League of Legends General /lolg/

OT: Fuck the new yordle. Veigarette edition.


Just wait for rule 63 kled

he better be a jungler

r63 is such an awful fetish.

Trick2g is the best player in league

You guys think Pantheon is better top or mid lane?


I want /pol/ to leave

>Yordles have been written into a corner where they're all retarded and childish

Uhh, hello? Can we have another normal ish yordle like Tristana please?

Is Luden's any good on Orianna?

How do we save Shyvana

>The majority of Plat+ players are running TLD on Blitzcrank instead of BoS

Surely people can't be this retarded

Go back to your hugbox safespace at tumblr or reddit then.

What are the childish yordles?

because they want that ebin earlygame lead

Okay but he has the same eye scar and orange right eye and is literally just Rengar and Gnar merged together.

>t. silver sulfer

I am so fucking ready.

That spicy feeling when you suspect your adc is boosted.

>That """""teamfight"""""
Disgusting. Why can't EU SCENE just die?
It's not like anyone still watch them anyway.

>Inb4 someone already drew Kled r34

hello kleddit




xth for Urgot, crashing this league

with no survivors

can't wait for jerseydevil to draw porn of Kled.
i bet he's a power bottom

Where the fuck is the Kled porn already?

>Still playing Azir after he got gutted
>Missing his ult
Just make it stop, holy shit.

>not a safe space for a certain type of people

You say that, as your are watching them.

Oh shit new champ revealed, I actually laughed at the reveal, seems ziggs will have competition in the spamable laugh market.

Well urgot is the mind killer

this is not how you ask for porn user
this is

Having your opinions being shouted at is different than having your opinions deleted and banned. C'mon senpai.

Reminder that if you play anything but Mid or Top you're playing a support role that's meant to do nothing but feed the solo lanes who have several advantages over you by default.

mid he can't push top lane fast enough

mids are cuck tho

>excited for new champ
>it's a fucking rengar-like yordle with a crappy animu beast
i cant even
it's just so fucking disgusting

So my friends convinced me to play League with them. I'm not new to mobas, really. I've played Dota 2 for about one thousand games. I'm not here to shit on league or anything though. I just want your help.
I just want to buy 3 or 4 champions off the bat that will generally cover all positions I might need to play. It seems that jungling isn't exactly a great idea with a new account, since you don't get smite until later.

Any suggestions for champions? They don't need to be super simple, I just want a handful of characters to choose from depending on what role I need to play. I don't want to end up buying champions that have been nerfed to the ground just because they look cool. Is Kalista fun?

I'm actually going to lose a diamond 5 promo as a challenger smurf because my teams wont stop intentionally feeding

haha :)

but user, mid laners are the one playing mage supports like Morgana and Karma

reminder you forgot to kill yourself to make the Earth better place today

If you want to win in this game you play the best champs with best set ups. Don't let any memer tell you otherwise and trust me there's alot of them in this general and they're all gutter trash ranking. Champion.GG for those stats.

all champs are easy and dull compared to dota so it will be boring for you. Just don't forget to recall by pressing B, doN,t walk back to base.

>Challenger here in /lolg/


>baaaaww the new champ isnt a waifu why is riot a bunch of sjws
translated that for you

Are you really to hammers? You post on Veeky Forums? Interesting. I see you on qt's stream all the time.

Opinions on high elo streamers?

Well I mean thats true. we havent had a cute female champ release in a long time.

so like
was this just misinformation

just carry harder dude

>OG one series closer to relegations and forfeiting all their circuit points

>i cant even

Rohammers, not toe hammer. Sorry autocorrect


meh the effect is the same
no intelligent discussion takes place, ever
only circlejerking

Taliyah is cute, just because you doesn't find her sexually attractive doesn't mean she isn't cute.

Kalista was nerfed into the ground and will hopefuly stay there.

For adcs well Ashe is very good right now and is only 450 ip so you don't even need to spend any dosh.

If you want more then Sivir who is also 450 is good, Jihn is 6300 but is very strong right now and I don't think he's being nerfed soon.

Viktor is a strong mid laner

Jungle take your pick from Rek'sai, Gragas, Elise, Graves and Nidalee however Nidalee is getting some nerfs soon.

