner. Nor Diana Allers

>That would definitely be a unique franchise, one that would be able to stand on its own merit.
Yeah, but who would make it?
>because that was really worth riling up about.
I find it pretty funny that they actually went there and sold the ending as DLC and that nobody cared because the game was terrible.

I think a good compromise would be a fallout style slideshow, telling us about what happened after the ending. Give us some substance and a happy ending

>Why not make a new one? That would definitely be a unique franchise
New franchises? OCD, EA doesn't do unique until the existing franchise has been run into the ground. They'll milk ME till it's dead and gone.
I'd love a post apoc space game though.

I genuinely hope Bioware doesn't do refuse, but it's in their nature as you say. I can very well see them do that.

I can't say I hope it gets cancelled, it has potential, unfortunately it has the potential of being great but more likely, utter shit and full on lorerape. So I hope it will be good. I can't see EA abandoning a cash cow like ME anyways. If andromeda fails I'm sure we'll get a prequel to ME. Anything to avoid dealing with the abysmal RGB ending.

Those wires must be great handholds for slaneeshi dick-daemons when they facerape his regiment.
Jeez, that judging glare though. I'm sure there won't be a slaneeshi incursion Mr Grimdark..

I second this motion.

>I think a good compromise would be a fallout style slideshow, telling us about what happened after the ending. Give us some substance and a happy ending
Uhhh, wasn't that exactly what the extended ending DLC did?

>Yeah, but who would make it?
Anybody that likes/wants to make space games. The premise is good enough. The problem is the execution. Do you railroad it? Give it to Respawn/Bungie. Do you want cinematic/story driven? Naughty Dog. Do you want to half ass it and drown it in progressiveness? Bioware. Perhaps a barebones experience that doesn't make sense in its own setting and let the community do the fixing? Bethesda. Do you want it to be low budget, with potentially numerous bugs and unpopular gaming mechanics, but great writing? Hire Lariat, InXile or Obsidian and give Chris Avellone complete artistic freedom over it.

>I find it pretty funny that they actually went there and sold the ending as DLC and that nobody cared because the game was terrible.
Maybe it was to gander at how irrelevant the franchise/Bioware is nowadays.

>I think a good compromise would be a fallout style slideshow, telling us about what happened after the ending. Give us some substance and a happy ending
They did the slideshow. They gave us the "powerful, motivating speech" that nobody cared about and left it at "Speculations". We speculated for 2 games. With the trilogy's end we wanted some closure. On all sides. We got a "fuck you". Good way to spend 60 bucks, I guess.

>I genuinely hope Bioware doesn't do refuse, but it's in their nature as you say. I can very well see them do that.
I'm afraid they'll sit down, rationalize it and realize it's the only way they can go from there. Out of the options they gave themselves, this is the one that lets them ignore everything and continue fresh.

>I second this motion.
Amen, Salamander brother.

Yeah, but it was shit. It only had some motivational speech from Anderson or Hackett, and there was no substance. Yeah we survive, the glaxy lives woop-di-doo, but what happened to the characters and places that we love?
Why is there a sea of krogans? Why is Kasumi in her room looking all sad? There's no explanation, no substance and most of the squaddies are simply ignored. A good slideshow ending would be several slides per character, some text or a narrator detailing what the character got up to after the ending. The individual extended endings boiled down to pretty pictures, some uplifting speech and not much else.

What happened to the people who didn't want to be green and glowy? Why did the red space-magic kill AI? What did Ashley do after the war? Where did Tali and Wrex and the others settle? Is the citadel sold for scrap or repaired? I like ME because of the universe, but I also really like the characters. for the extended ending to outright ignore some characters and show some meaningless slides for others while blathering on about rebuilding and reclaiming the stars. That's just plain insulting.

Utter shit.
There's no substance, no closure. Just a few pretty pictures and little else.

Hey guys, question for you, I beat Mass Effect way back when it came out, never 2 or 3, and I'm actually about to finally run through the 3 of them.

My question is, could I play 1 as femshep so it's at least a little different for me than what I remember, but switch back to male shep when I'm importing into number 2? Basically keeping choices changing gender.

