Hey I'm 18 years old. All my freinds are going off to college right now. I decided not too. I had weighted 4...

Hey I'm 18 years old. All my freinds are going off to college right now. I decided not too. I had weighted 4.0 gpa in highschool but just didn't see the appeal to uni. I'm working at a computer shop part time making 12$ a hour. My grandma gave me $12000 to spend for graduation as I please. I haven't broke into it yet. I'm completely indecisive and feel sorta trapped. Not being able to decide what trade or even if I should pursue one to begin with.

Tldr what would you do with 12k at 18 and good general trades.

Other urls found in this thread:


why don't you keep working in computers? You'll make as much or more as your friends who went off to college.

A) Study for A+ and spend $300 on that
B) Study for ITIL and do the same
C) Study for CCNA (pick your poison) and pay for that
D) Get MCSA to round it out
E) Work tech jobs and make sick amounts of dosh
F) Buy a house at 24

Sorry when I meant working at a computer shop it's like 90% hardware and blue collar work. I occasionally have to image things but I'm completely software illiterate pass the intial set up
It's a shitty job and coworkers are complete peices of shit. Couldn't stay there forever. It's great part time though

What's your living situation? What skills do you have? High school didn't teach me anything.

If you're good with computers I'd say your best bet is making custom built computers. If you pay 500$ for a parts of a computer and put it together, it would perform as well as a ~1200$ dell. Find the right customers and make some profit. The prebuilt big name brands really overcharge for their products.

Yeah, so am I. All you need is to get your foot in the door and you're smart enough to move up.

I pissed away my high school in depression. Got maybe a 1.8 GPA? Don't even know. Then I applied myself to technology and I make like 75k right now in a managerial spot.

I have the A+ and ITIL with half a CCNA.

Living with mom who's lenient and somewhat supportive but does want me to study or work. I could easily build gaming computers like its nothing. I assemble junction boxes camera enclosures server computers. All around I'm good at wrenching. I can solder fairly well. I'm presentable. Fit. Can talk to people fairly easily and well. Just indecisive rn

How do you cope about the fact that even if you became rich, a male model working in McDonalds has more value since he has constant validation and sex with prime aged girls like the ones you posted?

How do you cope about the fact that being an high school jock is the highest asset ever since it cannot be bought with money?

How do you cope about the fact that missing on validation and sex from prime pussy makes the rest of your life an absolute cope within itself?

Action isn't the effect of motivation, but the cause of it
Get started

OP is that one super smart kid in highschool that doesn't know how to actually use his brain.

idk dont really care anymore about pussy
which is sorta nice

lol icnd2 is so easy wtf r u doing?

Elliot pls go

>Making female validation the top priority of your life.
>Being independent

Pick one!

I opened your thread to take a closer look at your pic, and I'm replying to let you know your decision is as disappointing as those girls.

Here's some advice from someone who's been here:
First off, don't listen to these faggots. Most of them are deluded failures who need to believe that validating your poor decision validates theirs.
Second of all, don't leave the rails until you have an alternative you believe in. Most successful people that either skipped or dropped uni/college did so not to avoid it, but because they found something better. You have nothing better.
Third and last: you don't go to college/uni to get a piece of paper. The very attitude many rightly admonish for this belief is the one you reject. You go to make friends and connections. To get knowledge and inspiration. But most importantly to get ideas, opportunities and the time/means to implement them.

Go to college you idiot, it's where you go to hatch your future. Whatever that may be, those who would convince you otherwise likely never had one.

What do you do. You say college isn't meant for paper but for making friends and connections. I make those everywhere I go. Ideas knowledge and inspiration not buying it. Since we have the internet. The return of investment doesn't seem worth it man.

What do I do? I'm a law student, who started studying AFTER I made insane amounts of money trading.

There are some things you just have to take at face value. You have a great GPA, get into the best college you can and just go for it.

Let me be clear though, since you brought it up and I also learned the hard way: don't just study anything at any college. It really will be a waste of time.
Go to a good college and study something you genuinely want to learn about. THIS is your gateway, the rest will fall into place.

Everyone who tells you otherwise either had nothing to place or studied the wrong thing at the wrong place.

As usual; the memes are memes for a reason.

This is a great plan if you are talking about 1998.

