League of Legends General - /lolg/

Best girl. Edition


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Largest breasts

Most Busted and Bustiest

also very cute!

>play LMAOI
>god tier in lane, fall off outside it anyway

How do I play her correctly?

Very delicious

sit in the jungle trying to bait them into close quarters while they ignore you and take your nexus


Jurassic Cho is a good skin and you suck at Cho if you disagree

What do you build when the other team has a heavy mixed damage comp? Health?

>mfw I've actually watched youtube videos and took a shit in the time i've been in queue and I still havent found a game
>its a fucking normal

Just end me, like they ended this game.

Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.

Infinity Edges

>take bandit mastery
>get first blood because you're Illaoi
>rush youmuu's into TF then build tank
>split push all day like a more obnoxious Tryndamere
>use GB active + sheen procs to push turrets down, Q clears oncoming waves in one hit
>assuming you're ahead (which you should be save for botlane feeding) nobody can fight you

Let me preface this by saying Ashe IS strong as fuck. She is easily #2 AD carry right now, maybe even #1 in competitive, but I'm talking mainly about solo here.

Ashe dips in winrate in diamond because the higher the elo the faster-paced the games become. Whereas silver-gold games very usually go into mid/lategame because players don't know very well how to drive advantages, in diamond small advantages get pushed very hard and overall the games become super snowbally. This is a huge advantage for Jhin because Jhin is an arpen user. Ashe goes Reaver -> Runaan -> IE whereas Jhin goes GB -> Draktharr -> RFC. Both at the 1 and 2 item marks Jhin will be significantly stronger than Ashe, and Jhin 20-25 minutes in can easily be rocking some 40+ arpen with 300 AD which makes him absolutely DEMOLISH anything that appears in front of him.

On top of this in diamond people naturally become better at dodging arrows (and players become better at landing them as well) but uptime-wise Jhin's engage is on a much shorter cooldown. Jhin's threat range is massive, if Jhin is in a 2400 radius from you he can absolutely fucking ruin your day if somebody clips you with some damage because then you HAVE to dodge the 1.75s root or you're fucked. Ashe has the same and with a longer threat range, but on a much bigger cooldown (until she finishes her core build and is rocking 40% CDR and spamming arrows on a 50s CD, which is one of the reasons she's so incredibly good now).

Jhin puts a lot of pressure and can zone teamfights and dives solely by ulting and using his W. He is actually really damn safe due to how big his range is (further proved by the fact only Sivir - the carry with the best defensive -spell in the game and Ezreal beat him for lowest average deaths per game).

So tl;dr: higher elo games are faster paced -> arpen builds are amazing and long-range, low cooldown engage pushes leads HARD.

You can't eat sona

you'll gain so much weight

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Can you get placed into diamond now?

maybe if you were really high in the last season?


Plat is the highest.

why is braum so terrible

Highest you can get placed from first 10 games is plat 1

he literally carried a game I was just in

Went from S4 - G3 in 2 weeks playing only support Blitz. Now for the last 40 games i'm still G3. Thought the quality of games would be better in Gold, but it's LITERALLY just Silver trash.

Almost gave up entirely playing support a few games ago when the retard team manage to throw the easiest game. Please tell me at least in Plat you get less dumb fucks.

bait baron so you can fight them in their jungle

post your top row

Junk food and sweets tend to have that effect on the body.

Oh hell yeah, everyone knows that dinosaurs are the best.

>try to play adc
>braum gets near you
haha fun


why do autistic kids love dinosaurs so much

plat is literally the worst elo

no other elo will so reliably break your spirit like plat

Play an actual role and stop relying on being carried

Post your champion.
Post your theme for that champion.
Tell us a secret about yourself.

braum is incredibly telegraphed, dying to him means you are bad



i agree that he's super telegraphed but come on, dodging his Q pre boots isn't a cakewalk

I don't think I've ever really had a friend, and at this point I don't even know how to make one

except you're almost guaranteed to be stunned if he touches you

God ever since you posted this the other day I've been watching everything about Lord Dominator.

She reminds me of Undyne in that image and that midriff is doing mad things to my dick.

* ᴮᵘᵗ ᶰᵒᵇᵒᵈʸ ᶜᵃᵐᵉ






Ashe gutting when shes fucking overpowered and has way too much movespeed for an AD carry

>[fotm adc] gutting when?


