League of Legends General - /lolg/

This is a very serious International Company of Videogames Worth Billions of Dollars

Old: Rito Edition



>6.12 Patch Notes:


>6.13 Nerfs/Buffs/Skins:


>Champion and skin sale: 06.21 - 06.24


>"Rethinking Ranked Fives and Tuning Dynamic Queue"


Join us in the /lolg/ Official Stream, find the link on Eyoson !


>you will never steal Vlad's soul

Suck at this game, suck at normals, suck at ranked, lose so much my elo's matching me up with bots and level 10 champs. The only way i can think of improving is keep trying...

You're both right.

Riot's been adding anti-mobility creep recently both with Cassiopia's new ability and Poppy's anti-dash zone and more recently buffing mages with little to no mobility such as Malzahar and Swain.

If Taliyah wanted to really catch on,, her ult should deny people trying to cross it outside of a successful blink like Azir's wall. It'd make it extremely strong but at least there'd be a strength to it other than " potentially unsuccessfully gank bot lane by only being half way there."

>midlaner shitpicks ad blitz with smite
>report ez for flame

So what's with all the Leona vs Diana stuff? There have been 3 articles on League's website in just a couple days.Could it be a teaser for some sort of Mt Targon event or legendary skin?

No, Lucian vs Thresh used to be before that.

They just seem to be doing popular rivalries.

Who else believes that trinity force is good on shyvana?
Post elo.

trying without direction will simply lock you into your habits

You need a person or place to learn from. Try and make friends.

>tfw flinging someone into a fizz ult to give him a double
>tfw flinging someone into vel'koz's range to secure his penta
I've just noticed I have literally 0 Singed reaction images and memes. Could someone supply me with some?

>vaping like a fag


post em


Thresh won that contest though and he just got a legendary skin. Coincidence?


That skin was probably in the making long before, leggy skins take a while.

can someone explain why the fuck do people build rek'sai tank
she actually manages to be worse than fucking yorick when you do that



>mad fresh
Who the fuck is in charge of hiring people at Riot? This fag sounds like he belongs to the hipster douchebag clique from my old high school.

She becomes some kind of tank/support, user.
she's a slut

>has CC
>has true damage in kit
>scalings are pretty trash
>mainly AA based champ
>Only 2 damage skills
Why would you build her otherwise?
You have to be really fed to build damage.

Vape nash haha cloud chasers ww@!!!

Hate me or fuck me senseless.

I don't care.

is metagolem still the best

hatefuck you say?

>Slut Cropped out.jpg
But Ahri is such a good girl, you can't blame her for enjoying sex.
She's my waifu and I love her.

I'm a bitter bitter person.

hold on pal
are you banevading?

>Implying anyone still buy the titanic hydra

how do you go from THIS ,,,

Do not sexualize or weebify the lamb



to THIS?

You got a fucking problem, cheese dick?

First for dying

is anyone else starting to find playing matches to be a huge drag? Maybe it's also because I got occupied with Overwatch, but after the 20 minute mark League just feels extremely slow and tedious to play, I'm no longer enjoying it, it just feels like work. If the matches were shorter I'm sure I'd play it a lot more, I feel.

>how do you go from being an annoying slut to being an annoying slut chocking on dick?

>tfw i saved the picture just in time

that might be the best fap material of lux i've ever seen tbqh

who's fun to play that doesn't get auto-banned every time?

I asked nicely

Don't call me names

Is Irelia Carries U forever dead?

Damn I miss this guy

time to play heroes of the storm :^)

How did you spend the day /lolg/?
I hope you enjoyed the sun and had a good deserved break from climbing the ladder :)

I'll call you whatever I want.
Go count your dick.

Yeah same, when that happens it's best to just take a break and play what you're having fun with until you get the urge to play whatever you got burnt out on, because then you'll actually wanna play it and you'll have fun.


i dont usually fap to pics but damn


Quinn. 900 movespeed ganks

I'm reporting this post, not because of nudity but because of how terribly it was drawn and that it was an offense to my eyes.

god twitch is so disgusting lmao

come on user, there's way worse stuff being posted every day.
why can't you chill?

>i dont usually fap to pics
Found the normie fag.


pls help

No i never got a timeout or anything
Do ou do the gb bc meme?

