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Jinx is The Best and Cutest Girl on League of Legends

Old: 2nd Best ADC Edition

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first for katarina
best and cutest girl

Nth for impregnating yordles

why can't i buy summoner icons from the store?

>support afks
>lose 22lp


I consider Reksai a carry tank jungler
If she wasn't so tedious I would play her nonstop cause I'm really good with her

Syndra is much better

I disagree with you. As good as Rek is, there's better tank carry Junglers out there.
Hec, Voli, Skarner are examples.
I'm not shitting on Rek, I just think she's harder to pull off on solo queue.


>Meddler having to do damage control because of the INTERNET HATE MACHINE

we did it Reddit!


Is aphromoo autistic?

>listens to jazz
>likes anime
>main support
>prefers elderwood bard over snow day bard
>always chewing a toothpick
>uses glasses

Those aren't cherrypicked, those are general trends.

Solo queue was never a bastion of teamwork, but people used to try to cooperate. Usually 3 people in a game had a role they weren't comfortable with, so they'd play safer and try to support others. Now everyone has one of their "best" positions, and they think what they want to do is more important

>uses glasses

Gee boss. Have you considered the possibility that he cant see well enough?

your list of observations sounds more autistic to me

>playing on smurf
>tearing it up as nid jungle
>get yasuo first blood level 2
>he dies to obvious gank, warded/pinged etc.
>tells me I'm boosted

>B R O N Z E I I

>when you see lolgenners in reddit
>they ruin your reddit experience as well
go away

Is any user's opinion, even that of the top ranked challenger in the world, worthless in /lolg/'s eyes?

listening to jazz is way better than listening to wetty fap or some of the other "rap" shit out there

you what ?

The fact that you posted this again makes me think you're autistic

does anyone on this Uzbekistani underwater basket weaving board actually know what autism is and does

I agree with Hec but he's always banned. Gragas also can fill this role if you're good at him

>didn't watch Aphro back when he mained AD carry

I still think he's probably one of the best ADs NA, he was just made to support when he started playing pro


>ranked game starts
>2 step dratini pops up


Most of the time people don't actually know what an insult means they just see their favorite streamers use it.

also I think there are actually people who pay to get boosted out of bronze 5

Buddy Aphro played adc in competitive in the era where all adcs were shit and he still stood out as especially awful.

xth for Flat is Justice

>Cass will never rape you and milk your balls dry then keep going


Scientists need to finally wake up and start creating monstergirls

desu scientists have much more important things to do but I agree

Are you 30 yet ?

I miss Anniebot's "This Could Be A Butthole Stream" spammer...

Getting there.

what do I have to do to get bronze

I just keep winning

he posted it the other day too

he is definitely autistic

News flash, tank items are broken and champs who can scale indefinetly are broken..


Pretty standard stuff. masteries are 12/18/0

sure thing buddy

I want Trundle to smother me between his big meaty man titties!

dangan 3 anime got me hype i love the bull masked dude already

trumposter once said the difference between challenger games and lcs level games is massive because not even challenger prepares you the complexity of practice scrims let alone serious lcs games

so everyones bad except lcs'ers i guess im just silver though ask him


Holy Shit , Shibb Happy Brithday my boy

Keep the good work buddy

>Still no wolf champion

>those seals and glyphs
>in 2016

>someone knocks on the door
>she shouts "no ones home!"

happy birthday shibs

what do you suggest?

>play a norm to test out a champion
>some teammate in other lane starts raging about support taking 'his' kills

it's a fucking normal, why do you people get butthurt so much


I love Lissandra! she's best waifu and best freljord!

Hp/lvl seals on literally everyone unless you're a jungler who has shit clears or an adc
Cdr / Cdr/lvl glyphs is standard. MR is if you are vs heavy AP and your champion doesnt itemize for MR easily

>that much CDR
user pls.

Well I finally have to quit this game so I can get my life back on track.

In my autisic time here I played over 3000 games and only managed to get to Gold II.
I played 450k mastery points worth of Lee Sin but have never gotten over a 55% win rate on him. I have been called shit at the game by 1/3rd of the high elo players in the community, and got into a verbal special Olympics boxing match with catflower. I have asked this thread what their champion pools were and asked what champion to main more times then I've gotten S ranks. No one probably cares but adios /lolg/.

I hate Lissandra! She is blue but smells like poopy!

post hair face mouth chest arms hands abs hard dick ass thighs calves feet then leave


I'd rather sniff a poopy than sniff Lissandra.

