/dbdg/ Dead by Daylight General #9

Previous Thread - With Meg Edition!

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>Sounds like evolve
It's not. Survivors have to avoid the killer at all costs, whereas the killer has to hunt for them. Everyone has their own objective.

>General info
Pastebin with most questions asked: pastebin.com/DDddy4uE
Pastebin with peek at what's in the full release in terms of levels: pastebin.com/FE58REXD
Pastebin with all of the values for Cheat Engine (perks/items/whatnot): pastebin.com/vCh6gxR6

>Official site

>Video of the thread

>New Patch Notes (1.0.1)

Steam group soon if someone makes some shitty OC.

Other urls found in this thread:



reminder to quit games you aren't about to win to fuck over the suriviors, and make them lose all their points they would have gotten for escaping.

>Start match
>After a few minutes we finish two generators
>Killer's wandered around but hasn't found any of us
>He fucking rq's and we all lose rank pips
>That loadout
If there's one thing more pathetic than a hacker, it's a hacker who still loses and gets so buttmad he rq's.
God damn I hope this shit gets fixed soon.

>No one knows how ranking works
>Devs won't just outright say it

Come the fuck on

This is why I'm not worried about load outs.

If you don't know how to play, the perks aren't gonna make a fucking difference.

Wraiths can go invisible. It takes a few seconds to decloak, and they can't attack while cloaked. They're still plenty visible even when moving but there's no heartbeat to warn you of their presence.

Not even a very strong killer, might be the weakest, but it's no fun to play against and the people who play them are always the worst kinds of players.

fuck you, playing the trapper or hillbilly sucks.

So it's mobile insidious with the bonus of being actually invisible for a time?

They can be invisible as long as they want, but again, they're still pretty visible even when invisible. It's the mobile insidious that is so powerful.


actually probably the easiest to spot pseudo-invisibility i've seen

Requesting this martyr as spooky bing bong man

That doesn't happen any more. If you quit like a bitch all that happens now is that the killer doesn't get points

Alright. Gonna try first game of post release.

Let's see how quickly I find something to complain about.

I fucking love hillbilly. How can anyone hate zooming around the map at sanic speed?

A friend of mine can't hold M2 long enough to rev his chainsaw/uncloak, but it only happens sometimes. Any ideas whats wrong?

get a new mouse

His mouse

Your welcome Starlord.

Got fucking wrecked not knowing the layout of Autohaven.

Not the issue. Has no problem holding and releasing on his desktop.

>decide to start screwing with survivors
>hear the last dwight alive in a cabinet
>walk up to it and slowly turn to face him
>chainsaw away
>dwight runs again and tries to pull the same shit in the basement
>walk past him and go up the stairs for more movie killer goodness
>come back since he's still there
>rev up my chainsaw as I walk down the stairs for added affect
>decide to drop him at the hatch since I had my fun dicking around with him
>he's afk
>come back
>he's still afk
>hang him on a hook

waste of a free victory, dwight

the hell is this movie about?

It's about many bear traps.

This is a prime example of, even if you have ultra rare perks and OP combinations, if you fucking suck then you still won't win. Very satisfying to see this

>finally get skeleton key
>get addon that lets me keep it after using it
>tell everyone in the lobby to look for the hatch after 2 gennies

>can't find the fucking hatch
>looked everywhere, fucking macmillian estate without the coal tower, place is a maze
>people getting murdered because of me
>panic, keep looking for hatch
>better person keeps doing gennies since they prob know Im shit
>eventually give in and do the last genny while they're chased
>get out alive and feeling like an asshole

I thought I was going to help

Can you unlock the Insidious perk as a Wraith?

The killer can see the chat. Why would you say that in chat?


Some of the autohaven maps should be outright removed from the game. It's literally impossible for the killer to win on a handful of them.

>I have literally never played killer

No he can't

>he doesn't know
hold shift

I don't think the killer can see the chat.

Have you played killer?

Are closets ever useful?

Hatch only opens for you though then closes

Hiding while teammates are being chased I guess?

