League of Legends General - /lolg/

Ashe is The Best and Cutest Girl on League



Old: Eyosongive.us


you know what fuck that cocksucker I'm gonna stay right here

thanks buddy, but is not necessary

duh nuh nuh nuh nuh

its the motherfucking well-d-i-n-g

xth for waifu nid-a-l-e-e

Why are people sleeping on Zyra support? This shit is literally fucking busted, I go top 2 in damage dealt every game

that's literally the only role she's played.
most of the supports that are more popular than her are more popular because they're also cheaper

you just have to play her all the people that play zyra think she was a good support champion

Any games show at E3 yesterday that are the dagger for League?

This isn't a game

Nah but I'm hype as fuck and going to be broke as fuck
I'll still always fall back to league tho

Is ashe the queen


>bumping the thread so it doesn't die

Yes and fucks Trynda constantly.

How do we solve the one trick pony abuse in Solo Q? People need to play more than one champion to qualify for Platinum and above,

>Main account that I've had since beta
>Level up a new account to 30
>Permabanned during placements
D-does anyone have a spare smurf they're not using?

Phoneposting for best tank

Post Zac, also talk about Zac

Why is Zac the best (and gooiest)?

You could always try not being a verbally abusive shithead. Just mute people that annoy you, moron.

not being you is a pleasure


>200 million a year in skin scales
>too lazy to make a HD button

Ashe sucks ass

god damn it client I really hope all my masteries and things are right


>boasting about bronze 3 games

I want to be Katarina's pet. I want her to control my orgasms and only allow me to ejaculate once per week.

no, she dont, but Jinx needs buffs, like nerf a little the late and buff the early


>play janna in low elo

>play any other support in low elo

Why haven't you collected your free ticket to plat yet?

Someone explain this to me

Im silver 1 but i have gold 3 MMR. Sometimes when i play ranked i go against plat players.

I checked the mmr of some random guy in the same silver 1 league as me and he basically had silver 5 MMR but he was in same league as me. We're both silver 1!

Ive failed my promos to gold twice last week. Im guessing when that guy gets to do his promos to gold he wont have to play against the level of opposition i do, thus making his promos much easier than mine. He'll also be higher ranked than me meaning he's better.

How exactly is this fair??

Ashe is pretty fucking strong at the moment.

And ER and IE having more AD?

Ashe buffs :^)

>Nintendo has spent like 35 minutes talking about Pokemon

>This shit is literally fucking busted, I go top 2 in damage dealt every game
That's not impressive in itself, that's her fucking job. She's a nuker.

>up against a talon mid
>make sure to rape him twice before he hits 6 >he still whips out his lv5 mastery icon as his corpse lies among his creeps
>proceed to show off my lv7 icon instead
>his jimmies were effectivley rustled

Best girl.
Best hips.
Best wife.

>We're both silver 1!
Yeah, but you'll never play with him and he'll get demoted.



Why does riot insist on keeping mmr hidden?

again? what happened?

Why does it matter?

He's banned from going to Riot events because they don't want him shitting them up again after last year. He's on full breakdown mode on his stream on hitbox kek bringing up all the rumours he's spread in the past and calling Krepo a pedo again

It's not tho. You have to delete some system files to view it.

This aint right.

This just aint right. Im a plat v scrublet I shouldnt be in such pain, and yet, I am.

wtf is Hitbox?

> bringing up all the rumours he's spread in the past and calling Krepo a pedo again


Guess he's not so sorry after all :^)

If you have G3 MMR, you will earn more from each match win, so you should be going up in rank.

Going from S1 to G5 is hard. I don't know why, but it just is. I got stuck on that shit for like 2 weeks, now I went from G5 to G4 in like 3 days.
Just keep grinding.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>playing aram
>enemy jinx literally starts last whisper into dominicks
I know it's only aram but jesus no one knows basic building here, barely anyone starts gold items too.

Queue bugs out sometimes you nigger.

Just restart it.

Hitbox is twitch with a smaller community. Doesn't seem like a bad site honestly, just trying to compete with Twitch which already had the market and doesn't do anything new. It's literally just a less popular Twitch.

He did just outright say multiple times that he wasn't sorry "is it really harassment if it's true lads"

Gross gore was the guy who brought girls to an LCS event expecting to fugg them and they ditched him for 1337 progamerz and he got 420% anal devastated, right?

Making sure I'm not mixing people up

nigga this aint the hood

Yo are the servers down or something?

I can't log into NA.

That's one of the few times he's fucked up, yes.

>"is it really harassment if it's true lads"

I'm ready for even more

Spam on twitch chat. :^)

>kill a guy in normals
>blog about it

>I checked the mmr of some random guy in the same silver 1 league as me and he basically had silver 5 MMR but he was in same league as me. We're both silver 1!
You can climb simply by playing a large amount of games, you'll eventually go on hotstreaks.

Also, dynamic queue.

>How exactly is this fair??
It's "fair" because the system is matching you against players it thinks are at your skill level.

If it was up to me, you would only be matched with players +/- 2 divisions.

>season 6
>STILL playing this shit infested kiddie game

what did he do last year?

>Queue bugs out sometimes you nigger.

nah, it works sometimes, it bugs out most of the time

Because I find Nami to be even more freelo

>friends with a girl__ on league
>pretty bad at the game
>in bronze until someone duoQ carried her out
>stuck at silver 0LP
>check her match history now
>a ton of wins
>that's odd
>flash key changed in those games
>talk to her in our native tongue
>reply is in another language

>only 2 games

kind of sad desu

Here's your (you).

but does Lulu want to swim in you ?


can you not evade my filters please?

