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Previous thread Go play this game instead of Overwatch

Forced Fifty is a myth perpetuated by low skilled players in order to explain why they can't win games. You cannot believe in MMR and Forced Fifty coexisting.

Ever get that feelings of dijon vu


First for mom and dad

Why am I so bad when I play the heroes I wanna be good at yet when I play Pharah I always win

daughter too


im gay

when the hell is rank getting released exactly?

>Typo in the title



>faggot has switched to winston (was d.va)

Fuck this game

more like BEST PLAYER in his RECON MODE

>is old
>acts like awkward 15yo chubster
>voice acting doesn't match the age at all
>total no-fun-allowed cancer

because pharah is retard proof. literally she is a hero for the handicapped.

>tfw no legendarys yet

Nth for when you've had a good game


I hope you get some soon!

Shut up Genji

So never?

what is forced fifty

Canon armless Pharah.

I like it, the first accurate fanart I've seen of her.


aw, man, you musta beat me to it

retarded pairing. mei x dva is the only pairing.


Why do people say hog sucks? I have played every character in this game and nobody comes even close to the killing power he has except mcree (simply because hes broken)

Some people believe that the matchmaker uses your win rate as the measurement of your skill, and that when you get too high of win-rate over 50%, it places you into unwinnable games in order to balance it out.

This is not factual in the slightest.


>Playing Junkrat
>Hopping around behind the enemy running distractions and wrecking their widows/healers
>My team notices
>The shitty token level Spam grenades over walls while standing still
>We lose

I just want to have a good game without someone desecrating the best hero right in front of my eyes

>Mercy is 37

the idea that everyone will end up with 50% winrate because of the system

how is matches formed?

how rumor get pregnant?

she spent a large amount of her life in cryostasis; she is likely biologically only in her teens or early 20's

>most overrated character
>most underrated character



>Could buy Anubis Pharah
>Or Bone Soldier 76
>Or White Rabbit Dva
>Or just save up for a legendary

>Zenyatta mains

Nobody thinks you're cool for picking the worst hero and spending half the game dead



>not liking moms

There *is* a hidden mmr system that should, in theory, place you among higher skilled players, often resulting in your w/l going down.

But yeah, they aren't *unwinnable* or anything. I'm level 32 and I'm consistently matched with people 2-3x my level most of the time, but my winrate hasn't fallen below 59%.

Old women deserve love too

Save your money for when the lootboxes get diluted with even more skins so you can just buy them instead of going through current skins + the new ones


Well it's correct to that extent. The matchmaker tries to create games where both sides have a 50% chance of winning. This naturally leads to players gravitating towards 50% winrates.

The idea that it puts you into unwinnable games once your winrate goes over a certain percentage is retarded though.

>sagging cowtits
Why would you ruin best girl wih that?

Pharah and Zarya

That's why you sit him behind Reinhardt and suddenly the fucker has over a thousand effective health.

Nanomachines son.

Mercy is the head of Talon.

i need more
i need more dorito dva

37 is when women are at there horniest. and mercy prob hast had sex once in her life and has alot of built up stress

im just sayin.

She's a fucking virgin.

people who think having gold damage means they actually contributed anything are so pathetic

post dumb rat pictures

im really having no fun at all anymore

i somehow managed to get to decent mmr and now matches are people flaming the fuck out of me for playing shit i enjoy, and i don't even get to do much because other people are just better than me

i want to go back to playing with shitters again, this is completely miserable
i've lost basically every single game today

No mobility, situational ult, not really much of a tank in the traditional sense

I still love playing him because hook farts on little Tracers and Pharahs and Widows and really every squishy player except maybe Genji, I met this one Genji who kept deflecting after my hook before I could fire but maybe I was just slow

The self heal is also amazing

Whats your region and battletag?


>tfw you want to play Pharah but teams are always, fucking always guaranteed to have at least one Widowmaker or Hanzo plus a S76 or McCree

3 greys and a dupe blue

Mercy or D.Va

what kind of mental gymnastics do you have to perform to convince yourself that the person who did the most damage didn't contribute anything

Then you kill them you pussy

>She's a fucking virgin.
She's got children user, get over it.

>gold damage as dva
All it means is your attackers are trash. If you get a gold star for not-your-job it just means the pubs are bad.

I am reminded why I only play Mercy.

I want to filter out control point maps and watchpoint

What do you play, user?

I typically play 2 or 3 games at a time, take a break, and then play again. Sounds like you play while you're tilted too and that's no good.

have u ever typed in english once in ur life idiot hahahahahahahahahah

I want to filter out Payload

>mcmeme not nerfed

I play Pharah against them, the idea is to hide behind a wall and shift into a surprise attack. Or you could stay on the ground.

yes please shit is cancer and aids and not fun and imbalanced AAAAAAAAAA

Only bad zen players are bad. With zen, you sit in your rightful spot, the far back, and WRECK. I have taken out more turrets, more tanks, and one shotted tracers then any other person in the games I've been in. Hes not like junkrat where at low skill you can still be effective and at high skill a god. With zen, your good or you arnt. Thats it.

You wouldnt play a Rein behind the team, so dont play a zen in front.

>Start to get into lobbies with better players
>You can't pick any hero that isn't highly mobile or tanky because Widow will just annihalate you

Until she's nerfed into the ground she will hold this game back.

Boobs sag. It's what they do.
Do you not know anatomy?

>I need to create an incredibly outlandish opinion to get the (You)s
This is the mindset of trolls

That's why Pharah has the lowest winrate

That's a cute dog, got any more pictures of him?

>dva is bad meme
It hurts. I just want her to be good, or at least decent.

why the fuck is there a mandatory role in every team that only 2 (TWO) characters can fit

and people wonder why nobody likes playing support because they are already bored of it

>have a Mercy and a Lucio
>someone picks Zen

Low mobility, huge target, no damage mitigation so he is free ultimate for a lot of characters due to him being melee ranged character and useless when his hook is on cooldown. His ult is great but completely negated by a single Genji.


>useless when hook is on cooldown

literally git gud

>capture the point/hold the point maps
>play Symmetra
>racking up kill streaks and PotGs
>current highest kills in a match is Symmetra with 30
Holy fuck Symmetra is a monster when you have to defend. But it's the worst when you switch to payload and the people who saw me do good last game try to be her on Attack.

>Now arriving at Ilios

I want to spend the rest of my life with this wonderful girl.


>The two people with shit that auto-aims for you get the most wins by a long shot

When Roadhog has no hook, he's just a fat slow Reaper with half the fire rate and half the ammo capacity.

>He hasn't played as Zarya with Hog or viceversa

move up with reinhardt, staying on spot pretending your reaper and mccree are going to do damage in long rage is useless

na dezly#1242

Eh, there are plenty braindeads out there, hate away.
I don't main him tho, but he's one of my favs and usually fits well with the rest of the group.
But many are indeed goddamn stupid, just blindly lobbing nades like a hanzo with his logs.
I play him very offensively, popping someone in the air with a mine followed with a nade to the face while they're still falling never gets old.

>anyone else think Junkrat & Kittan have sortof the same vibe to them?

Someone post the REPOSITIONING pic

Massive spread so it's only gonna do something worth noting at melee range. His alt fire is the same except few meters further.