League of Legends General /lolg/

OT: eyosongive.us


Xth for Leona

reminder that ahri is THE BEST mid laner in THE GAME and it is a simple matter to get rank 7 for one of my caliber :)

Picture related is my top 5.
I was recently 6 games for 6 with Zyra but then the change happened and she feels a bit odd. That and assasins just removing my ADC from behind me got a pain.

I was 26/12 when I got into Silver I
First game I played with Alistar in ages, and it was amazing fun while peeling with a compatent ADC.

Never played Thrresh or own him. To be honest I did get quite fed up of seeing Thresh / Lucian, Thresh / Cait lanes every single game.

I know the placement matches are supposed to put me in the "right" spot but I got a lich bane guinsoo viktor that went 0/10 and an annie that tried to auto attack fizz with 100 health and went 0/6 mid in 10 minutes

At this pace I'm gonna end up in bronze

xth for what to do?

I don't like mid lane even though I like Viktor.

I don't own Vladimir but I mainly play top.

I fucking hate Corp. Mundo. Rageborn Mundo would be my go to.

Pick/ban for May 2016 so far

Trundle, Kindred, malz, zed, ekko, azir, nid, fizz, swain

>When you carry hard with Nasus and go 11/1/7 2 towers destroyed (they surrender) and 500 stacks @ 23ish minutes.

Yeah, but DJ Sona's is still much, much better.

Reminder you can go on a 12 kill killing streak and bring your team back to a victory no matter what.

>When they first pick malph top

Only in silver.

>hate corp mundo
So how's silver?

xth for breast waifu

Soon to be irelia


over 1300 matches and I still play with the camera locked, AMA

>Cait and Vi about to lose
Rip on brave souls

Pool Party is best Mundo

>locked camera
same desu



Breddy good. Maybe I'll get into gold next week.

So what, I have over 2500

butt waifu

What's up, Athene?

That's like comparing a candy cane to a birthday cake.
Way more to love.

Also why is pouty Irelia so nice and why haven't I noticed it before

What skins should I unlock? I was thinking zac and liss


>Poll Party best
I feel he's under Corp Mundo because literally everything Corp has. But that ukulele sound is good.

Why are Ryze players always dogshit
I just played a game and the enemy Ryze went 0/12, and I'm not even a good lux player
He just kept rushing in with his stupid ass ultimate even though I was 5 kills up and getting burst down in 5 seconds

I can't actually remember the last time I saw a Ryze who was actually good. Is it because they're all just faker drones who try to copy him and blow balls?

Vlad's hilarious right now, despite not being the late game beast he used to be while being a lot harder. But def fun.
is zed the incarnation of weeb redditbabs
BL Vlad is really dated, you play it for the feel of being a profoundly dedicated Vlad autist. So unless you're one just leave it and go for Vik I guess.

It is the last one

You tell me, user.

50% of the picks in every game are the result of pro player picks and players not understanding they don't have the intellectual capability, nor the skill, to pull it off.

never cuz sjw etc

I'll be legitimately surprised if they ever release a cute champ again


Best girl.
Best butt.
Best wife.

>team decides to not kill the zac that I went on that was right on top of them and separated from their team and instead goes on the trist/jana running/rocket jumping towards their teammates near the t2 tower and does nothing meanwhile I die
>they blame me for being retarded
>just ignore the ap zac bruh let him keep jumping in on us and doing a billion damage
>so I say im going to play how they want and tunnel vision going straight for the first person I see every time and die 6 times and still have less deaths than the renekton
>team tells me to kill myself
>I say ? every time
>they talk in all chat
>enemy team reports them

tyler would be proud

What should I do with this poo

Ryze just sucks now that he can't perma snare people.


mf kat nami easy

>get the same permanent skin of weeks ago


end ure lyef

>kill zac
>he respaws
>while you're busy killing the bloblets tristana kills you

Trash the champs for Blue Essense.

Mf, Irelia, Xerath, Kat, Malz, Nami you keep.

Use the Karma permanent when you can. Traditional is her best skin.

>the tristana with a bf sword and a pickaxe that doesnt know how to leave their house that rocket jumped away kills us before all 4 of us kill zac


>Rope work on the tits
Now that's nice.

I would hold hands with shyvana

i'd let her tail fuck me in my cutie bumbum :3

>Pick X and Fill for the past 5 games
>Get support every time.

How do we fix support?

>it's another your mid takes blue and dies 10 seconds later to a gank episode

remove it

>you can get traditional skins trough boxes
>people that got the skin earlier don't get a summoner icon or the imprint like in the old legacy skins

it is just impossible to play ranked on sunday

>pick Bot/Mid
>get bot 7 times in a row and win

gee i dunno boss, don't pick primary/fill

make every support thresh

no pls

>tfw I would pick Fill more often if I didn't have to risk ever playing Bot or Mid

Role exclusions when? I just want to play top, jungle and support.