Great comment user, this user really gets it, is everything about action, discipline and resilence.

They are not the same quality of connections do you think that having friends that are crak heads and whores will take you further than friends who are doctrs an engineers?

this is bullshit, I love music but I didn't major in it because I know there are 0 jobs. Some degrees cannot just fall in to place

I honestly think that if you are top at what you do, no matter what you study you will make money, did you go to Julliad?... if you wanted to study music at your community college, that just show you are shit tired in effort and yes, no jobs for you.

>I love videogames
>I should study game design
My comment was made on the assumption OP wasn't an idiot and fully capable of inferring the full meaning of my post.
Something that clearly cannot be assumed of you.

I have a good amount of hobbies and including the gym I've met tons of people that have my back and stick in contact with out of hobby as well. School relationships in highschool were shit

I'm at Amherst currently. And being top isn't an easy feat

Pretty sure your fucking post said to major in what you want to learn about.

Of course being top is not easy!!! kek!!! that is exactly the point!!! you need to excel!!!

Are you seriously comparing the contacts that you made in your highschool and the gym with those you can get at a top tier university?

I am not sure if serious or bait, either or.... there is no hope in your case.

Ok sell me

"Omg are you serious like I'm not eeven going to answer your question cause I'm so surprised you said something that I disagree with"

I went to a top tier university, and honestly I can't understand your point of view, to me is so obvious... I can compare your comments to thinking that a witch is better than a doctor...

Anyway here is my take and my personal experience; the intellectual environment in a top university is incredible (I have a STEM degree), the level of ideas you are exposed in just mind blowing, the infrastructure (labs, software, training) you have access is definitely world class in a semester you can learn machine control, Autocad and simulation, those 3 couses cost thousands of dollars more outside and are super useful.

Two of my classmates were the sons of politicians and some others had family businesses, because you are sharing so many things the relationships can be really close, I have consulted with them over the years, I have had access to doors and opportunities other people can't just dream off, I can give them a call and they can introduce me to people who can make things happend, those connections are priceless.... in case I go broke I can call them with a project and for sure they will jump in or put me in contact with people who will help me.... that is how wealth is created...... and wealth created money

Nigga, go to college. Get that useless piece of paper, make great connections, then do whatever you wanna do. The piece of paper may feel useless but the problem is most people in decision making positions don't think so, so you may as well play ball until you put yourself in a position to play whatver gaame you want to play.

There's no better time to study than when you're young. You'll regret having to go back to do it when other parts of your life are further ahead.

Keep hearing this. Still can't get over how stupid it is. Should I take a year off accumulate some.wealth and go?

>The return of investment doesn't seem worth it man
rofl, what numbers did you use to come to this conclusion, mr. 12 fucking dollars an hour?

How did you start trading? Did you learn it on your own? Did someone mentor you? Just interested in learning to trade as well.

>Should I take a year off accumulate some.wealth and go?
Yeah, feel free to take a year and fuck around but make sure you do actually go to uni sooner rather than later. I went with the "fuck uni" route, made a lot of money young and had my fun but holy shit i can't tell you how frustrating university is when you're way older. I have responsibilities, shit i should be doing, old people shit i should be fucking with, but nope. Got class.

The money was great but i'd trade it all to be done with university 5 years ago and making less now.

so we're all gonna just ignore saucing this mASSive rhododendrons kumari?

I don't get it. Why go to uni if it's a pain in the ass and you have money and the ability to make money already?

Because the stuff i'd like to have now costs more money than I'm capable of making, so i have to upskill in order to be able to make even more money in a few years.


What I think you mean is

>CCNA for shits

Daily reminder go into infosec or cloud computing

OP keep in mind that 90%+ of Veeky Forums are cubicle cucks who day dream about actually making something of themselves and fell hook line and sinker for the college maymay.

thats what im wondering.

the guy that keeps arguing, well of course hes going to argue, its like buyers remorse, espcially worse since its in the tens of thousands. while most people that dont buy something and are ok have reason to.

You mean get amazon aws cloud certified - the future

>its like buyers remorse, espcially worse

Precisely. The term is "cognitive dissonance"; falling for the college maymay means you must rationalize it, or you will be faced with the discomforting reality that you fell for a very expensive, very time consuming scam.