>he fell for the memekey
>he made others fall for the promise of memehatch

Pretty much

Also, make sure to have the generator going as well to hide your breathing.

The best use I can think of is hiding while injured. Oh wait you fucking moan like a bunny in heat.


truly, I was memed

Just did this shit again.
Christ can people git gud.

No he can't

Now I feel like a super-asshole.

you have to do more than 2 for the hatch to appear before you are the last person remaining post-release

You're telling me right now that if I make a lobby then hold shift, I see their convo?

Holy shit

Closets can be good hiding places if you think the killer is coming but they have no reason to believe you're in the general area. I also like sprinting towards a closet and then walking away as the killer is coming. He sees tracks leading to the closet and checks them all.


Shit, that's a good idea.

>First time on Farm
>3 of us spawn together
>Looks kinda cool
>Suddenly bell sound
>Oh shit did we trigger something
>Massive heart beats
>See the fucking killer right on our nuts
>Sprint off
>Go do a nearby gen
>He kills 3 fucking people
>Finish gen
>He hooks one in basement
>I rescue the other two
>One gets killed anyway
>Go do another gen
>Hope this downie fuck I rescue manages to do one too
>Killer appears right ontop of me
>No juke places in sight
>Get caught
>Other guy happens to be right there as killer picks me up
>He enters the closet
>Killer drops me and opens the closet

Well that game sucked. And fuck that fucking killer.

That has to be more fun than adding him to the sacrifices. Plus you and him get points for days, while the rest get barely any.

Wew found another hacker who still lost.

>secret achievements
What did they mean by this?

>Murder everyone except the last person who opens the gate, they have both hits so there's really no way I can kill them because they'll just speedboost escape
>We have a jaunty jig for a few minutes at the gate before they run off

I can't be mad at you, get out of here you little scamp

I just went against a guy like that. Didn't stop him from being a shitter and dying on a hook

user was right they are a bunch of shitters

Man It really gets my jollies playing killer, but even more when there's one person left and it's a Claudette or Meg. Damn that gets me so fucking crazy. If I down them I always take them to the basement, throw them on the floor and let them crawl back up, bring em back down. Watch their hope slip away. When the bar gets really low I put them on the hook, I want to see her die. I try to get the camera angle as close to the face as possible just to get that moment of ecstasy. I'd like to imagine that the trapper has a nice, big and thick slapper for the woman's snapper. I also like to imagine when it's all done the entity brings the charred and skinless body back down for the trapper to get trapped in the snapper so the body can get tapped. I'd carry the body gently back to the surface and place her on a tall grass bed and pummel her. Our shrine of bear traps surrounding us. This love making is deadly, one false move and you'll be snapped in half by the snapping metallic trap. The entity watches, and it's turned on. Sending a foggy cool breeze past my trapped ballsac and making me trapped nipples tingle. Then I'd release my trapper fluids out my tapper and carefully avoid the beat traps, leaving my loves bounty trapped within a pool of my fluids and circle of bear traps for the next survivors to see. For the next Meg or Claudette to see and know that they too will be trapped. Trapped in my heart for all eternity.

>theres no achievement for your team getting all 7 gens

What did I just read

I agree.


>there is someone out there, at least one person, who uses dbd to keep themselves from going on an actual rampage

he could even be on this very board

Maybe he plays surviver to learn their tactics

It could be you!
It could be me!
It could even be-

>your trapped nipples
I could address anything in this text wall, but the idea of clamping bear traps onto my nipples makes mine twitch in sympathy


Release has unleashed the hugest fucking load of downie fucks into this game

>Me and a guy at a gen
>Killer comes
>Go hide
>He gets caught working and hit
>He escapes
>I return and work more
>He eventually comes back
>Go to heal him
>He starts working on the gen so I can't
>Killer hears gen and comes back to down this retard
>Finish gen
>Go find another gen
>Another guy gets caught
>Finish gen 2 and get to work on gen 3
>Killer comes and catches me because I'm warping into walls every 5 ft
>Get hooked
>Last thing I see is the last guy trying to escape
>No one else did a single fucking gen

Wake me up

It's always the worst fucking feeling when you spent 2-5 minutes juking the fucking killer and you don't hear a single fucking generator go off

It gets even worse when you finally dodge the mother fucker and work on the generators and notice no progress was made on any of them.

