League of legends general /lolg/

Lissandra is the cutest and best girl on league
Best waifu edition

>His waifu isn't blue

>His waifu is cold and dry

xth for 3d sivir

>His waifu is a serial killer

>weeb sivir skins

hope she gets updated splash arts like nidalee cause sivir and nidalee had some of the worst skin splashes in the game

>His waifu isn't a serial thriller

Kalista is a nice waifu. Being faithful and compassionate towards her to assuage her fear and obsession with betrayal is nice.

I love Sona's blue hair!

I love Sona's big butt.

Also Mr "10 bans is good but 20 bans is better" I'm in this thread and also monitoring the old one. Looking forward to your retardation.

>hide first reply
>thread is now empty

>Yes 3 to 6 happens to fall into the number of bans that currently are available. However 3 to 6 has ALWAYS BEEN the case of "absolutely fucking broken"
By what metric?

Nearly half the roster enjoys a "ban rate" of less than 1%. About 20 percent of bans are 5% or above.

>If you disagree list me the 10 champions right now who are destroying the game.
I see this strawman bait every time I bring up the number of bans.

Because I NEVER SAID anything about bans needing to be used to "ban out OP" things. I specifically said that bans should NOT be tied to some last line of defense for shit Riot balance.

And if Riot could get its head out of its own ass, then there would be some meaning behind having more bans for specific strategies.

>And you thinking bans are to set up or deny strategies outside of pro play is ridiculous. There are FAR too many champions for you to ban out a strategy or ban out counters for the team comp you're aiming for. The thought is pretty insane.

Right, but the number 6 is completely arbitrary. Why is it not ZERO then? That reduces in game drama in the pick screen before a game starts, and it reduces barriers to entry for ranked.

Blue people

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

You agree you cant use bans to set up team comps despite saying thats what bans are for. You're absolutely retarded and you're whole line of reasoning is "6 is an arbitrary number"

Yes it was arbitrary. Just like four was. The issue is six is working effectively.

Increasing bans to 10 won't increase champion diversity nor will it allow any extra layers of strategy nor would it allow people to ban "comfort" bans. They would just move down the list of strength or perceived strength.

I absolutely do not even understand what you're on about at this point. You seem to be mad for no reason.


why are people so mean in games?

So i don play since May 3.

There is anything i should know ? Jumping right into ranked

>play all day straight for 2 days
>demoted to previous division, half of losses had an afk
>this is the 4th time

I just want to go to the next league I'm bronze


Anyone get S in legend of the poro king yet?

>new nid skins
>not weeb
>this game
>not weeb

What makes Swain so busted right now /lolg/?

went way better than expected

xth for breast waifu

Does a lot of damage while being hard to kill


I don't even know if he falls into busted but he's strong because of his safety, kill potential, and tankiness.

Nobody builds grievous wounds

Would you play with Annie?

>Getting S in ARAM with gimmick
that's not how aram works

too many deaths, too little cs.

>waifu threads can barely amass 30+ posts in almost 30 minutes
>50% are shitty waifu posts with the same stale art
Top kek

>Nobody builds grievous wounds
making morello more expensive was a mistake

xth for my love nidalee~

Don't forget zero wards. Which is honestly the issue with most people bitching about no s.

>Yes it was arbitrary. Just like four was. The issue is six is working effectively.

The only reason to say this is because we had 4, now we have 6. There is nothing that logically prevents zero or ten or whatever also working then.

>You agree you cant use bans to set up team comps despite saying thats what bans are for.

No, you can. You can stagger the bans. 2 bans per side, then 2 picks, then the remaining bans and picks. Currently being used by HoN, Dota, and Smite.

Part of the reason that bans are "used for the OP" is because they are frontloaded on the pick screen. You can generalists that are good in every single game simply because there is too many possibilities in 5 slots.

Bans in LoL have never been about strategy for no reason other than Riot's laziness and using the bans as a stopgap for their garbage balance.

>I absolutely do not even understand what you're on about at this point.
People arguing for status quo not because it is logical, but because it is comfortable. Like what you are doing right now.

I know you're not complaining, you gay scale/furfags post the same images all the time too

Isn't it also out classed by Unholy now? Doesn't Unholy just give so much utility it is better?

She's mostly green

Could you explain that meticulously? I'm a shitter and I tend to read meticulous explanations

>mid and support are shitters
>they feed
>flame our kindred
>kindreds doing nothing wrong but being just as bad as them
>kindred goes afk
I love it.

poppy: from cancer to abandoned in a single patch. RIP poopy

Yea, went 30/5/32 with Azir.
The ONLY "S" i've gotten in it

Yes. I got an S on Sona by going 15/6/27

I'm under the impression it cares about what game mode you're on. I'm also under the impression it takes into account what role you chose during queue. For example, I got an S on support Kayle while having 12 farm. No way I would have gotten an S on a champ that is normally played mid/top/jungle and gets tons of farm unless the system took into account I had qeue'd for support.

morello doesn't work if he never falls below half hp. so unless you pop ignite from the start and burst him down with 5 people or he's going to sit in the middle of everyone with zhonya on and go from 50-100% hp

if you are going for the fasted way to get CDR without going Frost Queen, Unholy is cheaper than morello, gives MR for sustain in trades. the problem is that the passive is 100% wasted unless you are a fucking healing support bitch

I only do unholy over morello if Im laning vs a Magic Damage champ.