When is competitive League going to die? There's literally no streamers on right now except a bunch of low elo personality fags and dirty euros. Actually high elo games aren't even worth watching anymore when all the good players are boosting and the pros have quit the ladder almost entirely.

I don't know what that means

black cleaver? ew no

i was doing gb>ruunans>ie, but past few games i've been trying just the armor pen dirk or whatever, and then finishing ruunans before finishing the gb, feels nicer

It means I hate you.

>EU 14k viewers
>Less viewers than qtpie
Are Riot like willingly sabotaging their own game? Are they trying to get everyone to stop playing League so they play their new game when they announce it?




Renekton buffs when?

Soraka would be disappointed in you

Bully someone else

Guess what. She hates you too.


>cant play this game without getting 1300 ping every single game

welp guess im out for good boys

I play ADC

You bow to me

I don't know why qtpie wouldn't stream during eulcs. It would be lucrative as fuck since barely anyone watches that trash anyway.

God damn

>12/8/2 with ehhh farm

Make me.

It's Challenger teams anyways.

>5 bar connection
>play every other game with perfect connection
>play league

what the fuck is going on

whoops wrong image

>play jinx
>rengar pantheon hecarim sion run me down every fight
>premade team reports me
damn I wish I was better


>tfw be shaco otp
>shitstomp every game early and give my team a lead
>start splitpushing after laning phase because useless in teamfights
>soraka, sona, janna, morgana support decides to follow me every fucking time instead of staying with the team and keeping the adc alive

why do these champions attract the biggest dicksuckers among supports?
Why do they do this?

I want to kiss her, she's so cute.

>Play ADC
>Support is a dumb fill memer who has no idea how this lane works, just generally running in circles behind me
>His premade buddies feed their Noc who kills me in his ult and 2 autos
>Get shit talked for melting instantly by all of them
The day Riot games is used as an example of what not to do in your video games will be a good day

The adc probably sucks ass and can't keep himself alive. We stick to the better teammate.

yeah idk but reminder that in america what you see here is considered 150down/20up because isps dont have to uphold quality service god bless

Am I reading this correctly?

is Vlad's passive going back to what it was pre-mage update?
fucking why?

Best girl.
Best hair.
Best wife.

Because Tank Vlad gains so much AP from health that he can still assassinate squishies while being able to tank 1v5.

Jinx has 2 peels. Work on your positioning

can somebody tell me why when i play this game this shit skyrockets

the armor pen build only works on Lucian and MF because they have ultimates that deal dozens of hits of Physical damage, stacking Black Cleaver very very fast. On top of that, they make good use of the Cleaver's Cooldown stat. Twitch does not have an affinity for CDR and his Ultimate is an auto enhancer so it doesnt help him apply stacks

Why not the midlaner or top? Following someone who has an escape and can ditch you within seconds isn't really a smart move.
I mean I cover all my tracks with boxes or wards but it makes no sense to follow a squishy/slippery champion that is better off alone, you'd only get yourself caught and killed by someone coming over to stop the splitpush

>He failed for the Windows 10 meme

A snare that you literally take 1 second to walk around or straight up dash through and a 1 person slow with a thin aoe, large delay, AND immobilizes you at the same time. Fantastic peel against solo laners and junglers who've gotten increasing amounts mobility and CC since the game's release. I'm sure those traps will save you from grag barrels, reksai flanks, hec charges, vi ults, liss claws etc. You are truly a revolutionary ADC player who can peel for himself with such amazing tools.


And this is a problem, how? Thats the POINT. If you dont CC vlad you die. If you let him get Crimson rush off, you lose the fight because even if you dont die he sure as fuck wont.

Patchouli is alright but why are you posting her in this general?

I love Hecarim!!
Red, I think I played against that Hecarim last night he is fucking garbage if it's him

Is this gonna dumpster him again? He already has an awful win rate

How do I into nasus? I know to just stack Q but when do I actually use it? do I just go full tank and rely on my Q for damage? Is farming the only thing I do the whole game?

I want to go swimming in Lulu.


why aren't streamers doing box openings like they do in cs:go and hearthstone

people love that shit

About 300+ stacks at 20 mins
Except the part you raid boss to the nexus, yes