Is the masculinity and femininity a spook?

Is the masculinity and femininity a spook?

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no, but it is exploited to the degree that it is one


Let us trigger.

I think it is my property. But not fully, there are a few psychological traits that are hardwired.

Ha the first one that got triggered. Nice triggering my properties.

Biology. Ever heard of it?

Biology doesn't explain the concept of masculinity or femininity.

Yeah it does

Except like I said (I am not by the way) only a little of psychology is hardwired thus biology.

What the fuck is this shit?

Yes there is a thing called a penis and a different thing called a vagina.

You got some Veeky Forums to discuss or is this just some fucking hipster gender bullshit?

Read the OP again.

I dunno mate but you sound a bit triggered. Maybe go back to your safe space and let the adults discuss this?


Read the first post again. This isn't about gender. This isn't about biology.

masculine = having qualities typically associated with men and boys
feminine = having qualities typically associated with women and girls

The only psychological stuff here is aggression.


I thought we were talking of masculinity and femininity as in behaviour. But OP should answer that.

You retards do realise that both of you are right in the sense its both biological and cultural. Some aspects of masculinity and feminity is biological but some are purely made up by culture.

True, but that means it's not entirely a spook. And if it was a spook, then why would trans people exist?

Pretty much, the virtues of men and women are identical, we only diverge when it comes to vice. Masculinity and Femininity are umbrella terms for the two main paths of disgrace.

Women and men demonstrably value different things and/or show their value in different ways.

Why do girls like ponies? Explain that, you biology professor

Because children like animals


Because they're unfamiliar and yet familiar enough to spark curiosity

There does seem to be a tendency for girls to play with human-like objects and boys to play with things. But that doesn't explain the ponies stuff right?

Nowadays, it's grown ass men who loves them

No, it most certainly isn't.
Not doing stuff because they aren't fitting the expectations of society towards your gender IS a spook tho. Still, it doesn't invalidate the concept of gender.

If you're forced to act one way or the other, isn't the spook?

A spook is a self inflicted constriction. If you're being forced from the outside, it's no more of a spook than a gun pointed to your head would be.

Sure is in a way. How about this: all have the same feelings for same sex. Just some start specializing in it. Last even local example of proof

Proof is complicated in a way about this.

Sorry, I don't like dick.

Sure is in a way. How about this: all have the same feelings for same sex. Just some start specializing in it. Last even local example of proof

Proof is complicated in a way about this.

>all have the same feelings for same sex
It's funny how fags get absolutely assblasted when someone mention most fags are bi, but then are absolutely insistent that all str8s are in fact at least bi.

they are words only the definition of a word can actually be described

watch as people go

word is a variable it is only a constant if everyone who is talking is already in agreement

No, its just one of these things. The same with religion, money war......

I no fag. I can beam you from a distance. Just look at your feeling. Could be not now but the basic thing is the same everywhere.

What are you even trying to say here? Most people don't have romantic feelings, nor do they feel sexual attraction for people of the same sex. Denying it is absolutely delusional.

Are you trying to say that even if I don't feel attracted by men now, I certainly will in the future? You're a nutjob.

Stop with the gender shit. This isn't about homosexuals or gays or straights. This isn't about romance or sex.

Get back to the topic.

Does having to act masculine and having to act feminine make it a spook? Does having to fit into a mold make you into a spook?

Guys seriously.

>is masculinity and femininity a spook
As genetically predetermined phenotype? It is depends on the environmental conditions. Under the some influence of the environment XY individuals will exhibit feminine behavior.
As something REAL?, all of our categories is a spook.
There is no "real" world that we can have immediate access to. Things in themselves are perceived and understood through the senses and intellect. The objects we refer to in language are fictional entities necessarily. When we perceive a "mele", we are reducing a phenomenal event to a fictional representation of the event. We extract important and essential qualities from the event(strong, big, have dick, love guns, love cars etc. ). When we see "male" in the next time, we say, "That phenomenal event is sufficiently like a fictional representation that I have in my head. That representation is called "men". I will call this phenomenal event "men" by analogy." Your fictional representation of "male" depends your experience. Other people see the same events and adopt the same word to describe it. We understand each other despite the unique qualities of both our experiences because language works by analogy, not equivalence. When we use language we don't refer at all to the "real" world, we refer to past uses of language and the fictional objects created thereby. In plain English, the word spade refers to the concept of spade rather than the spade-in-itself or any other formulation of the real and true spade. When we want to know what a word means we look at a definition. We don't go into nature or engage in transcendental meditation to understand what words mean.

Categories are useful. It doesn't make them a vector of truth. They are approximations, and, in their details, they are plainly wrongs. Details matter. It is okay to use them as long as you stay conscious of that. On the other hand, believing there REALLY are men and women with a strict and essential distinction between the others is forgetting the original metaphor and confusing pragmatical functionality with metaphysical truth.

>called "male". I will call this phenomenal event "male" by analogy."*

Some time ago I saw some parts of documentary in my language. This gay person was going to try to fuck a waifu. Beforehand in saying it there could not have been a chance in this working. But when it actually happened it was not. And I don't even believe this beforehand thing was true.

>There is no "real" world that we can have immediate access to.
what is qualia nigga

>Does having to act masculine and having to act feminine make it a spook? Does having to fit into a mold make you into a spook?
Depends on why you have to act and fit in a mold. If it is to preserve yourself from the consequences of external judgement, like social isolation and bullying, then it most certainly isn't a spook. If it is because you yourself are brainwashed into thinking acting in a certain way is necessary, then it is.

Most of it, but the base tropes are biological instincts.

But shit like gendered colours is.

As is the concept of gender as something separate from sex. A man wearing a dress is still a man.

If you'd asked if effeminaty was a spook the others might have understood what you meant.

You don't really understand what a spook is, do you?
An idea isn't inherently a spook. It's the unwarranted importance you might attach to it that makes it so.

>Why do girls like ponies?
ha ha btw look how this is afterwards The whole original series even stoped a long time ago. ()

And people do attach an unwarranted importance to it, clearly, or we wouldn't have all these silly labels like 'other kin' and 'gender fluid', ect, and wasting time and money researching these fantasy concepts.

I could be misunderstanding something, but if I am you aren't explaining it very well.