Boss is forcing employees to put our headshot along with biography on the company website

Boss is forcing employees to put our headshot along with biography on the company website.

I said I have privacy concerns, especially with the picture, but was basically told to shut up.

Is there anything I can do about this?

You can always quit.


Free market

Don't quit, put your concern in writing and save a copy of the letter for your lawyer. Wait to get fired then sue for wrongful termination and collect unemployment.

I'm researching this right now, but can't find a specific law. Is there even one?

I'm not a lawyer, I don't know. But I'm sure that they didn't hire you with a contract that said they can collect your information and use it as promotional material, so if they fire you for it it's a breach of contract.

Talk to a lawyer about it.

just do it you fucking weirdo

Just on this point, there are a lot of employers who will put the use of your likeness as promotional material in their employment contract, so have a look at that before doing anything.
If it's in there, just suck it up and go along with it. It's not that big of a deal and it's not worth losing your job over.

Use photo editing software to slightly raise/lower /scew you eyes checks nose chin and mouth

Lol nope. The only law you need to keep in mind is "at-will employment" you little coward.

>implying snapchat hasn't fingerprinted your face
>implying any social media hasn't already mapped your face
>implying you're not in a database already
Just do it, faggot.

lol this

What privacy concerns? Someone after you?

My companies also did this - and I work for 2 competing companies without them knowing.

I was fucking worried since if you search my name both profiles come up with my shit-eating grin but as yet it hasn't come back to bite me (4 years)

lie about your biography. I've found its much easier to lie about myself in writing than to tell the truth.

Let's make a deal OP.

1. You lodge a complaint and get it documented.
2. A "social media witchhunt" just so happens to use your business website to cause you personal trauma.
3. You lawyer up.
4. I get a totally unrelated contracting fee through your lawyer, confidentially.

kys normie scum

This is more or less the only way you can get out of this. You have no real legal way to prevent them from putting you up there. Maaaaybe you could argue that you need to be paid for modeling services or something asinine, but that's just going to blow back in your face. The only way they won't do it is if they are scared of doing so for liability reasons.

I've gotten out of having my bio on a company site by pointing out that I have a restraining order against an entire family of over a dozen people (which is a fucking absurd story), and that any publicly facing information stating where I worked would potentially put people at risk. However, that was in a position where I knew they would not fire me. If you are disposable, pucker up, and suck it up cupcake.

Why would they even put the bio of their employees online? For what purpose? Publicity? And what do they gain from it? I just don't get it, it's such an American "socially open and nothing to hide" mentality that it is beyond my comprehension, you are such a loathsome and stupid society.

You hate superman too you commie?

Usually it's for fucking stupid reasons, but there are valid reasons for it.

The company I worked for at that time did it so they could list qualifications of their staff, because it was cross-indsutry and both industries required constant recertification. Having 20 people on staff who were all licensed to work in both industries was extremely rare at that time, and having a slick webpage with professional photos of staff, and a list of their credentials definitely attracted some substantial clients.

Their solution was put me smack in the middle of the page, with a horrible photo where I hadn't shaved in 4 or 5 days days, with the name "Insomniac Name" and add some bullet point along the lines of "rapid turnaround specialist-expedited rates available".

Quit to live forever in your mom's basement and play Minecraft on your battlestation.

Problem solved.

Actual adult here. Take the picture and stop being a pain in the ass.

Submit a photo wearing an identity-proof hacker mask.

these guys are right
spoken like a child

>Maaaaybe you could argue that you need to be paid for modeling services or something asinine


You are but an obedient cuckold.

Take your penis cage and submissive ideas somewhere else, repulsive scum.

As if there was something wrong about not wanting to publish your private info online. Gtfo


Sales requires exposure. This is the way it's always been. You wanna be private you'll be broke.

Just the way it is user.

same thing at my company op

wear one of these

and make your bio as douchey and unlike you as possible

that's what i did