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Damn, Symmetra has quite a booty.

hana song

>no Genji ass

fucking plebs

BREED edition

Nice butt.

Total butter face.


Symmetra players unite, lets discuss the best areas for turrets and teles

This is gonna be a good thread


Jesus Christ. Literally a month of trying and I finally got Sym's Huge Success achievement. Still no quad kill with DVa.

This will be a thread full of catboys

I want complex and sexual relations with Jesse McCree!

Get a friend to play Zarya. You have no other hope.

Can I have some tips for an aspiring reinhardt main?

i wanna be that knight in shining armor that gets everyone's juice loose when i save you from death or permit you to go on a killing spree behind my shield

Join game, see this. What do?

Against all reason, I just helped my team win Route 66 with some behind enemy lines teleports while they were trying to cap the last point. Is that a pro strat or did I just get lucky?

Either this or trip over a retarded Roadhog. That's how I got it.

Is 07 Torb?

Heal her.


t. everyone who gets headshot by him

Is the KOTH rank increase thing a bug or a really baffling balance decision?

>join game
>countdown already past
>support is the only role not filled

I feel like the cowboy era is the oddest moment of history

probably because it isn't taught as human history anywhere outside of USA

feels like I can slack off a bit. switch to hanzo.

>got it my 3rd game as Symmetra

I don't mind being headshot as much as being OS by his splitting arrow in the fucking foot

>dat Widowmaker ass
Why is she so perfect?

Yeah, that's his Overwatch number.

>crush the opponent's time both rounds with over 6 minutes left
>sudden death
>we get attack
>1 minute and 35 seconds to take a point that takes 20 seconds to walk to

officially done with competitive, blizzard has no idea what it's doing

>practicing genji in quick play
>our team also has 2 other genjis probably doing same thing
>enemy team literally goes 3 monkeys
who the fuck bothers to do this kind of shit in QP?

i can barely be bothered to play winston in ranked even when the situation calls for it since he is so boring, not to mention in QP


Pick Brazilian Man of Sick Beats.
At least then you can say you tried.

Reporting in.

If you try and car wash every map you're doing it wrong.

If you think Symmetra is useless at point B you're doing nothing it wrong.

>both Torb and Hog have literal Hank asses

Be a good boy and pick Mercy.

It was a very important era for America, both territory wise and culture wise, but since all those land acquisitions were done with purchasing and not warfare, it's incredibly pointless for other countries to learn about.

>when you sink that lucky scattershot just right
>tfw it's like winning the lottery

Jesus christ today I played 2 games,one had a leaver in my team (of course), and the was me carrying a team so fucking hard that I don't remeber myself ever performing so good.

The end result of those two games was me losing a rank. Thanks Blizz.

twink hero when

>If you try and car wash every map you're doing it wrong.
Another Sym main here. Car Wash is super easy on Anubis. Set them up under the bridge just in front of the first point and wait for a rein charge.

They are literally doing exactly what you are doing you hypocritical retard. Their practice heros just happen to counter yours and you're salty

You're pushing onto the point and this guy hooks your mercy, what do you do?

>he's mad about hero stacking

but that's junkrat user :^)

Fresh OC

1) winston doesn't need to be practiced the hero is super simple
2) they weren't winston at first, it was a reaction to them discovering we had many genjis

>Team is stacking a hero
>Not switching to that hero's counter
Any competent person would do this, QP or not. And if you're practicing Genji you gotta practice dealing with the monkey dick anyway.

push off :^)

>Implying the average Hanzo can land a headshot

>Reddit hates snipers
>Reddit loves healers

How will they react to the new hero?

>I'm the Mercy
>Nobody notices

People want to win andveryone hates playing against genji, it's fairly simple

No thank you. Just an ordinary young male body type with a good motif. It's always either baras or twinks with you lot.


I hate you and Genji.

I usually turret the whole right side and keep one on top of the bridge to tag anyone trying to run mid to slow them down for my team.

On Anubis I always spread my turrets out along that whole right flank, there's always a few that try to dash through and they always expect a kill room, so if you spread them out and hey try and charge through the right side, they are fucked once they make it through the room because you have a few more turrets covering that whole flank.

Never stack turrets on top of eachother. There's almost always a wall or a place a few feet in either direction that will be just as effective but won't be able to kill multiple turrets instantly

>Getting spawn camped on Gibraltr
>On offense

The counter to hero stacking is harder hero stacking, which gets hilarious.
>losing on dorado defense to 2hog
>go 4hog
>wreck their shit to victory
One guy tried to switch to reaper but any time he got close he'd just get hooked and instagibbed since the hog herd was never alone.

