Bestfriend has paid off 41k mile 2013 Dodge Charger SE

>bestfriend has paid off 41k mile 2013 Dodge Charger SE
>wants to buy a challenger

I'm letting him keep the car in his name, so he has positive equity, while I pay insurance and a small part of his new car payment. I'm just being added to insurance.

What do you guys think?! The car gets signed over to me whenever we want, and it's not a concern that it won't be.

How would using that car as positive equity work? Will it work? Can he sell it to me immediately after he purchases the other car? How will that affect his interest, you think? He is a trust fund kid (dad) and has a guaranteed 55k a year and only spends $900 a month.

What's changed is that his mother, like mine recently, was taking money specifically not meant for her and blowing through 4K a month of money left to him. He has roughly 4 years left of this.

Also all warranty shit is taken care of, and I'm currently spending $500 a month to maintain two aging volvos

>if he defaults on the loan you will lose your car.
>you have no proof that youre paying him

>youre gonna get anally fucked and be out a ton of cash

Guaranteed 55k a year surviving on $900 a month.

I would rather be out cash, as my current way of making money is through college scholarships.

I've already confirmed the car is equity.

I've already run through those scenarios.

Holy shit,

they are my friend, they'd never do that to me"

do not do it OP. For Christ's sake.

Also, I literally saved this friends life. If that matters to you guys.

This is not the situation. It's my choice whether he signs it over immediately for $0 or he holds it for equity until he buys the car.


I hate seeing trust fund kiddies bitch about what they should do

Just spend the damn money you're getting for free you don't know the value of a dolllar anywy

buy a new car
crash it
who cars ur rich

I am more so asking what the best way to get him to best possible deal on the car purchase is. I am paying him nothing up front, lol.

I. Saved. His. Life.


Talking him out of suicide doesn't matter. All angsty teens threaten to commit suicide.

Should've wondered OP better, it's my choice how this goes down. I should've just googled whether the car would be considered equity. Going to have him buy the car and then sign the car over to me for nothing.

This is the most retarded thing ever. Just buy a car normally. Not from your friend. Besides, it's a shitty v6 charger.

You shouldn't be posting multiple times in a thread.

Your english is shit.

Anyways, just going to have him sign it over after he buys it. You guys stay mad.

>How would using that car as positive equity work?
It only works for him if he trades it in on another car. Otherwise, it's valueless to him or you.

Doesnt matter idiot.
It could literally be you twin brother that you gave a kidney to after you rescued him from a burning house filled with grizzley bears. He can still fuck you over so bad your head will explode.
This is a joke.
Its called get you own shit yourself or its not your shit


Someone is mad

No. Someone thinks that this is a good idea.

Good news is I just figured out my state has a gifting policy for cars. Thanks for the help, everyone!

Also, call my friend the idiot. Because I could fuck him.

Shows how fucking shitty your lives are, can't even trust a twin brother.

Why would using the word idiot indicate anger to you user?
Sigmund frued.jpg

You would fuck your twin brother?
Narcissistic faggot

>buying dodge
ew. Why?

>hey Veeky Forums, should I do something irresponsible and stupid?
>no, it's irresponsible and stupid, you could be out money
>wow, fuck you guys, you don't know anything, fucking shitters, I'll do it anyway


No no no. Its fine.
They is bff5lif
He saved that niggas life