What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

The blacks, those magnificent examples of the African race who have maintained their racial purity thanks to their lack of an affinity with bathing, have seen their territory invaded by a new kind of slave: the Portuguese.

Capitalism was his problem

He's not wrong

Are you implying he's wrong?

He wrote that as a young man after his first experiences with black people in a majorly white people. He definitely changed his mind later on.

After the Cuban revolution he went to the Congo to aid the revolutionary war going on there.

Anybody who looks at this picture and considers Africans fully evolved is a liar.

>fully evolved

Please do not reproduce

Well he was Argentinean.

>he went to the Congo to aid the revolutionary war going on there.

Fidel was quite the gamemaster in getting rid of Che.

>evolution has levels
>there is a finish line of evolution

t. person who gets their science info from 50s monster movies

i thought he blamed the congolese for bein a bunch of lazy niggers for why it was a failure

Yes because puting a face next to some words in a picture it means it's truth!
Facebook tier thread. Only there people tend to use more Ocard Wilde and Gandhi in his fake "inpirational" quotes.

he was just a warlord and his ideology just meme propaganda, he didn't really believe in it

Im argentinian, why is that a factor?

He wasn't really left-wing, he was more of a reactionary

we argies are really racist

encima el che era terrible cheto de barrio norte que a los unicos negros que debe de haber visto cuando era pendejo eran sus empleados domesticos

>What the fuck was his problem?
Communists say disagreeable things because don't believe in anything.

Not a single thing.

Puede ser, pero tambien me parece que los yankis exageran el racismo, las palabras "nigger" y "black" significan lo mismo en español, lo que puede llegar a una confusion en intenciones, ademas nosotros los argentinos generalmente cuando decimos "negro" no lo decimos como insulto, y hasta en la mayoria de las veces lo usamos como un termino de cariño "heyy negro querido" por ejemplo.

Ademas escuche a un historiador una vez diciendo que para los estandares de la epoca lo que dijo el che no era racista, pero no me acuerdo el nombre asi que no puedo confirmarlo.


>fully evolved

What did he mean by this?

Real recognize real

Claro mi chango.