League of lolg of legends

Veigar is the cutest and most viable mage edition. Lissandra a shit.


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What are the spammy/poke/artillery heroes?

Nid. Jhin. Ezreal. Xerath. Kock'More. ? ?

>Veigar Edition

now you're talking my language OP

>successfully gank bot, i kill the adc and Vayne kills the support
>take some CS so we can rush the tower down
>Vayne starts frantically pinging the creep and types 'gtfo' in chat

Is this what it's like to be a >vayne main?

In case you wondered whether Zyra is good, Yi is strong, people are shitters or if people blog around here.



xth for Fiora is the cutest

Witnessing teams completely warp their playstyles to accommodate me picking Evelynn, and in some cases even being pissed (despite me not even being all that great with her) is really fun. I'm having fun.

Same, I can't play Fiora for shit though. I'm pretty bad at aggresive characters like her in general. Squishy ones, I mean.

why are you playing the game in mongol tongue

I want to reach bronze but I keep winning because my teams carry me

elo heaven is real

Could I get a tldr of the pbe/patch notes? I've been on holiday for the past few weeks and want to know what's going on


yi was really looking for that first 2-3 hits burst + enemies had very little bonus armor

i can understand that train of thought since the goal was to fly in and destroy jhin

Nothing uncommon happened, no you're not going to be banned, and noone cares




>Dying 16 times
>Getting fqc over the eotw
>Getting a luden over a morello or a rabadon
>Not getting a void staff this late in the game
>Buying Ionians
Please stay Plat forever and never play my waifu again, you piece of shit.

>khazix didn't sell warrior for a DD

what the actual fuck

it's like a straight 1:1 upgrade

Is thresh/varus good? Been stomping as leo/varus with my duo buddy but im kinda tempted to get us the dark star skins if they pair well.

Im loving Vayne, Feel like I did alright this game. God I want soulstealer.

Can someone explain how this works? Im curious, so I got an S while Ryze got an S+ and I dont get why.

- He has 2 less kills than me
- He has 2 more deaths
- 4 more assists
- we're nearly dead even in farm and in damage dealt
- We both took a shitton of turrets and helped around the map

Shouldnt we have gotten the same rank I feel?

I believe it also compares you to others playing that champ and if you did better than most of em you get a higher grade. Theres other shti factored in too im sure but its probably cause veryone and their mothers play vayne.

>more assists
>he upgraded and used trinket more often (wards count for rank)
>his CS is comparatively better given that you're an ADC

TLDR is he had higher kill participation and contributed more to vision.

post lewd polls


I hate the blue trinket. I love the normal trinket, I do use a lot of wards when I play the games.

He participated in 21 total kills, I participated in 19, is it really that much of a difference 2 kills? lee had more than both of us and he got S-

Sona is a cute girl!

>no go swimming in option

Nice job.

>no go swimming in option

Blue wards are worth more for mastery scores because if the enemy doesn't find the wards they count for more points (and they're permanent)

Plus Lee's CS is garbage even for a jungler so that explains his score.

Lee pretty much helped me go 6/0 during the first 15 minutes of the game. Id say he singlehandedly won it.

this and much more

Please respond, don't wanna drop 25 dollaridoos for a skin combo well never use.

Thresh is good with everything

The key to this game is not giving a fuck.

Post mains and why you play/love them.

>love being a kiting bitch and teaching GEOMETRY

Doesn't matter he might have done well but his CS is poo

Plus the grades are relative; it's harder to pull high KPA on Ryze than it is with Vayne because Ryze is a harder champion to play well, so his score to the average Ryze player is worth more than yours to Vayne (hence the S+) difference

If you really want to get an S+, spam blue trinket in the enemy jungle and make sure you have 0 deaths. 0 deaths is virtually guaranteed S for whatever reason, it scales down exponentially.


It's really good, the problem is that it will be hard to protect Varus from all the hard cc/assasions that will try to kill him.

I don't understand that fetish.
Ejaculating on a women's face?
Let me tell you, for this is the most degenerate thing you can do to your SACRED life juice.
To ruin a perfectly fine, charming and essential substance is absolutely mad. No Legged Vagina should have the honor of getting sanctified suchly.

Was mainly asking if hes a better pair than leo, though im probably gonna just grab em regardless.


People have no idea how to play against this champ, she's basically freelo.

pretty sure that's yogurt, man

>People never expect me to half health them at lvl 3

Been playing this bitch since she came out and have loved every minute of it.

What champion should I play if I have zero talent for the game, am retarded and prone to rage, BUT also want to win with no effort anyway



She's fun as fuck and people underestimate her damage



at least when you rage you'll be in character

Yi if Jg
Trynd if Top/Mid

Don't go Bot if you're a rager, you'll just trigger your lane buddy and fuck your lane.

tyler1 was in character for draven the entire time and got permed

don't rp user

Draven's character isn't toxic, just cocky.

