How does Veeky Forums feel about the return of Time Commanders?

For those that don't know the show it had members of the public commanding historic armies at famous battles.
It used a modded version of Rome Total War.

Will Richard Hammond be back?
What TW game will they use?
And will Mike Loades accidentally stab a camera man?

I wonder if rtw ever spontaneously ctd'd while filming.

It liked to do that with mods...and without them too.

it was fucking ridiculous and cringeworthy

watching people who had zero fucking idea what to do with an army trying to issue orders to each other is so god damn stupid.

I hope the show bombs so this abomination can be buried forever

Oh god, I'm so excited. I hope they bring back the same historians from before, it was hilarious seeing Mike Loades heaving around a longaxe and Nusbacher playing pool with the little army blocks on their strategic table/map thing.

With such a wealth of TW games to draw upon now I wonder which ones they'll use. I wonder if any of the participants will start raging at Rome 2 or Empire's wonky collision on-air.

Pretty sure they used a heavily modified (limited) build of the engine to help prevent that. Also scripting the battles to play out a specific way helps even more.

That's half the fun surely?

Me too man.

Dumb. Total war games are nowhere near what it would be like for an ancient/medieval general to command his troops and all the maneuvering and skirmishing for days before whole armies fight it out is half the battle.

Hype as FUCK.

I remember obsessively watching it when I was like 9. That shit sent my young lad history autism into overload, and got me hooked on the vidya. So glad to see it coming back.

Are they using the newer total wars?

hopefully still rome because it had the best battles by far

Aryeh Nusbacher is a She now, kekekek

Yeah. LYNETTE Nusbacher.

not awful

The history channel one was better, hope they try to bring back that one.

>that's gonna sting

The total war series breeds nationalism and racial pride. It should be outlawed

First they bring back Robot Wars, now this.

Maybe 2016 isn't such a terrible year after all.

I also want to hear Saul David again, he has a fantastic voice.

>Saul David
Is he a merchant?

No, he's a historian.

>And will Mike Loades accidentally stab a camera man?