League of Legends General - /lolg/

old: Sharp edition

xth for memes

>tfw i unironically had that wallpaper at one point in my life

xth for Draaaaaaaaven!

>10 hour threads

Tell me league is not dead.

Azir has pushed out 90% of the champions from the game since he's released
Good luck playing against something that has more range than most of champions, more mobility than most champions AND more damage than most champions, damage that happens to be "burst per second" considering how disgustingly high and sustained it is.
Good luck farming under your turret after Azir pushed your wave starting at lvl 1, sometimes up to two or three times as fast as classic midlaners that already have some waveclear.
Good luck EVER reaching him if you have no mobility. Good luck reaching him if you DO have mobility that is cancelled by his ult anyway, or which he can simply ignore by dashing away 1500 units in less than a second.
Even if you do somehow beat Azir's ass in spite of the odds being ridiculously stacked against you, deny him from getting kills and assists and kill him a few times, he CAN and WILL dash into your team and ult them all into his team.
If he's not reckless enough to do that he'll simply sit in the backline and deal more damage than his adc, with his ult providing so much peel that supports get jealous of it.
There are few words that describe the blighted, rotting cancer that is Azir upon the game.

LCS = watching for memes and personalities
LCK = watching for professional league
LPL = watching for entertaiment

Plans within plaaans~

what champ should i autistically main to get out of bronze

I know my mastery levels are low, I stopped playing right before champ mastery was released and started back up a month ago

>Clearlove on Kha'Zix

Best girl.
Best lover.
Best wife.

>champions that only work/designed for the jg
Why is this allowed? I want to play Spider and Cougar lady in lanes

No one's stopping you


>playing as poppy mid
>our top starts complaining about going up against illaoi.
>three of us go up to help him
>I go in first, tackling illaoi
>All four of us swarm her
>She fucking kills all of us and she doesn't die

Why is this allowed

> tfw your favorite champion/main went from shit to potential ban as updates rolled out

I don't know what to feel.

Should have played in s3 when Elise was the best top and Nid mid was good too

Wait hold on. What's doing all the damage from Kha'Zix? Is it his jump?

>i unironically have a shippuden OST theme as a ringtone
Why are you ashamed of the things you like user?

strong brown woman has to be op or else its racist and sexist


Because you shouldn't group on her when her ult is up especially when she takes a vessel

>wants to play a character that is literally a monster that got her powers from a haunted jungle
>wants to play a character that lives in jungles and is a cougar

>wants to play them not in the jungle

You should be ashamed. If not you probably fall somewhere on the autism spectrum. I was in the barber shop the other day and I saw some 8ish year old kids watching Naruto

Isolation Q

Evolved Large Claws Q has the most insane ratios in the game if youre Isolated. its to make up for his Q being a targeted attack and not an empowered Auto attack reset like rengar's.

Man, LPL look so depressing and boring.
Even the commentators sound like they want to kill themselves.

Feel fear. Riot could swoop in at any moment and gut your champion with zero remorse.

>implying normies won't just think it's the default phone ringtone
It doesn't even have lyrics beside the yoooo shit

Evolved Isolation Physical Damage: 221 + 10 - 180 (based on level) (+ 260% Bonus AD)

His passive adds a bit of magic damage on his next auto, too. The jump doesnt do that much damage

>damage scaling with max health
>damage scaling with armor
>damage scaling with magic resistance
Why is this SHIT in the FUCKING game??

just dodge the tentacles

>>damage scaling with magic resistance
Taric should be this, though. He doesnt look very "Stack armor"-y anymore

>13/0/11 khazix in LPL

>casually feeding in normals while listening to disco

this is fun


Effectively galio

Nooo. MF has been a joke for so long... I want her to be strong but Riot went too far with all this.


/lolg/! I can't get over my performance anxiety even when doing normals. I literally have cold sweat and minor trembling during the first 5-10 minutes of game. I've been doing nothing but arams and coop vs ai for the last 4 days.

Help pls!

the armor and magic resist scalings aren't really that strong.

Play with your friends

>He doesn't like hiding in the trees and going OOGA BOOGA BOOGA when the enemy laner tries to push up


>having friends

Look at THIS lolbabby.

his damage is shit until like 25 minutes, his push bleeds mana out the ass which he can't afford until he starts powerspiking, and he literally has one mobility spell that requires a 2 spell setup and can be blocked and blows through 170 mana.

git gud

It's not dead. It's dying.

[Spoiler]the hype for overwatch is nearly extinct, they may have taken some posters but I think people have just had enough of the shit decisions that this company makes and the golden age of league, if it ever had one, ended in season 3[/spoiler]

hello newfriend

It's still stupid design. Stats are divided into defensive and offensive for a reason. Offense should not scale with defense and defense shouldn't scale with offense. Why do mages get to deal a ton of damage from range and at the same time be able to shield themselves for 700 every four seconds? Why do tanks get to have 8k effective health and 1v1 glass cannon builds?

What do we do then?