>Morello doesn't work

>thinking I like the thread being dead
You got me wrong, and I have quite the reservoir of things to post with.

Who can I build frost queen on instead of grail or memecon? I play mostly Ziggs, Sol, and Vel.

I got 4 this weekend playing only poro king, git gud
it's suppose to reset every month not every 3 weeks

let's not forget
>hey we're going to try to make mordekaiser a duo bot champion, etc juggernauts worlds
>best teams simply do not want to learn a new strategy to every ban is wasted on mordekaiser/skarner/juggers and the meta is incredibly stale

meanwhile if we had ban/pick/ban we might actually get to see some new strategies emerge

Furfag get out

There's not much to explain, Swain is brainless. Also Catalyst is a really good item now and pushes several champs over the top.

It took you way too many posts and way too much dancing to say "league should take the ban system from (other game)"

Yes. That sounds amazing. Go post it on the league "boards" and get rito to take notice.

You attacking 6 bans without putting forward this idea was just retarded. You talked about increasing bans, which would be absolutely worthless.

You talked about removing bans, which would be ABSOLUTELY fucking retarded.

I'm not "defending the status quo" you little fucking cunt. I'm shooting down your dogshit ideas that you throw out with no meat to them. No bans is retarded. 10 bans changes nothing. That alternate ban system sounds pretty killer.

None of this is going to get you out of silver though you fucking shitter.

>get into LoL
>game is pretty fun
>have disposable income so I spend RP on champs (not even skins, just champs because I can't wait to unlock all the cool tantalizing 6300 ip ones)
>spend like 60$, feel good that I now have a diverse pool of champs
>proceed to realize there's no reason to do anything other than spam 1 champ in my two roles in ranked, both of which could be 450 ip

there's my blog

>reading comprehension problems

Whoops, wrong pic :^)

>Figure I'll watch NA LCS before bed, haven't seen it in a while
>Vlad is a midlaner and is cancer
>Rek'Sai Gragas jungle meta again

Holy fuck this is boring

now you can fall asleep instantly

But when we leave the thread dies. All the quality waifu fags left for overcuck.

Only cheap champion that is really strong right now is Graves and Ez (maybe Ez.) Frankly you'll find yourself wanting to try out the other guys and I think you just got too many at once so you don't have that drive to unlock them that poor fags get.

>sacrifices originality for quality
>fails to meet quality
Not a surprise.

>You talked about removing bans, which would be ABSOLUTELY fucking retarded.

>I'm not "defending the status quo" you little fucking cunt. I'm shooting down your dogshit ideas that you throw out with no meat to them.
You have given no arguments other than feelings for why things are the way they are.

Three bans in LoL is one of the most ancient things in the entire game. Literally everything else has been changed in the game since three bans became the new "normal". Lanes, bounties, camps, items, summoners, masteries, runes, baron and dragon, and literally the map itself. Yet somehow six bans alone was perfect right from the first go.

I call bullshit on that.

>None of this is going to get you out of silver though you fucking shitter.
Boring ad hominem.

>implying hes wrong

Don't forget

>toplane is ekko and maokai only
>botlane is lucian and cait only

>Who can I build frost queen on instead of grail or memecon?
basically anyone, the mana reg is a +, so are the ghost, but the passive is totally wasted if you are lanning alone.

I build it on Veigar Mid cause is the faster one to build and the miserable 50 AP is not a problem cause Veigar. then I build morello and Iona boots for a nice 40% CDR

>His waifu is used goods

Because rito can't balance. You KNOW rito can't balance. You say they have dogshit balance and in the same fucking post say "no bans mite b cool"

Six bans is currently working. I can link you to the previous thread where I explained how and why which you avoided but you'll just avoid them again.

The alternate ban system is a novel idea.

No bans is retarded. More bans changes nothing. And none of this matters in silver anyways. Stop user. You're killing an old man with your stupidity.

But user, if your waifu is as much of a kissless virgin as you are the sex will be really awkward and boring.

when will riot make Syndra viable again??

