League of Legends General

old eyosongive.us


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Sounds like im missing some funnyshit at lickis

Come on Apex you gotta make league great again


When was the last time this game was actually balanced?

What the fuck is this tier 6 and 7 mastery bullshit, why do we have to pay with this much essence?

Fuck this shit

Who's the mascot of LoL? At the very beginning it was Ryze and Kat, but who is it now?

holy fuck that huge dragon

how long was I asleep lads

season 4 desu

kalista was a 100x worse than lucian in every way.

Official NA LCS power rankings
1. TSM
2. Immortals
3. CLG
4. Echo Fox
5. C9
6. NV
7 Apex
8. TL
9. NRG
10. P1.

Patch 5.13

AP items werent a joke, AD assassins were all balanced, arguably Gnar was probably the only cancer at the time.

>S Tier
Ezreal, Cait

>A tier
Twitch, Lucian, Tristana

>you shouldn't ever play these tier
everyone else

I'm diamond btw


>people actually believe tank ekko is more cancerous than tank fizz

ezreal is trash into lucian caitlyn wich makes him not a S tier pick, Lucian is still S tier and above caitlyn even after recent nerfs.

t. master tier botlane main

>A tier
>not SSS tier

so hauntzer is the best toplaner in the west, right?

about a year or 2 ago

it honestly all started going to shit when Yasuo was released

The patch before Juggernaut update.

Ever since that fucking Juggernaut update they did for Darius, Garen, Skarner, and Morde, the game balance has just went downhill so fucking fast.

lucian is garbage my man

t. challenger

The best toplaner is whoever at the time picked Ekko

I'm tired of this "le not balanced" meme. Of course it isn't balanced. There are 100+ heroes, 900+ abilities, and dozens of items. The point is, these cancer FOTM picks have ALWAYS existed. Since beta even. So to answer your question, never. Nothing has changed. It hasn't actually been balanced. And it never will. It's an extremely fluid meta, an endless cycle of various champs becoming cancer and then nerfed over and over again. And that's okay.


>Make a big deal about your toxic jungler
>Threaten to trade him to other teams
>Bring him back with none of these issues resolved due to his replacement being a shitter



we've seen tons of ekko picks in eu and none of them are remotely close to being as impactful as him.

>wanted to watch TSM v. TL
>its like watching five men rape little girls
>turn to CLG v. APX
>clown fiesta of throws and plays

CLG always puts on a good show.

Balance and versatility when?

Biofrost is cute

why do they just run from Fizz? He is literally throwing himself in their lap with 5% HP and they hit him with anything

Even tho you're memeing me, we'll have to clarify that Lucian is still a broken champion and is only held back by adc's general powerspikes in items

looking at today's swain and vlad what is the opinion of that one rioter that said healing is cancer

>literally one-pick wonders who arent memorable enough to play a second game with

lol ok dotard


When they stop selling champs for real money, they need to keep switching what champs are OP so the casuals buy the freshly OP shit.

This is really fucking slow to get stuff, isn't it?

It's like RIOT is asking me to buy chest+keys bundles, but I wont.

you mean morello? He dosen't work for the balance team anymore, aka the reason the balance team is shit now.

>TL still trying to target ban Biofrost
>Bio hasn't even had to play Thresh yet

>40% cdr with full tank items

keane fucked up the swain stun

they threw it

the madmen

Healing is cancer when it is generally restricted, if more people had access to it the cancerous-ness of the current healing champions would be greatly reduced.

>Dardoch's Lee Sin
Will it work? Will the meme magic save the Liquid?

get S+ every game

>Literally not winning once you have two inhibs down


lcs got so fucking boring with the current meta picks

So wait, why is Dardoch playing? Did he suck a dick or something and he gets to play now?

post lewd

at least the streams are staggered enough now that you can flip back and forth, though you might miss TSM/TL first blood which is about the only interesting thing of that match

>TSM's comp

I'm getting S in 80% of my games.

