/dbdg/ - Dead by Daylight General #21

Previous Juke lol thanks edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>Sounds like evolve
It's not. Survivors have to avoid the killer at all costs, whereas the killer has to hunt for them. Everyone has their own objective.

>General info
Pastebin with most questions asked: pastebin.com/DDddy4uE
Pastebin with peek at what's in the full release in terms of levels: pastebin.com/FE58REXD
Pastebin with all of the values (perks/items/whatnot): pastebin.com/vCh6gxR6
Saved game with a billion bloodpoints or whatever: megafileupload.com/foe0/Dead_by_Daylight_Update.zip

>Official site

>Video of the thread

>Latest Patch Notes (June 29 / v1.0.2)

>Report hackers

Other urls found in this thread:



Adjusted cooldown of "Sprint Burst"
"We'll Make It" now only affects healing others, and its maximum bonus has been reduced
Various balance changes to healing build perks, survivalist build perks and healing items
Adjusted spawn location weights for chests and generators
Adjusted various score values
Crows will now notify killers of survivors who bore the Entity by being too still for too long
The Wraith now has better things to do than cloak and uncloak repeatedly for points
Adjusted window vaulting mechanics for killers and survivors

"Spies from the Shadows" will no longer be triggered when the killer disturbs the crows
Added a 5 second delay before joining a new game after leaving lobby
Killers are now awarded sacrifice points if a survivor leaves the game
Killers are now awarded bonus points if a survivor disconnects
Unspent blood points are now capped
Adjusted certain matchmaking values
Various changes to basement, mine and blood lodge
Adjusted distortion effects during the sacrifice sequence
Adjusted smoke and materials when spawning characters
UI updates to the tally, loadout and inventory screens
The tally screen should now display the proper status for players that left or disconnected
Increased penalties for disconnecting or leaving a game
Animation polish

Repost for new thread

So I was thinking about the survivors names we see/use/whatever. Jake from State farm, dwight from best buy. What about meg and claudette?
I'm thinking Meg from SRL-speedrunslive
Claudette from MSF-doctors without borders

go away


Fixed an issue which could cause "No One Escapes Death" to grant an incorrect attack cooldown reduction
Fixed an issue that could cause the killer's camera to clip when picking up a survivor
Fixed an issue that could cause loud noise indicators to be seen in the tally screen
Fixed an issue that could stop a survivor from running when pressing the item use button when no interactions are available
Fixed an issue that could cause the trapper's addons to only affect his starting trap
Fixed a matchmaking issue that could cause some players to be unable to play as the killer
Fixed an issue that could cause the survivor's HP (bleed out) bar to not update properly on the survivor's screen
Fixed an issue that could cause The Wraith to flicker when dissolving
Fixed an issue that could cause the wrong animation to play after picking up a survivor
Fixed an issue which could cause players not to derank after achieving rank 1
Fixed an issue which could block movement when The Hillbilly destroys an obstacle with the chainsaw
Fixed an issue where survivors couldn’t run away while getting healed
Fixed an issue which could cause players to get stuck on the hill
Various audio fixes
The Entity now manifests at the sacrificial hook in its proper glory

why nerf we'll make it when claudette has bullshit heals?

because claud couldnt die

Way to go devs
Way to go. Way to effectively destroy the survivors. Way to destroy the perks. Way to destroy the healing, speed, sabotage. Way to overbuff killers making it impossible to escape. Way to completely destroy the game in one single patch. Also, way to not implement grouping with friends. Now i can't even heal myself because i can't even get away from the killer. yea i'm salty and no i don't need to "git gud"

this game is ruined.
everyone give up on this shit game
see you in the killing fields ;)

These people aren't entirely incorrect. They nerfed the wrong things and nerfed ordinary window vaulting while leaving window cheese in.

git gud

they nerfed the right things desu.

>Readd billion point save for savescummers
>Bloodpoints have a cap now
>Link for reporting cheaters
You should feel really stupid, OP

They misinterpreted window juking being powerful became of speed when in reality it's 100% due to map design. You can juke for quite a bit under normal circumstances but when a map generates an obstacle course ala Ninja Warrior for the killer to navigate or that fucking three window dreamland ball pit on autohaven? That's the problem.

It's ironic because they solved the issue with the jukeshack being too good in Macmillan from the beta by just removing a window and it became instantly fine. Dunno why they would do something different for the same problem elsewhere. vOv

Why did they give Dwight the JUST haircut?

The cap doesn't affect you if you're above 100K BP.
Also reporting 'cheaters' only applies to the special ones who can bypass EAC while in-game.