Thanks friends.

Yeah. Gibbed editor lets you do that. You might have to transfer to ME2 first, start the game, then change the data on your save through the gibbed editor.

Truth is, the only gender difference, though is the romance. It switches from Ashley to Kaidan.

OK, enough with the pessimist talk. You are granted free reign of a ME side game. It can be any genre, it can take place in any time period, it can include anything and anyone. What is it?

that only works with editor

It's like people don't like "Speculations".

Come on, meg. We can't be this creatively stunted.

Alright, I go first. I want a buddy co-op shooter. Only it's more Republic Commando than, say Army of Two. You infiltrate a Cerberus facility taking down Cerberus troops and husks and whatnot Reaper monstrosities. Starring your two favourite biotic waifus Jack and Miri with Liara working as their handler. Shepard and co. cameo at times, as Liara is still working on Shepard's ship. Brief references to romances here and there, lots of bantz between the girls Samara and/or Kasumi show up in the facility, for a different objective and working for the Shadow Broker . You, at times, work as their support and vice versa. Eventually, you all team up for some tactical shooter gameplay, just like Republic Commando. Shev doesn't get left behind in the end All female cast, to appease SJWs, female friendship and bonding, ass kicking and waifus Would you buy my game, meg?

>the beauty of pc modding

>Making Miri black makes the terrible geometry of her model even more pronounced
You can't even save it with proper lighting. Unlike this one.

jiggly physics beach game

Mass Effect X-treme Beach Volleyball? Shit. I should have thought of that. Where do I pledge my money for that?


Cool, thanks you two, I'll use the editor method. Just to hear a different voice doing the dialogue on that run through.

Gee, what does it take for you fans to get some closure? But alright, I'm going to answer any questions about the ending you might have.

>Why is there a sea of krogans?
Because you fixed their infertility, remember? Duh.
>Why is Kasumi in her room looking all sad?
That depends on if you let her keep her usb stick with her bf's memories or not. If you would have she would have had her bf back in the synergy ending.
>What happened to the people who didn't want to be green and glowy?
It wasn't a choice.
>Why did the red space-magic kill AI?
Use your imagination. The weapon was targeting reapers but what does that mean? Second Normandy had reaper tech onboard. The Geth were reaper enhanced in ME3. To destroy the reapers in one go the weapon had to target true AIs.
>What did Ashley do after the war?
Spectre business. Very hush hush.
>Where did Tali and Wrex and the others settle?
Wrex, if alive, is leading the krogan on their homeworld. Same thing with Tali. Did you even play the game?
>Is the citadel sold for scrap or repaired?
You just mentioned that the narration was about rebuilding...

>Wrex, if alive, is leading the krogan on their homeworld. Same thing with Tali. Did you even play the game?
But if the relays were destroyed, how did they get there? Can the Geth be repaired to pre-enhanced status? Is Miranda a wanted criminal, for working with Cerberus, or is she recruited with the Alliance and thus pardoned? Does Samara find a new love in her life, or is she resigned to loneliness? Does Falere's monastery get rebuilt? Wasn't is glassed during the Thessian Reaper invasion? If Legion is Geth and all Geth shared his consciousness, can Legion even die? is Jack and her students alright? Did they all survive? Did she loose any of her kids? What about her varren, Eezo?

Any chance you can pitch and to the EA execs?

Needs some work ...