>know im not a good midlaner
>usually always play against ad champs as a mage
>no big
>always let the jungler take the blue buff because I'm not a crippled kid that can't manage mana properly.

legit, the only people that beg for mana are the people that spam spells and wonder why they don't have mana.

Though, the mini-rabadon from bluebuff is quite nice. Nothing substantial enough for my liking early game though.

im still here playing kat and akali mid after they got nerfed so hard...

Tfw all my friends stopped playing lol seasons ago

Tfw playing games with folks from the /lolg/ club to make new friends

Tfw they invite me because im friendly and never flame

forgot jax and yi in there. along with vlad with his buffs

why did you make that image it hurts my eyes please delete this

who regretting having done placements here

>when your teammate loses lane to someone they directly counter

Because i hate you user

League of legends

If you're someone SUPER mana hungry like lux, blue buff can let you go absolutely ham with your poke for a bit and force your enemy out of lane. If you need blue buff in order to just lane normally though, you're a total shitter.

>irelia vs gnar top
>this shouldn't be so bad on him
>he's 3 levels under her and shes freefarming while he cant do anything


>play cait
>have fun
>sometimes even win
>cait is banned/picked
>play ashe
>win every time without even trying

What's an ADC that's both fun and an easy win? PS it has to be a girl.

why is bird man of megalomania getting nerfed again?

oh, right

to make sure he doesn't take our new strong womyn liberal jew champion lose the spotlight of her useless wall

similar, i main mid tho. akali and kat mostly, yi too though but mostly jung him. garen is my go to top, etc.

Build order for Fiora please?

its 3 am, i can't even form a proper sngle sentence shitpost anymore, ll go sleep

Irelia dicks pretty much any top laner

anyone want some sweet sweet ip boost

ign yung sous chef

>Vlad with his buffs

he needs one final touch up on his lategame teamfight impact to be a top pick.
Something small like empowered Q duration, passive numbers being adjusted or ult damage at max rank.

Right now he's way better than pre-rework, but still on the slightly weak side of balanced.


You could remove Azir's ult outright and he'd still be a better champion than Taliyah is currently.

Olaf and Darius shit down her throat.

>ever lost against one as tahm
Its funny to watch them and trynd's cry

>doubleshit is still a pro player
>he still gets paid real money to arcane shift into an entire enemy team and die

>amd fags

it's not a matter of dueling power
it's a matter of hero gimmick, and theyre desperately trying to give the zionist lady something to lead idiots into spending rp

God that Fiora on the right

Is it possible to play Lee Sin mechanically well with 80+ ping?

>play skill based mages in mid
>lp coming in okay
>lock in lebonkers
>mindlessly murder fuckers with QRW for instant elo
what the fuck?


Time to open a chest. WIsh me luck lolg

Name a better ADC in NA than him, who's not an import
You can't.

>Landing all four shots of jhin's ult for four kills


Make supports take smite and their job is to keep the bottom half of the jungle cleared, while also assisting bot/mid, and what not. The main jungler will keep the top half cleared. Something like that. Basically dual jungle, but the "support" jungle might also build support items and what not. The idea here is to maximize gold income. One jungler can not keep the jungle cleared at all times, because he needs to do other things. With 2 junglers you can maximize the amount of gold earned. MAKE IT HAPPEN BOYS. START TAKING SMITE IF U SUPPORT AND TELL THE JUNGLER THAT BOTTOM JUNGLE IS YOURS!!

What do you find fun in an ADC?

Jinx has some decent poke, and lategame is a monster, not to mention the global execute ult

If you wanna do sonething fun but kinda crazy, you could always go Quinn

that's the power of cuckstylus

wild turtle

literally any of them, I'd take mashme and wizshitter over him any day of the week

>can't even have fun in urf anymore because everyone just picks the guaranteed cancer that's going to win you the match

even in a champion pool of over 100 + everyone picks the same fucking 20 champions in a mode intended to be """"""""""""fun"""""""""""". i hate the word tryharding but jesus christ this is exactly what it is

Somewhat unrelated but Wildturtle is gonna be dogshit in summer split now that Adrian can't spam a disgustingly broken Soraka and keep him alive no matter what. Expect a return to his TSM form.

>people keep having fun in ways I don't like :(

Maybe but you'd wanna give the jungle creeps to your ADC
Not a completely terrible idea but theres probably reasons it's not done

Also only do it with a ganking jungler, shyvana clears so fast itd be choking her

>too busy winning the game to farm
Suck my dick Riot

>when you forget there's a nasus on the enemy team and you've been camping mid all game

Pick champs no one uses that are secretly hilarious
Like Zac