I want my mom back

What happened to your mom?

fuck off t

Are there any specific sites or videos that maybe give more up to date in-depth explanatiions and guides to the overal game and maybe specific champions too? I'm starting to "kindof" get it, but there's obviously tons of stuff I can't know about yet, and I keep finding a lot of old stuff that's probably not really relevant now.

she literally has the lowest base movespeed possible

>accept the queue
>You have declined
do i need to hit a cheat code or some shit

I need some other opinions here, lolgen

Urgot is my go-to laner for top and mid, and he got me out of low silver, but I have been climbing because I have been playing support most of the time. If i ever decide to play past Gold 5 when i get there (and i will, shit's piss easy), should I just stay playing support?


Riven has to have the most dysfunctional kit in the game

She doesn't even feel like a champion before 40% CDR. And at 40% CDR she's retarded as fuck.

dont play support until maybe D3
dont play support at all to be honest, especially not solo

she died last month and now i am alone

>Riot didn't nerf GP into absolute irrelevance

Badass nun champ when?

According to Riot it's totally fine that he has had these stats for maybe 10 patches already.

Luckily his banrate is steadily rising. Fuck cancerpirate.

I always try to find a reason to hate things that are/were popular, even if they are good.

Just ban him with your three bans.

all resourceless champions are cancer, period.

The same people refused to nerf Zed and Fiora for 6 months so it's not really a surprise is it?

>jungler asks for pull
>give him 3 autoattacks when i could've easily done 4

Dont bother asking other to tell you what to play, play what works for you.

Check on armaa, that guy here?

>Jungler wants a leash.
>Do way more than necessary and make him freak out with pings about his late smite.

>reach for cup
>no water
every FUCKING time

Good afternoon lolgen! Hope you have a nice day!

>eventually you lose the game

where do you live ill come cuddle with you

My computer is kinda bad so I wanna end games early. How would I go about doing this? How do I push an advantage? If I'm really fed and I think we can win a team fight should I just ping spam mid and try to force this bitch open without worrying about side lanes?

>azir """"mains""""

>leash red for jung as dar or twitch
>walk away
>seconds later red buff suddenly appears on me

So, the enemy picked Nami and I don't like playing Vel'koz support against healers...

I will say this about Gold over Silver... It's SO much more satisfying to play Braum support.

>tfw all the azir mains moved to viktor now



I hope he stays there for a long while while Riot thinks of a rework.

Are you doing alright, young man?

Do you want someone to talk to?

Additionally, what do you guys think? Should I put a burly and manly level 6 Braum on my screen?

Pure Satan Tier right there, my man.

Why does GP E do more things than some champion's entire kits?

user ;_;
Im sorry for your loss

Because barrels are the most powerful weapons in Runeterra (see old Gragas).

It's never gonna be the same again, just don't give up like I never give up in league

Holy shit... what if the proc'd one another like Twitch and Cassiopeia?

>Gragas gets healing off his passive.
>Gangplank gets MS.

what are you talking about user it doesn't do that mu-

>chained aoe
>bonus champ damage

never mind...

Who here plays on LAN? I don't know fucking Spanish and it's boring talking to myself. Just finished my placements so if you're around my rank and want to queue, let me know.

why the fuck would anybody do that

It's also FREE and resets your passive as well as giving you a speed boost!

and you still forgot

>movespeed proc
>passive reset
>no manacost

I moved one of my accounts there since the server was in Florida and I lived in Florida at the time and only had DSL, so it made my lag somewhat bearable. Now, the account is there and I feel like huehuehue'ing on people to see how racists they are against Brazilians.

You deserve loneliness though. Reap what you sow. Besides she hated you.

>no other elo will so reliably break your spirit like plat
>i am finally out of that shithole
>mfw when I hit diamond 5 last week

i know

So, what you're saying is... I should play him support?

>What if relic proc'd with barrels?

Finally got a chance to try out that new Irelia skin. God damn is she fucking fun.

Also, shoutouts to lvl 7 vayne, god bless, I hope she caught that charmander or whatever the fuck it was.

Is going guinsoo second still how it works on irelia? Or is blade like I did or something else better?

if you thought plat was soul-crushing you're in for a wild ride...

what an asshole

I'm doing this but using Vel'koz support. If you don't meme your way to Plat you did it wrong. :^)

>tfw practicing jungle in normals also

remember when 3-barrel cap would kill gangplank
or when trinity changes would kill gp
or when plunder nerf would kill gp
or when ult cd increase would kill gp
or when the health nerf would kill gp
or when no mana refund on parrley would kill gp

there is no killing such a busted kit