League of Legends General - /lolg/

ded gaem edition

old: eyosongive.us

1st for me

Illaoi is broken as hell, nerf when? Or bug fix when? Fucking tentacles hit before even hitting the ground.

>Play since season 3
>Only realise now that the LW works on the extra armor from the items and runes/masteries and not the total armor
Shit. I thought "bonus" meant "FREE".

4th for this game is actually dying for real this time

it used to be total armor

>supp nunu goes heal/ignite
>feeds out the ass and flames

>supp lux goes ignite/ghost
>feeds and flames all game

>supp nidalee is useless and starts tear
>feeds and flames all game

3 games in a row. what the fuck is with normals at 2 am?

Why do you think tank items are broken this patch'

>Uninstalled the game
Feels fucking good man
see ya lolbabs

Daily reminder.

Beep boop fuck the pirate

I'll never understand why Strength is meta keystone for Singed when DFT just scales better with ROA, Rylais, and Liandries.

Tried playing Singed as a "super tank" with no damage items and it feels like you do nothin.


>pshh.... nothing personnel, kid

>not playing bard into gangplank

>tfw i was banned just for commenting on her bad contouring skills

Hey, you, have you played against Illaoi? How do you feel about that match and how do you deal with her?


No one cares

you completely ignore her outside of contesting the spirit nonsense. Tell your jungler to never come post-6 as well.

Who 21 and virgin here

Go supp yourself and show us how it's done.

So what are you addicted to now? Sentinels of the Multiverse?

My friend who's 24 finally lost his.
We figured him for a permavirgin.
Don't worry friendo you'll find a nice man one day.

this fucking malzahar meme needs to STOP

What meme?

i'm 27 and never held hands with a grill. i'm athletic (low bf%, abs visible, and not skinny), but my antisocial personality and my 2/10 face, won't get my anywhere...


"malzahars kit is healthy" - riot

mid/top for life

bot lane died with season 3

As long as you're not 40 and a virgin don't worry about it. If a woman is less interested in you because of your inexperience then she's a slut and not worth your time.

Assuming you want a long term relationship.

>not knowing you need to contore your chest to show your great personality


we back to d1 baby
time for masters...

i lost my virginity when i was 14

That's not a meme. That's the dev's opinion, which you disagree with.

How selfish. You have to give up your fun if you want to win often.

>pic of me having dinner with my gf.jpg
>pic of me

You are not even in the picture!

"Me" is the subject, not the object, in that sentence. Even if it's from your POV, it's still grammatically incorrect. A sentence constructed like "pic of my gf having dinner with me" would be an acceptable variable. Are you intellectually challenged or did you simply not pass elementary school?

>scripting my way to masters boys

Too bad that as soon as the scripts stop working you will fall to D5 like always.

>try to defend top as support against a strong illaoi
>she E's me
>run back towards my midlaner and adc
>two tentacles kill them both

Can you field an all-robot champ team?


if you include robo skins yeah

i win plenty as a caryy

its these memers at 3 in th emorning fucking my shit up

>Urgot maybe?

That's all I can think of...

with skins? yeah. otherwise it's just blitz and ori

>be me picking in 1 for all singed
>other four pick kha zix
>we get singed
>everyone flips their shit in lobby
>get in game
>everyone running around and splitpushing all game leading to us winning
Now that was fun.

>47 mins of splitpushing
yeah I highly doubt it. I had a 55 min against signed as a gp team and both sides were literally going insane from how boring it was

>Enemy team is 5-manning our Inhib Tower

>Extremely fed Darius is passively farming Top
>Vayne is passively farming bot

I've gone from one win away from getting into gold promos to 30 lp. I want off Mr Bones Wild Ride.

You were probably toxic and after they checked op.gg just said, "Fuck you," in their own quiet way.

>You were probably toxic

The only thing I said all game was "PLEASE" while repeatedly pinging for assistance.

