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Emperor 7 edition

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Hunter needs some way of doing ping damage, And I ain't wasting a deck slot on arcane shot

>On the hunt

>The whirlwind wurm

>>The whirlwind wurm
I would love this if it didn't damage my own minions
Not too mention warriors is stated better at 3/3 lmao

That's Dreadscale you're talking about. Pic related is the whirlwind wurm.

First for cupcake nudes

On the Hunt
Unleash the Skill
1/1 Boar with charge :^)

from 1-10

how bad is miracle rogue these days?

6/10, it's playable if you have a lot of experience with the deck

play it if you enjoy taking 9 damage from a farie dragon

ha, this guy's toast

>drawing backstab after using fan of knives
every fucking time

what do I do if I hate the current state of the game and don't want to play anymore but have over $200 invested in it

take a hiatus

you quit before wasting more time or money on it

if you used a credit card force a chargeback

Same here. I just hope they fire Ben and fix the game?
A man can dream.

>He doesn't like the shaman/warlock meta

>warlock meta

i wish


>implying control warrior, yogg druid and midrange hunter aren't just as good as zoo and aggro shaman

how the fuck do I win this brawl

cthun druid
always get cthun turn 10, also, always get cthun cards

>control warrior
fedora tier

>yogg druid
reddit tier

>midrange hunter
shit tier
only good vs fedora warrior

>"Maybe I'll finally climb to legend this season," user thought to himself.
>go to ladder
>le epic stories to tell your friends yogg
>le skillfully 4 mana 7/7 meme man
>le skillful memehammer man
>le skillful meme dragon warriors
>le fair infinite cards meme warlock man
>le skillful 6 mana 4/4 draw your entire deck meme lady
>le fair 3 mana 2/4 deal 2 meme damage with no drawback meme minion
>le fun 10 mana clear le enemy board and deal 20 face damage minion
>le fun and interactive 32 damage meme combo warrior
>le skillful go to face with meme weapons meme warrior
>le fun and interactive solitaire lady
>le fun and interactive memeloc man

What's this control warrior deck everybody is talking about? Every time I watch an streamer playing one he loses 90% of the time to aggro.
Source please?

>mid range hunter
>shit tier
It literally destroys anything but aggro shaman and zoo. And even then its probably a 40/60 matchup so you come out ahead on ladder.

The c'thun variant. Look up sjow or lifecoach's list

TANK UP is the strongest cure for aggro

>Play Renounce in Tavern Brawl
>Get Shaman
>Next turn draw Mistcaller again
>Turn after draw WIIIIINNDSSS
>10 instant burst damage

this brawl is fucking goat

>Less and less people at higher ranks
>Rank 6 are 3% of the playerbase
I'm worried

Has the actual number decreased or judt the percentage? Could just be more casuals.

Overwatch my have killed somevof numberd though.

Anybody have or know where to find the current win/loss by class percentages and how many people are playing what deck?

renounce is GOAT desu

Google Hearthstone Data Reaper

I used the brawl because it guaranteed a Renounce every turn 2 but I forgot that it would ramp me into the class legendaries real quick

bretty gud

What the heck was was he thinking, playing Onyxia when there's a frothing berserker out and I hadn't used any flamestrikes.

The dude got the Golden Monkey within 10 cards, I thought I was screwed for sure.

give me a budget warlock deck that doesnt need leeroy and faceless (im poor as fuck)

What is zoo?

Zoo obviously, though if you're poor you probably don't have the adventure cards (imp gang and peddler).
You'd probably be alright without them. Use doomguard as a leeroy replacement, it's about the same in value (sometimes better, sometimes worse)

Warlock has awful class cards don't even try unless it's Zoo

Wow. I actually got 12 wins with a good deck.

I thought only shitty decks could luck into 12 wins.

Tried laddering again with my Dragon Warrior, Zoolock and Shaman, get a giant chain of lost games due to bad draw or bad curve

Is playing control the only way to not fall victim to this? I would like some control over my games for once instead of praying I get certain cards out of 30 in alot of matchups

Just got a Nozdormu, is this meme dragon worth using ever?
Looks fun.

OC time?

OC time.

>Pay attention to mana consumed when a minion is dropped

also how would this work like at all

Why aren't you watching based shay man raven dude and are wasting your tiame here? He is playing pure tempo rogue lol

very well

Wouldn't work without minions with random stats. How many of them are there? One?

Stupid shit. Would kill a bunch of decks. You didn't even make it legendary.

Apart of some target highlighting for some attack based cards like shadow-word pain/death, what is the problem?

>Wouldn't work without minions with random stats. How many of them are there? One?

what do you mean?