>blue eyes
>black skin

>Out of the options they gave themselves, this is the one that lets them ignore everything and continue fresh.
You mean besides setting the next game in Andromeda?
>But if the relays were destroyed, how did they get there?
Depends on the ending, if you got the control or synergy ending only the core of the relays get busted and are shown being repaired. If you picked destroy they explode, leaving everyone stranded where they were at the end. You might not have noticed but destroy is the bad ending. Having the lowest warscore requirements should be a hint.
>Can the Geth be repaired to pre-enhanced status?
No, the damage is irreversible. The reapers can't be repaired either.
>Is Miranda a wanted criminal, for working with Cerberus, or is she recruited with the Alliance and thus pardoned?
She's no longer working with cerberus and didn't commit any war crimes or anything like that. Merely being associated with a terrorist organisation isn't a crime and even if it was nobody would care post-reaper war. She doesn't start working for the Alliance though.
>Does Samara find a new love in her life, or is she resigned to loneliness?
Depends on your choices, she either remains a solitary justicar or she finds peace with Falere. She doesn't look for a new partner.
>Does Falere's monastery get rebuilt?
>If Legion is Geth and all Geth shared his consciousness, can Legion even die?
Yes, there wasn't time for Legion to connect to the collective and upload all his data. They don't share everything between them usually and individual platforms operate very independently. Legion was made to operate far away from the collective and thus had more individuality than most Geth.
>is Jack and her students alright?
Depends on your choices. If you send them to the front many of them die, if you leave them in the back they're mostly alright. This was in the ending you know.
>What about her varren, Eezo?
Safe and sound at the Academy.

Bioware did this with the faggot squaddie in ME3. They don't know how race works, thinks it's just skin colour and nothing else.

>You mean besides setting the next game in Andromeda?
Lie I said, if they wanted to return to the Milky Way, that would be the only way to do it.

>If you picked destroy they explode, leaving everyone stranded where they were at the end
In the high EMS destroy ending, I saw the relays get destroyed, but it also showed the Krogan leaving their ships and little Krogan babies, suggesting Tuchanka.

>No, the damage is irreversible
So the Quarians can't fix what they originally created and return them to their original status? Or is it just a case of "why would they want to"?

>Merely being associated with a terrorist organisation isn't a crime
It is, in the US, after the patriot act.

>Does Falere's monastery get rebuilt?

>Yes, there wasn't time for Legion to connect to the collective and upload all his data
What of the time he spent back with the Geth? Or when he uploaded the Reaper code? Also, why did that kill him, exactly? Or when he interacted with other Geth, after you freed him?

>If you send them to the front many of them die, if you leave them in the back they're mostly alright
I sent them in the back. All I saw was Jack looking at the stars. That didn't tell me much. I couldn't even tell where she was or if she's supposed to be alive or what.

>Safe and sound at the Academy.
But that was overrun by Cerberus.

>But that was overrun by Cerberus.
Okay. I admit it, we didn't really have an ending for her varren. It was actually written into the game after we wrote the endings. Just assume it was safe and comfy somewhere.
>I sent them in the back. All I saw was Jack looking at the stars.
If you would have sent them in the front she would be by their graves.
>It is, in the US, after the patriot act.
The Alliance isn't the US, Shepard and all his crew were also Cerberus associates.
>So the Quarians can't fix what they originally created and return them to their original status?
No, but I doubt they would want to anyway.
>but it also showed the Krogan leaving their ships and little Krogan babies, suggesting Tuchanka.
The war against the Reapers took place all over the galaxy. The krogans at Earth had to wait a long time to get home if they ever did in the destroy ending.
>return to the Milky Way
Shepard's story has already been told, what would be the point of going back? We were pretty adamant about Mass Effect 3 being the last game in the trilogy and we meant it.

Four man squad like in Republic Commando, consisting of the council species taking down pirates and terrorists and shit. Operating operationally in space.
RC squad mechanics where you can order your team to do certain things like use turrets, sit in certain spots and use their special weapons/abilities, place explosives and blow things up, room clearing, etc. etc.

Republic Commando, but Mass Effect.

While north eastern Africans have the dark skin of sub-Saharan Africans, but facial features more akin to Middle Eastern peoples (Arabs, Jews, etc), they don't really look Polish.

>>Why is Kasumi in her room looking all sad?
>That depends on if you let her keep her usb stick with her bf's memories or not. If you would have she would have had her bf back in the synergy ending.

Why are all Mass Effect characters emotionally stunted and incapable of moving the fuck on?
>muh bf is ded abloo abloo let's be sad from this point on!

>muh bf is ded abloo abloo let's be sad from this point on!

epic fedora wielding virgin detected

it's 1 example out of many. your incapacity to understand that is baffling

Ok then.

