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nth for we don't have an avoid feature anymore because Widowmaker mains got asshurt that no one wanted to play against their OP character and crippling autism.

Ive never seen it but I'm sure some korean team has done it.


>first rocket hits
Huh, did I just lag out for a second?
>second rocket hits
Oh, it was a Pharah rocket. Where is she?
>third rocket hits
Oh there she is. Better shoot her

You should try not being a drooling retard with no spacial awareness.

So Zarya is the best retard stomper right?
I climbed from 56 to 63 in 2 days because apparently people at that rank still shoot at barriers

just zipline away duh

mei is a cute ice nerd who i want to marry

Or maybe they should make her rockets register at all. All that happens is you get bumped slightly, and sometimes you can hear a faint noise.

>tfw playing bastion on attack

Any of you fuckers that wanna play some comp, hit me up. Requirements include: don't be a meme spouting lil shit, not be complete ass, enjoy the company of men.


I want to marry Lucio.

8/10 placement matches won, two to go.

Am I gonna get it lads?

>check competitive stats
>Hanzo 100% winrate
>check time played
>under a minute
>remember I accidentally clicked him before switching to Junkie

>All that happens is you get bumped slightly, and sometimes you can hear a faint noise.

And you lose 120 health.

If I lose more than 30 at a time, I'm booking it and putting my head on a swivel

rework bobot

Post your most epic Overwatch meme

>they have 3+ 250+ hp characters, just switch to reaper

>3 rockets when pharah kills in 2

>trafucker or fuckji appears behind your back
>swing your fucking mouse
>hit the side of the desk again
>get killed, every fucking time

I am developing wounds. I literally can't play this garbage game because of my fucking idiotic desk. There, you heard a new one.

Fuck this game and fuck furniture and most of all, fuck me.

It doesn't happen all the time, but those few instances when you go to climb a wall as Hanzo/Genji and it doesn't work the way it should, it feels terrible.

Like, when you're climbing for a fraction of a second and then they just stop or when they won't climb past the protrusion sticking out of the wall like they do for most walls in the game. Also, some of the rounded corners on Numbani's walls fuck me up.

Oh you mean the tiny ass number that's way off in the corner of the HUD? Yeah, I definitely notice when that changes imperceptibly.

Wouldn't it have been better for the Avoid Player function to only apply to people in your team?

I don't think you should be able to choose to avoid playing against skilled players, but it's fair to want to avoid being teamed with people who are incompetent or abusive embodiments of the Dunning-Krueger effect.

Just apply the avoid filter to teammates.

Wouldn't this have made more sense than getting rid of the feature altogether?

I hope this is bait

I woke up and can't get back to sleep, I decided to see if playing support nonstop will make me sleepy again.

It's working.

You think that's bad, try Lucio. Anything and everything can stop your climb -- or it may not. It's completely unintuitive.

Which waifu is best for shitters?

I just want this ptr to be over and the current changes made so they don't hurt my zenny anymore ;_;

pharah aka easymode: the character


I don't really agree with pharah rockets being too subtle, but the HP bar really is kind of stupid. I've got like 100 hours in the game now and I still sometimes fail to notice that my HP went down to 10% for whatever reason, then pick a fight and die instantly. It's just a bit too subtle.

Mercy. Speaking as a shitter.

Maybe, but this is Blizzard.

You'll ask them for a lean cut of pork, they'll run their fingers across the slicer and bag whatever comes off for you.




Would I have much luck finding people here to play with? Mostly just want it for the bonus, I don't really care if we win or not but if my teammates want me to try then I will.

Don't see too many people looking to play with each other here actually, what's up with that?

Pharah or Mercy healing a Pharah.

If you have the time to get hit by three Pharah rockets in a row and complain about it, you have the time to check your health between the first and second one.

Git gud.

haha what

For rank or norms?

Which skin is objectively the best?

why is pharah op? can't aim?


do you only get one comp point a match? so 300 matches for a golden weapon?

is this ranked?

spamming shields on 6 dva stallfest?

Centralized hud is never gonna happen though.

>it's a everyone plays Genji but you episode

>playing with bots

>I still sometimes fail to notice that my HP went down to 10% for whatever reason, then pick a fight and die instantly.

That's not bad or "subtle" game design, that's you not checking yourself before wrecking yourself.

1 win= 1 point

AoE burst

I know I shouldnt get annoyed on QP but holy shit it's so fucking stressful trying to push a point with no help and nobody tries to keep overtime going

Few counters, excellent mobility, you don't have to aim very well, and you attract pocket Mercys like flies to shit.

>tfw pushing losers off the bridge on nagasaki with pharah's e

300 WON matches

this announcement, by far is the most satisfying thing ever

>rank 76 or something mcree ults
>nobody is in his LoS
>zayra ults ONLY ME to drag me into the LoS
>he ults me alone
>2 mins later go kill this faggot despite his babysit mercy & constant zarya shield on him

These guys really love taste of his dick

That new comic was dope as fuck. Are all of them animated like that or is it new?

Seagull is so good

fuck... how can us commoners compete

So which is it owg?

Get a 24/7 pocket Mercy and you close 80% of the gap.

>gold damage
>gold elims
>gold obj kills
>still lose

thanks blizzard mmr

non-directs deal 20dmg
thats 8 shots too kill tracer
her burst is shit

dorito gremlin

Is Zenyatta going to be broken after the buffs?

So what is your global ranking based on? Is it solely based on your rank itself? What do you need to do to make it into that top 500 and get the animated spray?

Waifu and cute.


this easy mode

>What do you need to do to make it into that top 500 and get the animated spray?
you should already know the answer

Git gud and get 5 other people who are also gud and are willing to tryhard to the max, all game, every game.

>Reaper getting his ass kicked
>He wraiths away
>MFW I speed boost my team after him

AoE Ulti

Her rockets are like TF2 soldier Direct Hit.


>Playing heroes that have more than 200HP

I seriously hope you guys don't do this. It's like playing the game on easy-mode.

How do I git gud with her?

>not wanting a reinhardt on your team.

Here, have a colored version.

>t. Hanzo main who got charged/hooked/monkey dicked

>quick play

How am I meant to come to terms with knowing Mei will never sit on my face?

Think Quake but you move slower.
Once you get that mindset the rest just falls into place.

hit directs, fly often, flank, use concussion too mess with enemy positioning and for escape. watch good Phara streamers and take notes

D.Va is by far the most attractive girl in the game.

What's with the "dorito gremlin" meme? How can you not appreciate her PERFECT body?

Quick play teams make me want to off myself


Why isn't every comp team this?


>they won

By virtue of being a gamer girl all the Umaru shit got pinned on her.

Perfect 12 year old body ruined by her shitty 12 year old personality.

Because doubling is going to be obsolete by the end of the month.
Just replace one of the Zaryas with an Ana or a Reaper and you should be fine.

Because highlander rules soon

Dorito Gremlin is cute to be honest.

This. Go play some Quake Live, grab the rocket launcher, its perfect practice

Where's my main man Hanzo and my boi Genji? Also, it's hard enough finding one person to play a healer.


>impregnating a nearly 40 year old woman

Yeah.. no. When women have children that late, it basically multiplies the odds of that child being born with autism by like 300%