>main jg/support
>carry games all the time
>Feeling a little weak in the last few games
>I think I'll play a real carry
>Get mid Ahri
>crush Yasuo 10/0
>support and jg suck, don't peel
>ultimately lose because my team felt like a Baron while all 5 of them are up was a good idea

Fuck bronze. Good thing I'm almost out.

No seriously, if you're in Bronze with a winrate below 50%, fucking kill yourselves you over-arrogant pricks.

>All or nothing
>Lee vs Veigar
>One lee is jungle
>I am 1v2
>accept my fate that I will accomplish nothing
>decide to become minion overlord
>build literally nothing but mr and zz'rot/banner
>they literally can't walk 10 feet out of their base without something pushing their inhibitors
>so tanky they can't kill me without dedicating at least 3 to me alone
most fun I've had in a horribly lost lane

>hover champ rarely picked or banned
>forst pick
>someone bans them
>"oh oops wasnt looking XD"
>lock their champ and go to my lane

Only time i ever troll. if you dont look you lose

Uh huh. I'm sure. Every toxic piece of shit in this game says they're innocent and everyone else is out to get them.

What is better : Refillable potion or 3 pots as starting items for nidalee?

should I upgrade the refillable potion into the jungle farm potion?

>Have Vel'koz up as support.
>ADC last ban bans Vel'koz over Zed.
>"I want a real support."
>"Check my fucking win rate on Vel'koz support you spaz."
>"Don't care. You're shit." etc...
>I'm first pick.
>Take ADC.
>Say, "I want a real ADC."
>They call me a piece of shit and dodge.

That's three times now I've had to do that. Fucking ADCs wasting bans to be petty little bitches. I'm a fucking support, not a doormat, and I'm not fucking here to hold your hand.

refil pots. your E is enough sustain if you have blue buff

Zilean is human, he is just throwing mechanical parts at people. Viktor is also just ironman in a suit

so I always start blue side?

if I start red site then I go 3 pots?

>Late game
>Almost oneshoot a full tank Volibear
>Aoe so strong you can basically 1v5



Work Riot

Viktor changed out all of his body with machines. He's full robot. You're right about Zilean, though. My bad.

>I played a successful mage.
And? That's exactly what mages do.

champions that make you dodge when you see them picked on your team?
for me it's ahri, for some reason ahri players can't avoid getting ganked with 3 dashes and 600 speed on q

The usual Bronzord champs, mostly Vayne (since I'm gonna have to drag this cunt kicking and screaming), but also usually a Fiora or a Yi.

Both of them don't know what discretion being valor is.

The thing is a Xerath or Viktor will most likely kill himself while trying to kill shit like Voli,Sion etc.

While Brand can fuck up everyone


You didn't show builds. Show builds.

>[10:26AM] Blood Nemesis: hey im sick of losing you should inv me
>[10:26AM] mufftomouthresus: nvm, we've got 5 people now
>[10:26AM] Blood Nemesis: Fuck
>im gold 5 main btw
>you should kick the most retarded one on your >team n inv me


How do I tentacle black princess?

Trinity Force is busted on her, it lets her actually push towers and kill mobile squishies.

Sterak's is mandatory in 100% of games. Buy exactly as much AD as you can hold without dying, and fill the rest of your slots with tank stats.

Sample build: TF, Sterak's, Cleaver, Randuin's, Spirit Visage, Merc Treads.

why the fuck does he have hair then


she did this to me, took half my hp bar with her ult

Yes sir

>Outlevel the team.
>Amazed you can kill them.

That's kind of a thing. I'm sure you had a one or two level advantage all game and didn't realize.

You'll get the same amount of shit for not picking their perfect ideal support.

>Pick a tanky support like Thresh
>"I'm not good at thresh, I can be Leona, Braum, or TK"
>You have been placed in your premade match lobby.

ADCs are babies, god.


How do you play Yi and make him as strong as he used to be when the typical build was double PD into IE?