I'd like a game set on a distant colony, cut off from the Alliance patrol routes and pretty close to an Thessian colony and there's a sizable quarian enclave on one of the moons. Life is bleak on the colony, constant raids from batarian slavers and people disappear in the night
One day the relay lights up and an entire fleet of batarians and turian mercs arrive. There's been a discovery at a digsite far from your little town. The mercs go in, but never return. Their ships hang silently in the air. Your friends are just regular civilians, you just watch passively as the empty ships run out of juice, and fall out of the air, plummeting down in the distance.

After awhile you and friends journey to the digsite, the idyllic colony has been transformed into a dark and desolate place. Thick plumes of oily black smoke rise from the dead ships, ash falls like snow. A quarian salvager lingers on the edge, scanning the area. It is badly damaged.
The rolling fields are gray with black ash, there is something very wrong going on. A forest nearby is set alight by an eezo fire, ultralight flames shoot out sideways from the gravity deck of a crippled turian vessel. you venture in there and deactivate the reactor, returning the flames to their normal state.
The salvager can either be negotiated with, or shooed away. If you take the friendly option you get a qt femquar squadmate and some better gear. Shoo it away and you get a surviving merc as a squaddie, otherwise he's just a side character.
He tells you his ship, along with all he others were hit by something. All along the wrecks are little holes like burrows of digging insects, tiny little lasers the width of a pencil strobed out from the ruins and sniped every living being on the ships. The mercs were convinced their rivals are responsible and fled into the digsite, fighting along the way..

After some shooting of mechs, you venture down into the digsite. It is a humble little ruin, a glorified hallway. But it never seems to end, until it opens up into a space that is beyond huge. A bunker for an entire civilization buried deep underground. You explore further. Traversing overgrown arcologies, out of control alien creatures and living areas designed for countless different shapes of alien.
It is soon made apparent that the buildings are designed for comfort, like a subterranean citadel.
You set up a basecamp, bring down resources and explore. Pausing to shoot creatures and mercs and newly created housekeeping robots of alien origin. You disable the laser defense and the salvager returns after you signal it's safe to do so. Or it signals for some reinforcements in the form of quarian pirates in case you shooed it away and returns anyway.
Asari intercept this transmission and eclipse mercs arrive soon enough, now safe to park themselves smack dab in the digsite.

Things unravel quickly as the original mercs battle against asari that battle the quarians. Expeditions are assembled into the depths, where you are the deepest. Your only option is to go further, the mercs shoot on sight. Quarian mercs can be friendly and the original mercs can be friendly depending on the choices you made involving the salvager.
As you venture further into the space, the comfortable dwellings and sprawling gardens give way to rusted shut industrial complexes. A dim sun lights the city of machinery. Thick forests of clinging vines battle with housekeeping robots, the robots are really badly manufactured, their artificial mothers old and worn. There are heaps of them everywhere, but they run fast and gardening implements make great claws. You mow down dozens.

In one of oil cisterns, you discover a cerberus logo. Just like that. The gloomy rust and metal give way to shiny plastics and snappily dressed cerberus goons. They are but a small outpost, hidden away in the bowels of the planet. in their area you get to fight husks and regular cerberus mercs along with reaperized alien flora and fauna. Cerberus has not ventured further, the horde of robots keepng them at bay. But now the sheer scale of invaders have eroded the robotic horde. You catch them as they're preparing an expedition into the deep.
Things devolve as the cerberurs goons meet with the invading mercs. The eclipse have managed to disassemble and then reassemble a frigate in the entryway of the area and are dominating the conflict.
You get to pick a side. You cannot possibly hold the entire space for yourself.
A 'secret' ending involves reactivating the laser defense and sealing the entryway. Those poor mercs get trapped in there with you.
There's battles in gigantic pipelines, old habitats. Exploration deeper down in the complex. Along the way you upgrade your gear with alien tech.
At the very end you can choose to claim the structure for the resident humans, the invading mercs or the asari. Either way the quarians are happy just to be given salvage rights to the wasteland outside.
The asari frigate, if you choose a side other than asari, is dealt with by dropping what is basically a glorified roofing tile several hundred meters across on it.
The ground above it collapses and the alien plants are exposed to the real sun for the first time.

