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50% is an excuse for shitty players

What’s the most satisfying ult to hear cancelled?


reminder that d.va does not need a buff and anyone who thinks this is a fucking retard

git gud


>getting killed by your self-destruct

nice argument

>people think mcree is fine

Has a Bastion ever baited out your reflect as Genji?

>D.Va apparently flies her mech into warzones against deadly murderbots and causes so much carnage she broadcasts it across the world
>gets ripped to shreds by an icicle gun

Friendly reminder to upvote all healers in the post game screen. Their biting the bullet means you or your shitter teammates dont have to.

Right click - Prefer all healers. Right click - Avoid all Mcree mains and Bastion mains.

Bastion and Toblerone nerf when?

Zarya buff when?

>playing torb on defense
>enemy team kills teammates
>die before i can ever set up a turret when i get back



>upvote the mercy who takes 20% damage and heals 2200

no thanks

>it's a Torbjorn on defense episode


If you can chain a Rez and a Transcendence ult with Mercy and Zenyatta, right during overtime, you effectively win the teamfight at the end of the game. unless there's a fucking Winston.

Fuck off. Being penalized for shooting and you entire front facing body gives off headshots is dumb.

Wot are ya waiting for luv?

I'm just thanking the masses for thinking D.Va needs a buff, and big blue agreed to it. Already boosting a 70% winrate on her with over 8 hours of play time.


fuck you bastion you 195 damage fuck

>Choosing Genji on defence

>Two snipers on attack

>Mei ever

Ok, who of you shitters keep doing this?



When a healer doesn't heal that much damage it actually reflects more on your team than them. It means your team is either scattered or you're letting your healer die.

Solo queue in this game is utter cancer.
I've never been so infuriated playing a game in my life to the point where I can barely play 20 minutes before wanting to put my keyboard through my screen.

Nah, fuck you.

How is Genji's reflect even a thing?

get good

>6v6s are slowly getting harder to play
>really frustrating games that always go to round 3 or overtime for a full minute
>this only makes the ggwps at the end make me even angrier
4 losses in a row and I feel absolutely crushed. And this isnt even competitive yet.

Her little bubble on the mech is made of a really thin piece of glass.

Zarya doesn't need a buff. Bastion doesn't need a nerf.

normally they fire off enough rounds before they realize that rclick->melee->dash is enough to finish them

Bastion player detected.

>pick genji on defense
>live behind the enemy team so they can't push/cap
They are onry human

Got 5 of them today
Still got 3 legendaries @ level 16 tho

>Zarya buff
fuck you


Mei wins Anubis and Hollywood games outright on defense.

I'd shoot my hot semen all up in Tracer
she is so cute

>Avoid all Mcree mains and Bastion mains.
People playing a character are not maining that character. Stop using that fucking word. Also, McCrees may deserve upboats if they have overwhelming kill participation or if FtHs are only a portion of their eliminations. Nobody should ever be rewarded for playing Bastion, though.

>Zarya has a giant beam of energy shoot out
>Only a little pin prick in the middle actually hits anything

>Mei squirts out some snow flakes
>Will hit just about anything on the screen close to you


>fight enemy team
>they have a Zarya



>team tracer keeps trying to ult zarya

>oh fuck a dva I better plan carefully for this encounter
LMAO said no one ever. here's a list of characters that can solo dva:
1. every character
2. fucking zenyatta
4. her own ult

why do you purposely drag your team down by playing dva?

I actually main Widow, Tracer, and Zarya, thank you very much.

or it means, like with many mercy players, they don't pay attention and heal those who need it and stick on the reinhardt/roadhog the majority of the game

PSA: If there is 15 seconds left and they do a last man push, suiciding for their Mercy is a 100% completely fine play. That being said: Only 1 player should do it, and it should be the player with least to offer in terms of anti-push / team fight and highest chance of surviving.

Winston into Ultimate is a good choice.

>Her shields used to last 4 seconds
Jesus christ I can only imagine how terrifying that was.

>No freckles

how the FUCK does zenyatta get caught by junkrats bear trap

>enemy Zarya is high energy all the time
just dont hit her

But she needs it.

Especially on console

Absolute shitter detected. "Bastion needs a nerf!" is the number one, Blizzard approved, explicitly stated tells of someone who is new/won't switch/is just bad/all of the above.

Please refrain from any further balance input, thank you


how do i practice aiming? I wanna git gud on widowmaker

Blizz selling merchandise already?

I'd buy a 76 jacket

>its a dupe

>Frozen by Mei
>she walks up to headshot me
>gets pulled away and instagibbed at the last second by le tricky hook man

I think early in development, they made a joke about Zenyatta's robe thing getting caught.

Thoughts on this autism?

I swear, those drops do their best to absolutely mock you.
>Oh look, you're getting shit again!
>Not just shit, but shit for characters you don't enjoy playing!
>Okay, we'll stop fucking you and give you a legendary for that character you absolutely abhor playing!
Fuck you devil mercy, fuck you.

just play a lot

>Tfw Zarya's beam isn't even accurate to crosshair until like 5 feet away
>It does no damage by that point

Where my M2 Zarya bros at?

How the fuck does he get stunned by earthshatter?

Gravity kills

What's the lore behind why the heroes are fighting each other?

Post D.va stats

M1 does more if you're not complete shit and can actually track.

Bastion played detected.

The devs forgot to make more evil heroes to balance it out.

i literally don't play d.va

>Gravity kills

> Enemy Genji ults
> I throw my grav well at his feet
> Put him down like the dog he is

there is none

makes about as much sense as DotA or League of Legends

lore and gameplay are separate for the most part

D.Va wins most duels. Here's a proper D.Va encounter with Zenyatta
>D.Va charges in, hitting Zenyatta for 25 damage, stopping, and then using melee for fifty damage at point blank range
>Zenyatta, now with 75 health, throws a discord orb and some christmas ornaments into D.Va's critbox
>D.Va takes significant damage but kills the Zenyatta in under a second
That's it. D.Va wins most 1V1s but she struggles in midrange against multiple opponents, and mostly deals with those situations by flying away from them.

For you to put your shoes back on and get out of my house.

It's for the best

>2 Legendary's.
>One is a dupe the other is for a hero you hate playing or despise.

Anybody here playing rn and want to group up on PSN?

Yes. That's just a 76 tshirt though.

Post webms

Turn Widowmaker's zoom sensitivity to 0, it makes it 1:1 with your normal aim.

Do training and practice getting hexakill


Post more Zayra pics, I love her




Would you?

Some people called talon showed up and started beef and overwatch is resurrected to kick their asses. The only off part is that the only heros that are part of talon are widowmaker and reaper. Then Dva lucio mei junkrat and roadhog aren't even part of either side

This is true sometimes but not always. If you are standing behind Reinhardt's shield with Mercy and she isn't healing you that's one thing, but crying because Mercy isn't pocketing you when you play Reaper and flank is stupid as hell. Mercy has to stay alive first and foremost. If somebody plays Mercy on my team I generally pick a team player like Soldier 76 and try to protect them because I know how infuriating it is when you consistently get killed because your team is negligent.



why play pharah when you can play junkrat
why play dva when you can play winston


Here you go bro

Mei's punches are FUCKING cute god damn


>i played dva so much i can kill genji now
I can pick fights.
I can fly away.
I can block damage AND knock enemies down.
She's alright.
I play her and Junkrat, it's fun.
I have 16/6 average k/d with d.va.