They're steadily buffing her, but her core problem of her kit not working properly means she won't be reliable until they just redo her code

So Riot is charging 1350 for skins that would have been 975 then? A lot of the new ones don't seem worth the higher price.

what do you guys think about taliyah?
is she good?
am i building her right?

you now realize why every dotard who spams "LoL is p2w not all champs are unlocked xD" is retarded

I've seen some decent Taliyahs in ranked but nothing super impressive. She seems like a solid ap mid but nothing too impressive, and she also has jarvan syndrome of screwing over her teammates

How come there's no in-game calendar feature that tells people which featured game mode is going to be next week? Or even just have one of those web links on the client link to one, instead of some faggot community art bullshit?

give back the damage bonus on her Passive Maxed Q, and remove the 7 balls cap on her ult and as a bonus her max E that a champion pushed by it get stunned if hits terrain

Inferior in every way to Viktor

i think rylais rush is good but roa might not be needed? but idk

just be sure to roam roam roam and make plays once you clear waves

She's pretty damn good, ban zed and hope they don't pick yasuo and you should in theory win every matchup if you're not ass. The problem lies in the same thing with lux, you're immobile as fuck so that means you are even more pressured to make less mistakes concerning getting caught late game.

she is normal. not balanced, but normal.

landing a full Q + TLD early game shoves down any enemy health to half. her E + W combo is good but she fucking silence her till the W finish cast, so forget about fast combo plays

and her R is good but takes a lot of time to position and you can easily end up fucking up your team

Vladbitch do you have any art of Vandal Vladimir?
Holy fuck that might be one of my new favorite skins and I... really liked Marquis already. So glad Rito didnt CAVE into our chinese overlords and change the splash. The chinook one was shit

alright but
how can you even compare her to viktor anyway

you mean ziggs

if you want a Zone control champ, go Anivia, more useful passive, better damage out put and better wall of FUCK YOU

Both mages with heavy focus on zone control, Viktor is better at dissuading enemies from entering chokes because his W+E can hit entire teams, rather than just one enemy.

I think by picking taliyah you're actively trying to make the other team win. This should be reportable but it isn't. In norms I just meme pick at this point. In ranked I thank you for my free LP or just mentally clock out because you've decided to give the enemy team free lp.

>Six bans is currently working. I can link you to the previous thread where I explained how and why which you avoided but you'll just avoid them again.

The fundamental difference here is:

I am arguing that bans should not be used for shit balance. That is absolute laziness on Riot's part that just delays the nerfs that inevitably come anyway. To that end, bans could only possibly be used for strategy of which 3, and 3 frontloaded bans, achieves nothing. If the bans cannot be increased, then there should be ZERO bans. Bans should be independent of shit balance. It also makes this post irrelevant:
>No bans is retarded. More bans changes nothing.

Your argument is that bans are for shit balance. Which is what your "argument" for them is based. I do not agree with the fundamental premise of why bans exist. So stop throwing list of "OP" at me.

>And none of this matters in silver anyways.
Stop with the namecalling. I'd argue that bans are FOR silvers who think the only reason they can win or lose is because of "OP CHAMPS".

>Jungler ganks Top twice, gets nothing for it
>Tell him to stop wasting time Top, focus on Mid/Bot, I have things under control, etc. etc.
>Five minutes later he's pinging on-his-way again

And Ziggs isn't even playable.

im amazed ZONE haven made LoL porn yet

>I'm under the impression it cares about what game mode you're on
This is precisely why ARAM doesnt have a rating.
Its based on other player's scores in the same role, and if ARAM has no roles and no champion select, then the skill levels and abilities of any given champion is going to vary wildly between players even on the same champ, at the same MMR/Elo, with a similar level of success.

yeah, but I only got 6 fragments in total this past month
so I'm missing 4 fucking more and this game wont give them to me

I'm expecting him to get picked up in competitive if he gets another buff or two. The new passive on W is really good for siege comps

You're trolling.

No in a perfect world bans wouldn't be used for shit balance. However, unless you're going to acquire millions of dollars, buy out riot, fire everyone who doesn't know what they're doing, and then hire competent devs

It doesn't fucking matter then does it?

Post account. I need a giggle.

>people believe NA and EU playing series matches is going to make them better

They're playing against the same NA teams and the same EU teams, they're not going to get any fucking better they're just going to play at the same level of competition more often.

You can't get better at something by doing it more often at the same level.

You can only get so buff pumping 50lbs weights, eventually you have to add more.

The only way the west is ever going to start closing the gap is by playing against Korean teams way more often.

Why does riot actually think that their matchmaking is okay when the keep matching me against people who are far better than i ever will be?

Sure but the buff did nothing to actually help his kit. It still has all the problems like every skill having like a second of casting before the projectile goes off, or the mediocre damage, or the really finicky satchel charge with how unclear it is where you will land when you use it. If they gave his Q a bit bigger AoE and added a guide line or something to the Satchel to show where you'd land he'd be solid.
Maybe give his minefield grounded and reduce the scaling.

>He doesn't know about adaptation in a best of x series

these kinda people should commit suicide, he was teemo adc, I was support

we won

a little more buff and he will be good for split pushing given how good his W will be to destroy towers

He wasn't an adc. Those letters don't mean what you think they mean.

Do you have a low amount of games? You'll find your skill level with more.