And pray tell, what are you faggots doing that is sustainable in the long run, at the very least?

The "buyer's remorse" bullshit cuts both ways. I know plenty of people and extended family who decided the 'debt' wasn't worth it, yet they aren't breaking the £25k/annum barrier, even the older generations. Fucking pleb mentality.

>And pray tell, what are you faggots doing that is sustainable in the long run, at the very least?

28, own a 4 year old software company, couple dozen web properties, researching investment properties, typical investment shit, etc etc

Risk all your money on a huge margin buy and see what happens.

I should add that I did go to college also, as a backup plan, I was able to spend all of my class time on my laptop doing actual important work and still pass with a 3.5+ GPA, and I did my degree split between two colleges, the first of which is a prestigious tech school. I couldn't believe my eyes at what a joke the whole thing was.

Why was it a joke user? Considering a tech college at the moment

I found it by accident, basically. Most people who say "I'm looking to get into X" never actually get into X though. Or they end up being the stories about failed Xers who then plague Veeky Forums with their terrible advice.

Go and find some real opportunities at college/uni. College is only a meme for the stupid, unmotivated or incapable. Whatever you're able to do on your own, you can multiply that there.

fucking eurofag im in us. completely diff situation.
please fuck off

Outdated material, outdated concepts, stubborn/obsolete teachers, irrelevant content/topics/ideas, bullshit requirements (oh you're an XYZ major? take 5 of these unrelated SJW/time wasting courses to graduate), 99% of peers at college so brainwashed by the college maymay they go out of their way to convince themselves they're having a good time and getting "the college experience" for 5 figures a semester. List goes on and on and on and on.

>inb4 should have gone to a better school

Went to a very reputable school and this is absolutely par for the course at any college in the U.S.

Oh also: course work taught over entire semester that could be taught in literally 1-2 hours with a quality youtube channel/playlist, specifically my data analysis classes come to mind. Be prepared to go to class, get a shitty "lesson" you're paying a premium for, then go home to watch a free youtube video that explains the concept in under 10 minutes in a crystal clear fashion. You will likely be doing this with all of your classes.

How hard is this shit to get into from scratch?

seconded, in what time span would you say it would take for someone to be certified in that whole list, assuming they are already moderately literate in tech?

Damn... fucking thank you. I feel like some of the most insightful advice ive ever received has come off this site. Like that just gave me a massively new perspective lol

>Don't go to college man
>Youtube will teach you everything
>Most insightful advice of your life
Can't tell if thinly veiled sarcasm or truly retarded but thanks for the harty keks

Enjoy sleeping in tomorrow, it's back to work for you Monday morning ;^)

Wrong. That's strike 3.

> College has several hundred percent RoI
> Doesnt seem worth it

Is that Dunn's River Falls in Jamaica, OP?

Goto uni for Stem. Preferrably CS or engineering.

If you're like me you fell for the "Don't goto college, it's too expensive, you'll be in debt for the rest of your life. There's no jobs, I work at starbucks with a masters" bullshit.

Chances are they studied some bullshit gender studies degree or a business degree.

Currently on the fence about dropping out of a CS degree, give me motivation to stay senpai

Why do you want to drop out of CS degree?

I dropped out of a degree; thought i was larger than life. If you're male, desu no1 gives a shit really. had some side gigs here and there, but forced to go back for a degree...

All in all its all good, and i am happy, but man i wish i kicked my own ass and would have grinded my weakness out earlier, woulda put me ahead in life.

Remember its all for yourself. I wish i realized this sooner.

1. Information Security; which includes:

Network Security

Server / OS Security

Client Systems Security

2. Information Assurance; which includes:

Audit & compliance

Security Policy Management

What certs would I focus on to get to an InfoSec career?

CCENT > MS MTA in whatever gives you the most Active Directory CCNA R&S > RedHat Associate or Linux+ > CCNA Security > CISSP (Associate)

CCENT and the MTA should be enough to get you on a Help Desk or something employed as an IT pro.
CCNA R&S and the Linux cert should help you escape from the Help Desk and start working on better technologies.
CCNA Sec and CISSP should get you into a security group doing something.