>qtpie playing zero time dilemma during queue

Anybody ever been in a 'cursed' division they just can't get out from?

>place in B5
>climb straight up to S3 only failing one series
>been bouncing between 0LP and 20LP S3 for like 30 games now

What the fuck is wrong with this league

It's not even that I'm playing bad, it just seems to have x10 the AFKs and feeders (on both teams)

>hook retards and kill them during lane phase
>they fear me all game
>overcharge and go into hook range
>press S key
>they flash
>going fast
>going really fucking fast
>i am superman

is tankko good in the jungle with cinderhulk or is he better up top

>hit silver 2
>lose several games and drop back to 3
>get back to 2 without losing a single game
>repeat again

I think im in hell.

>It's a "Master Yi outduels you by far although you have like 2k gold more than he does" Episode
>It's a "Enemy Midlaner is LeBlanc so you WILL be forced to die even if you play well" Season
>It's a "100-0 the enemy adc 1v3 but die anyway because they use 3 ignites on you" Trilogy
>It's a "Jhin is flaming his teammates although he didn't even deal more damage to champions than they did" Trailer

So I'm in Plat 2 and everyone is better than me mechanically but I still keep climbing.

This feels awful but I'm not really sure what to do about it. Send help.

I think it just means you've found a comfy spot, enjoy being ranked where you belong

>I just love pressing W and melting the entire enemy team from 700 units away

>tfw tried to play some league

What the fuck is going on here.

Cinder is shit on him go runic sunfire if jungle or sunfire ibg top

it's a "My file didn't go through although I double checked it" Episode

Why is LB allowed to dive to the back line, delete an ADC and teleport out in 0.1s?

Cause she's an assassin

riot is adding artificial queues to convince the playerbase the playerbase isn't shrinking at insane speeds

Did she get buffed or something? I hadn't played her since release basically and I went for a boredom ARAM and got her. By 3 minutes, I had 6/0, and by 10 minutes I had 17/2. She shits out so much damage it's pretty fucking ridiculous.

You know nothing of hell.

I used to be Plat 1. ;_;

>yi has randuins tabi and tons of LS
>you don't
>how did he outduel me????

I thought diamond players were supposed to be good

Shes been strong from the start but she has gotten buffed several times, though mostly smalle ratio increases of like .1.

cause it's an outplay

High Risk High Reward. :^)

Thresh is definitely less binary than Leo. Leo, queen of engage, only has engage. She can't save people, delay the enemy engage or move them around in fights, only stun.

Place those bets: End My Suffering Edition

Guess ill just go for it then.

he didn't have them for 90% of the game

>leblanc using w to jump over the tank line
how is she not dead even before throwing one q?
you realize her w speed is slow as fuck now right?
if shes doing it from the side or over a wall from FoW then its your fault for not warding properly

Ill put $5 on blue.

What the fuck are these summs

Hi friend.
Just like loss streaks you will sometimes go on win streaks.
Grats for recognizing that it's an unnatural climb rather than you suddenly becoming amazing at the game.

All I can do recommend you play retardedly safe going forward.
Your job is now to not be a burden on your team, best of luck.

Thresh/Varus is a great lane but I'm pretty sure those skins are cursed. Every game I play with them I play like shit, switch back to other skins I do good again.

Maybe it's just in my head

What does Lulu max now? W?

I love Lissandra!
Nah, Veigar a shit. He's literally a short fuse and he's pretty shit ingame

r e w q for support

Maxing w first will likely lose you lane

nigga you have a solid imposter syndrome

plat 2 means approximately 95% of global league population is worse than you


>Getting first blood almost every game
>Killing my lane opponent on sight every time they come back to lane
>Killing the enemy jungler when he comes top to try and salvage the lane
>Activating Ghost, Ult, and RG at the same time and running down their squishies in the most belligerent and unstrategic yet effective manner
>Hard countering and shitting on cocky Tryns, Fioras, Ribbons, and Teemos

What's not to like is the better question really

tfw posting on phone so can't attach a webm like I usually do


>Yi if you're retarded
you'll just feed

>Fed AP Carry does fed AP Carry thing

does she really need tear?

Isn't it great?

>League of legends is a fucking goldmine for armpit fetishism
>Literally no material is made of it

I've started doing it recently as an item for my first back. She's pretty shit until you get at least echoes, and you'll go oom after 2 combos so you'll lose any extended fight anyway. I just farm a lot then pick on people when the opportunity presents itself.

I'm a support main so the closest thing I have is "accidentally" getting kills in botlane and rushing a HGuise/Liandry

Anyone else tried Sterak's on Evelynn? I find it really helpful as an initiator.

what order would you buy that in? 2nd item?

>Getting one of the genuinely autistic Shaco mains up here playing against your team
Sweating bullets boys.

how the fuck do you climb? do you really have to win more than you lose? that sounds so fucking unfeasable

>Karma support

That bitch is both really mana hungry and squishy, how do you all feel about rushing Chalice on her, with intention of going Mikael late?