Last post. This whole thing got a little longer than expected.

In the end your colony moves into the underground area, either as owners of the underground space or as a workforce for the mercs. You end up rich on mercenary coin, or a humble de facto ruler of the subterranean colony.
There are tons of sidequests and the city that gets built up by the entryway grows as you play. The old gardens get cleaned up, and as the upper levels are tamed, you go deeper and deeper.
Turns out the original rulers were merged multispecies AI that intended to safeguard their creators from the mysterious mass extinctions they discovered. Unfortunately only a few made it to the shelter in time, they are long since dead and their bodies buried in humble graves on the deepest sublevel next to the towering monoliths of AI mainframes.
The AI are pretty chill about the whole affair, they have long since hidden away from the world after the creators died and are now busy contemplating existence and the interior of stars, and the dark energy within. They've long since lost control of the housekeeping robots, but lacked physical bodies to fix the problem. In the end they are content to just observe the city above.

There are waifus for every side. And all squaddies can die if you make the wrong choices.

I'd buy the shit out of that.

That too.


The choices, mysteries, locations, waifus, and so on sound pretty awesome. All except Cerberus involvement.

Cerberus are basically squatters, they've got no idea of what the structure is for and are a minor faction.
You could replace them with something else. I guess.

I left the club last night. Had like 50 Jaegers and punched this bitch in the hair extensions then hit her in the fuckin face with a fuckin brick for dissin my homie Dre. Then I had a fight with all the security and kicked their asses because I am alfa as fuck. Anyway, I got 20 hot black guys, attracted by my sultry femme musk, who insisted on following me home and having wild sex with me. Don't get me wrong, I performed exceptionally as usual and gave them all multiple orgasms, but 20 dudes is too much. I got shit to do. I guess the question is how can I attract less hot dudes? How can I be more like you betas?

Adrian Delaware, you throbbing obelisk of manliness. There is no way to do so without damaging your reputation. You can't stop the train going into your ass, without making the passengers upset. And the passengers are so many, your entire social circle would collapse. You'll have to prowl the gutters for food, and use your elite commando N7 skills to tactically prostitute yourself.
To start, remove those glasses and stop using coconut perfume and babyoil instead of an undersuit for your armour.
Remove the buttplug, I know it's where you keep your survival kit and that iut's actually an RSC (Rectal Supply Container), a high end piece of kit. But it gives off the wrong impression, especially since you insist on never wearing the assplate of your armour.

>thanemancer visiting for a week tomorrow
>been heavily hinting at wanting to look in to kinbaku
>overwatch comes out in a day so will have to flake on her
>parents want to meet her but don't know she's a filthy xeno supporter

How do you guys handle it when your SO doesn't think the Genophage was necessary?

take your negro fetishes to your cuck-shed mr quarian

I think replacing them would be preferable, yeah. They're a recognizable faction but a new organization that doesn't have associations with the first games could be what Cerberus should have been. Other than that I like the overall idea, would be great to see something like that in a fic.

Ashley working out:
OP for that thread:

>that shiny dark skin

I like it. I'd rather have a 'natively' dark grill, though, not a modded one.


What is a cuck shed anyway? Is it a little shed where the cucked go when their wives are busy with someone else?

Cerberus is a little over done, perhaps a turian seperatist den, full on che guevera style hiding out in the rust jungle?

Hi there WG.

That's beautiful man.

playing Ultima VII right now, going on a crime spree through the nocturnal capital now, all that food and all that gear and money and no one uses it, this is the true crime!

I was here earlier already (jiggly physics game) but forgot my USB stick at home so I didn't have my trip ready

>turian seperatist den, full on che guevera style hiding out in the rust jungle

That'd be great. There would have to be turians with more loyalty to their home colony than to the species as a whole, and there was nowhere to explore that side of them in ME1-3.


angry birds : mass effect


Waifus in saunas? Things getting heated? >tfw qt femquar waifu just gets seatbelt warm.

oh yeas please

>If you would have sent them in the front she would be by their graves.
I didn't rightly see them alive, either. The whole vibe that still gave off was very afterlife-y.

