Satan is mentioned in the new testament several times, by name...

Satan is mentioned in the new testament several times, by name, and is the major character in one of the most important stories (where jesus is tempted in the desert by him for 40 days).

jesus' miraculous claim to fame (other than surviving execution) is that he cast out demons from people, and even talked to demons (jesus was basically a travelling exorcist).

What I'm saying is that christcucks must *literally* accept the existence of Satan and demons or they cannot be christians by definition.

Other urls found in this thread:

Satan represents pagan gods.

sage for shitposting thread

>called Satan by name
>"i-it was just a parable! but those other miracles that i like were real!"

so much denial




sounds like a Job

And anyone that accepts the existence of Satan and demons has a mental illness.

I was querying why you replied to OP with "AND?".

What he means is he believes in Satan because he turned into a christcuck.

OP is a retard.

How so?

He doesn't know that Christians literally accept being of satan, angels and demons as creatures of God. Ignorant retard.

But that's literally what he said?

PLz moot2 make a fucking /rel/ for fucks sake

He tried to "accuse" Christians that they don't accept it, as they should. Also, hi OPie.

>Most American Christians Do Not Believe that Satan or the Holy Spirit Exist

>Four out of ten Christians (40%) strongly agreed that Satan “is not a living being but is a symbol of evil.” An additional two out of ten Christians (19%) said they “agree somewhat” with that perspective. A minority of Christians indicated that they believe Satan is real by disagreeing with the statement: one-quarter (26%) disagreed strongly and about one-tenth (9%) disagreed somewhat. The remaining 8% were not sure what they believe about the existence of Satan.

So what? Are you trying to tell me that there are people who do not accept Christian doctrine yet call themselves Christians? Obviously, they are not Christians then.

>Protestantfags don't understand their own "faith"

No shit

>“agree somewhat”
It's like saying "yeah I somewhat agree that God exist. What? Oh yes, I'm Christian".

>not believing in Holy Spirit
wat. Did they read Bible.

Put the link in the browser to open at selected time:

What's the point of this thread?

They're not real Christians. They just say they are to seem good or religious or don't want to be left out. Or maybe they haven't read the bible or don't understand? It could be lots of things

>trying various pagan practices
>thinking it's the same result as hesychasm
poor man, blinded with ecumenical heresy.

A book filled with fallacies and entirely based on faith and you pick Satan of all things to harp on?

>So what? Are you trying to tell me that there are people who do not accept Christian doctrine yet call themselves Christians? Obviously, they are not Christians then.

You're 500 years too late, son.

Which one of the 66 books you're talking about? And logic was not defined in the periods when any of them were written.

I'm not sure about that OP.

In Hebrew, Satan means enemy or adversary - it's not a literal name, like 'Derrick' for example. Not so much a narrowly defined being.

Read book of Job - Satan is a real enemy, that walks and talks in time and some spiritual space before God.

Not even christian but Satan just means enemy.

I'm not so sure.

In the book of Job, Satan would just as equally mean "The Accuser" than anything else. It would make sense for the angel who was doing the accusing to be called "The Accuser", and is hardly proof that this is then 'Satan'.

Allowing plebs to "read" the Bible was a mistake.

It's true. Satan is a real thing. There are other "satans" or enemies that attack I'm not sure if they can accuse you to God except Satan himself or other high ranking "Devils"

>mfw the version of the bible that most American "Christians" believe in is literally fanfiction

>Most American Christians Do Not Believe that Satan or the Holy Spirit Exist

>article goes on to say that most do, but just in different interpretations
What the fuck is this garbage article.

Job is essentially a poem exploring the nature of faith in God and the problem of evil. There's no particular reason to think the author intended it to be taken literally.

Is there anything literal in the bible?

To be honest I hold the same view - I was just playing Devil's Advocate in arguing that it could very well just be a matter of linguistics than pointing to the existence of the being named "Satan".

That's the whole point of the bible. People have to understand which parts are metaphors and which is real. Job is a real story although.

>I'm not sure if they can accuse you to God
They can, at least, in Orthodoxy

I like your point. It's the same as with Antichrist: there are various antichrists through history besides that final Antichrist who'll come before the Final Judgement.

Interesting read. Is there any biblical insight from where they got this? Or was it just a personal experience that they encountered and wrote down?

Who is there to tell? Jesus say nothing about Job.

Several texts from ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt offer parallels to Job, and while it is impossible to tell whether the author of Job was influenced by any of them, their existence suggests that he was the recipient of a long tradition of reflection on the existence of inexplicable suffering.



Jesus doesn't say anything about a lot of prophets or people but he does speak with Job and has a dialogue with him. Job is just an example of everyone's suffering but it still happend to him

He says about Prophets and Law of Moses holding up until end of times.

Job is not from prophets - it's rather poetic work. It doesn't even any known author.

Ezekiel thought Job was a real person though

Of course demons exist, demons are just angels that sided with sataniel in his rebellion against the father. Miracles are caused by the intercession of God and spirits what's to say if sataniel was the greatest of all angels that he cannot interecede in modern lives

The reason you can't talk to gods and spirits is because it's illegal and you will be called schizophrenic and pumped full of drugs until your brain chemistry resembles all the other sheep-like goyim.

School, television, your brainwadhed parents, friends, siblings and all other forms of media have conditioned and trained your mind since you were an infant to view the world from a conformed slave morality perspective like the sheep you are. You are living in a perpetual state of thought control where you can't discern a pot made of clay from one made of gold. Human wisdom is foolishness.

None of you can get into the minds of the ancients. None of you will ever fully understand the mysteries which the ancients wrote down. You are all sheep and your bickering and failure to see outside of your thought conditioned box is laughable. You speak from a western perspective only, speaking a language meant for taking and giving orders, not a poetic language such as ancient Hebrew which has more poetry, philosophy, euphemisms and logic in one sentence than entire books written in English.

Submit to God's authority if you want true wisdom and revelations. You are like the child who has learnt to stand for the first time but does not know you can run, drive, sail and fly also.



>American ''''''''''''Christians'''''''''''''

>You do realize this is a board for humanities right? Religious reflections have every right to be here.

kek imagine if someone actually said that