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Buff her

nth for buff my fucking cowboy you made him d.va tier

I want to lick Winston's feet

Yes, please. She COULD be useful, but as is she's just a big ult battery

Reminder if you're under rank 55 you're not allowed to post.

>be complete piece of shit playing Junkrat
>Symmetra tries to ambush our team
>run into her trap, my suicide bombs kill both her and all her turrets
I have never felt this fucking smug before
Playing Junkrat is absolute shitposting

good I just got up from 51 to 55 today in solo queue

>he plays ranked

Do you think Mercy fucked reaper while he was half-revived?

Can you rape a corpse?

Someone post Reinhardt lewds!

>When you die your corpse laughs while the death grenades explode
Pretty sure the treasure junkrat is holding is the world's finest shitpost


Input requested. Concerned because all I'm hearing about is how disadvantaged healers are currently and that's usually what I like to play.


I placed at 54, got to 55, then had quitters in two games and got brought back down to 53.

Haven't touched ranked since.


Lel, loving these posts.

50 - 55 is literally the 3k MMR of Dota 2, you're just the average shitter.

Maybe when you can cope over 60 you can talk with the adults.

It's really funny how your hp just melts.


The tyre literally homes in on you no matter where you are even if you are hidden alone and there is your entire team grouped up.

>Having a rank in the double digits

>when the lowest rank on your team says "shit team" in all chat

>its a "Leaf posts the same webm for the 100th time" episode

I just found out that Junkrat can still control his ult even if he's dead.
I'm wondering if his respawn timer counts down too as soon as he's dead.

It's a good webm though.

found the tracer mains

I'm not him, I just like Junkrat webms

>wahhh, need healing

Then pick a healer.

>rank 69
>if I lose I lose a rank and half
>if I win, I barely win a quarter of what's needed to level up

Ok someone explain me how is this balanced

Who the fuck designed this

>hehe dude you're supposed to win those

no fuck you I got a bunch of 50's while they get mostly low 60s
And apparently I'm supposed to lose 3 in a row then win 6 in a row huh

This shit is horribly broken

>When you beat a rank 62 in quick play while only being rank 44

I bet he got team boosted.

McCree should have
>75-40 damage on m1 (New range falloff perimeters are 12 units to 30 units)
>fth should fire all its shots in 0.7s and deal 50 damage a shot
>Deadeye shouldn't refund in canceled
>Combat roll shouldn't reload, but it should have a shorter cooldown to let you weave in and out of danger zones more easily.

Fucking hire me Blizzard and I'll fix your fucking game.

You're just jealous you don't have such a good webm.

I'm actually a Mercy main.

don't bully me or I won't heal you

Implying I need you.

t. lucio

>tfw only you haven't choose a hero
>and it's already "no tank heroes, no support heroes, too many snipers" episode

>playing Mercy on Hanamura Defense
>Reinhardt goes to attack spawn and gets murdered by 3 different players
>politely suggest not overextending
>Hanzo bitches at me for not resurrecting him
>it was literally the first death of the game


I would, but you get fucked by blizzard's shitty rank system if you don't play dps so I refuse to play anything but dps/offtanks

>futa with balls


>That feel when you still haven't found a healer you like

I just want one that does good damage and can flank while healing teams. I don't care if they have less health than Zenyatta, but I want to have the ability to carry my teams of 3 Genjis as well.

It's time for me to buy the devil skins.

>using chat
>having chat on at all
I hope you learned your lesson.

futa with balls is the only futa worth looking at

That's it

That's fucking it.

I'm not touching competitive anymore until I have a reliable lmaobox-tier aimbot.

Because if I have to go through another shitfest of a "match", where I'm the one that does his best, ends up with 4 gold medals AND STILL get stomped because my team cannot for their fucking lives differ between the point and their inbred fucking asses, -or- lose to a coin motherfucking FLIP, -or- spend 4 hours in Hanamura both teams capping both times everysinglemotherloving time until one inevitably has to either win the first cap or successfully deffend the first point, -and- lose another fucking ranking place, I'm going to stalk every incompetent shitbag that had ANYTHING to do with this fucking piece of shit game's development, and execute the Mexican cartel stile and hang their fucking headless bodies upside down infront of fucking Blizzard.

Every single game I always have a whiny, shitty, cunty Hanzo on my team that will not shut the fuck up about how bad the team is while doing absolutely nothing of value.

What the fuck attracts these people to this character?

Ranked is all kinds of fucked, the mode is a legit joke and it seems playing in certain ways just flat out boosts the rating making it highly abusable if it's ever figured out.

>not rezzing your team mates the moment they die
I mean come on guy, your ult charges in like 2 seconds. for fucks sake man.

>doesn't have rez up within 10 seconds of game start

Lucio does good damage if you figure out how to lead his shots well. I've had multiple games where I've been bronze damage with Lucio.

I wasn't going to click the link, but then you gave me a reason to. Damn you.

>muh gold medals
doesn't mean shit, get over yourself, you're not that good

so...... lucio

Dude chill the fuck out.
Why the fuck are you only getting this now anyway?
It was already confirmed that comp is broken the day it came out. Stop getting mad over yourself.