>8 mana minion having an impactful effect.

oh no!

I don't know but i strongly think so.

>Hearthstone will never have a steam-like market so your lads at /hsg/ can set you up with some packs

The ranking system isn't zero sum. Consequently the way you get to higher ranks is by playing a great deal.

No one is playing a great deal of constructed. Why bother. Old Gods is already stale.

Isn't that way too cheap? you could easily get two op inspire effects play twice at 10 mana with this card in your hand

a usable epic, do want

At release of new expansion they give us fun and interesting brawls while we could be playing with new cards in constructed. Now in the middle of release circle with stale meta they give us the worst repeat brawls.
Why do they do this?

>Still no sign of the brawl that lets you use any cards in any class
Always wanted that just to see how broken decks would become if they had access to other class cards.

>add innervate to zoolock and other aggro decks
Absolute madman

Yeah he should have hero power passed on 10 mana.

Sometimes you just have to throw shit out and hope they don't have something, you stupid faggot.

The answer for what you seek is:

But Onyxia was literally the worst possible minion he could have played out of anything. I can't think of a single thing worse.
Without that I wouldn't have had anywhere near lethal, even passing would have been better.

warlock or mage base
2 unnervate
2 mana wyrm
1 redemption
1 avenge
2 minibot
1 dark peddler
2 sorc. appentice
2 knife juggler
2 frostbolt
1 muster for battle
1 coghammer
2 imp gang boss
1 counterspell
1 mirror image
2 divine favor
1 implosion
1 truesilver champ
1 loatheb
1 highmane
1 mystery man
1 dr. boom
1 tyrone
See if you can do better.

>Without that I wouldn't have had anywhere near lethal, even passing would have been better.
You had 14 damage on board and he had 18 health.

Don't be stupid. It could well have been the correct play for him to drop Onyxia.

no, it wouldn't, he can't know you have flamestrike

>Avenge in zoo

It's that time again!
Who is that insta-dust?

>start playing cancer shaman
>it has all the answers to these faggots farming low ranks

I feel bad, but at the same time, fuck these people.

>mounted raptor spawns a 2/4 Injured Khavaldir upon death
>his mulch gives me a shitty one mana minion
Sometimes you're just destined to lose.

edgy Nat

The Dragons Shall Kneel Before Me!

It's actually something decent!

Neato, congrats

sucks, can be removed with 2 mana

I've got Sylvanas and Cairne as my only non-adventure legendaries, what's a good all round one to craft? I've got nearly enough dust for one (unpacked those others).

>TFW living the value dream


>when you actually run into a priest with mind control

I fucking hate that class so much.

Rag or a class leggo for the deck you enjoy.

Right now probably Dragon Warrior or Yogg Druid

Play Zoo in wild.

Both of those decks suck.

>about to rank up
>run into a stream of hard counters playing with perfect curves
Every fucking time, like clockwork

They definitely don't

>Zoo and aggro shaman cancerous as ever
>New decks take the spotlight for a while
>Blizzard thinks zoo and shaman are fine now and doesn't nerf them
I just want aggro dead or nerfed. it's killing the enjoyment of playing this game now.

>tfw this is happening to me right now

Just reached a higher rank, now being bounced back to 20 playing control endlessly.

I'll probably go for Rag then, seems as if it can thrown into pretty much anything.

This goddamn game is slowly chipping away at my sanity

I've just started conceding all games against priests and warriors.

No point playing a 40 minute match to probably lose.

But priest is a free win

>when the most common warrior deck is tempo that can kill you by turn 6
>when priest is free win

Control is a hard counter to aggro, doesn't matter if it's priest or not.

Control is favored against aggro, it's not a direct counter because you can easily get fucked up by not drawing answers. That's also why priest is so shit, they don't have the draw like warriors do with acolyte + whirlwind effects, shield block, slam. Priest really only has acolyte for one and ps:w that's more situational than slam or shield block.

What a trash game


You're forgetting northshire.

The deck I started the game with was control priest, they have no problems with draw if they know what they are doing.

I'd be more interested in constructed stats, this is fairly obvious since tempo is everything in arena

My guess is priest/paladin/warrior come closer to a 50/50 because those classes are favored by control right now.

Everything else is likely the same because they are mostly playing aggro/tempo.

Some priest lists are even cutting northshire because they can't ever get minions to stick, it's an amazing card but can't be optimized with what they have after losing deathlord and friends who used to be the main healing targets.

Rogues should defintiely be better on coin I'd say, tempo mage probably too because of the coin spell synergy

>Rogue is the best arena class after all
Last time i'm trusting anyone on the internet ever.