Considering Quinn is a jungler with shit clears I'll be sticking with armor.

Looks like I'll be sticking with MR too since Quinn barely needs CDR at all. Thanks for the input.

Vlad is the cutest and prettiest.

When will they nerf Ashe and her ranged bruiser shenanigans? This shit is too free and fun in this elo. I just walk around entering any kind of engage I want in the chillest manner ever. Thank god Janna saved me though.

mfw some near 30yo autist is having an online feud with an avatarfag


If you have trouble clearing with a ranged champion with auto resets and cc I think you should look at a little more than the runes.

>play a game of aram
>get matched up against this shit
>literally "try to play you cant" the team

I've had a Vayne in 4 of my last 5 games and a Tristana in the other why do people insist on picking shit champions?

>walks back into k6 range when he's invis to throw out volley
>walk away from exhausted fizz who's retreating

>bitching about luck



Kha'Zix didn't have isolation and Fizz was exhausted so it's not really surprising you survived their combos

>retarded "ADC" steals every kill I produce
>becomes legendary
>thinks hes superman and should lead us to victory
>makes a bunch of really bad calls that result in enemy getting baron, dragon and 3 towers

How do you stop dumb bot lane niggers from ruining every game?

Is there any streamer who plays adc, and actually explains his thought processes, i want to learn to adc, i just sometimes have problems with early game and positioning

Vayne isn't shit, people just keep rushing BoRK>PD when they should be rushing Youmuu>PD for the biggest early game power spike Vayne can get in the game. That active makes every ADC good.

Take some Attack speed in the glyphs if youre not afraid of getting fucked by an AP champ senpai.

>guy picks lee sin
>he kicks the thresh away from MF's ult

>enemy ezreal
>literally like 100 mana, oom as fuck
>he wins the 2v2 for some fucking reason against bard and mf
This game is seriously wanting me to kill myself.

How do I deal with Sejuani support?

She kept engaging like a retard and feeding the jhin and thresh free kills.

Then she started flaming me for not following up.

Where does this thing that Vayne is shit come from?



Well all mine were rushing RFC/SS/TF so I suppose that explains it

I thought it looked clear enough to notice I was trying to aa him, not walk into him. Plus I the Fizz didn't get away, so it's A okay. Chillest freelo champ I've ever played.

I wasn't surprised at all desu. Tank Ashe is too good and my Janna was good.

>Thirty-five (35) minutes in
>Forty-nine (49) kills on one team
>Fifty-two (52) kills on the other team
>One hundred and one (101) total kills
>2.89 kills per minute
>Average 20.8 seconds between kills
Wew lad

seq 'support' into thresh and jhin, christ next time dodge

So you are really really back, uh?
Think you can make it to Masters?

Don't have trouble clearing, but not having armor in early river skirmishes and counterganks or when you get invaded, is a death sentence.

If those runes were cheaper I would. They're not worth spending all my IP on when they're such a minimal boost that aren't even better in all situations.

>Doublelift Jr

>I built 1 defense item
>I'm tank _____ now
this meme needs to burn

S ratings?

From having a shit winrate and also having shit range. There are MUCH more bad vaynes then good vaynes and the good vaynes(Gosu) say she's a shit champion.

you play Wukong bot for the maximum memes

I actually built 3
1. Ninja Tabi
2. Randuin
3. Phantom Dancer (decreses dmg taken from last person hit and helps my kiting)

but whatever I guess it's just a meme I survived 2 assassins who unleashed a full combo.

So I've been checking all my friends and the people I've been queued up with, and 99% of them have the mark of the beast. Seriously, what the fuck. You can't tell me that I'm not at a disadvantage from playing purely solo. The measure of skill is all muddied now.
>get queue'd with a premade group of 4 while playing solo
>they don't communicate at all

It was a fun game. I didn't have to take it too seriously. Both teams waited for Kha and Rengar to do their EE battle too. I like Bronze a lil bit now. Too bad I'm about to leave it.

That's so nice!
Here's a pitty (You)

what do I play if I want to lose but not intentionally

Forgot pic.

>phantom dancer makes you tank
dear fucking lord it's not even a tank item it's a defensive damage item it doesn't make you tanky it makes one person do a bit less damage to you.

You didn't build tank ashe and considering that KDA and the number of deaths in the game, not only was that far from freelo but you're probably low Silver where I could play fucking ADC Anivia and still win.

you get the duo tag for playing just a few

it is hilarious how buttmad the official boards are about dynamic queue though