What the fuck were they doing?

>Pulling myself off the hook AND escaping through the hatch

One faggot had roleplay in his name. I hope to god he wasn't some livestream muppet rping about being in a horror movie.

This game is fucking infuriating. Every single other person is a drooling retard. Fix the fucking generators. FIX THE FUCKING GENERATORS. Start of the match? FIX THE FUCKING GENERATOR NEXT TO YOU. Killer catches a braindead faggot in the first minute of the game? FIX A FUCKING GENERATOR.



>Daily ritual is to chainsaw 11 survivors
>First match is Coldwind

>Knockdown all four survivors with the chainsaw
>hook em all
>end with zero brutality score

What part of slashing people with a chainsaw and impaling them with hooks isn't brutal

>people who hate cornfield as a survivor
Do you even actually use the corn? All you need is 2 layers for the killer to not notice you at all, especially since no one actually expects you to be in there. I've had killers touch me as they head to a generator I just finished and not even notice me. Not a bad killer either, he trapped the shack and prioritized the strongest people. The corn is just that good.

Only time not to is if there's a hillbilly, since obviously being in the open is a death sentence.



Chainsaw gives you deviousness

All I want is for them to do literally the only objective in the game, is that so much to ask?

If no generators get fixed in the first minute I assume my team are drooling retards and spend the whole game looking for the hatch instead.

>tfw forcing the last survivor to do generators for points and then letting them leave
Gotta get those bloodpoints anyway you can

Killers absolutely notice you in the cornfield. In fact, the music gives you away long before the killer notices you. The problem is they can't see you so you can easily crawl away.

You're better off running into the cornfield and then walking away then trying to juke the killer on the outskirts.




>chainsawing between generators looking for people
>run into some random asshole hiding in the corn
it's happened more than you'd think it would

>Hook 3 survivors in fucking Autohaven of all places AS HILLBILLY
>Look around for fourth one
>Find her standing over the hatch
>See's me and starts teabagging
>Oh I know what your planning fucker
>Run up but don't swing
>Wait for the animation to play
Fuckers have been getting cocky by bad killers.

>Hooked right outside of open exit
>2 left, other one fucking off at other side of map
>Killers leaves me alone to find last guy
>Try 1 fail
>Try 2 succeed!
>Run out the exit
>Get sweet ass achievement for it
Man lucked out on that. Killers often body camp that if by some miracle you do pull yourself off it you just get downed.

I don't understand all the hate wraiths are getting. His cloaking ability is fucking amazing if you mimic a survivor's playstyle. Patrol the edge of the map and scout survivor locations. Determine where they are most likely to run (most likely behind walls and areas with windows). Decloak there and enjoy your prey running into you.

Also, stop wasting time on survivors who take you to juke spots. You're an ambush predator, act like it.

>people actually defend no graphics settings or control settings

>6 begrimed chains
>8 rusted chains
I guess I can afford to have some fun

>not the add on that lets you see the killer in a 38 meter radius

Likely using an edited save, user.

All my characters are prestige 1-3 as well


>use offering for autohaven level
>killer d/cs immediately

>Already dozens of hackers
>No anti-cheat system
>Thousands of killer rage quits
>No trolly VOIP

This game is aptly named. Because it's gonna die before it ever sees the light.

I'd pay good money for Brett Dalton survivor dlc.

A sensitivity slider for controller users would be nice.

John Cena killer...plays the theme song every time he sees you.

I wish we could have mods

I miss mods in gaming

That's basically the hillbilly isn't it? Except it's themes on is brrrrrrrrrrf

I'm using that along with the add on at lets me keep it when I die. This key is changing the way I play, I'm less charitable, quicker to leave others, scared of losing... this key is ruining me.

I love it when people cant use a flashlight correctly.