League of Legends General - /lolg/

Sorakafags are weird and Lissfag ruined the thread by losing our links edition


Fuck this game


I concur.

How is this fair in any way?

Botlane was a duo queue couple of mouth breathing chinks, all throughout the game I saw Tristana walk right into the middle of the enemy team and just sit there autoattacking. I'm pretty sure they literally just hit level 30 because they apparently have only played 3 ranked games ever and they were unranked. Their duo partner was Bronze 5.

I am by no means good at this game and I doubt I ever will be but I'm trying my ass off to get better and I get this? I don't get it.

the new PROJECT: skins dont look as shiny or cool as the last set

really? that qualifies as weird to you?

>Go to your room
>See this on your bed

what do?

Xth for Katarina
best girl

Ekko's is kinda neat. I'll give them that much.

I'm very surprised they didnt do Riven though, they would have made SHITFUCKTONS of money off of her.

Kick her off the bed and then tell her to fuck off

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums bets

ryze is missing

>two ultimates
all on to-
all on bot

Actually how about utilizing Cho's Feast stacks as a secondary resource? He could expel more spikes for an additional damage nuke, it'd add to his burst but would force him to keep eating to maintain his size and strength.

Post and rate but please don't hate

>sjokz will never be your mom

i just want to see champions with stacking abilities have an annie/jhin bar under their names

>losing our links
>you can ind them again if yo go back 4-ish threads

What do I do if I see an image of a sona on my bed? Idk, I guess I'd remove it from there

Cho's Feast doesn't really need that though. For Annie and Jhin it lets you assess their threat and damage. For Cho he just...gets bigger and harder to kill. He doesn't get a sudden burst of damage out of gaining Feast stacks or anything like that.

Guess the Champion

I think OP meant that Lissfag has a habit of just posting the one link and being so fucking horny he'd rather be the OP than make the general slightly improved/better looking.

>tfw I still have that roosterteeth gif



>tfw you dont play league of legends that much anymore
>tfw you've only posted twice on /log/ this month

i miss it, bros.

i miss having fun playing this game, i miss posting here

close but no cigar

It's not really that important on Cho feast though, for Annie and Jhin it's because there'd be no visual representation of how close they are to getting that final proc outside of the buff stacks on their character info, whereas Cho already has two easy to see visual cues for his stacks, in his health and size.

Best girl.
Best scent.
Best wife.

I finally realize why i'm always so reluctant to play this game alone. It's not because i fear doing bad and losing, it's not the losing that bothers me. It's being stuck in a game for 30+ minutes if my teammates shit the bed and refuse to surrender. Who cares if we win late game in a normal? Who the fuck wants to wait around for 30 more minutes farming and stalling just so azir can scale up? He already proved he can't play the character properly as shown by him feeding 4 kills in the laning phase. It's not fun or strategic in any way,

At least when you play with a team of 5 and you end up failing miserably you can open mid and try again. You don't have that luxury in solo play. But i guess you could just mindlessly splitpush if your team refuses to surrender to end the game quicker, but you're still going to lose your valuable time.

Simply put, teams in solo play are far too uncoordinated for late game to make a difference unless you're a splitpusher and can win the game by yourself while everyone else runs around like headless chickens. Even then the game isn't fun because you're actively avoiding interacting with anyone else in the game. Games should snowball much harder and towers should be weaker so that games end at 30 minutes maximum. I don't know a single person who enjoys spending 50+ minutes in a game only to lose. Even when you win your time could be better spent playing a second game for more LP.

Don't you mean with?

done nothing but grind out first win in bots and switch out to witcher for 4 weeks here senpai

Last pvp game I played I got violently fondled by shaco so hard it only redoubled my drive to take a step back

For the past 2 years my only games were only URF and the ranked matches to get the season reward.

>tfw you hecarim charge someone 100-0 and they respond with "WTF" in the chat in less than a second

Anyone in NA wanna do an aram?



If anyone wants to come just add me we'll wait like 5 minutes

>tfw you only have fun playing this game when you demote yourself to bronzeV and make people AFK playing Blitz and Shaco

There's still nothing quite like the fuckery you can cause playing AP Shaco support or just traditional jungle shaco. Appearing out of nowhere to one shot the low health ADC and flashing out never gets old.

Blitzcrank is just fun because the way he kills people is so basic people just feel cheated when you do land your hooks.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Here is my first game LANING against new Ryze.

How'd I do?

>malzahar has a 60% winrate on siege mode

when will this cancer be eradicated from this game

>>Get really fed as Draven
>>Enemy TF ults bot to try and kill me while pushing
>>one shot him

"Ok then"


Get used to it

>be me
>going to go play some ranked again with a friend
>we used to play in S5, decide to pick it up again
>left off at G1 in promos, 2/2
>we've played normals ever since
>invite a third friend, we start queue
>get jungle, wanna play graves
"play a tank faggot"
>pick hecarim, i dont like tanks but I'm decent with them
>champ select ends, get excited, i've improved a lot over the past few months
>sigh and wait until game starts, then try and reconnect, usually works if this happens
>doesn't work
>wtf. I restart client and then try.
>still wont even load champion portraits
"alright guys, just remake. sorry this is happening, idk whats wrong".
>they can't /remake, says I never D/C'd
>mfw my friends have to suffer a 4v5 and i lose my promotionals

>flash on shaco
>not taking ignite
>q e adc and spam dance as ignite kills them

No you don't

Ryze is more of a mid lane than top champ now so I don't understand why people take him top anymore. He lost all his sustain to even work in top anymore.

Shaco support takes flash.

You're not getting away if you appear in their backline after using your Q. Flash allows you to get away and still do a fuckload of damage with your boxes and clone.

It's a shame they're reworking him, i'll probably quit the game once the assassin update rolls around. Blitzcrank just isn't interesting enough to keep me playing.

What's your ign?







a very bad time



Hey Hippocratesii.
I got a teemo support in one of my games and afk adc akali the other day.
Stuff happens I guess.





sand cats

Tobias Fate



the lulufag is Quetzalcuddle






defensive or offensive masteries on the Dominator Dario?


bukkage windmill


>98lp in gold 4
>must play against three soloQed plat 3s
>My team has a 3 man dynamic que of silver to gold 5 players
>win a brutal 60 minute slugfest
>gain 2 lp.

No Mr. Egyptian curse, I will not.



kindred lamar

f-fuck you...




Laughing Fish




clg imaqtpie 69

oh hey qt i didnt know you posted here


Rape her.



why is this getting so many yous

Oh shit you boosted animals post here too?


>been con Veeky Forums since 2018
>this is the post with the most reply I've ever got

Guys, what are you doing here?


all me

The Rain Man

>My Ashe is sitting AFK under turret.
>Has lost 20+ farm.
>"I'm looking for an arrow play."





Ching Chong ping pong reague of regends xD