>you're supposed to be at least average before you can contribute to an informed discussion of the game

I see nothing wrong with this

Calm down reyes

>rev up the ol' tire
>72 runs into me
>I blow both of us up

Hanzo is the "cool" sniper, and snipers are almost ALWAYS pieces of shit in every video game ever. Couple that with the weeb appeal, and you've got a massive shitstorm brewing.

>I see nothing wrong with this

Only problem is these sort of people decreeing they know what's balanced and what isn't.

That can only mean your team is incredibly shit.

New ranking exploit to get MMR.

Playing in a 6 stack reduces MMR by 1/6th.
Playing in a duo queue gives you the same MMR you'd get solo with a small bonus for playing in a group.

If your OW rank is high enough (75+) and you queue at the right times, you can play in a 6 stack by splitting into 3 groups (2 per) and queuing at the same time. If the players are on your friends list you are more likely to be grouped with them than against them.

With the additional increase in MMR from winning and a reduction from losing. You only have to win 2.5 games to 1 loss instead of 4 or 5 if you were playing in a 6 man group. This will allow high rated teams to reach 90+ rank if done properly.

>2 Meis in a group
>Always with each other
>Freeze 2x as fast
>Have 2x the attack
Fuck Mei. She needs a fucking nerf already. She freezes too fast, her freeze disarms, and her attack does considerable amount of damage especially since you're able to aim for headshots. Nerf Mei already.

Wish I had a reaper at a computer for this

What do you mean by "disadvantaged"?

If you actually enjoy playing support, you'll be valued and probably find a premade to play with pretty easily. You'll also be pretty miserable in games where your team can't kill anyone though.

Find some people to play with and learn how to actually play the support classes. They aren't as braindead easy as they first appear and it is possible to be shit at both.

>Not running a mixture of pharahs and junkrats and having themselves get to 20hp so you can heal them all once the game starts for super fast ult

>there are people with such a high sensitivity that they can't properly control their crosshair

what the fuck

>Playing in a 6 stack reduces MMR by 1/6th.
I got 71 after placement matches with a 6 man group that can't be right

Healers rank up slower than tanks or damage due to the mechanics of play. ...or so I've heard.

Litterally every "Op please nerf" problem has been the result of hero stacking.

I want to bully Mercy.

She's like bastion, shitty against teamwork but unfun as shit in regular games.

Problem is this game is full of mouth breathers so that makes the problem way bigger than it usually should be.

>outdps'd by pretty much the entire cast

Literally dumpster tier hero and you want to nerf her.

I have a question:

>be me
>completely pwning the enemy noob team
>salty niglord leaves like 4 seconds before the victory screen

does this reduce our rank points? I know it would if he left earlier but it's hard to tell considering wins give so few points to begin with

Do you want heals or not, you little shit

Holy god damn moly blizzard.

Probably some bullshit people tell themselves to excuse their bad rank. Unless someone has actual evidence to support it, it's probably bullshit like 90% of the claims made in these threads.

You'll be surprised by the amount of delusion in these threads when you actually start playing.

Not even that but hate how Mei can freeze Tracers as fast as Reins, I feel there should be a difference. But she freezes too fast period. Just strafe and hold M1 and you can freeze anyone and then line up a headshot and get a free kill.

I want mercy to shove caduceus up my ass and activate the heal beam to spread me open even more

Can you build ult from a pharah or junkrat hurting themselves with zarya?

I've seen this other places but this is the most concise and well-explained I've seen it. youtube.com/watch?v=AyHHhMdi9tk

how could you? only dealing damage builds ult

Mei can also freeze Reaper out of his ult at point blank.

not for mercy bruh

that'd be fucking insane. We haven't even reached the first point, but zarya is already charged and mercy already has her ult ready.

Like all the dumb shit that blizzard has fucked up with ranked? Honestly you could say anything and I would believe you. Comp is like the biggest fuck up ever and they were TOLD by the people testing it that it was broken.

>do your job as reaper
>highest dmg + kill tanks and healers
>rely on your teammates to take down turrets and bastion (looking at you pharah)

They just can't do it. What do you do?

You should be invincible when you use your ults.

>pharah or junkrat hurting themselves with zarya?

what's an accetable raking for competitive mode?

Is there an actual date when the season ends?


>d.vas shield builds ult on damage blocked
>its like a stupid high rate so she gets ult within 1000 damage blocked


if you actually played ranked you'd see how botched it is 10 matches after placement

mercy got shafted hard and deeply in terms of ranking up

placements are different

you shield them
they hurt themselves with rockets or pipes

its not hard to understand user

Yes, it's right when you click on the info buttons below ranked play.


You'd think the dumb bitch would learn to plan her ults after killing her entire team by not planning for anything.

I'd say between 48 and up. I've had really good teammates anywhere between 47 and 63. I haven't ranked higher than 59 but I can tell you anyone in the mid 40's probably WANTs to fuck around and doesn't care about their rank.

blocking damage doesn't even build ult so i don't get what there's to understand


>enemy team pushes the payload to the end on constant overtime takes like 12 minutes
>on our turn offense our team shitstomps them and half of us don't even die once takes about 2 minutes
>we lose to coinflip

but why blizzard