>The Alliance isn't the US, Shepard and all his crew were also Cerberus associates.
Then why did Shepard get arrested? Why did everyone else have to disappear, as well?

>The war against the Reapers took place all over the galaxy
But everyone was gathered at Sol for the last push for priority Earth. Even Wrex and Grunt, right? But the slideshow illustrates two Krogan, looking suspiciously like Wrex and Grunt get off the dropship and Krogan babies everywhere. I'm still assuming that was Tuchanka, in spite of the destroyed relays.

>what would be the point of going back?
The see up close the places we heard about, but never got to visit. Palaven, Thessia, Rannoch, etc.

Republic commando seems to be a fan favourite here at meg, it seems.

Woah! Gonna need some time for that ...

I'd pass out from that much heat most likely.

It got a bit long, I should've done it like you and just focused on the game and not the story.

Eh, it's pretty pleasant. Especially in the winter, then you can go out in the cold. Nothing like it.

>quarian enclave

>The eclipse have managed to disassemble and then reassemble a frigate in the entryway of the area
Can it really fit in there? How did it get there? Can it even maneuver?

>There are waifus for every side
C-cyberpunk, loud mouthed bullies included?

Not a bad setting, not a bad place to explore. Would like to play that and see how it all plays out.

>I'd buy the shit out of that
>That too.
Me too.

Cerberus is everywhere. Even in Andromeda, by the looks of it.

>How do you guys handle it when your SO doesn't think the Genophage was necessary?
Impregnate her multiple times, She will eventually cave in and ask to be Genophage'd herself.

Yes ...

Get off meg, Allers!


>Cerberus is everywhere. Even in Andromeda, by the looks of it.
where did you see this

heya meg

There was an article about a ME presentation. I'm pretty sure it was several months back. Cerberus logos were mentioned etc. I had posted link to said article here, but have since lost it. I don't remember which publication had posted said article and no, I won't bother digging it up. You can check the archive but the article is old. Possibly from last summer? Definitely before Christmas. We had discussed it over here, as well, at the time.

Thank's OCD.
Of course there are quarians. Always felt it was silly how all quarians just settled to live on a fleet of busted old ships, and not a single quarian colony on some airless rock?
They had to cut the frigate into chunks and the engines and wings had to stay outside. It limps along on RCS thrusters and relies solely on its drive core for lift.. But the interior of the upper levels are rather spacious, except for all the supports. It just barely fits and serves as a secure command center and hospital more than anything. The laser turrets do a number on enemy ground forces, but the spinal gun is absolutely useless since there's not enough room to pitch down, unless ones target is far in the distance. During a particularly embarrassing engagement, the captain of the vessel fired a few missiles only to have them bump into a support and fall to the floor. The arming mechanism didn't engage and the ship just barely fit without the missile pods exposed, unfortunately a clever opponent managed to detonate the missiles as the Eclipse mercs were busy trying to move them aside.

There are cyberpunk loud mouthed bullies with tattoos that glow in the dark, with a heart of gold and also a luscious mane of hair You can shave it off in a little minigame.

I love ME1's atmosphere. I didn't like the film grain though. Did anyone?

Hi there.

>You can shave it off in a little minigame.

>film grain
you just remove it from options or I had some special ME1 edition which didn't have film grain ?

you just switch it off in the graphics options

Yeah, I just removed it. But still, it was on by default I think. I wasn't a fan.

Just be sure not to be too rough, it turns her on.

Wew, lad.

>luscious mane of hair
>You can shave it off in a little minigame.

In ME2, if you go shopping after the Collectors take the crew but don't do any missions, will it count towards the timer that kills the crew?

as long as you don't do any assignments, you're fine

don't initiate missions/assignments, going shopping doesn't count

24 hours left till Total War: Warhammer. I am very much in anticipation.


I could use some more Yvonne content in my life. Really missing Miri lately.

She's a qt.

I knew I should have downloaded Manhattan Nights in 4k, like I said the other day. Now what am I gonna do.

I can sympathize.
Maybe some tastefully shite smut is in order?
>tfw my old relic of a laptop isn't capable of 4k.