League of Legends General - /lolg/

Get you a markswoman that can do both edition

Other urls found in this thread:


first for my waifu

Xth for Katarina
best girl



>nail polish
>on a supposedly feral being

Xth for fuk u rito

it's just coal and dirt

n-nailed it...

what were you even hoping to accomplish

>Tales of Valoran hasn't been updated for almost a year now

Hey Welding I want to cum inside your waifu over and over.

literally dead game


Do you agree lolbabs?

>these comments


thats cool dood but she belongs to me

I agree that the thread needs more raka

>Sona gets in Q range
>doesnt Q and wait to be in AA range to Q
>doesn't AA while Qing
>stops while fleeing to get the empowered AA (without having passive up)
>cannot dodge the taric stun that was easily dodgeable
>has DJ Sona skin
these fotm sona players makes me puke but gladly i've picked up Blitzcrank recently and these retards keep doing the same mistakes over and over

wanted to grab him right after the root but got caught off by the short duration (note that he had flash so i had to grab him right away), i then tried to write my sadness in chat but it didn't open so when i pressed F to write "fuck" it flashed
but hey jhin got the kill so everything's fine

it rune magic
no waifu is pure waifufags

AP Varus fucking sucks

I'm glad the trundle and Alistar spamming faggots are gone.

I don't watch 11 minute Youtube videos with clickbait titles

but the wall has a huge hitbox, there was no need to throw the hook like that

>Had some fun with tali
>Changed her w to vector
>Now I can't even cast it as consistently as I used to.

I don't understand this spell


He was right in the previous patch. Sona was fucking strong as fuck. I mean, she performs okay in normals, but try it in Nexus Siege and you will shit on the entire enemy team even though they have just as much gold gain as you.

>tear first item
>build enough cdr to get to 40% (athene's should be fine)
>finish with the most ap you can (luden's, rabadon, void staff and sorcerer's)

I've never lost once with that combo. Though most people in this mode are retarded.

she did auto while Qing though?

are we posting worst login themes now?

oh right my bad, thought she didn't because the second auto looked like it was empowered but that's just DJ Sona autos it seems

>Building tear on Sona support
>Building Athene's on Sona support
>Going full AP without a lich bane
Remove yourself. Never ever play my waifu again.

Riot no longer cares about Taliyah, she'll be reworked in a year to get her out of her joke status.

but shes good now

>your waifu is a fat slut
>i forgot to mention the lich bane, but I do build it, actually
I'm talking about (URF) Nexus Siege here
of course I don't build this shit in standard games

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

You mean with, right?

I want to cuddle Jared

Go on and try.


Post mains.



>>your waifu is a fat slut
It's okay, I love her anyway.


i promise i'm not a girl i'm starting to play real supports

Also I will never understand the fact that you can get levels on champions you don't own, but not chests.

GP is almost a caricature. Like one of those reworks that people do ironically to give Riot grief about overloaded kits and shit.

Except he exists.

The whole event about GP and his rework was the last thing Riot did right.

Even and I buy some chests
Odds and I play an off-meta meme game and whoever rolls 6 gets to choose what I play

What are some things that makes you tilt?

Is it because you got your ass kicked so hard during lane phase, someone thrash talked you, etc?

roll for Soraka ADC

He has to buy chests though. There will be no memery.

GP is fun as fuck but his kit is utterly insane

The only thing that makes me 'tilt' is if my jungler doesn't come gank a lane that is 100% a free kill. It just baffles me how people don't want to get free kills.

>watching clickbait videos

Thats why we wont have quality videos again

Oh yeah, I hadn't understood the first part of the post. Non-native English speaker, took me a while to recall what even and odds were.

What's inside /lolg/?

Healsluts are great

Post healsluts.

>when my jungler ganks me and suicides against a snowbally opponent (like olaf or riven)
>when my teams keeps flaming in a winnable game and end up throwing
>when i go even in a harsh lane but there is a 11/0 lucian on the enemy team at 15 minutes
>when my jungler is lee sin

Because in the loading screen I look up the entire enemy team and whoever has the biggest loss streak gets a level 2 cheese gank/invade, and then another at level 3 and another at level 5. I don't trust anybody to carry just from getting ganks, but I trust the enemy who gets camped by eve to tilt

Ashe champion shard

When I'm getting camped and no one is calling their mias and our team isn't in a position to react to it but also doesn't take anything to punish them for it.

Three top and we don't take anything mid/bot?

I want off Mr bones. I. Want. Off.

You like bara guys.

>gps death daughter upgrade is not only the true damage nuke, it also adds a SIXTY percent slow that lasts 2 seconds on the first hit

talk about fucking overkill holy shit
i don't think i'd be able to list all the shit gp has in his kit off the back of my mind, thats how fucking overloaded the cunt is

frost rammus

I just relogged to my PBE account after months of inactivity. I used to have unlimited RP and shit. Now I don't have anything anymore.
What happened? Why did I lose everything?
Btw, how do I get that new client thing?
It's still the same client.


it's hard to hit tho
like a xerath ult

>jungler comes at the worst time ever and feeds
>get trashtalked by someone with an abyssmal KDA
>lose first trade barely 3 minutes in and feed their adc a double kill because they're premade and your adc is retarded
>smurfs that have so much fun stomping low elo players

>enemy team mastery spamming all game
>tomoka gets abused all game
>still win
this is why i haven't quit this game yet

What's in the second one?

not really, it's bigger and almost instant

Spirit Guard Udyr

Singed shard



Shoot me



how do people have mastery lvl5 on less than 4 champions?
i've been playing league since september and i have lv5 on 8 champions and lv4 on like 10

>no bulge

i might get horny if i do that though

get out futafags

>liking futa

Thats the whole point.

Get on your knees slut.



I've only restarted playing last month. The mastery system wasn't in place when I played it in 2013-14.

Also, is it polite to ask the enemy team on /all to feed me so I can get an S rank and a chest?

I want to lick janna's feet

That feel when you win a thrown game because the enemy threw harder.
I don't know why but everytime I see an Amumu they give me the impression they were at home in Special Ed.

> Is it because you got your ass kicked so hard during lane phase
It happens. Nobody is supposed to win every lane phase. If you can't trade damage or even farm well, just deal with it and try to get stronger at late game.

> someone thrash talked you, etc?
I just mute them.

What really make me angry.
> people who go full retarded when they can't trade or are losing the game.
> complaining about ganks but not buying a single fucking ward.
> "muh jungler doesn't gank and I'm losing"
You are supposed to at least not feeding a 1x1 lane. What is the fucking problem in losing some farm to NOT feed the enemy laner?

I am enjoying Soraka myself lately

soraka is canon futa

I wish I was as good as you gas

Janna wil shield you.

except she's not you nigger.
Don't talk shit unless you can back it up.

Where are all these other soraka mains coming from? Are we all cakebois?

i wish soraka or janna would get on their knees for me.


post proof or kill yourself

Earn them asshole.

Same desu. I wouldnt say no to sona either.

If he's got the same problem as me. He has 12 key frags and nothing to do with em.

>watching the LCK

Let me go ahead and tell you what happens.

SKT gets something like third or fourth place.
Then playoffs come around.
SKT immediately stomps all of the other teams and hits first.

Then World's comes around.
SKT proceeds to stomp every team.
One western team makes it to semifinals, and then loses 3-0.
We get another round of SKT skins, and everyone cries and goes home. Faker tries to meme.

Rinse and motherfucking repeat.