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Fareeha Amari


A 250 pg collation work with the top rape work artists


hana song

>only one white girl, mercy
>infinite mud girls

is this the diversity i keep hearing about?

>Genji infesting competitive scene

at least he is fun to watch

>practicing with widow so i can git gud on QP
>every match is someone on my team flaming me for being worthless

reminder to rebuild your turret in a different place if you even think you have the time to do it as le lego character run animation dwarf man, it confuses the shit out of people

Hana Song tied up

this game is so full of crybabbies. it's your own fault the team lost; and if it really truly isn't, and you were a god among men, then just feel good about yourself instead of shitting on your teammates.

I want to bully the qt brown girl.

What's the problem?




you can thank me later

How to fix McCree
>give him a semi-auto pistol instead of the revolver
>have it do half its damage and range but give it a 12 round clip
>fan the hammer turns into akimbo instead where he duel wields 2 handguns to obliterate close up targets
>flashbang effects a bigger area and entire rooms
>his roll now gives him invincibility frames
Wow simple as that Blizzard. Just fixed yo shit for you, thank me later

So how do increase my rank? I been stuck at this rank for a while thanks to all these shitters around me and there's nothing i can do about it



>inb4 slavs aren't white

This is my suggestion for a new overwatch hero. His name is gunji

He's like genji but with a gun.

>when someone on your team chooses Ana

arguably they are the whitest.

Do you count Widowmaker as a different race because she's literally blue or something

You need to stop support, play a dps or a tank like roadhog that can carry

Stop playing support

You cant carry the team with mercy.

git gud

Or accept YOU are the shitter and stay there. You got there for a reason


Nah they don't have souls because they racemixed with asians

>tfw hide chat in all my games

It's not like people ever say anything useful.


But thats gay.


B-B-B-B-But Tracer and Widow are white too.

Holy shit how is it playing in the trench?

>nerf a character's dps by 50% and attempt to compensate for it by giving it fucking more ammunition
>there, viable

i can't believe it, someone who's actually worse at game balance than blizzard

pick McCree and kill everything

or Reaper if you can't aim

The best.

>tfw either stomping the enemy team with my ult up very often in QP or absolutely worthless
Worst feel it's like there's no middle ground with Widow after her nerf.

so its fine to play zenyatta now right? I am kind of interested in playing ana but I know I would be a shitter. I wouldn't play her as a solo support though.

They really need to make another tank though. Winston isn't really a tank. Road hog isn't really one either. Reinhardt is like the only one that can "PROTECT" team mates. Winston and road hog are like assassins. New DVA is okay at protecting but not as good as reinhardt.

Reinhardt is so important to like any push. Almost too important.

Is for holding hands

Is anyone having latency problems today?
Tried several things and it's still pretty bad. In the UK if that matters.

>tfw slavs will soon be the only white people left in europe
>mfw I am a slav

zenyatta is the 2nd best character in the game atm after lucio dude

go for it

>half the female cast is white

So what do we do to make hanzo a viable character?

I think his charge time needs to be reduced a lot since he does less damage than widowmaker and hers is faster I think.
They might also make him move faster while he's charging so he can be the mid range sniper he's meant to be without being such an easy target.

His radar arrow provides a lot of utility so if he could just compete with the kills i think he'd be really good.

>one 2 man group and one 3 ma group, and me solo
>"Hey let's all get in the team comms."
>no response
>my soul when

post memes

is she a good hero or am i just bad

Im on american servers but it seems like the servers over here have been giving people troubles too. Had a lot of dcs recently.

friendly reminder that if you don't have 70+ rating it would be better for everyone if you didn't discuss game balance in this thread

thanks for understanding


this is quick game mind you

ur bad.




>character gets played
>its a pretty fun character
>both teams can play said character so its not like he gives an unfair advantage
>o shid hes played too much he needs nerf xD
fuck you owg leave mccree alone


how good is she on like a scale of 1-10

like is she actually REALLY good or just "yeah i guess she's fine"

psshh!.. nothin personnel kid

give sonic arrow 100% uptime
reduce scatter cd by 2 seconds
increase hanzo's run speed


They cant when you mute them baka


I'll discuss whatever I damn well please, thank you.


>Every team comp has a bastion/reinhardt/junkrat attack or offensive
>Noone pushes the payload when i give them support as ana or when i have my ult as mercy

Bunch of shitters really

>not white in the first place
>only white people left


Depends on map and team comp.

As a stand alone hero shes about a 8/10.

Good tracers can be game changers.


When the team loses: "Everybody sucks except for me", when the team wins ""GG, WP."

>both teams can play said character so its not like he gives an unfair advantage

I can't believe people actually try to use that logic when discussing game balance. So stupid

>tacky hoop earrings

>doubled tapped from across the map by a character that makes both widowmaker and 76 useless

>buffing scat arrow in any way


my sides

>lucio, zenyatta, zarya, dva, mcree are all at 90% pickrate at the pro level
>clearly mccree is the problem

/owg/ is truly, irredeemably stupid

>three races: niggers, whites, asians
>you have to categorize slavs
Hmm, which do you pick?