Behold AP Jinx in arguably hardest match up for this. Still won. Inb4 excuses. Roast me faggots.

This is blind pick by the way.

Kindred lost every single baron, dragon to enemy jungler and ran in 1v5, complete retard. Yasuo tried to backdoor with all enemies alive multiple times and left teamfights to do it too. Thank god for Irealia and Brand being sane players.

not sure what you're on about, seems 100% normal to me user

>getting carried by Irelia
>long ass normals game
Yea, fuck off.

>you have less CS than there are kills in the game

>two digits deaths
>on everybody
>implying your normal game MMR isn't pretty much bronze tier

Other alarming factors that show that your normal game MMR is bronze also are, but not limited to:
>You not having a deathcap
>Yasuo building hydra AND BT
>BT DMP DD Irelia
>Zedblade on anybody


You're an idiot

Get a nashors next time

That's it? I want more tears.
Oh no, my secret identity.. Please don't DDOS me.

>Block your name
>Not the other names
>All of which more than likely have only 1 AP Jinx in their history

Just watched Zootopia and it's pretty legit.

Definitely reccomend it.

I considered it but there isn't enough time to put in AA really. Basically need trap catch, Exhaust, W, Gunblade in perfect scenario. 1 shot Yasuo by this after they got baron at LvL 18 without Exhaust.
It's not easy living with autism bro, sorry.

Duskblade isn't a bad buy on either of those champs, and is nearly core on Zed

>The entire ban roster is filled with solo laners, mostly top laners
>ADCs have only ever had 1 ban at rare periods in time in Kalista and Lucian
>Shitters will still claim the role is perfectly fine

Why even go to the effort of covering it up if you weren't going to be thorough? I mean I don't care about your game because it doesn't matter, all you even did was prove that it doesn't work anyway, but that was boneheaded.

For the record you should have built Nashor's Tooth and Deathcap.

ADCs don't roam and shit up the game from the 10 minute mark

R(Ultimate): Step Martial arts - Kisu has access to her ultimate at level one. each subsection of Kisu's ultimate is activated through clicking and dragging your cursor in a certain direction (basically the smart ping system) there is a 1 second CD between switching

Flame Step - Kisu's auto attacks have a small AOE around them and inflicts a burn, dealing 2/2.5/3% of their Max HP over 2 seconds. (the DOT has a 4 second CD)
Freezing Step - Kisu's auto attacks slow enemies by 10% for 1 second
Gale step - Kisu gains a 30/40/50% speed boost and knocks back all enemies in a small AOE (400 unit AOE)
Shocking Step - Kisu's auto attacks stun her target after every second hit for 0.5 seconds. (cannot stun the same target for 5 seconds)

Q: Leg sweep - Kisu resets her auto attack as well as inflicting a bonus based on which "step" she has activated.

Flame step - DOT deals double damage (4/5/6% instead of 2/2.5/3% over 2 seconds)
Freeze step - next three auto attacks slow for 20% instead of 10%
Gale step - she gains a 30/40/50% attack speed boost for 4 seconds
Shock step - the next target stunned is stunned for a bonus 0.5 seconds (1 second total stun duration. the 5 second window still applies)

W: Ki barrier - Kisu creates a barrier in a V shape in front of her that lasts for 3 seconds and bounces all projectiles it comes in contact with (allies included). the projectile is reflected at an
angle or straight back at the target, depending on how the barrier is placed. The barrier has a health bar that scales with 25% of Kisu's Bonus health (15 second

E: Kisu leaps to a target location, creating an AOE depending on which stance she has selected. (12/11/10/9/8 second CD)

Flame step - burns all targets in a AOE (300 units around her)
Freeze step - Slows all targets in a AOE (250 units around her)
Gale step - Knocks up all targets in a AOE for 1 seconds (200 units around her)
Shock Step - Stuns all targets in a AOE for 1.5 seconds (100 units around her)

If you cannot AA on a champ with like 650 range dont pick that hero wtf lol? Like nigga do u know what ur other gun form does? Nashors onhit + gattling and lich proc??

Fuck off


Who r u
R u some1 i hate ?? Cus ur posts not so awful recently thunps upboated +1


Never said it's super good build. I just said it's not like your team will lose because of 1 off-meta pick if you don't feed and aren't retarded. Which I believe I wasn't.
You are welcome to show me how it's done.

he was memeing prob

i have been out of the loop for a while, can someone tell me which are the best champs to play top and adc right now in ranked?

ADC - AP Jinx.

Are the animals sexy? I sort of forgot about the movie. I bet there's some sick porn of it.

League Legend

Trinity force tops. Irelia Jax or like tank fizz.
AD is Ashe, Ezreal, Lucian, Caitlyn

Counterplay.xyz will list them for your rank

Generally Irelia top and MF adc though

why should he listen to an unranked shitter?

go back to /d/egenerate

No sexy ones but definitely cute ones(the bunny and the vice mayor who's a sheep).

Gazelle if you really stretch it.

>finally reach Silver 1
>now literally win 1 game and lose the next one
Did I just reach the point where I will be stuck unless I carry. I just like playing tanks too much.

I am someone

There's a difference between "Off-meta" and "Fucking pointless".