I think it has saves of varying amounts and some user confirmed no cap last thread despite the patch notes.


That's why, user.

I love how killers dodge constantly now because a party with mostly low ranks is a auto-pip for them.

I found a small problem with this tree...

I got hooked eventually, saved and escaped.

Rest in piss Claudette you self healing cunt.

The devs don't actually play the game. They think closets are good hiding places, that the flashlight is powerful, and so forth. They play the game at the level of a meme streamer/screamer, even the average idiot knows more about the game than the devs.

>its a community plays the game way better than the devs episode

Huh, reminds me of killing floor 2.

Shouldn't they? Regardless of who makes it or what genre it is, this should be the case.

thats literally every game ever

Literally impossible to get a game as a killer now. You wait five minutes for the first guy to show up, and then over the course of the next few minutes you'll get three more, but they won't ready up and some will leave even when the lobby is full. What the hell happened?

I've been playing killer all night with no issues. Problem must be on your end.

We're not talking about pros, we're talking about the average Dwight player.

>Payday 2

What is your example for Payday 2?

Can confirm, trapper can't place traps near windows or under hooks anymore.
>Nerfing the trapper's ability to use his traps just to appease whining survivors
Gg devs. Also he feels faster now for some reason.

It's a bug. They didn't bother testing the patch.

its bug not a nerf

>Complete, but not complete
Wowzers wow.

Already been confirmed a bug, and
>I think I know exactly what it is
by the lead dev on twitter.

Retarded devs killing their own game. Holy shit the incompetence.
Should just go back to the beta.
That was more fun.

>3 months pass
>Patch for it comes out
>Makes survivors permanently run at meg's sprint boost speed

Fucked up my image.

The best part is the 'lead' designer's twitter feed, being a smug little fuck about this patch.

juz play anotha one

Should I take sloppy butcher along with bloodhound or is bloodhound good enough?

Another fake rank 1 dead. What a lovely day it has been.

Overkill is fucking horrid at the game.

>Play against a wraithlagfag
Can't even d/c anymore without massive hits to my rank.

What makes you think they are fake?

we feel so bad for you

>first match with new and improved spies from the shadows
>hooked 3rd survivor
>bang goes off across the map
>4th guy is camping the hatch

The buff already got me a full clear in my first match. Nobody dcs, lovin it.

They better not make killers too appealing or everyone is gonna want to play it and finding a match will turn to shit.

Don't question the millennial snowflake, he thinks he is good for using bing bong man.

>already got my rank 1 and the cheevo
>can dc as many times as I want and not give a shit about rank anymore be it 1, 5 or fucking 20

jajajaja puta

You should dc your way back to 20 for easy games. Plus make people think you have hacked perks.

they're not taking my levels away

She had two pallets to work with and didn't use them

I hardly even cloaked that game.

Can't tell if blind, but that Claudette was fucking terrible and just running straight into dingo-dongo

Self heal being removed was needed senpai. Just watch bahroo tweet video on it, it's broken.

Secondly, killer is not OP now at all. You can still juke and window cheese you retard.

My only issue is why survivors don't get bonuses to killers d/cing

He's copy/pasting butthurt survivors from the steam forums, go look for yourself.

It happens if you can't see the killer from behind a huge stack of hay. They tried to go the other way but that time so did the wraith. Since when does Rank 1 mean unkillable anyway? Esepcially without a infinijuke spot.

Got some links of this smugness?

Is there anyway to replace the ingame music?

>Doing anything

what are the actual vault changes?

Someone said that it gets incrementally slower as they repeatedly vault, but how much slower? and how many vaults before it kicks in?

"Infinijuking is still in after this patch, you had ONE job and you fucked it up"

"lol thanks"

Self heal didn't need to be removed, just nerfed. And that's what they did.

Sprint Burst didn't need such a nerf, I could understand 30 seconds but not 40. With a 40 second cooldown it isn't even worth equipping. Can you imagine playing Claudette without self-care, or Jake without saboteur?

Saboteur needs a nerf in what it can do, not in the time that it can do it.

Ohhh you mean the savescummer d/c leddit cucks on steam discussions? Yeah I know it's cute desu senpai :^)

>mfw survivor cucks btfo

Ok so, twice in the same game I've had this happen. Pick up survivor and neither of us can do anything or move. First guy just dced as you can see. What the fuck.

Sounds like he gave cheese to the survivors so they don't RQ out of the game completely while giving the killer a chance. I'd be a smug lead dev too desu

it's been a wraith bug since launch
they did nothing to fix it
maybe 2-3 patches from now :^)

The fix is to stop playing Wraith.