They need to either remove that hero or lower the skill-floor.

He makes games 5v6 90% of the time

Literally all I want from Hanzo is that he's not a slow piece of shit when he's drawing back his arrow

>real life friend wants to queue competitive with me
>can't because he is 26 ranks lower than me

Fuckin kek

except its a huge fucking factor you mong. if only one team could have a sniper don't you think that would have some bearing on how they'd have to be balanced

thanks, i will try harder to get better with her

>Mfw I switch from Zarya to Zenyetta because again, no one wants to heal and wants to get POTG
>Single handily stop the car advance and keep people healed
>They all still insist on trying to get play of the game
>Tor putting turrets out in the open
>Mei hiding in a corner just spraying her gun
>76 corner popping like its CoD

I cant do this anymore, 8 losses in a row

of those three? nigs

there is nothing wrong with reinhardt or junkrat on attack. Worry about your own play (although it is true that you can't support shitters, so play damage dealers whenever you can)

pretty obvious stuff to anyone with a brain

factoring in individual performance is a huge can of worms that should never be opened in any ranked system

dota 2's (and i've heard LoL's too, haven't played it) ranked works just fine giving everyone in same team equal amount of points for winning/losing

high level players still rise to the top eventhough their personal performance is not counted, simply win/loss is enough to make the difference show.

i assume blizzard went with this approach to cater to the dunning-kruger retards who believe in crap like "elo hell". too bad those people still whine about elo hell although the ranked works the way it does.

I thought D.Va wasn't being used much at the pro level.

Stricker punishments for underperforming in comp MM when?

Did I just fix the game /owg/?
>give mercy her ult once per match but she can now heal one people at a time at 10% ult cost
>give mei a new weapon she can switch to which is a bolt action icicle sniper that does 500 base dmg per shot. 5x on a crit
>give d.va rockets for her mech and that be the left bumper button now
>widowmakers rifle does 200 dmg now but it is semi automatic and changes into a pistol sizzed shotgun if you press the alt switch instead of smg mode only
>give hanzo a katana like Genji has for up close engagements
>give soldier 76 a rocket launcher that locks on during his ult
>reduce lag and bring ping up to 60 as promised
>let torbjorn be able to make 2 turrets at once in a match and 3 when he gets his ult
>winston can now drop up to 3 shields each and they stay at the same. cooldown same as Tracer's blink
>Give Ana a sidearm to go with her sleep dart, her gun should turn into a assault rifle if you hipfire it like widowmakers
>ana's grenade now sticks to targets before exploding like a semtex
>mei's icewalls now can be up to 3 like winstons shield, same cooldown as tracers blink
>bastion now has twice the hp in recon mode and he regens all health when he switches to turret mode
>junkrats ult gets 500 hp and its AoE is increased as much as it and Dvas ult combined the catch is that if you die while you deploy it it goes away also you get an extra 3 seconds to detonate it
>pharah is immune to her rocket splash, he rocket splash damage does the same amount to an enemy as if they had discord on that way you dont have to change the numbers just the mechanics
>let pharah move around when she ults that way people cant shoot at her
>roadhog ult has no recoil and his hook has twice the range and stunpower but he has 400 hp and his inhaler buffs him as well as heals him
>lucio has an alt skin that hides his ethnicity so that players will be more inclined to choose him
>zarya doesnt have her shields but her weapons get buffed and her ult explodes

Zenyatta and D.va probably didn't need as many buffs as they got, I really thought we would see 175 hp zen. I'm iffy about D.va but eh.

And of course Lucio isn't the problem, he's practically the only support that can solo heal and is the best healer. That's like saying reinhardt needs a nerf because he's the only tank that can actually protect his team consistently, it's not a matter of his numbers being too strong it's inherent to his design.


you usually pick her on attack to create some havoc or chase 1 guy on capture maps, genji does her job better on payload maps tho.

Not too sure about koth, probaly neutral with Genji there both are good

I played him last time again.And I think they should remove the arrow drop.I seriously doubt that there are even Hanzo God's,that don't feel cheesed by not hitting range targets.Also Widow has a scope and hitcan,plus she has potential more damage than him and a scope.

It's not even his kit or I think damage,it's just that the arrowprojectils are a partly "random" mechanic.Widow's scope and hitscan are just better.

Which characters are most used at the meta level? Is there a place where I can check this?

both teams being able to pick an overpowered hero doesn't make the hero not unfair. What a great game with such diverse cast, where you NEED to pick the good hero to win!

i've always liked that description of slavs being pale nigs, it's very fitting

McCree got his damage buffed by like 30 meters and its the end of days meanwhile he's suppose to be an 'anti flanker' where the characters he can even anti flank and avoid the flashbang.

pretty much everyone is running her in the 2 tank/2 dps/2 support comps

her plus zarya give you a ton of peels on your dps and supports

>expecting anyone in this general to read your essay on character balance
fuck off user