Microsoft Virtual Academy
Microsoft MSDN Product Evaluation Center -- Free Downloads
Microsoft TechNet Product Evaluation Center -- More Free Downloads
Microsoft Azure Cloud Services Free Trial Center
Microsoft Training Info Center
Microsoft Ignite Training Convention Video Center
Microsoft MSDN Video Training Portal

Cisco / Networking

Stanford University Free Introduction to Networking Online Course
Cisco Learning Center - How to Study for CCNA for Free
Professor Messer's CompTIA Network+ Training Videos
Cybrary Free CCNA Training Videos
Cisco VIRL - Virtual Router & Firewall Training Tool
GNS3 Vault - Free Practice & Training Labs for Cisco Equipment
Cisco Live Training Convention Video Portal - Free Registration Required
Cisco Design Zone - Best Practices
PacketBomb - WireShark Training Center
NetCraftsmen - Network Consultants Blog
PacketPushers News & Podcasts
IOSHints - Ivan Pepelnjak's Blog/site

Information/Computer/Network Security

SANS Reading Room
SANS Certifications
BlackHat Conferences @ YouTube
DEFCON Conferences @ YouTube
RSA Conference @ YouTube
Carnegie Mellon SoftEng Institute @ YouTube
CMU's Plaid Parliament of Pwning Competitive Hacking Team Blog
Cybrary - Open Source Security Learning
Krebs on Security blog
Google's Security Blog
US CERT - Computer Emergency Response Team blog
ISC2 - CISSP - Certified Information Systems Security Professional

Linux Resources

Linux Foundation - Intro to Linux at EdX for Free
Linux Foundation - Linux System Administration Essentials at EdX for $500
USENIX Site Reliability Enginering Convention 2014 Presentations - Free
USENIX Site Reliability Enginering Convention 2015 Presentations - Free
USENIX Large Installation System Administration Conference 2014 Presentations - Free
USENIX Large Installation System Administration Conference 2015 Presentations - Free
PuppetConf Convention Videos 2014 - Free Registration Required
PuppetConf Convention Videos 2015 - Free Registration Required
ChefConf Convention Videos 2015
Ansible Video Resources - Including AnsibleFest Convention Videos
SaltStack Video Resources
Docker Self-Paced Training
DigitalOcean Linux Tutorials

Good links:
Certifications roadmap

Microsoft certs requirements



Information systems student right now.

Still lost like everyone else.

A year

Source: networking/IT in the army, I got A+ and net+ in the same week, easy shit. Sec + took me less than a month, took a long time to get the ccna though between work and family, tough cert to get

What I did and would recommend in basically the same situation is travel. Get a helpx and a couchsurfing account, go somewhere and pick up part time work. In the four years between high school and University, I was a roughneck, farm worker, dishwasher and teacher; I found what I wanted to do through process of elimination. I think that's really the way to go - if you want to try welding for instance, call up local welders, say you're not sure if you'd like it and offer to work for free a few weekends. If something seems interesting, try it, but don't commit until you have.

Ignoring the financial side of things, you'll probably hate your fucking guts if you do a "dumb" job.

If you had a 4.0 GPA in high school that means you're kinda smart, and in trades you'll mostly work with fucking retards.

t. a guy that did some HVAC work for 2 months before deciding to major in Math

>being independent
Pick one!

Actually those don't exclude one another. In fact it's pretty much impossible to grow up without making some mistakes you have to cope with.

Your argument is invalid, also grow up.

Well shit user, i'd say make your orn fb group and start crsnking out gaming rigs. Highly recomend you find a good auto shop to paint and make them stand out. I got a buddy who is a world class pinstriper if yiu are interested.

This is good advice.

Agreed. I don't believe a degree does anything bht give u a barganing chip. Its useless around here unless i wanna work from home. Fucking hat my wife half the tine so im not doing that...

As someone who dropped out of 2 junior colleges i would say go. Maybe even buy a camper to live in or stay at your moms.

The experience isna lot of fun. I completely reinvented myself and made a lot of friends.

Got to college user. Even if just faggot juco.

Maybe become the "computer guy."

U can build pc's and make a buddy to do the software. Then u can quit faggot pc place and work out of your pad.

Also, i make like 60k and its taken me 15 years to get here. Run heavy equipment.

I could have stayed in cisco class in high school, passed, and made 65k starting while i tried to descide wtf to be when i geow up.