The Wraith is reflecting on his life, and why he became a killer despite getting mad that he was being used to kill people and then suddenly killing his boss, wearing his skull and becoming a killer who kills people.

>One angry as fuck user complaining about wraith users
>You can farm points with Trapper by just relaying the same trap
>Hillbilly can just chainsaw sprint into the same downed survivor

And you find the bell annoying for some...reason?

I've had it happen before but never twice in the same game.

oh and play the currently broken trapper who can't even trap windows anymore?

that leaves the retardbilly

What EXACTLY did they """Nerf""" on survivors in detail. Explain bc the patch notes are shit at it

As the Survivor, does anyone else go around -almost- completing generators?

The hardest part of the game is finishing off those last 2 generators when there's only a few left for the Killer to Patrol but when all 3 or 4 are on 99% completion it's gg.

>Daily ritual involves having to play wraith

Self-healing is much slower and healing perks were generally nerfed. Self healing, even with a medkit and all perks, is now slow enough that you won't be doing it while the killer knows where you are. You have to get away and hide first.

I hear saboteur is slower, but that won't change anything.

Sprint burst went from having a 40/30/20 cooldown to a 60/50/40 cooldown, meaning sprint burst 3 is now what sprint burst 1 used to be. Useless.

I can deal with everything but the three window room. I'm really surprised didn't fix that.

>actually talking about hillbilly being "op"

Hillbilly is literally the worst fucking killer. His personal perks are SHIT for fuck sakes

>oh some perk seems op according to the players
>let's just FUCKING DOUBLE the cooldown, that will fix it

dumbass devs

They don't even understand that the problem with window vaulting is that specific rooms are poorly designed. They think there's something wrong with the vaulting mechanic itself and that if you find any random window in the corner of the map, say in a walled area with a generator, then you can window hop infinitely.

>chase survivor to a pallet
>they just stand there to try and get the ebin stun
>bait it out and destroy it with my chainsaw or level three brutal strength

You really slowed me down there bud, and thanks for the free points

What else are they supposed to do? It's pretty much the only way to get away. You can sprint away and then walk to a hiding place while they destroy it or are stunned.

>Steam forums whining about survivors being underpowered
>Have ritual to escape as Jake twice
>Escape, sweat bullets a few times, lose 2 people in the first match, but overall fun games with no cheese from anyone
Hell I even escaped on Coldwind Farm when the killer had me dead to rights, though that was mostly because the idiot stepped in his own trap.

Wasn't talking about them being OP.
But there's an autist in these generals who really REALLY hates Wraith. Every killer's capable of farming points, but something about that bell is a trigger.

A better question is why would they give him he pedostache?

to be fair the trapper is neutered right now due to his trap placing bug.

Can't wait to play him again after he gets fixed, chilling with wraith at the moment.

>no survivors joining the lobbies anymore and if they do while I alt tab (only time they seem to join) the game freezes and then drops the whole lobby

wew great patch

Yeah that's fucked up, but he was good with trap placement otherwise. Herded me right into one and I got lucky when my teammates decided to be useful and save me.

The trapper and hillbilly don't farm points by bodyblock camping.

neither does Wraith anymore

Nigga he aint wearing his skull, he's using his bosses skull and spine as a fucking bludgeon

Anyone wanna play private? I need 3 people. We are planning to be survivors so if you want to be killer go ahead.

Everyone's too scared to be Survivor now.

I think this is my favorite one. Dude has over 60 hours played.

Holy shit that alt tab freeze shit happened to me just now too.

>nerf survivors
>buff killers

Gee I wonder what is gonna happen every single patch they nerf one and not the other.

>You can sprint away and then walk to a hiding place while they destroy it

Exactly. In most cases the survivor can just throw it down while running and be smart enough to hide while the killer is destroying it. Standing there and staring at the killer while trying to bait him into the stun usually has the same results in terms of slowing him down, but has the added affect of making you look like a fag. The people that do this are the same kind of people that B line to a juke house and will keep vaulting in their "safe" spot until you leave

How exactly are you supposed to get away now if you aren't on Autohaven Jukers? There's no where to break line of sight and crawl away on the farm or many Macmillan maps.

They're standing there baiting him for a reason. If they just rush the pallet and throw it down the killer goes around and they just wasted time and gave the killer an advantage. If they sit there waiting to throw it down they can force him to destroy it, allowing them to break line of sight and potentially hide.

>Vault a window
>Still get hit and downed on the otherside.
Man, this shit is getting really annoying.