Hecarim is op in the jungle right now but he's also perma banned and will probably be nerfed soon so I wouldn't jump on him.

Support Janna has always been amazing a it and she's only 1350, Soraka is good too and is cheap.

Top I'm not sure, Darius is in a safe spot for top lane, Irelia is strong but almost banned as much as Hecarim. Gnar is pretty decent too there. Hard to say.

>only noobs ban illaoi
>top eu team just used their first ban on her

really makes you think

what is the actual counterplay to yasuo?
i know he's a champion that feeds all the time and usually wins lane/loses game, but his laning is so fucking obnoxious. it doesn't matter if you're 2 kills ahead packing exhaust, he will just dash around real quick ignoring your minion advantage, spam auto attacks, outtrade you, kill you and spam his mastery icon.
what can i do? i main top lane

>pirate yordle

MFxKled When?

No im just a fanboy.

99% of high elo players in league like to spew reddit tier memes 24/7 or call their teams "animals" and use words like "tilt" about every situation :) have to mute all since season 5 where this became cool.
Honestly League is boring and the player base has ascended past autism atleast for diamond+

im just a dumb frog poster:)

this is true

don't fight him when he has a lot of dashes charged for maximum dash and be sure to not suck down the wasabi air

Go practice your clarinet squidward

>xpeke gets famous for a meme play in the stone ages beating ocelote at iem
>ocelote now gets his revenge years later by stealing OG's bot lane and relegating them
Did ocelote finally uncuck himself?

Play darius and right click him. Use your abilities sometime and you end up winning.

That much is true.
And she is cute, though. Adorable, even.


poke him down with autos and spammable abilities OR play melee lane bully OR just stop getting knocked up together with your 4 teammates

>"we want a new Noxus champ!"
>we haven't gotten one since Draven!"
>"Noxus event when?"
>get this






>its a Kled mounts MF episode



fuck off patrick you fat cunt

>Jinx is cute, just because you doesn't find her sexually attractive doesn't mean she isn't cute.

Only idiots think Illaoi isn't worth a ban.
She's really strong versus anyone with a weaker lane phase.

>that nose
At least fan art takes the nose out, thank god.

Who said that? She's one of the most banned top laners

>lot of dashes
He only gets 2 charges max now, so it's more about not to fight in a minion wave to get >outskilled

>he has a lot of dashes charged
His dash doesnt have charges.
its just a matter of "Cannot dash through the same target twice"

he's cool tho



You gigglin me m8?

>Darius miniature axe
>Rengar aeastehtics
>Ziggs personality

Nice creativity, Riot, 10/10, reddit on suicide watch

Well, she's cute in a "holy shit this bitch is crazy, but if she could sit still and put down the guns, I'd give her a hug" kinda way.

Blitz's earlygame 2v2 is quite weak, you need all the damage you can get

that one person known as /lolg/, you don't know him?

>steven universe
holy shit

niels pls GO

do you think kled ever had sex with his bird reptile pet thing haha


I'm okay with this.

Only problem is that he's a fucking tiny rengar instead of an original design, but his outfit, style and mount are neat enough that he's still okay,

spotted the guy who has never looked at yasuo's E tooltip

should i remake this with taliyah and illaoi added


>dreamworks face

People have been memeing about her since release

>just walk away from her XD

Now she's been buffed and can fuck up certain top laners really hard.

Not to mention you can't engage a teamfight with her around because she'll just ult on top of you.
She's amazing for a poke comp specifically for that purpose.


Yes but keep Rek'sai and get some good porn of her.

>now Kled
Riot had fucking better get the dynamic duo theme right this time. I mean, Kindred's very theme was duality yet it only feels like Lamb. And Quinn's bird or Sejuani's pig are so unnoticeable and boring they may as well not even be there.

Holy shit I'm sorry you had to deal with that guy.

looks like some shitty dreamworks character

XD Nice meme.

Taliyah is soooo ugly.
>>>sjws ruining league

Top kek desu F'am

you're stupid
what i clearly meant is that they cant come up with new ideas
here's how this champ was born:
>rengo is le epic assassin cat xd just imagine if he was fluffy too xd
>wait, let's make him YORDLE
>and let's give him a cute animu companion
>just epic ecsdeee
im not even mad i just feel sad for them

More like better Hecarim