How to fix mercy, if you kill her during her rezzing animation the rez doesn't go off

boom shes balanced

need more widow pickers in comp. You have ridiculousness such as pharah, hanzo and zenmengs running around freely in the open.

>play nothing but Lucio
>Ez wins every game
>Go up like 4 ranks in a few hours to 58
>76% Winrate with Lucio
>He's ganna get gutted it the next patch
>In awful with everything else


qp for me is a practice range where i train heroes i am not good enough with that i trust myself to play ranked with them

it's weird to see these people who tryhard in fucking qp and try to counter you and shit, or people who are playing their mains there

>crouch behind this crate waiting for a flank
>get headshot even though I'm completely behind cover
You guys weren't kidding when you said Hanzo's hitbox is broken

>when you're shit at art, but manage to scrape this together in photoshop

The most embarrassing Hanzo card I ever saw was
7 scatter arrow kills
9 eliminations

>pick lucio for easy win
>ennemy team has lucio too

>>He's ganna get gutted it the next patch

What? Source please.


Go to bed Liefeld, you're drunk

My spray reached as far as it could inside their base when that happened while I played ranked

Overwatch in a Nutshell

Holy shit people who pick d.va are literally the worst hero playerbase,
They are obnoxious as fuck if you win because they think it makes d.va amazing.
This gook playing d.va had no idea how to use ult or defense matrix and I never saw a single kill when he ulted in 5 games of koth.
His ult only cleared the point once for us in 5 games, we lost 2 of the games to zarya combos and he didn't save defense matrix for it.
Then he shit talks our lucio who had like 5 mins objective time and 25k healing saying he never saw a single sound barrier like he thought he as a player was getting attacked rather than that d.va is shit
No hero playerbase is worse than d.va's, this is fact.




>16 scatter arrow eliminations
>16 of 16 eliminations

Enemy lucio are pussy shits that hide behind their team, I like to get right in there and give em the bass

Where are the D.Va buffs? It's just not fair.

>getting killed by the enemy Lucio as Lucio and knowing that he knows that Lucio is supposed to be hard as fuck to hit especially with non-hitscan weapons because he's also playing Lucio

Extremely underrated post

>Every note is prefaced with [PC ONLY]

this is what you get for trusting an omnic. You deserved this.

>wow team noob
>you guys are real bad
>he was hanzo


Lucio doesn't bother me as Mei or even Mercy. I get in close, freeze them or shoot them. It's 50/50 but they're not intimidating.

there's our comp hotfix
better than nothing


Dailty reminder that you need to make Mercy a top priority target. Don't be a pub shitter that feeds her ult.

Harassing and killing an enemy mercy as lucio feels so gud

mccree got cake

I always breath a sigh of relief when the Mercy just runs away from me desu. I usually have to punch her to death about halfway through our fight because his projectiles are so awkward and her hitscan is scary.

>Tfw singling out mercy with my tire and watching her desperately try to escape or shoot the tire

>push mercy off a cliff
>none of her teammates are around for her to fly up to

>lose comp attack gibraltar
>hanzo bitching at me and the rest of the team for not playing the objective
>"abloogyboo you guys are making me push the cart by myself"
>by which he means walk right in front of a deeply nested bastion and eat shit in two seconds
I had fucking gold elims and objective time as Rein
maybe he was trying to piss me off

thats me you didnt answer my question

Oh yeah, I'm just saying if you want the car wash achievement. The flanks are really where Sym needs to place her turrets on Anubis if you're trying to actually play.

Not always. I was playing Route 66 on Defense against a team of 6 McCrees. I swapped to a Bastion and shut them down hard. Some heroes have a hard enough counter that you don't need a full stack.

But mercy doesn't have hitscan?

I should have said one of the counters of hero stacking is harder hero stacking. Point is, it can work great, and it can also get countered to fuck and back.

>Run right behind her Reinhardt
>Shoot her in the face and give her a good fisting
>*Wall run back to safety*

>marked as a patch for all platforms
>like one thing is actually for consoles

>Release McCree
>16 fan the hammer kills
>18 eliminations
>his other two kills was him last hitting me with his flashbang and a solo high noon off somebody.

Reminder that Zarya is only OP if you have a retard faggot nigger team that shoots her shields so basically get fucking gud

You ready for biorifle shenanigans?