Does S+ net you more stuff than S would?

moon got anally ravaged by sven, they had to replace him, unable to play right now

>20% frost gloves
>10% visage
>10% whatever between warmor, lucidity, lichbane etc
So hard to obtain :^)

He's not at riot anymore. Once he got replaced pretty much every champion and rework got a heal


Because TL realize they are shit without him

>mfw they're still shit

they realized moon is so fucking bad they are gonna get relegated without dardoch so they just went "fuck it bring him in"

>slow to get free stuff
Yes, like almost everything in life. If you really want key shards then spam some aram otherwise it's not hard to hit the monthly cap of 4 chests + keys just playing normally. That's usually a free champ or skin every month, not bad.

>Better just have the same 16 pick/bans every match who are only "memorable" due to being simply OP

>6 chests no keys
Never skip key day, boys

what the fuck am i watching apex

This game is retarded

NA is retarded

>this CLG game

Now THIS is what I want to see!


>TSM gets top tier picks in every lane
what the actual fuck?

>look this champion has 16 buttons! thats diversity :^)

lol Liquid's coaching staff is retarded
>keep dardoch from scrimming with the main lineup for 2 weeks cause he's suspended
>randomly bring him back in to play vs one of the best LCS teams

They will lose this game cause TSM will simply have better macro play

Because Moon is terrible. They also realized that they can't bank of Piglet carrying every game if there's no one there to actually help him carry. Without Dardoch teams just shit down Piglet's throat every fight while ignoring the rest of TL for the majority of the game.


Never, because each champ of League's "classes" are way too similar to each other and therefore the strongest one or two of each class makes the rest of that class worthless. And the few unique champs that League DOES have are grossly underpowered trash that no one picks such as Galio (anti-mage tank), Urgot (anti-carry ranged fighter) Singed (dps tank), etc.

>Get S on Leona
>No chest
>check profile
>says I received two chests
>I only got one S earlier this reset
where's my chest gone?

you can buy champion shards in the shop with IP

You DO have an old account that has over 100,000 unspendable IP on it, don't you?

>bjerg gets first blue

how do i carry? every game i crush lane and get fed and everyone else on my team feeds and we end up losing, and i know "if u cant carry then u deserve to lose its all your fault" but thats what im asking, i can get the kills and get super fed, but then what? do i push lane and forget my team or try to be everywhere at once?

>Look every champion has a mini-game, a mobility skill, a memeshot, and an "every third hit" proc, how innovative

>biofrost has already played more champs than yolo$hit






remember when people thought CLG was going to come back strong with international experience

where else have we heard this meme?

>Giving Berg Azir
>Not getting Azir for Fenix
Coaching is hell on TL

Apex are garbage, they had so many chances to end that game cleanly.

>hauntzer an entire kill up on lourlo

watch your replays and see what you're doing wrong
if that fails then youtube.com/watch?v=xToFJHrxNbg

>mfw I can't get back to plat this season and it makes me look like a boosted shitter
I dunno mang its just hard to carry games where a lane will die before you get to red buff and then starts feeding out of controll

Except you know that isn't true.

No, real esports games like bw and 1.6 stop patching around for the sake of change when it's at a good point. Nerds in league demand it to be like an mmo with new content and more shit to buy with microtransactions

Deleted by the champion VU team like everyone else's

>be TL
>have a mid who shits on people with Azir
>don't pick it
>don't ban it either


I'd fuck her hard

Tilted since MSI

Let me know when Apex CLG game 2 starts please lads

>CLG loses to literally who
Were these the same clowns who placed second in MSI just last month?

Riot balance team
>hey larry, people are complaining about cancer
>really garry, who do they think is cancerous?
>zed and ledank
>oh is that so
>so do you think we should show them real cancer?
>ohohohohohohohohohohohooooo yes

*buff vlad and swain*

>CLG outplays APX all the game
>Just let me sit right here with swain and win the game while fizz deletes the squishy targets




Garbage, utter garbage.

>Literal who

They got Xpecial, the CLG slayer fucknut