Pussy's nice, but so is working towards a life goal instead of becoming a drunk like i did.

Gl user. In any case.

Learned more from youtube then k-12... and most juco.

As long as you have a knack for sorting out the bullshit youtube seems like it could be college in itslef. That and trusty google.

Anything i have wanted to learn for years is either a quick youtube vid or im stupid for wanting to learn it and discover why...

>16 year old pussy is prime pussy

You're a fucking idiot

I'd be so far deep in dat ass who ever pulls me out would be crowned king Arthur.

Don't get me wrong, I take as much offense as the next guy at the fact that google will teach the smart and motivated more than the average college course. Not to mention the distinction between uni and college. Here in the netherlands it's huge, no idea about the states though.

But in light of the points I made, and the fact my main one was that knowledge and a piece of paper were but a small part of the value of college, saying "dude fuck college just youtube it" sounds less intelligent than the average college "professor".

The real education in a business college is not what they teach for example, but the experience of using your fellow students as cheap labor for shilling your cheap chinese crap to other students. In the case of law, it's setting up a "work group" to do research for you while you pressure people and organizations with plausible lawsuits.
I've used similar practices to take on insurance companies, employers, landlords, etc. Almost took on the municipal government over a parking ticket, but people were hard to motivate on that one..

Point is, college is a sea of endless opportunities for those who can seize them. There's a reason all the successful nocollege fags are dropouts, not those who skipped it altogether.

At worst it's a backup plan for the smart and ambitious. Those who complain never thought of it as any kind of plan.

Don't listen to these fags. I'm not even going to bother reading what they have to say because they are all probably 16 - 20 year old faggots anyways.

Here is your life plan:
>1. Go to uni.
Don't be a faggot. If you actually got a 4.0 you can get into a great school. Don't worry about money. I only ever had to pay my first year and after that all the way up to my masters and MBA I got entirely paid for because muh grades.

>2. Study mathematics/finance.
Finance is easy. Math is harder but rewarding. Familiarize yourself with basic programming skills from Code Academy or something.

>3. Because a quant in Chicago or Jew York
Starting last time I checked is like $75k+. I wouldn't know though, I've been making six figures since I was 25.

>Tldr what would you do with 12k at 18 and good general trades.
I would invest in my future by going to school you fucking autist. I would never fucking hire some "smart but lazy" faggot. Trading though, blue chip all day. Don't ever believe Veeky Forums meme stocks; most are shilling anyways.

I would pay attention to smaller companies though such as AMD and Sprint who have really been kicking ass lately if you want to take on some more risk with the (I suppose, now former) penny stocks.

For someone who got a 4.0, you're fucking retarded ESPECIALLY because you're asking Veeky Forums for advice.

being this much of a cuck fucking lamao you sir are miserable

This is phenomenal advice across the board.

Sure, MOST of college is a waste of time. Sociology departments are trash, etc etc. Thing is, you aren't nearly as smart as you think you are, and more importantly you have no proof of being smart in the first place. Pretty much every 18 year old in the world thinks they are the next fucking Einstein, most of them are removed of this delusion through the rigor of college courses. To that end, a college degree isn't just proof you know stuff - it's proof that you could withstand a lot of work and pressure and still perform well.

Go into school, make money on the side, and prove that you're smart. Don't futz around with a useless major, go challenge yourself in a field that matters.

Yup do eet.

Challenging yourself in college is critical. We all now those fags with their Jazz Studies degrees, who are working some shit front desk job shilling for real artists.

Insane pussy and ass levels in college.
You've got good grades so college is likely free.

Work sucks, you just might not know it yet.
Its important to find the right place for you to thrive in. A 30k/ year college you do well in is worth more than a 12k college where you are just part of the machine.

It sounds like you need to get some broader perspective on life and your role in it.
Find some people to shadow for a week to find what you're looking for.

The Find your Dreamjob course is in this link under triplemaximumwageslave.txt
It provides an excellent framework for the job seeker.

Beyond this you might want to check if you're more entrepreneurial. Go find your local Real Estate Investors Association and see if they're looking for gophers, bird dogs or mentees.
Or check out your local startuphive.

The point is find the people doing what what you want and the straight and narrow path is pretty obvious once you know where you're going.