>Irelia 18

I uesed to think that the bonus armor pen from Yasuo's ult was referring to you and the not the enemy, that is, it would increase your armor pen stat by a percentage, and it didn't do anything until you bought some armor pen or had those runes.

I've ignored ADCs raging in chat demanding I switch off Vel'koz. Then I go into lane and get a double kill without their help. And if they accuse me of ks'ing I start cs'ing and pushing the lane exceptionally hard to force a tower take and start roaming. I don't even say anything. The faster I can force a tower take the faster I can get away from the ADC and win the game.

The biggest obstacle to a support helping the team is never the enemy. It's always the friendly ADC demanding their hand getting held.

I've given up that philosophy a long time ago. I don't even feel bad leaving them in a 1v2 to make plays elsewhere if they can't give up their CS addiction. It's on them. Not me. There's a reason I'm winning so many games and it isn't because I'm getting carried by marksmen.

I only hate on old Vik's splash hair

Got ganked lvl 2 by noct and gp came back to lane with a sheen so I got zoned to shit. Then I got trinity force and every E did 700 damage. Did most damage in team.

t. Silver/Gold player

Just tell the ADC to play a mage then or a tank then. If you're going to fuck over your team at least be up front about it.

>tfw sona has tits the size of other girls asses

Marksman skill scales pretty linearly with rank, at least in gold. Especially if you get a p4 marksman they're usually actually worth helping out.

I've luckily been running Soraka/Morgana/Leona and they require a lot of the ADC's cooperation, but the good thing about all three of them is that if I don't get the ADC to follow up I can easily disengage myself (via soraka's Q or E, Morgana's everything, and Leona's general tankiness.) If they suck I wander around with Jungle to help him or throw wards everywhere on objectives and help him take those, since they're infinitely needed more and more these days.

I'll never question someone's support choice unless I legitimately believe they can't support (like Support Sejuani, for instance). I've seen some crazy shit in my little ELO hell. (seriously, a Xin Support)

If top doesn't pick a tank, I usually do since the only other one who can remotely do that is jungle. And even then jungle tanks you never see since they're still in the "gotta farm forever" mindset Devourer set up.

>ADCs getting carried.

Don't get me wrong. If I have an ADC that knows what they're doing I'm not going to fuck them over intentionally. But if they're fucking around, acting toxic, or being a general demanding child and refusing to do their job (which by far more often than not) in general I'm not going to waste my time trying to keep them in the running... I'm going to go help mid or top and get those towers pushed so they can go help others.

It's a team game. The ONLY role that doesn't get it most times is ADC.

Show rank

>I demand your rank!
You first.

>No one ever shows rank on /lolg/ though.

I am a Plat shitter but i dont go around saying how everyone sucks dick and i am the greatest support to every grace this planet

>Basic common knowledge, how supports have ALWAYS acted in ALL ranks.
>I just can't believe it!

Let me guess? Joined in s6?

>implying I said those two things
Oh, I see. You're an ADC main. :^)

Why is lux not disabled on aram? It's a I-win button

Everyone knows my rank by now.

Why isn't Lux/Jhin/Soraka/Sona/Nami disabled on ARAM?

All of them are I win buttons.

Are those canon?

Not one, but two cannons. :^)

hey thats the wrong NUMBER user

His team are being shitters and your answer is it's because hes "probably" toxic and somehow they could see this from op.gg, which would only work if he sells items or builds all mobis/tears etc?
If anything it's more toxic to accuse him of being toxic without anything to imply he is.
fuck my life you twats who cry toxic at nothing are actually braindead

It would be fine if there were bans first and then getting a random champion

Nigga, I meant "canon" as in verified by the creators. In this sense, has Riot released anything showing that Sona's boobs are that big?

>>Take ADC.
>>Say, "I want a real ADC."
more ballsy approach than me.

I just pick someone from my top lineup instead if they ban my non-meta support.

like Darius or Garen. If I'm feeling particularly fuck this nigga, I pick Irelia or Jax and "accidentally" cs