>riot casualizes entire league experience
>lowers skillcap for complex champions every patch
>refuses to create sandbox mode because it would force casuals to practice more to get good
>trashes solo queue so "you can play with friends (:!!"
>no way for solo players to get scouted because pros play in their own ladder to avoid dynamic queue
>pisses off entire collective playerbase of competitive players and pro players
>riot hires le ebin memers straight from Sneaky's twitch chat to add the cherry on top for the casual experience

glad I left this shit game for overwatch

have a sacrifice for the kraken god fuccboi

Ahaha yeah, friends! I-I have plenty of those, good idea!

But let's say I don't have any, what then? You know, for the sake of the friendless losers out there, ahaha...

>>why do tanks get to have large healthbars
Why do ADCs get to have range AND attack over twice per second and 1v1 tanks?

Sucks, doesn't it? Finding that perfect champion for you. The one that just clicks. Putting effort into learning all the ins and outs. Buying a skin or two. Forming a sort of bond, as silly as it sounds.

And then one day, Riot decides your champ is too good, so they push out a bullshit nerf that makes them clunky to play. The waiting is the worst part.

Never get attached, user.

Because every champion is supposed to have unique flavor and so special scalings help to highlight a champion's unique taste.

All these champs are so weak. None of them compare to the might of Doomguy.

Post Bard things.

>>lowers skillcap for complex champions every patch
Spotted the Lee Shitter

Then play with me and we can erp while we play to get you some confidence boost

That's why I love Jinx. She's never been too weak to be useless, never too strong for an overnerf.

Overwatch is shit too..at least this game can be watched at a competitive level, and don't bother claiming OW can be competitive too unless you're delusional

>Clunky to play

That's called counterplay, user :^)

Bard things.

Why are pickrates always dominated by bottom lane characters?

1. have grievous wounds
2. don't feed her

if the above 2 fails,
3. be ranged with slows/snares

illaoi has seen some recent popularity, and as someone that mains mage supports, i just tell people to stop fighting her, esp past laning phase, and let me and the adc deal with her. she literally does nothing against ranged with snares. also, grievous wounds is really important if anyone does any significant amount of healing at all (read: half the time there's at least 1 on the other team). MORTAL REMINDER should be the default arpen item rather than ldr, and people should be building a quick executioner's calling when they need it (like how qss is built as needed) instead of building lw-item fourth or never.


even riot has admitted he's basically impossible to balance and on a rework list lel

Because they go all-in on damage and expose themselves to burst champions. It's a great risk that needs to have an equally great reward, but doesn't.

there are fewer champs "designed" for bot lane

There's like 17 adc picks sharing 1 role, while mid, top, jg has like 35 picks. Thresh is just massively popular.

My favorite is when they introduce a blatantly overpowered item, nerf your champion because of it, then nerf the item, then remove it.

How the FUCK did I fuck up the spoiler?????????????????????????????????

How do you shut down a fed Zed?

>inb4 just ward bro or just pink his executioner's calling etc

That's called "unhealthy design", user :')

I want to play Vlad

Xth for Katarina
best girl

TF said "Pick me thresh"
Thresh did, but then decided to afk for the rest of the champion select
TF randomly picked TF, hoping thresh would be back before the end of champion select to swap their picks
But his hopes were soon to be crushed
None of us dodged
We feared the worst elements of this game would be the two players playing roles they don't main, but we didn't expect the 33% winrate Garen feeding out of the ass
I deserve to lose this bo3 it wouldn't have happened if I was better

if evens i play league if odds i play overwatch

first "spoiler" is with capital "s", 2nd one is with small "s"

Show him that cannot be killed

>0 assists on a jungler

You fucked up user

You are just as much to blame as them

>clunky to play
are you one of those retards that whines about a cast time increase or attack range decrease nerf


i will buy you overwatch or CS or fallout 4 or the witcher or literally any game if you promise to play that and stop posting in this general

Why is Voli so fun to play top?

by fucking up the rest of his team and forcing the game to go late.
Zed's largest source of damage only effects one person every ~70 seconds

Also if you have any area-targeted Crowd control, stun or silence him right as his ult finishes the "dash"

buy me overwatch and ill stop playing league forever, hell ill stream the fucking thing to prove it

Because nobody expects the bullshit damage his W does at Lv2

It's fucking bonkers

All my kills were solo kills except one where vayne assisted but couldn't get the kill

Reminder that one of you once said that I "ksd every kill off my adc" when my adc had literally zero assist

I can't run tw3
don't know about the others
I'm fine with getting overwatch for free

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Rate my pool

not him but

>try playing ryze
>Character keeps stutter stepping when trying to cast spells on people out of range

"clunky to play" isnt just a meme

Why didn't you leave with the overwatch shills

>pick me garen he counter riven :)

It means you can NEVER post in this general again though so if you agree to that then it's yours

Give me a good League related filename for this.

Ahri posters are great though

my pc is utter garbage
I have 10 fps in teamfights and 30 when clearing jungle
I very much doubt I can run overwatch with things shooting and exploding everywhere

I cannot guarantee I won't

the least shitty i've rated in a while